On 11/10/10 10:54 AM, Antonio Ospite wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Nov 2010 15:20:40 +0100
> Mohamed Ikbel Boulabiar <boulab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> MS Kinect interfacing via libusb released
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKhW-cvpkks
>> http://git.marcansoft.com/?p=libfreenect.git
> Good, if anyone is willing to provide the hardware I think I can help
> with a proper gspca driver (I helped with the PS3 Eye already). Are
> there other RGB-Depth cams supported in linux? Are they usually exposed
> just as two distinct cameras?



If you are willing to donate your personal time freely to Linux then Kernel Labs
are willing to assist by shipping a Kinect unit to you.

Let me be clear, Kernel Labs have no commercial interest in this project. We
simply like to encourage Linux media projects where possible. Projects like this
are good for Linux and thus good for the community.

My only requirement is that you post regular project status emails to this
mailing list so we can all benefit from your thoughts, rants, any problems or
comments on the project! :)

Drop me a private email if you're interested.


- Steve

Steven Toth - Kernel Labs

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