Linux-Misc Digest #547, Volume #18               Sun, 10 Jan 99 11:13:09 EST

  Re: What linux works best with a cable modem? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Bob's Ignorance -- Or Is It Flamebait? (Jerry Lynn Kreps)
  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... (Jeff Kay)
  Re: Telnet In, FTP In, Etc (Jeff Kay)
  Re: Need programming help (Jerry Lynn Kreps)
  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... ("OmniČ")
  Raid1? How to do that? (Yves Schlegel)
  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... ("OmniČ")
  Re: Need programming help (Jerry Lynn Kreps)
  Re: Help : red hat root password ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: need better info on settting up SAMBA ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Need programming help (Jan Panteltje)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: What linux works best with a cable modem?
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 10 Jan 1999 08:25:18 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (smile) writes:

> I have a cable modem Com/21 and an ethernet card Tbase/10 on ISA slot.
> Would like to know which linux would work best with my configuration.
> I've got also amd 350 and w95(intend to install w98).
> Would appreciate any advice.

all the linuxes (linuces?, linuxen? how do you make linux plural) are
largely the same once installed.  most importantly, make sure you get
a recent distribution (bookstores are infamous for stocking linuxtomes
with an obsolete cdrom pasted to the inside cover).

i would recommend anything with a packet manager (and libc6).  redhat,
debian and suse come to mind.  suse is from germany and so maybe has
better french support.

hope this helps.

Johan Kullstam [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: Jerry Lynn Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Bob's Ignorance -- Or Is It Flamebait?
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 08:15:27 -0600

Michael Fleming wrote:
> (and if he continues to morph, I'll pull out a few good regexps for him -
> try that in your average Windows newsreader.. ;-))

What are "regexps"?

> Michael Fleming.
> "Bill Gates isn't the Devil - Satan made sure Hell worked
>  before he opened it to the damned..."



From: Jeff Kay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 14:23:06 +0000

Since the original intent of this was only ment to inflame linux users or
advocates and in no way put forth any constructive critisism I'll ignore
most of what was said....

I do however find it ironic ( humorous even ) that the original poster put
"Please dont flame me its only an Opinion"? What would this person expect
from such a comment....

Now to the heart of what I wished to say before HOPEFULLY we can put this
thread to sleep -- for good...

I fail to understand why either of you would bother to use linux if you
weren't willing to put in even the slightest effort..... The second
commentor here mentions that he doesn't know how to copy a file like he did
on dos/win ( though he points out he's used dos for since 1986 ), yet
further down he he says he'll go back to using NT and programming c++
there...... Somehow I doubt your programming capabilities, if you cant
figure out how to copy a file....really how difficult is it to a) look it
up in the man pages b) borrow a unix book from the library and learn c)
search the net or d) ask a newsgroup ?

How did you learn how to copy a file in dos .... I'm mean you did have to
LEARN didn't you.... this wasn't an ingrained DNA encoded instinct with you
was it? You just naturally knew... how about dir...surely thats not common
sense ( since list would make more ) and yet I'm sure you can do that maybe you learned how to do it....  That you were unwilling to
put forth the effort to even try to learn is a comment about you NOT about

So you get windows for free..... the difference is I can never be charged
for using linux without paying.... maybe someone will cc your message off
to MS and they come hunting you down...sure they have better things to do
but they sure would like making a point too and hey they got the spare cash
to do it...

While in your eyes learning linux may be like learning chinese a) over a
billion people have done it ( not linux, chinese ) and b) at least at the
end you would have had the satitsfaction of having accomplished something
you consider difficult....  That you would ever attempt to use linux
without learning it is laughable.... I wonder how succesful a tirp to china
would be if you didn't know even so rudimentary chinese or something of the
place you were about to visit..... You cant blame your ignorance on Linux
or the thousands of people who have developed it, though you may try.

