Linux-Misc Digest #592, Volume #18               Wed, 13 Jan 99 02:13:09 EST

  Re: * and dot files ("Michael P. Reilly")
  SuSE install ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Errors after running a c file,please help (Pavlos Parissis)
  Re: How to print a man page? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: SCSI (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Soundblaster under Debian 2.0 (Jens Ritter)
  Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Dual mice problems (Kertis Henderson)
  Re: HELP: Setting up a DIAL-IN PPP SERVER on my Linux box?? (Matt Kressel)
  Re: Linux-box dying on me... (Raymond Doetjes)
  Re: setuid for ppd (Stefan Davids)
  Re: Xpert98, AGP, 8M works well, but still some questions (Silviu Minut)
  Re: filesystem cacheing (Rob Mahurin)
  Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers (Phil Hunt)
  Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march? ("Mosl Roland")
  Fonts still microscopic on Netscape ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Install kxicq => no QT 1.4X found, but I've installed it !!! (Michael Perry)
  Re: Soundblaster under Debian 2.0 (Taylor Collins)
  Re: Colours ("R.A. Wilson")
  Re: What the f@#$ck is wrong with SSC ??? (Michael Perry)
  Re: does the Diamond SupraExpress 56i Modem do linux? ("Eric Peterson")


From: "Michael P. Reilly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: * and dot files
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 19:16:23 GMT

In Pascal Rigaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I have to precise one or two things.
: The purpose is not to clear the tmp!!!!
: I know a lot of ways to do that thing.

: The problem i have is, in general, how to take care of the dot files in the same
: way you would do with the normal files.
: I mean, you know how to do things with *, why not have a way to do the same with
: no exception.

: (i know one solution in bash would be to use GLOBIGNORE. But i don't want to
: have it set by default)

Dot files are meant to be hidden files.  The asterisk wildcard is not
supposed to catch "hidden" dot files.

One common idiom is to use ".??*", which won't get files like ".a" or ".,"
but that often isn't a problem.  You can also use find(1):
  find <dir> -name . -o -print



Subject: SuSE install ?
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 13:59:03 -0500

        I am trying to install SuSE.  I have the boot disk and
everything goes fine until I have to select the source directory on my
source install which is /dev/hda1 & the directory is /suse.  Then the
setup program says it "cant find the image" and to check the directory.
the directory is correct and is a fat{not fat32} filesystem.  I have
installed redhat,slackware, many times from this partition with no
problems.  I think either there is a root image or kernel-setup image
for SuSE that should be in the /suse directory though I could not find
one at I tried the inst_sys_tar.gz file but that was not
it.  Also maybe SuSE is not recognizing the filesystem I tried to see if
support could be loaded as a module, but only SCSI and CD-roms can be at
setup.  Am I looking to deep into this problem, it seems like a simple
install image somewhereis missing? If you have had this problem with
SuSE {english version} let me know, we should probaly let SuSE know
too?...the site seems setup for someone installing from cd
and not from a harddrive partition.:}Thanks Navi


From: Pavlos Parissis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Errors after running a c file,please help
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 21:14:41 +0200

In order to set up my sound card i have to compile and run a small c
file which is attachment.
I compile the file without problems with this command
 gcc -O3 OPTi82C931.c -o OPTi82C931

then i run it and the below messages appeared:
/root/OPTi82C931.c: /bin: is a directory
/root/OPTi82C931.c: Desktop: command not found
/root/OPTi82C931.c: Desktop: command not found
/root/OPTi82C931.c: Desktop: command not found
/root/OPTi82C931.c: Desktop: command not found
/root/OPTi82C931.c: Desktop: command not found
/root/OPTi82C931.c: line 7: unexpected EOF while looking for matching
/root/OPTi82C931.c: line 97: syntax error: unexpected end of file

I thought that the problem is the Desktop command because i don't have
it.  So i looked for it in all rpms in ReadHat5.1 CD but i didn't find

If i don't run this program correctly i can't set up my sound card so i
need desperately some ideas about it.

I really look forward to hearing from someone then answer.


