On 1/25/07 12:51 PM, "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> For the first time in many years I'm strongly considering actually
>>> going to the kernel summit, however if it goes back to Ottawa I
>>> definitely will stop going again.
>> Is that specific to Ottawa, or is this any North American location?
> It's about repetitiveness and what that does to human beings.
> It's too damn repetitive to go to the same location over and over.

I fully agree with that. And I certainly hope that LKS will change location
every year (and I am the last person who pushes for it to return to Ottawa -
I'd like to see it come back to North America and maybe have it alternate
between continents, though).

So how about Vancouver, B.C. for 08 and Praha, CZ for 09?

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