As for the original poster, why... why bother with such a comment.... DON't
ANSWER BACK .. its rehtorical.... That you make comments such as "MS will
own linux" or "that bill owns us" or "that your vcr has a better gui and
that you could program a better OS" Really? Haven't done it have you? Its
great you can shout your mouth off but where's the proof.... If you're so
great then you could have joined the OSS community and help to make linux
more user friendly for the layperson...alas I doubt you've even used it,
based on your comments..... sure you may have listened to a few newsgroups
even read an article about it, but that is the extent of your knowledge and
experience I'm sure.....  A second comment would be if vcr's are so user
friendly how come most people's still flash 12:00?

Funny thing too...My dad who doesn't know dos and barely understands
computers was able to sit down a the computer last night ( which happened
to be in linux mode ) and find mahjongg on it..start it and play it no
questions asked.... guess linux cant be that difficult...:-)


> In article <KV%l2.93$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, OmniČ wrote:
> >I fuckin LOVED reading that post !!!!!
> >esp since I've been using MS products since 1986
> >
> >ans have only just instaled redhat 5.2
> >and cant even get connected to the net
> >I dont even know how to create a file
> >like the copy con command in dos
> >
> >FUCK LINsux !!!
> >
> >why the hell did I bother?
> >I must want to punish myself???
> >
> >this is like learning chinese
> >nothing makes sense
> >I'm a pretty good dos/win   user
> >now I'm a major linsux dweeb
> >fuck that !
> >
> >ok linux is free
> >so fuckin what
> >I've never paid for a MS product either
> >so whats the dif???
> >
> >
> >
> >I'll stick to NT and win98
> >I can do just as much with a c complier and winsock
> >than gnu and linsux
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >remove .com (soume yoeung guih) wrote in message
> >>Linus is such a pansy mother fucker. He needs real balls like bill
> >>gates. Linus says "Hey Im a gay boy and give my shit away." Bill says:
> >>"I own you linus mother fucker." Linus is a fuckin retard. Who else
> >>would make a fuckin OS with so many security holes. How many fuckers
> >>hack NT to run thier little eggdrop bots. You are all script kiddies.
> >>Who the fuck would let other people butt rape him for a kernel. Bill
> >>gates owns you all. I think we need to start putting tatoos on all
> >>these fuckin artic following homos heads.. And hopefully that tatoo
> >>will have bill gates head with a windows 2000 logo. I could write a
> >>better OS out of basic on a toaster. My on screen programming for my
> >>VCR is better than the gui for linux. I hope linus gets nut cancer and
> >>dies. Microsoft will soon buy linux so you all can get a real os. I
> >>cant wait for microsoft brings msinux to rape all you linux fags.
> >>
> >>Please do not flame me .. its only an opinion.
> >
> >
> --
> __________________________
> ---
> Sean Maguire
> (ICQ:  1656675) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ---
> _________________________


From: Jeff Kay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Telnet In, FTP In, Etc
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 14:49:02 +0000

Hi Jeff

> Yes to all of those.  But when I telnet, it connects, but never
> displays a login prompt.

Does it display anything? a password prompt maybe? if your user name is the
same on both computers it will bypass the login and go directly to password....

If it doesn't display anything at all -- and I'm only guessing here -- then I
would assume there is something wrong when the computers talk to each other (
ie different protocol's or something )...this is an area I know little about
thoguh am trying to learn...

there is an article at

about setting up servers that may help ( its four parts and this link is to
part 4 but there are links back to part 1 - 3 )

Hope that helps



From: Jerry Lynn Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need programming help
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 08:40:34 -0600

>From "Linux Device Drivers" by Alessandro Rubini, O'Reilly & Assoc pubs.
page 270ff,

#include <termios.h>

struct termios {
        tcflag_t c_iflag;       /* input mode flag */
        tcflag_t c_oflag;       /* output mode flag */
        tcflag_t c_lflag;       /* local mode flag */
        cc_t     c_line;        /* line disipline (something cau's don't have) */
        cc_t    c_cc[NCCS];     /* control characters */

int tcgetattr (int fd, struct termios *tp);
int tcsetattr (int fd, int oact, struct termios *tp);

