On Thu, Jun 02, 2016 at 03:46:41PM +0000, mario_limoncie...@dell.com wrote:
> > >
> > > This isn't something part of ACPI - it's been added specifically for a
> > > selection of Dell machines.
> > 
> > Ah, but isn't ACPI supposed to be a "standard"?  :)
> > 
> Heh.
> It's also possible to get this from an SMM routine.  Lesser of two evils to 
> fetch the information this way, right? :)

Yes, but again, please only do this for machines you _know_ this value
will be present on.  Otherwise you will end up with problems.

> > And please wrap your email lines, there is a "standard" for that...
> I'm unfortunately not limited to an evil mail client at my workplace since 
> our mail server migration.   My apologies, I've got it set to wrap at 76 
> characters and I'm trying to make it as LKML friendly as possible.

It's not working as you can see here :(

> > > I would rather not hardcode to the specific DMI model strings of those
> > > Dell machines as it's certainly going to be a feature that expands to
> > > more machines.  Since it is Dell specific though, if you would rather
> > > me just match to the sys vendor Dell Inc., that seems like a pretty
> > > good compromise to me.
> > 
> > You need to only do this on machines you "know" have this set to a correct
> > value, otherwise if some other random BIOS happens to set that field to
> > some random value, you will have problems.
> Pali had recommended in another message to check the buffer header.  I was 
> intending to do this along with check ACPI buffer output type, and output 
> size in the next revision I submitted.  By switching to hex2bin, I'll also 
> validate that the string has correct values (0-F or 0-f).  If somehow all of 
> that fails, the set_ethernet_addr  checks if the address is valid.  If it's 
> invalid it will generate a random one.

Why generate a random one and not just use the one that the network
controler already provides?

And yes, you better error check the heck out of this before you set it.

> > > With E-docks they were really just extensions of the pins for the
> > > already onboard NIC of the system.  When you docked in an E-dock you
> > > inherently would use the same MAC everywhere you went.  If you had two
> > > cubes your network admin would see your same MAC in both.
> > >
> > > With TBT docks and this patch not present docking in different places
> > > will give you the MAC of the dock rather than something persistent
> > > that your network admin could identify.  Solving this was something
> > > that was explicitly asked for in case studies during conceptualization
> > > of these docks and is a feature present in the Realtek Windows driver.
> > 
> > But you are dealing with different "devices" here, thunderbolt is a PCI
> > device, not a "pin pass-through", and to treat it differently like you want 
> > to is
> > going to cause confusion as well.
> Is it not also going to be confusing if someone boots Windows and Linux on 
> the same laptop and has a different behavior with their dock's MAC address?  
> I'm trying to get parity here for organizations that are supporting both 
> Windows and Linux for their employees.

Those few orginizations can use a userspace script for this :)

> > > In addition to limiting to Dell DMI system vendor string how about I do 
> > > two
> > more things about this:
> > >
> > > 1) Add a module parameter to disable this behavior altogether in r8152 if
> > it's not desired by the user or admin (but leave it on by default).
> > 
> > No module parameters, this isn't the 1990's anymore, and you aren't going to
> > be modifying module config files for everyone, are you?
> > 
> > And this seems like a "default" that should be turned off anyway, as it goes
> > against the model of all of our other network devices in Linux.
> > 
> > > 2) Track whether this is the first or second USB NIC plugged in.  Only 
> > > offer it
> > on the first NIC detected by r8152.  When the second NIC is plugged in don't
> > match from ACPI.
> > > There would be a question of what to do if the first NIC is removed and
> > added back if it should get the persistent system MAC or not.
> > > I'd say yes, just make sure that only one NIC can have it at a time.
> > 
> > You are going to get things very complex very quickly if you try to do this.
> It's really not that hard, track a module wide static variable whether the 
> feature is in use.  Track in each device whether the feature was in use.  If 
> it in use, don't assign the next device plugged in via the ACPI string.  If a 
> device is removed that has the feature activated, change the module wide 
> static variable.

Ok, let's see the code before I say anymore about this.

> > What's wrong with a "simple" script to set the mac address from userspace if
> > the user wants something like this?  Provide it as a system package and then
> > no kernel changes are needed at all.  Much easier to support on your end
> > (you don't have to maintain this odd kernel code for
> > 10+ years), the default behavior is as Linux users expect, and your
> > limited number of people who want this crazy behaviour can install your
> > script if they want it.
> > 
> This was my original approach.  It involved a network manager script, network 
> manager code changes to support this, and exposing this somewhere in a 
> platform module (like dell-laptop).  I was told I'm better off doing it 
> directly in the network module, so here I am.

Why not a small systemd unit file for this that sets things up when the
device is found in the system?  Why mess with network manager and a
platform kernel driver at all?  That seems very complex for such a
simple operation where the kernel doesn't need to be involved at all,
especially for such a "niche" product.

See this link:

for an example of how to do this in a simple manner.


greg k-h

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