On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 9:37 AM YiFei Zhu <zhuyifei1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Try with a slghtly older gcc.
> > I think that entire optimisation (discarding const arrays)
> > is very recent.
> Will try, will take a while to get an old GCC to run, however :/

Possibly one of the oldest I can easily get to work is GCC 6.5.0, and
unrolling seems is still the case:

0000000000001560 <__seccomp_filter>:
    15d4:       41 8b 74 24 04          mov    0x4(%r12),%esi
    15d9:       bf 08 01 00 00          mov    $0x108,%edi
    15de:       81 fe 3e 00 00 c0       cmp    $0xc000003e,%esi
    15e4:       75 30                   jne    1616 <__seccomp_filter+0xb6>
    1616:       81 fe 03 00 00 40       cmp    $0x40000003,%esi
    161c:       bf 40 01 00 00          mov    $0x140,%edi
    1621:       74 c3                   je     15e6 <__seccomp_filter+0x86>
    1623:       0f 0b                   ud2

Am I overlooking something or should I go further back in the compiler version?

YiFei Zhu

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