Linux-Misc Digest #543, Volume #19               Sun, 21 Mar 99 10:13:19 EST

  Re: penthium performance problem (Tommy Willoughby)
  European Linux Yearbook (Ingo Saitz)
  Re: Seeking Mr. Gero Netscape Bookmarks ("Gero H. Marten")
  Hostname command oddity (Charles Packer)
  Newbie + PPP connection, how? (Paul Richards)
  Re: DJGPP (Paul Richards)
  penthium performance problem (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Help: nslookup fails on IP address (WARGY)
  Re: IE 5.0 on Unix Solaris -- What does this mean? (Tommy Willoughby)
  Re: RH 5.1 is missing /proc/swaps: So, swapon -s doesn't work... (NF Stevens)
  Re: Shadow password questions (NF Stevens)
  Re: file does/doesn't exist?????? (NF Stevens)
  Re: Create *.tar.gz (Juergen Heinzl)
  IE5 under Linux (WARGY)
  Re: help: creating Linux CD image (Villy Kruse)
  Re: IE5 under Linux (Kenny McCormack)
  Re: Microsoft and Linux ("Troy Davidson")
  ***Newbie Question*** (breink)
  Re: Is there a "modem activity light" for X (NF Stevens)


Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 05:21:00 -0800
From: Tommy Willoughby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: penthium performance problem

Stefano Ghirlanda wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a machine with a Pentium 133. I get from /proc/cpuinfo:
> processor       : 0
> cpu             : 586
> model           : Pentium 75+
> <stuff deleted>
> bogomips        : 1.90
> What does the 75+ mean? On another machine I also get a 'cpu Mhz:' entry
> showing the correct value for the processor, but the kernel is more recent
> (2.1.129 vs. 2.0.36).
> Anyway, my problem is that the above machine seems *slow*, a good bit
> slower than another running on a P90 with a similar configuration
> (kernel 2.0.0, same amount of ram). This machine is also reported as
> Pentium 75+ in /proc/cpuinfo.
> So I was wondering if I should recompile the kernel or do something
> else. The bogomips entry seems to me particularly troubling, although
> admittedly bogus. Here are the bogomips reported by three machines I have:
> A Penthium Pro 200 -> bogomips: 199.07   (redhat 5.2)
> A Penthium 90 ->      bogomips: 35.94    (old slackware, forgot which one)
> A Penthium 133 ->     bogomips : 1.90    (the machine above... slack 3.6)
> Any insight will be appreciated...
> thanks,
> Stefano

That does seem out of whack, doesn't it? Don't know what the answer is,
but just for reference -
166mhz pentium/MMX, RH 5.2, kernel 2.0.36 - here's the line from
Calibrating delay loop.. ok - 332.60 BogoMIPS


From: Ingo Saitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: European Linux Yearbook
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 02:03:38 +0100

March 21st is Internet Fiesta and the European Linux User Groups will
celebrate this by write a book in 24 hours which shows the status of Linux
in Europe. This efford is coordinated on

We want to collect some statistics about LUGs in europe.  Therefore we
need your help. If you are a member of some LUG, could you please write a
short mail including:

  - The name of your LUG
  - The City (how big is it) and Country to which it belongs
  - The number of members of your LUG
  - What events did you organize the last year
  - Why was your LUG initially founded
  - Are there interesting stories which belong to your group? Which?

Please send your replies to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". Thanks
in advice.

  c.   Stimm gegen SPAM! Vote against SPAM! Votez contre le SPAM!
Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,...
                                        -- Monty Pythons Flying Circus

  c.   Stimm gegen SPAM! Vote against SPAM! Votez contre le SPAM!
Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam,...
                                        -- Monty Pythons Flying Circus


From: "Gero H. Marten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Seeking Mr. Gero Netscape Bookmarks
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 08:38:47 +0100

Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Dear Gero:
> In you response to question concerning the AUTOMATIC sorting of bookmarks
> by NAME in Netscape 4.x and above, you answered very laconically by saying
> that No sorting possible in Linux.
> I would very much appreciate a little elaboration and clarification of this
> remark. It is of great importance in my work. I have still not received my
> Linux program. It is scheduled to arrive Monday, and I am trying to prepare
> for it in every way possible. The automatic sorting by name bug in Netscape
> for Windows has essentially crippled Netscape's bookmarks, and Netscape,
> for two years now, has either not listened to its user's complaints (and I
> am a registered Netscape user) or cared about them. At any rate, may I ask
> if the Netscape version for Linux has the AUTOMATIC sorting by name option
> under Edit Bookmark, View. If so, does it not work. Or is the option
> missing? And, sorry for sounding naive, but what do you mean when you say
> that sorting is not possible in Linux. I know I will find out sooner or
> later, but your explanation would reassure me one way or another.

What else can I say? I don't know of a way to automatically sort
bookmarks in Netscape for Linux. In fact it is not possible.

Gero H. Marten


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charles Packer)
Subject: Hostname command oddity
Date: 21 Mar 1999 13:24:40 GMT

The command "hostname", which with no options displays the host
name, has an option -s that is supposed to "display the short
host name," according to the man page, "cut at the first dot."
But it does something more with the -s option. It accesses my
modem port and reports back "Unknown host".

I discovered this because I had complained here last week
that, using Red Hat 5.1, I was getting a spurious error
message, apparently from the "hostname" command, at the top of
every window I opened in X.

One of the followups suggested that it might be a shell problem,
not an X problem. So I looked at the file /etc/csh.cshrc, which
is run by tcsh. In setting the default prompt, hostname is
executed with the -s option, and that was the source of my 



From: Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newbie + PPP connection, how?
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 13:32:17 +0000
Reply-To: Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A few days ago I got RH5.1 and I had the Internet working fine on that.
All I done was use linuxconf to set up and activate the PPP connection
and all worked fine.
Well yesterday I got RH5.2 installed (clean install) and when I tried
the same thing and tried to surf the web I got errors about DNS and
stuff.  Any ideas?  As far as I can see I done exactly the same thing.
Paul Richards (aka. Pauldoo)
ICQ#    14106503


From: Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: DJGPP
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 13:28:00 +0000
Reply-To: Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Enkidu writes,
>Mark Brown wrote:
>> The best freeware IDE is, of course, Emacs.  :-)
>Please take this to alt.perverts.emacs thank you very much!
Bloody hell, can't agree on anything you lot.
Paul Richards (aka. Pauldoo)
ICQ#    14106503


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefano Ghirlanda)
Subject: penthium performance problem
Date: 21 Mar 1999 12:46:51 GMT

I have a machine with a Pentium 133. I get from /proc/cpuinfo:

processor       : 0
cpu             : 586
model           : Pentium 75+
<stuff deleted>
bogomips        : 1.90

What does the 75+ mean? On another machine I also get a 'cpu Mhz:' entry
showing the correct value for the processor, but the kernel is more recent
(2.1.129 vs. 2.0.36).

Anyway, my problem is that the above machine seems *slow*, a good bit
slower than another running on a P90 with a similar configuration
(kernel 2.0.0, same amount of ram). This machine is also reported as
Pentium 75+ in /proc/cpuinfo. 

So I was wondering if I should recompile the kernel or do something
else. The bogomips entry seems to me particularly troubling, although
admittedly bogus. Here are the bogomips reported by three machines I have:

A Penthium Pro 200 -> bogomips: 199.07   (redhat 5.2)
A Penthium 90 ->      bogomips: 35.94    (old slackware, forgot which one)
A Penthium 133 ->     bogomips : 1.90    (the machine above... slack 3.6)

Any insight will be appreciated...

 Stefano Ghirlanda, Zoologiska Institutionen, Stockholms Universitet
    Office: D554, Arrheniusv. 14, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 164055, Fax: +46 8 167715, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Support Free Science, look at:


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Help: nslookup fails on IP address
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 13:46:45 GMT

When I run 'nslookup ns1.<domain name>, I get the
following error message.

