Linux-Misc Digest #564, Volume #18               Mon, 11 Jan 99 02:13:07 EST

  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... (Chris Wolfe)
  Redhat Installation (Scallica)
  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... (Sean Maguire)
  Re: hard drive space ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: StarOffice 50 , where to get? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Redhat Installation (Walter Strong)
  Re: Haverhill, Mass. area: ISP recommendations? (Frank Sweetser)
  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... (DaZZa)
  Linux users group in New Orleans? (Andy Johnson)
  Re: Missing memory:Works now ("(BXTC)")
  Re: Games (Chris Welch)
  Re: Missing memory:Works now (Chris Welch)
  Opinions on Applixware (Jim Heffner)
  glint errors (Kyle Maxwell)
  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... (DaZZa)
  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... (DaZZa)
  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... (Sean Maguire)
  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... (Sean Maguire)
  Re: [Famous Finn] Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help  (Chris Wolfe)
  Re: Star Office Installation help needed ! (C Y Lan)
  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... (Sean Maguire)
  Re: Bob's Ignorance -- Or Is It Flamebait? (Michael Fleming)
  Re: Eudora for Linux is a good idea - Use Balsa (Wayne Schuller)
  connecting to the internet (G. G. Flatman)
  Re: Downloading large files, Re: good office package for linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ISO encoding in the console (Michael Powe)


From: Chris Wolfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 00:11:02 -0500

Amen, in the last three months I got to format three schools worth of
idiot proof boxes. The better idiot: the board technician that paid 40+
bucks a pop to have a security program installed on the machines, spent
a week trying to get it to work, and then refused to give the schools
the password.


DaZZa wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Jan 1999, Loose Nut wrote:
> > concur with your opinion though. Idiots MUST have an idiot proof box
> > or they can't do anything. If you can't find and read the info to
> Doesn't work, you know.
> Build an idiot proof box, and they just build a better idiot!
> DaZZa


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scallica)
Subject: Redhat Installation
Date: 11 Jan 1999 05:45:20 GMT


Is it possible to install Redhat 5.2 on a 200meg hard drive? All I basically
need is telnet, ftp, apache, samba (maybe X). I tried setting up the partitions
but I keep running out of space during package installation. Any ideas? Thanx.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean Maguire)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 05:39:26 GMT

<grin>  I told you, the support is the coolest for Linux.
After a few weeks of trying, you'll be pretty good.

In article <k0am2.69$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, OmniČ wrote:
>thanks a million NF
>I've learnt so much tonite
>this is a very helpfull NG
>a few juveniles around
>but overall an  AAA rating !!
>wish MS phone support was as helpful
>not that I ever subsribed mind you.....
>NF Stevens wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>"OmniČ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Jeff Kay wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>>>Since the original intent of this was only ment to inflame linux users or
>>>>advocates and in no way put forth any constructive critisism I'll ignore
>>>>most of what was said....
>>>>How did you learn how to copy a file in dos .... I'm mean you did have to
>>>I didnt say copy a file , dickwad
>>>(read it next time)
>>>I said create a file , from nothing
>>The unix equivalent of "copy con filename" to create a file from the
>>line is "cat >filename". Press control D (not control Z) to end the file.

Sean Maguire


Subject: Re: hard drive space
Date: 11 Jan 1999 05:54:04 GMT

Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-> Simple do I get the partition info (i.e. how much free
-> space do I have) in Linux? RedHat 5.1...thanks!

Just type:


at the prompt.  It'll also show you which directories are mounted on which



Subject: Re: StarOffice 50 , where to get?
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 03:47:32 GMT

In article <77ap0f$i2s$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "James Holbrook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all;
> Being fairly new to Linux, I need to ask if someone can point me to the
> StarOffice site to download 5.0. Can't seem to find it in a search of the
> net. All I get is earlier version sites or they are in German(which I can't
> read)
> Thanks in advance for any assistance.
> James

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Walter Strong)
Subject: Re: Redhat Installation
Date: 11 Jan 1999 05:59:44 GMT

Scallica ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hey,

: Is it possible to install Redhat 5.2 on a 200meg hard drive? All I basically
: need is telnet, ftp, apache, samba (maybe X). I tried setting up the partitions
: but I keep running out of space during package installation. Any ideas? Thanx.

You can get the above out of Slackware on a 200meg drive, but as for 
Redhat, I don't know.  So why did I post anyway?  I don't know.


