Linux-Misc Digest #564, Volume #19               Mon, 22 Mar 99 12:13:11 EST

  Help on PPP dial-up (Farid)
  mgetty question(s) ("Brian E. Parker")
  Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the Linux-equivalents 
for these Windoze programs? (Frank Riha)
  Re: X terminal, rxvt terminal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: News posting problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: failed dependencies ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the  Linux-equivalents 
for these Windoze programs? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Redhat 5.9:  Dogfood Ho! (Philip Armstrong)
  Re: NETSCAPE BOOKMARK BUG -- Solved! (doug)
  ulimit to stop gimp from crashing my system? (David)
  Re: Update of glibc2? ("UUnet news")
  Internet Phone for Linux? ("Tim Mavers")
  Different IP in one network ("Jack Cheng")
  Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the  Linux-equivalents 
for these Windoze programs? (Harry)
  Re: Enough!! What is the best Linux to install? ("Bud Z")
  Re: WP8 is crippleware ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Enough!! What is the best Linux to install? ("Flying")
  PPP Dial Out Problem (Ken Plumley)
  Re: What is the best Linux to install? ("Flying")
  Memorex rewritable CD (Robin Becker)
  External Zip drives (Robin Becker)
  Re: ***Newbie Question*** (Sasa Ostrouska)
  Win95 X-software suggestion (Jon Slater)
  Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the Linux-equivalents 
for these Windoze programs? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Different IP in one network (Andy Vontobel)
  Re: Different IP in one network ("Joseph Santaniello")
  Re: Playstation 2 To Use Linux OS ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: KDE vs GNOME and what about Enlightenment? ("Oliver D. Bedford")
  Migrate to Linux? (Michael Falconer)


Subject: Help on PPP dial-up
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 08:34:05 -0500


I need help in installing the PPP dial-up.  I tried to setup PPP dial-up
through XWindow, but it seems that I cannot connect, although the line
to the ISP isn't busy.

I configured the modem ok, and can dial to the ISP, the modem ring ok I
can hear the tone and the ISP server receive connection, but no
connection is established. I don't know which part isn't right.  I got
the hostname, the domain, DNS server, phone number.  Which part is still

Actually, I'm not that good with Linux or PC...I got the XWindow install
because I am using redhat 5.1 (installation set the XWindow for me)...I
try reading the documentation, but became worse, I don't understand a
thing.  Tension...

Huh, hope somebody can help to clear the things up to me. Thanks.


From: "Brian E. Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: mgetty question(s)
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 09:39:38 -0600


  I have been dinking with PPP, and have RedHat 5.2 on a laptop that dials
into a PPP server just fine.  My next step is getting one of my RedHat 5.2
boxes set up to answer incoming PPP calls.  I've dropped 3 modems in it, and
set up a rollover group (on the 3 lines) to handle the calls coming in.

  I thought I remembered that someone said to use MGETTY to handle my
incoming calls.  The incoming calls will be from Win '9x machines, and using
PAP, I guess (isn't that the default).

1) Where should I get MGETTY from?

2) Is it the 'best' program for what I need?  By best, I mean easy to use
and stable.  This machine isn't going to get a lot of calls, just one or 2 a
night.  I don't need any bloatware that does accounting, etc.

3) Are there any e-articles that compare softwares of this sort?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.


From: Frank Riha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the 
Linux-equivalents for these Windoze programs?
Date: 22 Mar 1999 13:41:28 GMT

jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > % A good file manager, equal to Windows Explorer. you can say what you
> > % want, but the windows explorer is a good file manager. Drag-and drop
> > % is just very easy to use.
> > 
> >         Ick - I use Windows Commander if I'm in Billy's Playland 98.
> Yep, there is such a thing.  Looks very much like explorer, but I have
> never used it....I use linux, not win95.
> > % A fast image viewer program, equal to ACDsee. It must be FAST,
> > % FAST,FAST, have a browser-option which allows you to maintain your
> > % image files easily, supports keyboard command (delete, move, copy) adn
> > % it must be fast.
> > 
> >         GIMP!  Comes with most distros.  Plus other just plain viewers,
> >         like XV and KDE's image viewer.
> xv is better for viewing then gimp, and it has the browsing deal unlike
> the gimp which opens lots of windows for multiple images.

have you tried "guash" within the Gimp?  Guash will display a
thumbnail of all the graphics files in a directory.  A little slow, as 
it scales each image, but very useful.  Should be under the Xtns menu.



