[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rik van Riel) writes:
> On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>       [snip whine]
> >  I've consistently re-produced this on my Dell Latitude CS laptop. I'm
> >  wondering if this will reduce battery life since the CPU is constantly
> >  being loaded instead of properly idled.
> What do you suppose the 'idled' in 'kapm-idled' stands for?

We know it was an attempt to stop people complaining about the fact that
"kapm" was hogging the CPU.  Looks like it doesn't work.

At the time, I had a look at the kernel source, and came to the conclusion
that there was no easy way for the cpu accounting in "do_process_times()"
to automatically assign ticks from a particular process to the idle

However, would it be possible for apm_cpu_idle() to periodically assign
the values for per_cpu_*time for the kernel thread to the idle process?
This isn't a performance critical part of the kernel, and would lead to
less false reports (as above).

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