On Tue, 08 Feb 2000, Rohit.R used an e-pen to say :
>Hi there,
>                I'm new to Linux... I installed RedHat Linux 6.1 (custom
>installation with KDE only) recently on my PC... I've been having some
>problems with it :
>1.    When i compile a C program using gcc , the a.out  file is created but
>when i run it , it says
>        "bash : command not found "..... what's the problem .... have i
>missed out on any package i             was supposed to have installed ?

Edit .bash_profile to read :
<Dont miss the last ".">
For other solutions, actually a host of them, i guess you missed a
similar thread by a few days :-)

>2.    When i try to connect to the Net  using kppp , the dial-up- handshake
>process happens ,                 Netscape opens-up but when i try to access
>any site , it says "Server not found " (but the             connection
>status indicator shows that i'm still very much connected)...my server name
>is giasbgc.vsnl.net.in... have i made a mistake in the kppp configuration ?
>                                    .... please help !!

Probably you have muddled with your DNS settings. What does your
/etc/resolv.conf file say ? Try using numerical IP addresses of some
sites that you would know to fire your browser (use kfm, the filemanager
for KDE, it is a browser too !!) or ping telnet etc . If they work your
problem is most likely with DNS.


Shourya Sarcar         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <Tel:91-033-4710477>
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Jadavpur University   
Calcutta, India 700 032

All the world's a stage..
And I am acting tonight
C - the difference : http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/top.html

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