Subject: Re: X terminal, rxvt terminal
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 13:55:44 GMT

Jet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know this is a stupid question, but what is the difference between the
> two?

rxvt is a cut down version of xterm and uses less resources. The features that
are omitted are of little use to most people and so it makes a useful drop-in


Subject: Re: News posting problems
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 13:59:23 GMT

Nick Zentena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> it's using Pnews.] Does tin use it's owning posting method?

If you're reading news from a remote NNTP server, then tin will
use the NNTP POST command to submit articles.



Subject: Re: failed dependencies
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 14:03:43 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having problems installing any window managers. What the problem is ,is

Which ones ? What package names ?

> It tells me failed dependencies and then a list of the libraries it
> requires. No problem yet.

Exact output ?

> So I install the rpm containing the lib's required
> and try again.

Again, which rpm's ?

Could be a libc incompatibility in the rpm's you tried to load.
Need more detailed descripition.


Subject: Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the  
Linux-equivalents for these Windoze programs?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 13:51:02 GMT

Sal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can starting up a computer damage it?  Please explain.

The biggest stress that many of the components face in their lifetime is initial
power on.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Armstrong)
Subject: Re: Redhat 5.9:  Dogfood Ho!
Date: 22 Mar 1999 14:00:23 GMT

In article <36f64855$0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Dan Kaminsky  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>2)  Floppy Dependance?  I suppose I must be clueless here--is there a way
>to boot a floppy image from a DOS command line?  If so, this *needs* to be
>the default mechanism for installing RedHat 5.9.  Floppies are, shall we
>say, embarassingly unstable.  You'll hear more about this from me another
>time, but lets just say I spent HOURS trying to find a floppy without any
>bad sectors.  The only thing that's worse than this is the number of 10+
>page papers I've seen students lose because their only copy of a file was
>on a floppy disk.
most modern bios' can boot off a cdrom. RedHat cd's come with a live
filesystem on the CD, so you can install by shoving the CD in the
thing + booting up.




From: doug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NETSCAPE BOOKMARK BUG -- Solved!
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 09:02:33 -0500

Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Dear friends:
> I heard today from someone at Mozilla, who said that Netscape was well
> aware of the bookmark bug (no way to automatically sort bookmarks by name)
> and will fix it in verison 5.0. Great news!
> --
> Benjamin Sher
> Sher's Russian Web & Index

Wonderful! Maybe by the time 5.0 is done, Opera will have released
the Linux version of its browser.


Subject: ulimit to stop gimp from crashing my system?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 15:52:22 +0100


I've got a problem where a normal user under Xwin can start a big
memoryhogging program (like loading >500 pics in ImageMagick or
something), this will make the machine crash as it runs out of memory
and NFS then gets desperate. I've been directed to use ulimit to set
down the limit of the mem available to a user to maybe 90% of available
so that theres always a couple (10) percent left for system critical
tasks, but how do I accomplish this!? The doc (help ulimit) is quite

Thanks in advance,
David Härdeman
Please CC all answers to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I maybe miss them otherwise


From: "UUnet news" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Update of glibc2?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 15:58:06 +0100

The easiest way is to work with the RPM package and the RPM packager under


Jon McLin wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I've searched the FAQ and HOWTOs to no avail...
>My system is a Redhat 5.0 distribution, with the kernel updated to
>glibc2 is presently 2.0.5.  I would like to upgrade to 2.0.7.   What is
>the best way to do this?
>Can I simply copy the 2.0.7 files into /lib and replace the soft links
>to point to the new libraries?


From: "Tim Mavers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Internet Phone for Linux?
Date: 22 Mar 1999 08:16:01 -0600

Does anyone know of any Internet Phone applications that are available for
Linux?   These allow two (or more) people to talk voice over the Internet
(through their computers, not necessarily over normal phones).  I have been
using Vocaltec's Internet Phone (for Win32) and am trying to find an
equivalent in Linux.

The application must be able to talk to other people that are using
Windows-based phone programs (like IPhone or CUSeeMe).   No good if I can
only talk to Linux-based users.

I found something called SpeakFreely (, but it looks
like it is only for Win32.


From: "Jack Cheng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,hk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Different IP in one network
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 22:58:30 +0800


I have a network system using RH5.2 and running fine. The IP is

Because I want ot learn more about linux, so I hooked up one more linux box
in my existing lan (of course running as a SERVER and IP is,
so i can change anything in the new linux box for my testing.

I cannot ping the from the new linux box (, is
possible set two different IP in one lan system?