There is a complete serial I/O program example on pg 273ff. It is called
The souce code may be at

erratta is at


Mike wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm fairly new to the Linux/Unix programming environment and I could
> sure use some help.
> I'm in the middle of a project which entails porting a program from
> AIX to Linux. I have finally go it to compile but the binary is
> hanging on a system function call and I am stuck.
> Here is a simplified version of the code:
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> void main(void)
> {
> FILE *modem;
> int file_desc,i,eflag;
> char file_string[25] = "/dev/cua1";

> char buff[20],c;
> if ((modem = fopen(file_string,"r")) == NULL)
>   {
>   printf("can't open modem\n");
>   exit(1);
>   }
> file_desc = fileno(modem);
> printf("the file desc is %d\n", file_desc);
> i = read(file_desc, buff, 1);
> fclose(modem);
> exit(0);
> }
> As you can see I am trying to get a string from a modem. The program
> is getting a valid file descriptor, but it just hangs in the
> i = read(file_desc, buf,1)
> statement. I have zero experience with modems(I'm learning on the fly
> unfortunatly) and I would sure appreciate any help or suggestions.
> I'm compiling this on RedHat 5.0, it was originally done for AIX
> version 3.2 (I think)
> Thanks,
> Mike


Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 02:03:18 +1100

Jeff Kay wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Since the original intent of this was only ment to inflame linux users or
>advocates and in no way put forth any constructive critisism I'll ignore
>most of what was said....

>How did you learn how to copy a file in dos .... I'm mean you did have to

I didnt say copy a file , dickwad
(read it next time)
I said create a file , from nothing

>So you get windows for free..... the difference is I can never be charged
>for using linux without paying.... maybe someone will cc your message off
>to MS and they come hunting you down...sure they have better things to do
>but they sure would like making a point too and hey they got the spare cash
>to do it...

yeah right buddy

>While in your eyes learning linux may be like learning chinese a) over a
>billion people have done it ( not linux, chinese ) and b) at least at the
>end you would have had the satitsfaction of having accomplished something
>you consider difficult....

its not really a challenge
learning C  or  80x86 assembler  was a challenge
I meant that it just didnt flow right , from the start
hell I couldnt even have installed the thing
if the CD I had didnt have an autoboot funtion on it

yu gotta remember dude
I'm talking like  10 minutes after instalation
well 10 minutes after a MSDOS installation
I was cruising
I didnt have a headache like I do with linsux

 That you would ever attempt to use linux
>without learning it is laughable.... I wonder how succesful a tirp to china
>would be if you didn't know even so rudimentary chinese or something of the
>place you were about to visit..... You cant blame your ignorance on Linux
>or the thousands of people who have developed it, though you may try.
>As for the original poster, why... why bother with such a comment.... DON't
>ANSWER BACK .. its rehtorical.... That you make comments such as "MS will
>own linux" or "that bill owns us" or "that your vcr has a better gui and

and I agree at least my vcr looks better than x , and might I add easier to

>that you could program a better OS" Really? Haven't done it have you? Its
>great you can shout your mouth off but where's the proof.... If you're so
>great then you could have joined the OSS community and help to make linux
>more user friendly for the layperson...alas I doubt you've even used it,
>based on your comments..... sure you may have listened to a few newsgroups
>even read an article about it, but that is the extent of your knowledge and
>experience I'm sure.....  A second comment would be if vcr's are so user
>friendly how come most people's still flash 12:00?
>Funny thing too...My dad who doesn't know dos and barely understands
>computers was able to sit down a the computer last night ( which happened
>to be in linux mode ) and find mahjongg on it..start it and play it no
>questions asked.... guess linux cant be that difficult...:-)

and I suppose he just typed mahjong (enter)?

get real buddy !

