On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Marco d'Itri wrote:

> On Sep 13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  >     * Innd data corruption, probably caused by bug truncation bug (Rik
>  >       van Riel)
> This bug has not been fixed, I can still reproduce it (but not every
> time). This is how it happens:
> - INN (1.7.2+insync+other patches, the debian package I maintain) is
>   running
> - active is correct
> - I post an article, which is filed with the correct number
> - for *this group only* the high value is wrong and equal to the one
>   in the active file I precedently saved (in some cases this does not
>   happen and I can't notice anything wrong in the active file)
> - I stop INN
> - the whole active file is now 100% identical to the saved copy

Ugh... How about relevant subset of strace?

> Right now it happened after the daily expire run: I stopped INN and the
> file on disk changed to the copy I saved before expire started.

Wait a minute. I don't believe in on-disk file being restored by magic,
but I could believe in page(s) being never written to disk and giving the
impression of "update that doesn't stick". You have a file shorter than
one page, so in principle it seems to point to the handling of partially
truncated pages. Hmm...

BTW, how does test8+patch to block_truncate_page() behave? And what is the
block size on your fs?

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