On 6 Sep 2000, at 14:03, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> >Linus Torvalds wrote:
> Think of rabbits. And think of how the wolf helps them in the end. Not
> by being nice, no. But the rabbits breed, and they are better for having
> to worry a bit.

No matter how much they think about it, or how smart they are, 
they'll alway be food for wolves unless they develop the ability to 
use tools. It isn't smarts and thinking, though they certainly help, 
it's the ability to make and use tools that does it.  

There are all kinds of tools. In many cases you don't need to use 
them. War and Peace was written with a pen. There are people today 
that refuse to use computers for writeing, and they have good 
arguments, but if Tolstoy was born today, he'd probably use a Word 
processor, and he'd probably have written a sequel! It probably 
wouldn't have been the same book, though, and this is not to say it 
would be any better or worse. At least one writer that I'm aware of, 
output slowed considerably when he switched to a word processor 
because it became so easy to edit, that he spent much more time 
tweaking his work.

Most of the people who write and don't use a word processing 'tool' 
are people who didn't grow up with them.

Linux is really just a hobby for a few people. The sort of people who 
insist on climbing cliffs without safety gear. This is ok. It's your 
hobby, but I think that people should understand that it _is_ a hobby.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    Fax (617)373-2942
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