Linux-Misc Digest #449, Volume #19               Sun, 14 Mar 99 14:13:12 EST

  Linux and AOpen CD-936E CDROm ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: memory usage help (Tommy Willoughby)
  Re: memory usage help (Paul Kimoto)
  Hdd format problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: bash and ldd: no such file or directory (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: SoundBlaster 16 PnP Compatible and Linux (Rob Komar)


Subject: Linux and AOpen CD-936E CDROm
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 17:56:49 GMT

I'm getting some strange errors when I try to mount the AOpen CD-936E/AKW
cdrom. Im doing a mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/hdc /cdrom Also tried it without
the -r , and tried it with /dev/cdrom instead of /dev/hdc even though my cd
is setup as a secondary master. Here's a peek at the error message

hdc: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdc: command error: error=0x54
Zend_request: I/O error, dev 16:00 (hdc), sector 64
ATAPI device hdc
Error: Illegal request -- (Sense key=0x05)
Illegal mode for this track or incompatible medium -- (asc=0x64,
isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=16:00, iso_blknum=16, block=32
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc or too many
mounted file systems

I also tried this in UDMA mode, and NON UDMA
I also tried different cd's in the drive, in case of a scratch on a cd
or something silly like that.

any help would be great!
thanx alot for your time

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Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 10:34:21 -0800
From: Tommy Willoughby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: memory usage help

jack wallen wrote:
> could someone explain the following:
> i have 48 mbs of ram running red hat 5.2 (2.0 kernel) with AfterStep.
> if i have, say, just two eterms running and i run 'top' or 'free' it
> says that out of 46800 mem i have only 700 available.  what gives?  why
> is this number so low?  are 'free' and 'top' valid checks for free ram?
> and if so where is all of it going?  according to top the numbers don't
> add up.
> if someone could explain Linux's use of ram i'd certainly appreciate
> it...

One of the greatest tricks Big Bill ever pulled was convincing people
that they should shell out money for more memory, then smile when they
checked & saw it was not being used.

Linux - any unix, for that matter - will use as much memory as you have.
It will be used for programs, of course - and memory beyond that will be
used for buffers, cache, etc. When a program asks for memory, Linux will
give up some of it's buffer memory for that program. 

If you absolutly max out your memory resources Linux will then begin
swapping out to disk - you'll *know* when this is happening, and with
your setup - if it's just a single-user system - it will probably never

In short:

a: Don't use a microsoft measuring stick to size up linux.

b: don't worry about it - everything is running just fine.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: memory usage help
Date: 14 Mar 1999 13:32:53 -0500

[posted and e-mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, jack wallen wrote:
> i have 48 mbs of ram running red hat 5.2 (2.0 kernel) with AfterStep. 
> if i have, say, just two eterms running and i run 'top' or 'free' it
> says that out of 46800 mem i have only 700 available.  what gives?  why
> is this number so low?  are 'free' and 'top' valid checks for free ram?

On my system:

% free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         47364      46340       1024      27720       3288      21644
-/+ buffers/cache:      21408      25956
Swap:       126892       1084     125808

21408 kB are being used for programs.  (21644 kB + 3288 kB) = 24932 kB
are used for various caches, which will be thrown away if any programs
need the memory.  1024 kB is truly unused.  The memory system likes to
employ memory for caches rather than leave it free; this helps to
improve performance (it is faster to read out of cache than off the

> you can e-mail direct at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject: Hdd format problem
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 18:05:28 GMT

Hi:  I want to install linux instead of win95. My hard disk may be destroied
by some kind of virus (in win95), so I want to rebuild it under linux,  I
have Redhat 5.2; Slackware3.6; debin2.0, all CDs are bootable.I want to
completely format my hdd using linux, I do not want to low level format it
but hope the hdd as clean as low level formatted.  Is there any process in
linux to do this (make the hdd like a new one, just as we do in dos : fdisk
/mbr; format c: and even debug,,,,,)

Thanks in advance

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: bash and ldd: no such file or directory
Date: 14 Mar 1999 13:38:11 -0500

[posted and e-mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Martin Honnen wrote:
> I am throughly confused that I am unable to execute a file which is
> listed with ls, which is found and examined with file but about which
> both bash and ldd claim that it is not existing while naming it. bash
> has no problems completing the name/path to the file.
> bash# /usr/local/src/signtool/signtool 
> bash: /usr/local/src/signtool/signtool: No such file or directory
> bash# ldd /usr/local/src/signtool/signtool
> ldd: can't execute /usr/local/src/signtool/signtool (No such file or
> directory)
> bash# file /usr/local/src/signtool/signtool
> /usr/local/src/signtool/signtool: ELF 32-bit LSB executable i386 (386
> and up) Version 1
> bash# ls -al ./signtool
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     wheel      627656 Jun 17  1998 ./signtool
> Anyone having an idea what could be causing that trouble and how to
> remedy it. System is slackware with an rather outdated 2.0.something
> kernel but ELF should be ELF as far as I understand. 


> I am hearing a lot about libc5/glib versions of executables. But should
> bash/ldd fail with such a no such file/directory message if that
> signtool is glib linked and my system libc5?

Maybe.  glibc (== libc6) is completely separate; it even has its
own dynamic linker (/lib/

> Is anyone knowing how I could check the executable for the linked libs
> besides using ldd?

% strings - /path/to/executable | grep libc
% strings - /path/to/executable | grep ld-linux

Getting something like "" or "/lib/" is a
sign of glibc-ness.

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Komar)
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster 16 PnP Compatible and Linux
Date: 14 Mar 1999 18:41:47 GMT

Benjamin Sher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: BOTTOM LINE: My NEC Pentium 166 MMX comes with a SoundBlaster 16 PnP
: compatible sound card made by AztechLabs (under the brand name of Sound
: III). This has been confirmed for me by AztechLabs and NEC. RedHat Linux
: specifically mentions on their Sound Configuration page that SoundBlaster
: 16 PnP is fully tested and supported by them and will configure
: automatically during install.
: THE BIG QUESTION: Will a SoundBlaster 16 PnP Compatible work on my system?
: In other words, is a SoundBlaster 16 PnP Compatible THE SAME as
: SoundBlaster 16 Pnp itself? I ask this because I received a letter or two
: implying that this is not necessarily so. I called Cosmos Engineering,
: which is selling me RedHat Linux 5.2 on their special Linux on a Disk
: program, and asked them if my SoundBlaster Compatible will work on RedHat
: 5.2. The engineer said that maybe yes, maybe not.
: I don't mind buying another sound card, and, of course, I will if
: necessary. They are quite cheap. Creative Labs has been suggested. I am
: afraid though that I might end up buying the wrong card and just end up
: having more problems. I wonder though whether I really need to bother with
: a new card, in the first place. Shouldn't a compatible SoundBlaster 16 PnP
: work just well as the original SoundBlaster 16 PnP?

In `/usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/README.OSS', there is some information
on Aztech Sound Galaxy cards.  I'm not sure if your card is the same, but
it's probably worth trying it out with the suggested sound modules to see
if it works.  You may have to figure out how to use the `isapnp' utility,
as well, to configure the card correctly before using it.  So, the best
advice is to try it and see.  You probably have to go through this for any
soundcard you buy, so you might as well do it for the one you have (unless
you buy sound drivers from 4Front Tech. at `',
they seem to make it pretty easy to get soundcards going).

Rob Komar



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