I love having the feeling of being in control
while i have the sensation of speed

The surfer of life


Subject: Re: How to print a man page?
Date: 12 Jan 1999 19:20:54 GMT

-> Hey dudes! I'm trying to print man page on ipfwadm , but i can't find 
-> how to do that :-) 

If your printer is set up correctly,

  man ipfwadm | lpr

should do the trick.... It does for me.



From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: SCSI
Date: 12 Jan 1999 11:06:46 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gregory Leblanc) writes:

> Hi there!  I've been using NT for the last couple of months, because I
> already understand how to operate it, and I didn't want to run
> something as bad a WinBlows 9x on such a nice box.  Ideally, I'd like
> to run Linux and X, but I have a few questions.  
> 1) Is SCSI as easy under Linux as it is under NT.  I.E.  I plug in a
> SCSI zip drive, and provided that it's set to a valid SCSI ID, it
> works, without any drivers or anything.

you need to compile drivers for your scsi controller.  while most
popular scsi controllers are supported, check, e.g., the
Hardware-HOWTO, dejanews &c and see.

> If I have support for my SCSI
> card compiled as part of the kernel, will it recognize my ZIP drive as
> a removeable drive, and my CD-R as a WORM, or at least a read-only
> media drive?

the CD-R should be fine.

> 2) I heard someplace that NetGear had some really good 10/100Mbit
> NICs, that had features that were lacking on the 3Com Etherlink XL,
> and Intel 10/100 TX cards.  Has anybody heard about this?

netgear was using dec tulip 2114x chips for 10/100Mbit ethercards.
now they are using a clone chip called lite-on pnic.  many people
report problems with the clone.  try to get real dec tulip.  btw many
manufacturers make cards based on the tulip so netgear is not your
only option.  i've got a d-link card (21140) and two dec cards (21140
and 21041).

i have two 21140 cards running at 100Mbit on my home lan.  i have a
10BT 21041 card talking to cablemodem.  the dec tulips are very nice and
i've had no problems with them.

i don't know if the 3Com or Intel card/chipsets are good or bad.  i am
not aware of any extra functionality of the dec tulip.  but then i am
by no means an expert in the area of networks and network cards.

search dejanews and comp.os.linux.networks.

johan kullstam


From: Jens Ritter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Soundblaster under Debian 2.0
Date: 12 Jan 1999 20:18:23 +0100

Ramesh Natarajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just installed Debian 2.0 and compiled kernal (2.0.34) with Sound as
> module. I seem to get something working, but not all. I configured my
> /etc/isapnp.conf, did a isapnptools /etc/isapnp.conf followed by
> $insmod sound trace_init=1. On dmesg, I see
>    Sound initialization started
>    <Sound Blaster 16 (4.16)> at 0x220 irq 5 dma 0,5
>    <Yamaha OPL3 FM> at 0x388
>    Sound initialization complete
> when I do cat /dev/sndstat, I see
> Card config:
>    Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 0,5
>    (SB MPU-401 irq 1 drq 0)
>    OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0
> Iam able to play CD using workman. When I cat some .au to /dev/audio,
> (or when I try saytime) I get no sound. I get no error either. When I do
> rvplayer welcome.rm, I get some error like "Codec not
> installed/Compression not supported".

When playing cd, you use the direct connection of the cdrom to the

> From what I see in HOWTO, looks like I have MPU stuff not enabled. Is
> this a problem? I donot have MPU 401 support enabled in make config
> (going by help text)

What is your kernel configuration. 

> 1) I can do startx only as root. Not as any other user. I get some error
> like "xlib: conncecion refused by server". If I run xdm, I can log on as
> any user though.

Please ask on the debian mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> 2) When I try make xconfig for kernal config, I cannot select any of the
> y/m/n options. I can input all text fields (like irq, IO) though.

What xserver are you using whith which card?

KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
The Unix way of drinking tea:
    cat /dev/boiler/water | tea | sieve > /cup
    mount -t hdev /dev/human/mouth01 /mouth ; cat /cup >/mouth/gulp


Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class.
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 05:57:39 GMT

In article <76tk66$gf4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Alot of people wrote:  Linux Rules, Linux Sux, Linux will win, MS will win.