I cant even get to the CD drive
I type  \dev\hdb andf I get permission denied
and I'
m supposed to be root

and I'm just wondering if its going to be worth learning  this illogical OS
as I dont believe it has a better future than any MS product
we are talking user friendly here
after all it is PnP these days
and no-one can screw up a win or NT instalation
but look atr all the
"hel" posts on the unix NG's
I rest my case

>> In article <KV%l2.93$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, OmniČ wrote:
>> >I fuckin LOVED reading that post !!!!!
>> >esp since I've been using MS products since 1986
>> >
>> >ans have only just instaled redhat 5.2
>> >and cant even get connected to the net
>> >I dont even know how to create a file
>> >like the copy con command in dos
>> >
>> >FUCK LINsux !!!
>> >
>> >why the hell did I bother?
>> >I must want to punish myself???
>> >
>> >this is like learning chinese
>> >nothing makes sense
>> >I'm a pretty good dos/win   user
>> >now I'm a major linsux dweeb
>> >fuck that !
>> >
>> >ok linux is free
>> >so fuckin what
>> >I've never paid for a MS product either
>> >so whats the dif???
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >I'll stick to NT and win98
>> >I can do just as much with a c complier and winsock
>> >than gnu and linsux
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >remove .com (soume yoeung guih) wrote in message
>> >>Linus is such a pansy mother fucker. He needs real balls like bill
>> >>gates. Linus says "Hey Im a gay boy and give my shit away." Bill says:
>> >>"I own you linus mother fucker." Linus is a fuckin retard. Who else
>> >>would make a fuckin OS with so many security holes. How many fuckers
>> >>hack NT to run thier little eggdrop bots. You are all script kiddies.
>> >>Who the fuck would let other people butt rape him for a kernel. Bill
>> >>gates owns you all. I think we need to start putting tatoos on all
>> >>these fuckin artic following homos heads.. And hopefully that tatoo
>> >>will have bill gates head with a windows 2000 logo. I could write a
>> >>better OS out of basic on a toaster. My on screen programming for my
>> >>VCR is better than the gui for linux. I hope linus gets nut cancer and
>> >>dies. Microsoft will soon buy linux so you all can get a real os. I
>> >>cant wait for microsoft brings msinux to rape all you linux fags.
>> >>
>> >>Please do not flame me .. its only an opinion.
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> __________________________
>> ---
>> Sean Maguire
>> (ICQ:  1656675) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> ---
>> _________________________


From: Yves Schlegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Raid1? How to do that?
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 15:34:11 +0100

Hi Chuan,

I'm sorry, I don't have an answer to your problem, but I have a problem myself
installing raid1 support on my system. I have to hard-disks with the partitions
sda1...3 and sdb1...3. sda1 is the boot partition, sda2 the swap, sda3 that one
which contains all data (mountpoint /).
Now I wanted to have sda3 and sdb3 as md0 with raid1. How can I do this? I'm using
S.u.S.E. 5.3 with kernel 2.0.35 I always get the error /dev/sda3 already busy.
Modprobe means, it couldn't load support for raid1, just for linear and raid0,
although it was compiled into the kernel.

I would be very happy, if you can give me some advice.

Sincerely, Yves

Chuan Wee wrote:

> Hi,
> I have got two hard disks running on a raid1 system. And I want to implement the
> quota system on top of it. The problem is what do I put in the fstab entry?? I
> need to activate the raid1 first thru the /dev/md0, but I can't possibly put
> that in the fstab entry, can I??
> Any ideas on how I can get this going??
> Thanks.


Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 02:05:00 +1100

sorry buddy
but I dont pretend to be a PHD in english lit
and I dont make out to be a fake
by using a spell checker
I'm an individual
if ya dont like it
go fuck urself

Jerry Lynn Kreps wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Jerry Lynn Kreps wrote:
>> Doesn't that copy of M$ OutLook Express you're running have a spell and
>> grammar checker?
>> Oh yes, one other thing: you should seek treatment for that very bad
>> case of trash mouth that afflicts you.
>> It makes you appear to a person with a extremely limited vocabulary.
>> Put another way: in movies with bad scripts and bad acting the producer
>> always tries to cover the weaknesses with loud or offensive music.
>Test: Omni, can you find the grammatical error in that post?
>> OmniČ wrote:


From: Jerry Lynn Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need programming help
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 08:57:04 -0600

The book was "Linux Application Development" 
Erik W. Troan and Michael K. Johnson
Addison-Wesley publishers