From: Frank Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Haverhill, Mass. area: ISP recommendations?
Date: 10 Jan 1999 23:31:42 -0500

Colin Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can anyone recommend a Linux-friendly dialup ISP in the Haverhill Mass.
> area? TIA!

welp, we used World for a couple of years, with good results.  straight
PPP, good service, rarely got a busy line.  however, i know that MediaOne
just got cable modems all throughout the Merrimack Valley.  my parents have
had one for a few months, it's worked out pretty well so far.  get your
address via plain DHCP.  ip masq works nicely (but don't tell mediaone i
said so =)

Frank Sweetser rasmusin at fsweetser at  | PGP key available RedHat 5.2 kernel 2.2.0pre5ac1 i586 | at public servers
Woody:  Hey, Mr. Peterson, there's a cold one waiting for you.
Norm:   I know, and if she calls, I'm not here.
                -- Cheers, Bar Wars II: The Woodman Strikes Back


Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:48:26 +1100

On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, Omni=B2 wrote:

> thanks anyway
> I tried it but it said permission denied
> it even says it when i go to dev/hda
> or cd /dev/hda
> I mean what kind of OS dosent allow the owner access to his/her hd??
> please tell me

When you logon to your much vaunted Win98 machine, do you type

cd /device/disk/ide0

to get there?

No, you don't.

Why then do you assume you do the same with Linux?


From: Andy Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Linux users group in New Orleans?
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 23:41:56 -0600

Does anyone know if there is a Linux users group in the New Orleans

Andy Johnson


Subject: Re: Missing memory:Works now
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 18:36:47 -0500

(BXTC) wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running RedHat 5.1 3.0.34 and I had 64m ram running on a P166MMX.
> I recently took 36m ram more out of another machine and installed it
> into this one.  When I boot it reads 96m ram so I figured it was all
> working fine.  I was disappointed when I didn't see any performance
> enhancement.  Recently I ran top and saw that it only showed 64
> available.  Then I ran free and it showed the same.  Does anyone know
> what I have done wrong/or didn't do?  Do I have to read some kind of
> programs to tell linux I have more memory than when I installed it? This
> is my first memory upgrade in linux so I am working on little
> experience.  Thanks for your time/and hopefully your response,

This is a followup just so anyone folloing the thread or seing this
later on Dejanews will see how I got this...

I had to add the line 
 to my /etc/lilo.conf file but BEFORE anything esle (unlike Chris Welch
said).  Also make sure after you change the file to type "lilo" at the
command prompt before rebooting, otherwise it will not work.  So here is
my lilo.conf for reference...


I hope that helps someone out.
Towering genius disdains a beaten path.  It seeks regions hitherto
Abraham Lincoln
(BXTC) ICQ# 23289202


From: Chris Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Games
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 05:36:03 -0600

David Tomayko wrote:
> What games are out there for Linux?

Doom, Doom2, Quake, Quake 2, Sin, emulators (for console games), a lot
of X games, and more.

|                         |
|                                                          |
| Brain: It must be inordinately taxing to be such a boob. |
| Pinky: You have no idea.                                 |


From: Chris Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Missing memory:Works now
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 05:40:27 -0600

"(BXTC)" wrote:
> (BXTC) wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > I am running RedHat 5.1 3.0.34 and I had 64m ram running on a P166MMX.
> > I recently took 36m ram more out of another machine and installed it
> > into this one.  When I boot it reads 96m ram so I figured it was all
> > working fine.  I was disappointed when I didn't see any performance
> > enhancement.  Recently I ran top and saw that it only showed 64
> > available.  Then I ran free and it showed the same.  Does anyone know
> > what I have done wrong/or didn't do?  Do I have to read some kind of
> > programs to tell linux I have more memory than when I installed it? This
> > is my first memory upgrade in linux so I am working on little
> > experience.  Thanks for your time/and hopefully your response,
> >
> This is a followup just so anyone folloing the thread or seing this
> later on Dejanews will see how I got this...
> I had to add the line
> append="mem=96M"
>  to my /etc/lilo.conf file but BEFORE anything esle (unlike Chris Welch
> said).  Also make sure after you change the file to type "lilo" at the
> command prompt before rebooting, otherwise it will not work.  So here is
> my lilo.conf for reference...
> append="mem=96M"
> boot=/dev/hda
> map=/boot/map
> install=/boot/boot.b
> prompt
> timeout=50
> image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.34-0.6
>         label=linux
>         root=/dev/hda11
>         read-only
> I hope that helps someone out.