Well, I skipped most of them because I've been spending the last week getting
situated in school for my first semester here, and I don't care to read 300
posts that effectively can be summed up in the second line of this post.

I will have my say on the subject though.(and most of it may have been said

Bill Gates is indeed a genius.  Bill Gates is THE Man, if I could be like
anybody when I 'grow up', it would be Bill.

Bill Gates is the Ultimate Businessman.  Period, you cannot argue that
point(well, maybe you can point out some other businessmen who were better.)
Anyone who makes in the billions by selling Windows to the world like he did
cannot be beaten in business.  Windows is the ultimate in commercial
software. You MUST have it.  In order to use the latest software for
computers today, you must have it.  Never has so much demand for one man's
product been so great in the history of the world.  Only a Genius could have
pulled that off.

  Now then Bill Gates came away from Harvard with infinitely more business
sense than computer sense, as nothing he's written has been original or even
better than average, and nothing his company has written has improved over
the previous versions.  (Who found Dos 3.2 difficult to configure?  Yeah
there were the Memory limitations, but it wasn't difficult to configure new
hardware, or new software, unless you had Memory hog Software, which ten
years ago was what, 512k?)  And yet he's managed to sell SHIT for ten years
straight, and lead the Market doing it.  As I said, the man is a Genius.

Now...Windows blows, we all know it(I have a split-partition so I can play
games, and not much else with Windows).  Windows leads the market, we all know
that too.  Deal with it, Windows will only be 'king' as long as there is a
market for it, once people stop spending money on it, Windows will
crash(Well..Windows crashing is a given, but I mean in a Business Market.)
Windows can be stopped when people stop buying it.

Linux However, cannot be stopped in normal business terms.  Redhat?  Yes. 
SUSE? Yes.  Other commercial versions?  Yes.  But Linux itself isn't
commercial, and cannot be crushed by an inferior commercial product, or a
company that relies 100% on the sale of its products to survive.  So, how can
Microsoft possibly make Linux fight for survival?

Linux cannot win out over all, though, and this is where MS comes in.(It's
either MS or Apple, folks..or maybe OS/2, but OS/2 takes a little bit of
thought and effort to install and use).  MS shovels shit to the lowest common
denomonator.  The Folks that sent their first E-mail through AOL, and think
they were soooo Cyberpunk, the folks that had trouble when their 'coffee cup
holder' couldn't support the weight of their coffee mug, or people who think
that a Virus is going to be GUI and announce itself before it hits them, or
the people who buy the latest and greatest and fastest computers, most
expensive so that their kids can do 'homework' using that great Grolier
Multimedia Encyclopedia, (which had what..maybe 1k of actual information per
topic, and millions of wasted k on grainy pictures and half-second sound
bites?  God, I'm glad I didn't pay for that disk).

Linux will never be popular among most computer users

because thanks to MS, 90% of computer users are people who should never have
been allowed to buy them in the first place.  Thanks to Bill Gates' Business
Saavvy(SP?), he will always have a market with them by playing 'hey, we're
normal people doing this' and feelgood commercials set to Rolling Stones

Start that paragraph over...Linux cannot win out as the premiere OS, because
it requires a bit of thought and effort to use it.  Linux is where DOS was
before Windows 3.0 came out(Socially speaking, that is) it's still for the
'geeks'.  It is beyond the Common User.

Let it stay there.  Let Windows have their reality, Linux doesn't
even begin to threaten it, because 90% of MS users would die if they couldn't
install and configure it with a mouse, and call a toll number and be put on
hold for several hours while the MS Tech support guy looks up the answer to a
yes-or-no question.  If Linux ever did win out as the Common Man's OS, how
bad do you think it would have become?  Each version of Windows was dumbed
down from the last, do you really want Linux to be dumbed down enough to beat
any version of MS Windows?