Best Regard
Jack Cheng


Subject: Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the  
Linux-equivalents for these Windoze programs?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 09:54:56 -0500

> Sal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How can starting up a computer damage it?  Please explain.
>The biggest stress that many of the components face in their 
>lifetime is initial power on.

I read that the only component that could be damaged by a wrong 
software setting is the monitor (if you set a wrong 
resolution/refresh rate on the video card) Is this true?



Subject: Re: Enough!! What is the best Linux to install?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 10:15:20 -0800

I have read through these post's and still don't know which I should
I am a Newbie, Home PC, used to using Win98 with a browser, e-mail, backup,
cdrom, etc.
I'm just so tired of MS that I could scream!!! so I've ordered RH 5.2 after
doing a little research but there is so much out there that a guy just
doesn't know where to start.
I need suggestions for a "newbie, first time user, home pc".

Thank You,

Bud Zimmerman
sean mc cann wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Richard wrote:
>> I am trying to install the newest and the best linux on
>> 100+ workstation.  What would be the best one to choose
>> in terms of standard, support, and setup?
>> Any ideas would be appreciated.
>> email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Thanks in advance
>> Richard
>Hi Richard,
>Well which distrabution depends on what you want to to do. I use Suse
>distro becuase of the yast setup tool. You can configure one machine and
>replicate the setup exactly across the whole network. It really take the
>drudgery out of setting up multiple machines on a network.
>Any problems I've had with suse have been my fault. Also most of the
>issues with Suse are coverd in the 450+ page manual. Thats not bad for
>35 Irish pounds($us50).the new Suse6.2 comes with the 2.2 kernal and
>Xfree which support the newer grahics cards in X. Also
>there is a suppoert databaseon the cd which you can install on to your
>hard drive. the lastest version will of course be on the web site.
>Suse is well engineered and caters for the network admin who like to go
>home early:) At the end of the day which distro you choose depends on
>your personal taste.


Subject: Re: WP8 is crippleware
Date: 22 Mar 1999 15:49:19 GMT

In his obvious haste, Jeffrey L Straszheim 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled thusly:
: Andy Piper wrote:

:> *sigh* another person who hasn't read the documentation...
:> The free Personal Edition doesn't include all of the
:> features and extras of the version you buy. But it is
:> FUNCTIONAL i.e. you can produce, save and print documents,
:> and do pretty much everything you want from a good
:> wordprocessing package.

: OK, I was probably too hasty in my criticism; however,
: it is quite annoying to see a menu item offering a feature
: just to be told you have to send them money to get it.
: It's merely psychological, but I'd prefer to d/l
: a "WP8-light" that didn't have a "draw" in the menu,
: rather than d/l'ing what appears a full version to find
: that it isn't.  

I think they should have just greyed out the items that were unavailable in
the "lite" version.
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]| "I'm alive!!! I can touch! I can taste!         |
|     Andrew Halliwell     |  I can SMELL!!!  KRYTEN!!! Unpack Rachel and    |
|       Finalist in:-      |  get out the puncture repair kit!"              |
|     Computer Science     |     Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf              |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e>e++ h/h+ !r!| Space for hire |


From: "Flying" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Enough!! What is the best Linux to install?
Date: 22 Mar 1999 16:17:04 GMT

        Just give Mangrake a try.
Actually you have RH5.2 coming so add KDE1.1 and I believe you will have
Mandrake ;-)
Although Mandrake is also nice because it has on its disk the newest
kernel < needs to be installed> and the newer 4.50 Netscape
along with much more.
Hey for a $1.99 ??
You may as well give it a try, you wont be sorry.
Good Luck,

Bud Z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
<W6tJ2.7629$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> I have read through these post's and still don't know which I should
> install!!!
> I am a Newbie, Home PC, used to using Win98 with a browser, e-mail,
> cdrom, etc.
> I'm just so tired of MS that I could scream!!! so I've ordered RH 5.2
> doing a little research but there is so much out there that a guy just
> doesn't know where to start.
> I need suggestions for a "newbie, first time user, home pc".
> Thank You,
> Bud Zimmerman


From: Ken Plumley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PPP Dial Out Problem
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 08:14:37 -0600

I am running RedHat 5.1 SPARC Linux an a SPARC 5, and a ZOOM 56k modem
Model 2949. This machine is providing  Internet access to a small LAN
using IP masquerade.  It sometimes takes hours ( hundreds of attempts )
of attempted dial out connections to make a successful ppp connection
with my Internet service provider. After making a ppp connection, often
the connection will die while it is actively in use (it is not being
disconnected due to an idle connection). After the connection dies,
running ifconfig shows that the SPARC 5 still has a ppp connection with
my ISP but pinging the ISP results in 100% packet loss.

