On 06/07/2018 05:19 PM, Quentin Perret wrote:
Hi Juri,

On Thursday 07 Jun 2018 at 16:44:09 (+0200), Juri Lelli wrote:
On 21/05/18 15:24, Quentin Perret wrote:


Mmm, this gets complicated pretty fast eh? :)

Yeah, hopefully I'll be able to explain/clarify that :-).

I had to go back and forth between patches to start understanding the
different data structures and how they are use, and I'm not sure yet
I've got the full picture. I guess some nice diagram (cover letter or
documentation patch) would help a lot.

+1 on the diagram.

Right, so I'd like very much to write a nice documentation patch once we
are more or less OK with the overall design of this framework, but I
felt like it was a little bit early for that. If we finally decide that
what I did is totally stupid and that it'd be better to do things
completely differently, my nice documentation patch would be a lot of
efforts for nothing.

But I agree that at the same time all this complex code has to be
explained. Hopefully the existing comments can help with that.
Otherwise, I'm more than happy to answer all questions :-)

I'm not sure that the current API is the final one. Not sure that em_rescale_cpu_capacity() is really needed.

We should first clarify the provider - consumer relation. Are multiple providers allowed, if yes, are they allowed to provide partial EM data? Do we really want to allow this overwriting of old EM data (em_rescale_cpu_capacity()). In case multiple provider are allowed, is there some kind of priority involved?

The re-scaling thing comes from the requirement that the final cpu capacity values are only known after the arch_topology driver was able to scale the dmipz-capacity-values with the policy->cpuinfo.max_freq but why can't we create the EM on arm/arm64 after this? Even though we would be forced to get cpufreq's related cpumask from somewhere.

I guess the easiest model will be that the Energy Model (EM) is fully initialized with one init call (from the arch) and fixed after that.

In case the EM should not be tight to cpufreq, the interface em_create_fd(cpumask_t *span, int nr_states, struct em_data_callback *cb) seems ok.

IMHO, part of the problem why this might be harder to understand is the fact that the patches show the use of the 2. init call 'em_rescale_cpu_capacity()' but not the 1. one 'em_register_freq_domain()'. I guess that Quentin wanted to keep the set as small as possible.


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