*** Can't find server name for address Server failed
*** Default servers are not available

nslookup brings back the correct info when I do 'nslookup ns1.<domain
name> but fails if looking up the IP address of that name.

It seems to be fine right now but occasionally I get the above error

p.s. yep, I'm a newbie. :-)


Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 04:58:31 -0800
From: Tommy Willoughby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IE 5.0 on Unix Solaris -- What does this mean?

Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Dear friends:
> I will be installing Red Hat Linux 5.2 on Monday and have been doing my
> preliminary reading and research as best I can. I just ran across a
> puzzling item:
> I typed in the word "Unix" on the Microsoft site to see what would come up.
> I came up with the announcement that Microsoft has issued Internet Explorer
> 4 and 5 for Unix Solaris and Unix HP.
> Since Linux, as I understand it, is 95 percent Unix, would it not be
> possible to, theoretically at least, port it to Linux? Would the reason for
> not doing so be a) Microsoft's proprietary code, b) the desire not to
> pollute Linux with a Microsoft application, even one specifically designed
> for a flavor of Unix or c) because of the inherent weaknesses or problems
> or other unacceptable features of IE's architecture, design or
> implementation? or d) obviously, all of the above?
> Thank you very much.
> Please keep it simple. I am just a layman.

It is simple. Since it's Microsoft's program - owned by them - *they*
would have to do any such porting to Linux. You'll have to ask Microsoft
why they haven't released a Linux flavor of IE.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NF Stevens)
Subject: Re: RH 5.1 is missing /proc/swaps: So, swapon -s doesn't work...
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 13:08:54 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenny McCormack) wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>NF Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>>/proc/swaps is not available in 2.0.xx kernels. It is a new feature
>>that only became available in 2.2.0.
>I see.  Odd that they would program for a non-existent feature in the
>version (of the swapon program) shipped with (on the same CD as) the
>2.0.x kernel.

Swapon is part of a package (linux-utils) which is developed independently
of the kernel.  /proc/swaps appeared some time ago in the unstable
development kernels so it makes sense for the linux-utils package to
support it. Red Hat ships the latest version of linux-utils.
>Is there any other way to find out what is currently being used as swap?

free will give you the amount of swap being used, though the output
is not as verbose as swapon.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NF Stevens)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,,
Subject: Re: Shadow password questions
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 13:08:59 GMT

Colin Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I downloaded and compiled the source to shadow-19990307 from
> and it seemed to work fine all the new admin stuff was
>installed (chfn, passwd, adduser, userdel, etc...) but when I tried to
>login in at a different virtual terminal I got this warning:
>bash# login
>configuration error - unknown item 'ISSUE_FILE_ENAB' (notify

ISSUE_FILE_ENAB is a standard entry in /etc/login.defs.
I'm using an older version of the shadow password package;
in my version there is a list of allowable login.defs
entries at the top of the file lib/getdef.c. Either
comment out the ISSUE_FILE_ENAB entry in /etc/login.defs
or change it to something that is supported by the
new shadow package.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NF Stevens)
Subject: Re: file does/doesn't exist??????
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 13:09:01 GMT


[snip . in path]

>why is it insecure?  right now, i have to admit, i have it at the very
>beginning of my path for every user including root (not a problem for
>now because I'm not on a network with my linux machine).

If you are the only person who ever logs onto your machine then
there isn't much of a problem. However anyone can put an executable
ls in /tmp. If you put . at the front of your path then whenever
you are in /tmp the shell will run this executable rather than
the proper one. This executable can do anything you can do,
including creating a suid version of a shell so that they
can effectively use your logon any time they want to. Putting
. at the end of the path can be just as dangerous. How many
times have you mistyped sl instead of ls? If there is an
executable sl script in the current directory you are again

Are you sure you trust all the other users on your machine?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Subject: Re: Create *.tar.gz
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 14:04:24 GMT