When using a windows machine (with a modem by another manufacture) to
access the same ISP using the same telephone line & number and the same
Internet account, the windows machine usually logs in with one or two
dial out attempts and stays on line as long as it is not idle for too

I suspect that the Modem Init String may not be correct. Does anyone
have an init string that works well with a ZOOM modem Model 2949 and
RedHat SPARC Linux?

Using the Network Configurator I set up the following on the SPARC 5:

Use hardware flow control
Abort connection on well known errors
Allow any user to (de)activate interface
Line speed: 38400
Modem Port: /dev/modem
Modem Init String: AT&F
Modem Dial Command: ATDT
Phone Number: my ISP’s number

Expect          Send

(left blank)    ""
x:              2
e:              my user name
d:              my password

Set default route
Restart PPP
no connection: 60
broken connection: 60
MRU: 1500
MTU: 1500
Local IP: (left blank)
Remote IP: (left blank)

Thanks for helping,

Ken Plumley


From: "Flying" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is the best Linux to install?
Date: 22 Mar 1999 16:18:33 GMT

Too True ;-)
Especially when places like
has most distros for $1.99 ;-0

WhiteFox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
<7d5omj$c35$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> I think I'll throw up if I read one more post like this: What is the best
> XXX to install?.  As the original poster might be able to discern from
> eager replies, what's stopping you from testing the stuff and forming
> own opinion?  


From: Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Memorex rewritable CD
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 15:24:12 +0000

Any one know if there's a suitable driver for memorex rewritable CDs?
Robin Becker


From: Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: External Zip drives
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 15:25:17 +0000

What kernel options do I need for a parallel port Iomega Zip drive?
Robin Becker


From: Sasa Ostrouska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ***Newbie Question***
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 12:16:42 +0100

Is your Linux system on the same machine ? If yes you can just mount
your win partition and copy the file:

mount -t vfat /dev/hda /mnt
cp /mnt/ /destinationpath

Bye Sasa
breink wrote:

> I have downloaded a script to configure my ppp on a linux machine
> using win95.  How can i transfer the script to my linux machine and
> run it. (Using a floppy disk)  I think it is a zip file.
> breink


From: Jon Slater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Win95 X-software suggestion
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 09:36:45 -0700

I want to be able to run X on my Win95 box.  I am connecting to a RedHat
Linux 5.2 box.

Any suggestions?

Jon D. Slater                   QualComm Inc. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     6150 Lookout Road
Phone: (303) 247-5037           Boulder, Colorado 
Fax:   (303) 247-5167           80301


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the 
Linux-equivalents for these Windoze programs?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 14:58:46 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Miguel Rodriguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>MacOS8 rules for ease of use, drag and drop, contextual menus, scripting
>Unless you want to do more than one thing at a time.  Dude, I use MacOS
>every day and I'll tell you right now that compared to almost every OS on
>the market it sucks balls.  It is probably the most tired, ugly, clunky,
>constricting, piece o' crap I've ever had the displeasure of using.  That's
>why I'm excited about Linux and BeOS.  Both have the potential for replacing
>Macs in the graphics/DTP field.  Also the re-release of the Amiga is
>exciting.  Just can't wait till we can trash the Macs.
>>Linux is great but it's still a long way from the commercially
>>available OS's for ease of use.
>"Ease of Use" is an adjective wich often accompanies another
>adjective.....crap!  Linux may not be pretty (yet) but at least it gives you
>the freedom to make it pretty.

        Hmm, i'd still have to say that Mac's, and
other commercially produced OS's, still offer more
support for audio/graphics apps. 
        Just my two cents but i'll always have a
second win95 machine around for doing sound editing
and graphics manipulation. At this point Linux is
still lacking.



From: Andy Vontobel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,hk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Different IP in one network
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 17:21:23 +0100

I think the problem is Netmask. I think you have a Netmask of and so, your IP-numbers are in two different
subnets. The first one is the subnet and the
other on is
Choose an Ip-number of for your second
machine and it runs. Never choose the IP-number x.y.z.0
for a machine because the .0 is the number of the subnet.
(That is correct for a netmask of
If you ping to the subnetnumber you get an answer of every
machine connected to this subnet. (No problem to try it!)