I'll tell you where you can go today.   ,nInn

All I can say is, damn it's hard to do a three line ascii middle finger.:P

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From: Kertis Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dual mice problems
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 14:28:14 -0500

I have need to use two pointers.  They both use the MS 2-button
protocol.  I run gpm with "gpm -R -m /dev/ttyS0 -M -m /dev/ttyS1".  I
use /dev/gpmdata as my pointer device for X.  Both pointers work
independently.  When I run gpm and use X, the first pointer works fine,
but the second sends middle-button clicks every few seconds when I move
it.  So, I can only use the first pointer for now.  This same problem
occurs at a text console, as well.

Is this a problem with gpm or my setup?  Thanks in advance for any


Kertis Henderson


From: Matt Kressel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP: Setting up a DIAL-IN PPP SERVER on my Linux box??
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 18:10:47 GMT

> I know others have probably asked, but I'm not sure so I'll
> ask.....Does anyone know how to set up a Dial-In PPP Server on a Linux
> Machine so i can dial into it from afar and get tcp/ip routing to work
> with it??? Sort of like having a single user ISP going on, ya know? If
> anyone can help, thanks in advance, if not......ask someone who might
> know AND thanks in advance...or something

Kindly look at the HOWTOs at


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+---------  TEL: (516) 346-9101 FAX: (516) 346-9740 ------------+


From: Raymond Doetjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux-box dying on me...
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 20:45:19 +0100

Beste Ron, ik denk dat voor jou het mooiste is om een SuSE distributie te
kopen. Deze zijn wat gemakkelijker in gebruik dan RedHat. Mocht je toch
willen upgraden naar 5.2 dan gewoon de boot flop erin en kies optie
upgraden dan gaat alles vanzelf binnen 15 minuten ben je klaar.

Om als root te kunnen telnetten kun je twee dingen doen:
1 - login als een gewone user en type in su - <enter> en geef het root
2 - edit /etc/securetty en voeg maar de volgende regels toe:
nu kun je direct als root in de eerste 3 telnet sessies inloggen


Ron van Middendorp wrote:

> Hi y'all.
> Hope you can give me some guide-lines on the following:
> I'm running RedHat 5.1 / Samba (I think most recent version) and I'm
> using it as an authentication-server on a small network (home) with
> Win95/98/NT-clients. The users get their desktops etc. from the
> server.
> I was soooo happy I got it running, being a newbie with Linux and all,
> that I forgot to make a user equivalent to root. Root can't open a
> telnet-session either. (Stupid, I know...)
> The prob.: The Linux-box doesn't react to the keyboard anymore and
> there are several errormessages on the screen (Waiting for 3c509 to
> reject package / and some errors about my file-systems) Before this I
> also received errormessages about my file-systems at boot-time
> (WARNING: Mounting unchecked file-systems), so I checked these
> file-systems.
> Positive!, Linux / Samba are still running OK, I can still login to
> the "domain", I can still connect / read / write to the shares.
> I wanna upgrade to RH 5.2, whilst correcting this problem.
> A back-up to tape is not an option, because I didn't get my tape-drive
> to work yet, and I can not login as root anymore.
> Q1:     Is there a possibility to do a remote shutdown, so that I can
> reboot and hope for the best?
> Q2:     What is the best / most reliable way to do an upgrade from
> RH5.1 >> RH5.2?
> Thanks in advance!


From: Stefan Davids <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: setuid for ppd
Date: 12 Jan 1999 19:23:15 GMT

Rick Glunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have my Linux box setup with a ppp-on and ppp-off script to
>connect/disconnect to my ISP.  Scripts were created under root but when I
>try to run them using another user (for security purposes) I get and error
>'must be root to run /usr/sbin/pppd, since it is not setuid-root'.  What do
>I need to do to give access to another user?