Jerry Lynn Kreps wrote:
> From "Linux Device Drivers" by Alessandro Rubini, O'Reilly & Assoc pubs.
> page 270ff,
> #include <termios.h>
> struct termios {
>         tcflag_t c_iflag;       /* input mode flag */
>         tcflag_t c_oflag;       /* output mode flag */
>         tcflag_t c_lflag;       /* local mode flag */
>         cc_t     c_line;        /* line disipline (something cau's don't have) */
>         cc_t    c_cc[NCCS];     /* control characters */
> };
> int tcgetattr (int fd, struct termios *tp);
> int tcsetattr (int fd, int oact, struct termios *tp);
> There is a complete serial I/O program example on pg 273ff. It is called
> robin.c
> The souce code may be at
> or
> erratta is at
> .../lad/errata/
> Jerry
> Mike wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm fairly new to the Linux/Unix programming environment and I could
> > sure use some help.
> >
> > I'm in the middle of a project which entails porting a program from
> > AIX to Linux. I have finally go it to compile but the binary is
> > hanging on a system function call and I am stuck.
> >
> > Here is a simplified version of the code:
> >
> > #include <stdio.h>
> > #include <unistd.h>
> >
> > void main(void)
> > {
> >
> > FILE *modem;
> > int file_desc,i,eflag;
> > char file_string[25] = "/dev/cua1";
> > char buff[20],c;
> >
> > if ((modem = fopen(file_string,"r")) == NULL)
> >   {
> >   printf("can't open modem\n");
> >   exit(1);
> >   }
> > file_desc = fileno(modem);
> >
> > printf("the file desc is %d\n", file_desc);
> > i = read(file_desc, buff, 1);
> >
> > fclose(modem);
> > exit(0);
> > }
> >
> > As you can see I am trying to get a string from a modem. The program
> > is getting a valid file descriptor, but it just hangs in the
> >
> > i = read(file_desc, buf,1)
> >
> > statement. I have zero experience with modems(I'm learning on the fly
> > unfortunatly) and I would sure appreciate any help or suggestions.
> >
> > I'm compiling this on RedHat 5.0, it was originally done for AIX
> > version 3.2 (I think)
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Mike
> >


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Help : red hat root password
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 14:05:19 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  DaZZa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jan 1999, Billy Bob wrote:
> >     I changed the root password for the red hat 5.2 and now I can't get into
> > root.   I am able to edit  /etc/password  and remove the password string
> > but when I boot the system it gets over written.  What can I do to stop it
> > from doing so.   Any help would be highly appreciated.
> If you can't login as root, how are you editing /etc/passwd?
> Are you certain whichever editor you are using is actually SAVING the
> results of your editing?
> DaZZa

I agree.  The passwd file is not being saved.  If you edit it a second time,
you can verify that.  You should use vipw to edit the passwd file.  If you
have made a mistake, you will get a "...passwd file mangled" error.  Two
things to look for when you can't login as root:  1. you are attempting to
login via a terminal(session) that is not listed in /etc/securetty.  2. you
have mangled the passwd entry for root - maybe by changing the login shell to
one that does not exist, path for the shell is incorrect, or (on a
sophisticated implementation) the shell you specified is a dynamically linked
one.  You can try to su to root (su root; NOT su - root) then modify the
passwd file.  I've seen the latter work for login shell problems on some
platforms.  If you are truely having a password problem, you could just boot
with lilo to single user mode:  LILO: linux 1

To recover, boot from a floppy that uses a root filesystem on floppy - hope
you have one.  Use a simple command like sed to repair:  mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt
 cd /mnt/etc  sed -e "s^/bin/ksh^/bin/bash^" passwd >ptmp  cp -p passwd
passwd.mangled  cp -p ptmp passwd  cd  umount /mnt (If you don't have other
passwords to save, you could just copy the one from the root directory of
your current session; i.e, cp -p /etc/passwd /mnt/etc/passwd).

Or... you could reinstall.

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Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: need better info on settting up SAMBA
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 15:19:11 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Dan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If your looking for a book, try "LINUX Network Toolkit" by Paul G. Sery.
> Jeffrey Greer wrote:
> > ...Could
> > someone give a list of a dozen or so steps I should take in order to set
> > up to run samba?
> >
> > Eg.
> > 1. configure network card
> > 2. ping [the machines]
> > 3. configure samba
> > ...
> > I'm running winnt 4.0 w/ sp3 and RH Linux 5.2

There surely is no short cut to reading a good book on the subject.  I prefer
John D. Blair's "SAMBA Integrating UNIX and Windows" - 30 bucks!  But I guess
I can give you some sketchy clues.