The 2nd way is to change the netmask of both machines to or but I would prefer the other way.

cu Andy

Jack Cheng wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a network system using RH5.2 and running fine. The IP is
> Because I want ot learn more about linux, so I hooked up one more linux box
> in my existing lan (of course running as a SERVER and IP is,
> so i can change anything in the new linux box for my testing.
> I cannot ping the from the new linux box (, is
> possible set two different IP in one lan system?
> Best Regard
> Jack Cheng

By sending me unsolicited commercial/political/religious/MailPush
E-mail message/s (known also as "spam"), you irrevocably agree to
pay me $500.-(plus any legal expenses incurred by my trying to
collect the amount due) per unsolicited commercial/political/
religious/MailPush E-mail message - for the service of receiving it.


From: "Joseph Santaniello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,hk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Different IP in one network
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 17:41:11 +0100

Hi Jack,

You can use as many IP addresses as you want. But they have to be on the
same subnet: and are on the same subnet.

To get and to talk to eachother, you'll have to
play around with routing.

If you want the new mcahine to have as an address because
you're just experimenting and don't want to mess around with your "real"
network, try adding the additional IP to the first machine.
Multiple addresses per interface works fine. that way the first machine will
be on both subnets.


Jack Cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I have a network system using RH5.2 and running fine. The IP is
> Because I want ot learn more about linux, so I hooked up one more linux
> in my existing lan (of course running as a SERVER and IP is,
> so i can change anything in the new linux box for my testing.
> I cannot ping the from the new linux box (, is
> possible set two different IP in one lan system?
> Best Regard
> Jack Cheng


Subject: Re: Playstation 2 To Use Linux OS
Date: 22 Mar 1999 16:38:20 GMT

In his obvious haste, Martins Medens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled thusly:
: Great news! Today I read the following on the news
: section:
: --------------------------- start of quote -------------------------------
: PS2 To Use Linux OS
: REPORTED BY: Josh White (Sega)

: At the Game Developers Conference yesterday, Sony's VP of Third-Party
: Realations and Development, Phil Harrison, confirmed that the PlayStation 2
: will use a Linux operating system in order to sustain a, "Stable enviorment."
: This was applauded by the crowd of developers, publishers and other such
: people. In an obvious attack on Sega's "unstable" Windows CE OS, developers
: were more than happy to see the product being put to use in the next
: generation PlayStation. This makes the future even bighter for the PS2. 

This is going to be good.
"Excuse me, just got to telnet into my playstation..."

|[EMAIL PROTECTED]| "I'm alive!!! I can touch! I can taste!         |
|     Andrew Halliwell     |  I can SMELL!!!  KRYTEN!!! Unpack Rachel and    |
|       Finalist in:-      |  get out the puncture repair kit!"              |
|     Computer Science     |     Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf              |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e>e++ h/h+ !r!| Space for hire |


From: "Oliver D. Bedford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: KDE vs GNOME and what about Enlightenment?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 16:55:44 +0100

David Frye wrote:
> Actually, I think that you misunderstood my post. What I was attempting
> to get across was the fact that way too much hype was being spent on
> the Window Managers, and not enough energy being spent on applications
> that are actually needed. Linux needs applications, not another Window
> Manager. It is extremely difficult to work with applications that do not
> exist, or are in the very very early stages of development (which is
> where
> most of the productivity applications are for Linux).

  OK, I agree with you that we don´t need another window manager.
Only with good applications will Linux be an alternative to Windows (for
most people). BUT: a good desktop and the hidden functionality it offers
will make developing and using applications easier. So Gnome is
definetely the
way to go (I am not so sure about KDE). 
> Another "hyped" Window Manager is not going to fix it, and
> StarOffice
> isn't what I would call a "quality" application.

  Then what would you call a "quality" application? Microsoft Office?



From: Michael Falconer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Migrate to Linux?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 16:49:13 GMT

Hello there. I have been experimenting with RH Linux for some time 
now, and seem to have gotten to a situation where I have nearly got 
everything up and running under Linux as I have under Win98. Except 
the Twain scanner! (Plugs into the parallel printer port) Anyone any 
suggestions? I am using a Winchip 
200 cpu, and RH 5.2 with a 2.2.0 kernel. If I could get the scanner 
working under Linux then I have the strong possibility of a 100% 
migration to Linux. 
     This has been my idea all along. Also does anyone know how to 
change the delete key under Linux? Under Win98 word processors I can 
just backspace over a letter to delete it, but using a WP under Linux 
I have to back arrow before the letter to be deleted and then press 
delete. Only a small thing I know but its one of those things. ( This 
is under X windows using currently Staroffice 5.) 

Anyone else done a 100% migrate from Windows to Linux on a permanent basis? 

 I counsel you to buy from me gold tried in the fire




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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