Here is a copy of my lilo.conf:






Works just fine. Does it vary from dist. to dist?
|                         |
|                                                          |
| Brain: It must be inordinately taxing to be such a boob. |
| Pinky: You have no idea.                                 |


From: Jim Heffner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Opinions on Applixware
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 21:29:00 +0000

I've installed Staroffice 5.0, but the maddening registration process,
along with the incredible slowness of the software, have motivated me to
look at alternatives. If anyone who has used Applix (or even both),
could offer their honest opinion, I'd be interested in hearing what you
have to say. 




From: Kyle Maxwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: glint errors
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 23:21:13 -0600

When trying to install/uninstall packages on a RedHat 5.1 distribution,
glint often gives me this error:

failed to open //var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm

error: cannot open //var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm

What does this mean? How can I fix it? I've seen the exact same message
when using rpm from the command line, if that helps any. Is there other
info needed before this tells anybody anything?

Kyle Maxwell
The Beam


Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:45:21 +1100

On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, Omni=B2 wrote:

> >Can we help it if you can't read the manual, or any of the
> >documentation?
> yeah?
> show me where in the help or man commands
> it tells you how to create a text file

man vi
man pico
man joe
man emacs

All of those seem to manage.

> and  how to access the cd rom as root , after instalation?

man mount

> win98 has no trouble doing 10 things at once on my system

Bzzzt. but thanks for playing anyway.

Unless you have a multiprocessor system with 10 processors on the
motherboard, your PC does not do 10 things at once.

Despite whatever illusion you may have.

Win98 timeslices. It does not multitask. no processor based on Intel's x86
structures can truely multitask.

Win98 just timeslices worse than most operating systems on the market.


Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:49:49 +1100

On Sun, 10 Jan 1999, Loose Nut wrote:

> concur with your opinion though. Idiots MUST have an idiot proof box
> or they can't do anything. If you can't find and read the info to

Doesn't work, you know.

Build an idiot proof box, and they just build a better idiot!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean Maguire)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 05:27:36 GMT

You know, everyone who reads your posts is now stupider.  
And if you know how to set up X, it looks alot better then your
VCR.  Tip: 320x300 mode is NOT what you want ;)

In article <2j3m2.155$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, OmniČ wrote:
>and I agree at least my vcr looks better than x , and might I add easier to
>I type  \dev\hdb andf I get permission denied
>and I'
>m supposed to be root
>and I'm just wondering if its going to be worth learning  this illogical OS
>as I dont believe it has a better future than any MS product
>we are talking user friendly here
>after all it is PnP these days
>and no-one can screw up a win or NT instalation
>but look atr all the
>"hel" posts on the unix NG's
>I rest my case
>>> >this is like learning chinese
>>> >nothing makes sense
>>> >I'm a pretty good dos/win   user
>>> >now I'm a major linsux dweeb
>>> >fuck that !
>>> >
>>> >ok linux is free
>>> >so fuckin what
>>> >I've never paid for a MS product either
>>> >so whats the dif???
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >I'll stick to NT and win98
>>> >I can do just as much with a c complier and winsock
>>> >than gnu and linsux
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >remove .com (soume yoeung guih) wrote in message
>>> >>Linus is such a pansy mother fucker. He needs real balls like bill
>>> >>gates. Linus says "Hey Im a gay boy and give my shit away." Bill says:
>>> >>"I own you linus mother fucker." Linus is a fuckin retard. Who else
>>> >>would make a fuckin OS with so many security holes. How many fuckers
>>> >>hack NT to run thier little eggdrop bots. You are all script kiddies.
>>> >>Who the fuck would let other people butt rape him for a kernel. Bill
>>> >>gates owns you all. I think we need to start putting tatoos on all
>>> >>these fuckin artic following homos heads.. And hopefully that tatoo
>>> >>will have bill gates head with a windows 2000 logo. I could write a
>>> >>better OS out of basic on a toaster. My on screen programming for my
>>> >>VCR is better than the gui for linux. I hope linus gets nut cancer and
>>> >>dies. Microsoft will soon buy linux so you all can get a real os. I
>>> >>cant wait for microsoft brings msinux to rape all you linux fags.
>>> >>
>>> >>Please do not flame me .. its only an opinion.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> __________________________
>>> ---
>>> Sean Maguire
>>> (ICQ:  1656675) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> ---
>>> _________________________

Sean Maguire


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean Maguire)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 05:29:59 GMT

Hehehe..Time for your next lesson.  When you don't understand
a command, type man <command name> and be enlightned

Also, i'd recommand going to the libary and reading a basic UNIX based
system management book.  You need to learn like the basics of how
Linux works.  It's nothing like microsoft products.