As root set the suid bit, ie

chmod 4755 /usr/sbin/pppd



From: Silviu Minut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Xpert98, AGP, 8M works well, but still some questions
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 08:48:09 -0500

SZ wrote:

> Hi, there,
> I just installed a Xpert98, AGP version (8MB) on my Pentium II PC and
> the card
> works excellently with XFree 3.3.3 (Mach 64 server). The server can
> probe the card
> correctly for everything, memory size, chip set, clock type (internal),
> ete.
> But I still have some questions. I was using color depth of 8 for my old
> video card and all
> the X colors were set properly in the .Xdefaults file.
> With the new card, the colors look the same only when I keep using the
> color depth of 8 bits.
> But if I set the color depth to 16 or 32 bits (with resolution of
> 1024x768) in the XF86Config
> file, the colors change completely after I initiate the X windows.
> The colors were specified in .Xdefaults file like following:
> .....
> *background:    #C6C6B2
> ......
> I also tried to increase the length of the color code to something like
> #C600C600B200  for the color
> depth of 16 bits. But still the same ugly colors appear in X.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks a lot
> SZ

You are indeed missing a few points.
#C6C6B2 is the rgb value for the background and you can change that to
another value, but you can't change its format (like #C600C600B200) or you
Xserver won't understand it. You can also specify the background using the
name of a color (e.g. red, blue, peachpuff, etc). To see a list of colors
type showrgb at the prompt.
The way you configure your Xserver, however, it's another story.

About the depth, tell me what monitor you have, and what video card, and
e-mail me your XF86Config file.
I can't promise I'll find what's wrong, but I'll try.



From: Rob Mahurin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: filesystem cacheing
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 06:20:51 +0000

David Rivenburg wrote:
> Does anyone know if it is possible to temporarily disable
> filesystem cacheing?  I am writing a disk utility that
> attmpts to isolate intermittently bad sectors on an ide
> hard drive and if the first read is successful, all subsequent
> reads will also be successful when cacheing is used.
> Alternatively, is there a way in a user-space program running
> as root to read a sector directly from a hard drive without
> invalidating anything the kernel knows about the drive?
> Thanks,
> Dave Rivenburg

Can you just temporarily unmount the filesystem, or would that defeat
the purpose of your progam?  That seems to my admittedly ignorant mind
to be the best solution ... 


For good, return good.
For evil, return justice.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Hunt)
Subject: Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 99 20:59:09 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           "David Kastrup" writes:
> > YOU mean to tell ME that /I/ am the /ONLY/ one who bought for heating
> > purposes?!?! <G>
> Linux sucks for heating purposes as it puts the processor into "HALT"
> state whenever it has nothing to do.
> For heating purposes, Windows 95 is the much more useful platform (as
> opposed to NT which also HALTs the processor).  Does anybody know
> whether a system crash can accidetally put Windows 95 into HALT mode,
> or does it heat reliably also in that situation?

On my box, Linux and Windows are about as good as each other for heating,
as most of the heat is generated by the monitor.

"Embrace and extend Bill's neck? With a
noose? That's not a very nice thought!"


From: "Mosl Roland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march?
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 05:28:14 +0100

nic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>Has any-one ever tried to buy a PC without windoze on it?

All my Gericom notebooks are purchased windows free

Mosl Roland clear targets for a confused civilization


Subject: Fonts still microscopic on Netscape
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 06:13:30 GMT

I have SuSE 5.3 and Netscape 4.5.  I couldn't compile xfstt myself (didn't
want to behave) so I got a binary from a friend.  It worked fine.  I
installed a bunch of ttf fonts and ran xfstt from .xinitrc and it works. 
Netscape recognized all the new fonts I put into the correct directories, and
they work. All the fonts *look* fine, BUT, they are super tiny!  So I changed
.xinitrc to run xfstt --res 96.  No change at all.  I haven't tried starting
X with -dpi ***, yet though.

My screen is 1152 x 864 on a 17" monitor.  I would think that wouldn't bee too
much of a deal...

Can anyone help?

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Perry)
Subject: Re: Install kxicq => no QT 1.4X found, but I've installed it !!!
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 06:39:27 -0800

On Sun, 10 Jan 1999 10:30:52 +0000, Onion Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have installed KDE, therfore I needed QT-libraries, so I installed Qt
>version 1.40.
>Now I want to install a icq klone, I tired two programmes, one of them
>is kxicq, when I do " ./configure"
>they both say at the end: "No QT libraries version 1.40 or higher
>installed, check your installation".
>What is the problem cause QT is installed, cause otherwise I wouldn't be
>able to run KDE...
>Can someone help me please?
>Thank you very much,
>                                                        Jurrien Kok
You may have to point the configure script to the locations where the
qlibs are installed.  Do a ./configure --help I believe to see the options
that configure takes.