In article <7d2ka0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Michael Schmeing wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl) writes:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tina wrote:
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >How do I create a tar archive? 
>> [...]
>> tar -zcvf filename.tar.gz ./directory
>> ... or ...
>> tar -zcvf filename.tar.gz ./file1 ./file2 ./file3 ... ./file19283748
>The above calls ONLY access files in the current directory. The
>correct call is:

I trusted in the intelligence of the reader to sort that out 8)
>> You must use .gz since although -z means "create a compressed archive"
>> tar does not append the .gz for you.
>That is not quite correct: tar does not depend on the suffix .gz to be
>able to handle that archive. It is just convenient to show to the user

Try tar -tf archive.tar where archive.tar is a compressed archive ...
tar: Hmm, this doesn't look like a tar archive
tar: Skipping to next file header
tar: Only read 6125 bytes from archive l.tar
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
... and guess the expression on the users face ...

We are picky, aren't we ?

\ Real name     : Jürgen Heinzl                 \       no flames      /
 \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /
  \ Phone Private : +44 181-332 0750              \                  /


Subject: IE5 under Linux
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 14:03:13 GMT

M$ IE5 is out and it can run on Solaris Unix. Can that Solaris package
be installed in Linux?  (especially Slackware 3.6 distro)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Subject: Re: help: creating Linux CD image
Date: 21 Mar 1999 15:09:10 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
David Jensen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I downloaded all of the redhat linux file from the ftp site. Now I want
>to burn the a CD, however I would like the disk image to be readable by
>Linux (after I get it installed). It seems like I can't do a straight
>ISO 9660 image because there are filenames longer than 8.3
>My question is, under Win9x, can I create a CD image for Linux of the
>files I downloaded? If so, how? What utilities would I need? (I have
>Adaptec EasyCD  Creator and CDR Win)

If you intend ot use this for installing redhat the following guide
is a MUST read.

   The Do-It-Yourself Red Hat Installation page has moved! Its new
   address is Please
   update your bookmarks, or notify the maintainer of the page which
   referenced this one. Thanks.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenny McCormack)
Subject: Re: IE5 under Linux
Date: 21 Mar 1999 08:24:51 -0600

>M$ IE5 is out and it can run on Solaris Unix. Can that Solaris package
>be installed in Linux?  (especially Slackware 3.6 distro)

I have heard that it is possible to set up Linux/Sparc to run SunOS/Solaries
binaries - by installing some additional shared libs and such - but a friend
of mine, who has Linux running on his Sun Sparc Classis, was not able to get
it working.

In any case, none of this applies to i386 based versions of Linux
unless/until M$ releases an i386 based Unix version of IE5.


From: "Troy Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat,alt.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Microsoft and Linux
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 08:32:41 -0600
Reply-To: "Troy Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The beta of it is free, and that was the only version of it that I saw.

Tom Betz wrote in message <7d0pu6$hcq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Quoth Robert Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in
>|I wish there was a single OS which had emulators for all the others
>|Windows, Linux, BSDs). That would be heavenly...
>Well, VMWare for Linux is pretty close...
>I'm trying to figure out a way to squeeze it into my budget.
>|We have tried ignorance       |            Tom Betz, Generalist
>|for a very long time, and     | Want to send me email? FIRST, READ THIS
>|it's time we tried education. |
<> |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (breink)
Subject: ***Newbie Question***
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 14:44:45 GMT

I have downloaded a script to configure my ppp on a linux machine
using win95.  How can i transfer the script to my linux machine and
run it. (Using a floppy disk)  I think it is a zip file.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NF Stevens)
Subject: Re: Is there a "modem activity light" for X
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 13:10:12 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nick Dreyer) wrote:

>I find it helpful to be able to see if anything is passing through the modem,
>but with an internal device, the only way would be via some kind of software
>monitoring program.  Does something like this exist for X that would show at
>least receive and transmit acitvity on some kind of virtual lights?
>Thanks in advance for any ideas,
The gnome panel has a modemlights applet which _should_ show
this. I couldn't get it to work though.




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