In article <qD7m2.7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, OmniČ wrote:
>hoo Fu### ray !!!!!
>thank you
>I now have access to my cdrom and floppy
>thank you  :)
>Gunnar Beushausen wrote in message
>>"OmniČ" wrote:
>>> thanks anyway
>>> I tried it but it said permission denied
>>> it even says it when i go to dev/hda
>>> or cd /dev/hda
>>mount /dev/hdb /mnt
>>cd /mnt
>>Gunnar Beushausen
>>/* GBasic, the revolutionary BASIC interpreter */

Sean Maguire


From: Chris Wolfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: [Famous Finn] Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help 
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 00:04:08 -0500

Hmm... conflicting information here. Our dear friend claims to have
written device drivers, created an operating system, and produced
interpreters. But is completely unaware of redirection? I hope he
discovered pipelines at some point, or Linux is going to be rough...

Note: no usage of the word liar, I am not trying to imply anything.


"OmniČ" wrote:
> echo has the capability of saving , yeah?
> I dont think so
> but I'll try it just the same
> I apologize
> tanx amigo
> Shaygetz <"s m c q u a l e"@i x.n e t c o m.c o m> > wrote in message
> <77b1nm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >"OmniČ" wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> I didnt say copy a file , dickwad
> >> (read it next time)
> >> I said create a file , from nothing
> >>
> >
> >Unix has two ways of doing that:
> >
> >echo > foo
> >
> >and
> >
> >touch foo
> >
> >So there on you.


Crossposted-To: jaring.pcbase
Subject: Re: Star Office Installation help needed !
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 04:57:35 GMT

On Sat, 9 Jan 1999 19:26:06 +0800, "goolias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Well, there I go in that subdir, then I type setup,
>funny though, RedHat configurator pop up ( I'm in
>console mode ), seem like I'm invoking RedHat system configurator coz I saw
>Xconfigurator included at the menu.

the easiest way is to use the file manager.
browse to the folder
double click setup
voila ! just like win95.

but remember to get the registration number first at
it's free and the so5 will work for 3 months
then register again for unlimited personal use.


CY Lan's personal email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Website :
Interplay Systems Sdn Bhd  
No.2, 2nd Floor, Lorong 8/1E,46050 P.Jaya.
Tel:03-7545215  Fax :03-7548667
H/Phone : 012-3823258
Unit 35, LL2.15-20, Peregrine IT Centre,
Sunway Pyramid, Selangor. Tel:03- 5822580


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean Maguire)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 05:34:37 GMT

>I guess I was just too lazy to learn another set of commands
>who wants to go through dweeb stage again?
>hell I dont

;)  Neither did I, but if you know HOW a computer works and spend some
time with it, you can have a GOOD grasp of linux in no time at all.
I mean, i've been using it for three weeks.  I have my own local
network, domain name, newsgroup and mail working great, all
kinds of games and extras, and it's not THAT bad.   Just gotta
be patient with learning something new.

>thanks for the guys who put up with my shit and soldiered on
>with the cause ,
>I appreciate all the advice
>but I'm not one to get info from a other users
>I  have to do it the hard way
>like I have done everything else

Well, one of the great things about Linux is the fact that there
is a GOOD support group.  Users.  I learned 10% of what I know from
manuals, 20% from screwing it up time and again until i figured
it out, and 70% from other people here and over IRC on #linux.

Sean Maguire


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Fleming)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Bob's Ignorance -- Or Is It Flamebait?
Date: 11 Jan 1999 03:44:06 GMT

Hash: SHA1

On 11 Jan 1999 00:45:26 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 scribed into the Great Tome of Farnarkling:
> In the sacred domain of comp.os.linux.misc didst Jerry Lynn Kreps 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> eloquently scribe:
> : Michael Fleming wrote:
> :> 
> : <snip>
> :> 
> :> (and if he continues to morph, I'll pull out a few good regexps for him -
> :> try that in your average Windows newsreader.. ;-))
> : What are "regexps"?
> Regular expressions. Like A*B being A<any number of characters>B....
                                        ^^^1 or more  ^^^^^^^^^^^"A"
</pedant> ;-)
> Only with lots of bells, trumpets, violins and whistles on top.