1.  Use RH Linux Network Configuration Tool to setup your network card's
configuration.  Click "ADD" and fill in the information requested.  You'll
need IP addresses - maybe pick some in the range 192.168.X.X.  I suggest a
tight subnet mask/network address (knowledge from your network class, huh). 
Oh! Use the addresses you supplied to that working NT setup.  Select
"activate on boot". Include any hostnames you would like known by name using
the "HOST" tab of the Network Configuration Tool.  Include your LINUX
hostname and domainname using the "NAME" tab of the Network Configuration
Tool.  Go back to the "Interface" tab and select "Activate".  If it
activates, you can use it.

2.  Maybe you should reboot to see the network card recognition messages - or
you could use the dmesg command.  This is just to assure that your card is
recognized.  If it's not, use the RH Linux Kerneld Configuration Tool to get
the module loaded.  (You said the card was already in the kernel, so, you
shouldn't need to do anything - I hope).  Ping the remote host.  When you can
ping that NT machine, your hardware is complete.  It's on to SAMBA

3. I'll try to make this simple. Use the following command to assure SAMBA is
running.  There should have been some messages at startup that referenced
SAMBA startup.  ps aux | egrep "smb|nmb" You should see something like the
following. root[559]... ps aux |  egrep "smb|nmb" root  380  0.0  0.6  1480 
648  ?  S  17:41  0:00 smbd -D root  389  0.0  0.6  1320  600  ?  S  17:41 
0:00 nmbd -D root  1943  0.0  0.3  840  360  p2 S  09:44  0:00 egrep smb|nmb

if not, issue the script command  /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start When it's
running you can check all the machines that are ready to play by issuing the
command  nmblookup -d 2 '*' When you can get this far, hack up the following
simple /etc/smb.conf file to share a few things with the NT machine.  I bet
you can configure the NT without my assistance, huh?  I don't want to write
about NT, but if I have to, I guess you can write me :o(

# NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command "testparm"
# to check that you have not made any basic syntactic errors.
#======================= Global Settings =====================================
   server string = Linux Samba Server
# Browser Control Options:
   local master = no
   preferred master = no
   os level = 0
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY

   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   max log size = 50

   workgroup = "Your NT Domain Name Here"
   hosts allow = 127.
   security = share
   guest account = quest

# Password Level allows matching of _n_ characters of the password for
# all combinations of upper and lower case.
;  password level = 8
# You may wish to use password encryption. Please read
# ENCRYPTION.txt, Win95.txt and WinNT.txt in the Samba documentation.
# Do not enable this option unless you have read those documents
;  encrypt passwords = yes
;  smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd

# Supported print systems include: bsd, sysv, plp, lprng, aix, hpux, qnx
   printing = bsd
   printcap name = /etc/printcap

#============================ Share Definitions ==============================
   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   writable = yes

# This one is useful for people to share files
   comment = Linux Temporary file space
   path = /tmp
   read only = no
   printable = no
   public = yes

   comment = House shared stuff
   path = /home/lottie
   public = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no
   create mask = 0765

   comment = Epson Stylus Color 800
   path = /var/spool/samba
   browseable = yes
# Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print
   public = yes
   guest ok = yes
   writable = no
   printable = yes
   printer driver = Epson Stylus COLOR ESC/P 2
   printer name = lp0

# End of /etc/smb.conf

Sharing resources that the NT has to offer is a diverse subject.  There are
several ways of doing things (e.g., automounting NT shares or smbprint to use
an NT printer).  With NT, I cannot emphasize reading a book on the
particulars. You may have Master Browser, LMHOSTS/WINS, PDC and User
authentication concerns.

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Panteltje)
Subject: Re: Need programming help
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 99 15:29:28 GMT

You may get an answere by posting to comp.os.linux.development.apps



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