Michael E. Perry


From: Taylor Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Soundblaster under Debian 2.0
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 20:25:52 GMT

> Iam able to play CD using workman. When I cat some .au to /dev/audio,
> (or when I try saytime) I get no sound. I get no error either. When I do

Your soundcard is initialized, else you wouldn't hear the audio, even though its
only from the CD.  It shows that your mixer alive.  Try /dev/dsp and tell me.

> rvplayer welcome.rm, I get some error like "Codec not
> installed/Compression not supported".
This is definately a RealPlayer configuration.  Follow the instructions at:

> I used to have RedHat 5.1 with sound working like sweat (using
> sndconfig). Is there a similar tool under debian? (just wanted to be a
> GNU purist for a while :)

Try to see if OSS will solve your problem:

> 2) When I try make xconfig for kernal config, I cannot select any of the
> y/m/n options. I can input all text fields (like irq, IO) though.

Good question.  Might be related back to your previous problem?  (libraries?)

Got a question for you.  I'm an electronics enginneering technologist who is
currently unemployed.  Any leads???  Huh huh???  Any???  Ok, it was worth a


From: "R.A. Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Colours
Date: 12 Jan 1999 22:23:17 PST

>     I used to run a Debian system (which someone else set up for me),
> but now I've got RedHat 5.2 that I set up myself. There was a lovely
> little feature in my Debian setup which made different filetypes appear
> in different colours, can anyone tell me how to do this under RedHat?


copy /etc/DIR_COLORS to youe home directory as .dir_colors

Use your favorite text editor to modify .dir_colors to suit
your taste for colors.

In your "~/.bashrc"  set an alias:

alias ls='ls --color'
alias lv='ls --color -la'

Then run the following command from the prompt:

dircolors -b ~/.dir_colors >> ~/.bashrc

This will export the Bourne shell compatable code to set the environment
variable for LS_COLORS, and add it to your bash initialization files.

Now, close your open shells and reopen them.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Perry)
Subject: Re: What the f@#$ck is wrong with SSC ???
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 06:51:09 -0800

On Mon, 11 Jan 1999 10:03:54 GMT, J H Lusty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi all,
>I apologize for the language in the header, but I am at the end of my
>teather with SSC, the company who supposedly "manages" the
>distribution of the LJ and associated products.
>For four months now, I have been trying to get a two-year subscription
>to the LJ through SSC.
>I emailed them all my details, credit card # etc.
>All that has happened is that I have had my credit card debited for a
>one year subscription (not two years as asked), and no magazine !
>The "six to eight week lead time" which SSC mentions has long since
>They do not answer my emails at all.
>What should I do ?
>In the first instance, I am going to attempt to recover my money via
>my bank, but all I really want is the subscription.
>I also ordered the back copies of LJ on the two CD's that SSC
>advertise on their Web Site, with the same non-result.
>Anybody else having problems ?
>John Lusty
>Senior Software Engineer - Altech Defense Systems, Cape Town, SOUTH

I had some issues with multiple billing for one order and multiple orders
being processed against my credit card.  They took a one year subscription
for one person and changed that to multiple subscriptions for one person.
I read that LJ is outsourcing their subscriptions.  Perhaps its time to
insource them.  I got a amex bill with at least 4 transactions for SSC on
them.  I sent email and never got responses.  I now get one mag a month.

Michael E. Perry


From: "Eric Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: does the Diamond SupraExpress 56i Modem do linux?
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 22:13:46 -0600

One thing about the Diamond Supra Express 56i . . . Make sure it has the
latest code in it's flash ROM.  I was having problems with the modem locking
up (could only be cured by off/on cycle - in Linux!!!) until I upgraded.

Eric F. Peterson
Politically Incorrect and Proud!



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