Ah, yeah - the composer's regular expression library, useful for
grepping for little harmony and counterpoint oddities, obtuse key changes etc.

libc5 and glibc binaries are coming RSN... ;-)

Michael Fleming.

- -- 
Michael Fleming -=(UDIC)=- / Mallet Wielder
PGP Keys from homepage or keyservers
Home Page:
Nuke a spammer for the deity of your choice today!
"Bill Gates isn't the Devil - Satan made sure Hell worked
 before he opened it to the damned..."

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
Charset: noconv



From: Wayne Schuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Eudora for Linux is a good idea - Use Balsa
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 16:29:24 +1100


As soon as gnome is released i'm moving from Eudora to Balsa.

It's going to be a very good graphical email client, and part of the
excellent gnome project.

See, and


Arthur wrote:
> Victor Wagner wrote:
> >
> > Chris Gushue ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > : Does anyone out there besides me think that Eudora for Linux would be a
> > : Good Thing? There aren't really any impressive email apps that I have
> > : found for Linux (Netscape's mail is terrible IMHO). Maybe this has been
> > : suggested before, I don't know. Maybe a petition can be started up
> >
> > Oh, nice idea. Seat down and code it yourself. I'm sure that such
> > featureless mailreader as Eudora Light wouldn't take you more than
> > couple of thousand lines on Tcl-tk (especially, if you would be clever
> > enough to invoke mailx in the background to handle all mailbox-hanling
> > issue and metamail to handle all the MIME..
> >
> > But I'm afraid that few capable programmers care about graphical MUA,
> > where there exist a lot of quite powerful text-based ones - pine, mutt,
> > mh, emacs.
> Apparently one guy cared enough to write XFMail, which
> is fully graphical, very nice, and what I use. It comes
> with source, and is freely usable except for commercial
> resale (based on XForms). There's also XCMail (which is
> not as free) and a bunch of others I looked at that I
> didn't lile as much as XFMail.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (G. G. Flatman)
Subject: connecting to the internet
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 05:36:16 GMT

hello i can get minicom to connect to my isp and i can get a PPP login
but when i type the following in the modem hangs up "pppd -d -detach
/dev/modem 38400 &" can some one help me please.
George Flatman


Subject: Re: Downloading large files, Re: good office package for linux
Date: 11 Jan 1999 06:46:13 GMT

Walter Strong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi.  This is off topic (and I can't answer the last question) but...what 
> do the "(1)"'s refer to aafter "split" and "cat"?  
> Thanks.

They refer to sections of the man pages:

    Section  Topic
    -------  ---------------------
       1     User programs
       2     System calls
       3     Library calls
       4     Special files
       5     File formats
       6     Games
       7     Miscellaneous
       8     System administration



From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ISO encoding in the console
Date: 10 Jan 1999 22:19:33 -0800

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Frank" == Frank Steuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Frank> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Powe
    Frank> wrote:
    >>  I have a problem with ISO-Latin encoding in the console mode.
    >> I used to have this set up right; but since I've "upgraded" my
    >> system I seem to have inadvertently destroyed my settings.
    >> I've had `setfont iso01.f16' in my .login for a long time and
    >> if I do `showfont' at the prompt, I see all the extended
    >> characters; but, they don't show up in emacs.

    Frank> I had similar problems with german umlauts after using
    Frank> 'setfont'.

    Frank> Try 'loadunimap' after setfont.

Thanks, I'll try it.


#! /usr/bin/perl # if you are [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Another Luser):
while ($line = <>){ if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/ ){ last; }
if ($line =~ m/^From: (\S+) \(([^()]*)\)/){ $from_address = $1; } }
if ($from_address =~ m/\S+NOSPAM\S+/){ $x = index($from_address, NOSPAM);
substr($from_address, $x, 6+1) = ""; printf("The real address is %s\n",
$from_address);}else { printf("No munge, just plain %s\n",$from_address);}
printf("\nBrought to you by the Truth In Mail Headers Foundation\n");

- --
                             Michael Powe
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                         Portland, Oregon USA

Version: GnuPG v0.9.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encrypted with Mailcrypt 3.5.1 and GNU Privacy Guard




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