On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, Alexander Viro wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > scale in the end.  We'll either see forking, see another OS like FreeBSD
> > fill the void, or (worst case) Solaris.
> Somehow I doubt that arguments from marketshare/field circus/etc. peppered
> with threats of coprorat world turning to Solaris, etc. will win you much
> love from FreeBSD core team.

First of all I'm not trying to threaten anyone.  Second of all, I'm not
trying to affect FreeBSD at all.  I'm pointing out there's a
void.  FreeBSD could fill that void.  Or they could choose not to.

> I _really_ doubt that they will make any
> effect on the development decisions. You see, these guys are bastards
> too - comes with the territory. So are NetBSD and OpenBSD folks - try to
> speak to Theo that way and you will realize that Linus _is_ a nice guy,
> after all.

I've gotten into flamewars with Theo on comp.security.unix before.  You
don't need to explain that to me either.

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