Marc Lehmann wrote:
> > regard.  Hopefully ISV's will be able to figure out for themselves that
> > it would be a Bad Idea to develop applications under RH 7.0, since it
> Sounds like a parallel world :(
> > If you don't like this, I suggest you send mail complaining to RedHat.
> > Customer complaints are going to be the only way that RH is going to be
> > influenced not to play games like this....
> Hmm... (un)fortunately not most people are redhat customers yet. Or are
> they?  Indeed, this is a good idea, so people, go and complain!
> Anyway, redhat *is* starting to act immorally. Reminds me of some other
> big company who tries to monopolize his os by making it incompatible to
> anythign else...

Just a quick note : RH 7.0 has been released.

Martin Braun 
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