Linux-Misc Digest #574, Volume #19               Tue, 23 Mar 99 03:13:07 EST

  Re: DAT drive initialisation on Linux system (kernel 2.2.3) (Leslie Mikesell)
  Assembler for Linux? (Vincent Ma)
  Re: Adaptec AHA-2930U2 controller/Linux can't see it (paulr)
  Re: Dumb question: Does kernel 2.2.x use kerneld? (Johan Kullstam)
  csh scripts won't run (Rey Rios)
  Options for a script (Jaze)
  Re: Linux Router Hardware (sams)
  Distributions with 2.2.x kernel (jaim)
  Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the   
Linux-equivalents for these Windoze programs? (Sal)
  Re: Help with LILO? (Sal)
  Can I run CSH scripts in Linux? ("Rey Rios")
  Java error during ADSL Speedtest (a)
  Re: PPP Connection Trouble With RH 5.2 - Connect to ISP OK, But Apps Won't Work 
(Desmond Coughlan)
  Bash version question (John L. Spetz)
  Almost there with PPP, except. . . ("Brian E. Parker")
  GNOME panel gone, how do I get it back? ("Reyes Ponce")
  netpbm (Myriam Abramson)
  Re: GetRight for Linux? (Bud Rogers)
  Re: Names to call Windows... (Pascal Gienger)
  Re: Freecell (destructive mind)
  Re: Names to call Windows... (Bernd-Ulrich Adrigam)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: DAT drive initialisation on Linux system (kernel 2.2.3)
Date: 22 Mar 1999 23:16:27 -0600

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Rainer Krienke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I run a DAT (DDS1) drive in my linux box (dual boot machine) which basically 
>works fine.
>Problems arise only if I worked with the same DAT drive under Windows95
>and then boot linux without turning the computer physically off before
>booting linux. When
>linux is up and I try to access data eg previously written eg by tar I
>cannot get the it. All I get is an error in this case that tar thinks
>there is no archive on the tape. 
>When I turn my machine off and on again and then start linux
>there are no problems. 
>I guess that the windows backup software perhaps turns hardware
>compression on in the DAT or something like this and the linux st driver
>does not reinitialize the tape drive correctly. When I turn the machine off
>and on the drive is reset to the default (no hardware compression)
>set by jumpers in the drive and so it works. 
>Does anyone know a way how to reset the tape drive without turning the
>machine off?

'mt' has options to set compression and blocksize.  Try a 'mt status'
when it is working and try to reset those modes when it isn't.

 Les Mikesell


From: Vincent Ma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Assembler for Linux?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 21:23:25 -0800


Is there good Assembler for Linux out there?


From: paulr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Adaptec AHA-2930U2 controller/Linux can't see it
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 23:05:38 -0600


Joel Ebel wrote:
> Not that this helps you, but I have a 7890 on my motherboard, and redhat
> 5.2 detects it properly when it first installs.  I also have had it work
> fine with a 2940U2W which is also a 7890.  I'm still running 2.0.36
> though.  Maybe the latest works differently.

Bottom line....  The kernel developer's list spends a great deal of
time trying to deal with the various permutations and bugs found in
various versions of the Adaptec chip sets and BIOS'es.  The Symbios
Logic cards are the lowest priced, most stable parts I've used so

FWIW,  I purchased a BOOTABLE NCR 53C875-SE card last April for $140
from Insight electronics.  It's run circles around anything else I've
seen, and it has yet to lose even one *bit* of data.  You might see
if this series is still available on  The
Hardware HOWTO mentions Buslogic in a favorable light, also.



> Good luck,
> Joel
> Bob Sully wrote:
> >
> > Hey all -
> >         I just replaced the SCSI controller (AHA-2940U) in my machine with
> > a newer one (AHA-2930U2 - uses AIC7890 chipset), as I needed to use the old
> > one in one of my office machines.  Linux can't see it, even though it's
> > technically an AIC-78xx board.  I can't find any references to it in any of
> > the Linux newsgroups.  Anyone out there using this board with Linux?  I'm
> > running RedHat 5.2, upgraded to the 2.2.3 kernel.  The board comes up fine
> > under Windoze.
> >
> > Thanks - Bob

Paul Reich                   Motorola, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         Staff Engineer

  #include   <Motorola/std_disclaimer.h>       

"A CPU Cycle is a Terrible Thing to waste."


Subject: Re: Dumb question: Does kernel 2.2.x use kerneld?
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 19 Mar 1999 17:39:43 -0500


> Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > are you saying i can still use kerneld with 2.2.x kernels?  i have
> No. The kernel support that kerneld needed has been removed.

damn.  because kmod doesn't seem to work as well.  i have set options
in /etc/conf.modules but they don't seem to get used, e.g., i put in
the parameters for parport but it won't work unless i insmod it with
parameters by hand.  also my sound stuff will not autoload, i have to
load that by hand too.  are other people experiencing similar

                                           J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
                                           [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                                              Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: Rey Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: csh scripts won't run
Date: 23 Mar 1999 05:31:55 GMT

I just installed Caldera 1.3 and I have not been able to run a csh script. 
The script runs fine on SunOS.  If I run it on Linux, it gives me Command 
not found even if I do ./ If I take out the /!#/bin/csh, I get a few 
errors when it tries to run if else and while do statements.

My user account is setup right.  What could be wrong? Can I run csh 
scripts on Linux?  Caldera 1.3?

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Subject: Options for a script
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 21:21:02 -0700

I am currently unable to access any documentation due to my limited
resources but I need to know how I can pipe the output of multiple
commands to a single command.  Basically, what I'm trying to do is pipe
echo, date, and cat commands to sendmail to automate a certain message. 
Doing echo "Blah"; date -R | sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] executes the echo and
then pipes only the date to sendmail.  How can I pipe a full command line?



Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 21:38:33 -0800
From: sams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Router Hardware

how do you use it if you need two nic's. one for the adsl/cable and the other
to hook up this gateway to your internal router?


Jack Levin wrote:

> Hi all.
> Most of us have dreamed of having a linux router a size of 3 1/2 floppy
> (and it would not be a palm pilot).
> Calibri-133, is a compact, diskless, programmable blackbox.
> The linux OS stored on high performance flash chip (DiskonChip),
> boots under 30 seconds.  During boot - up, the image is trasferred
> onto Ramdisk.
> Here are the specifications of the box:
>              CPU:  Embedded AMD DX5-133 (5x86-133) processor
>              BIOS:  AWARD 128 KB Flash Memory
>              System memory:  One 72-pin socket (accepts 1 - 32 MB)
>              Enhanced IDE hard disk drive interface: Supports up to two IDE
> hard disks.
>              Serial ports: 2 ports: one RS-232, one RS-232/422/485
>              Parallel port: One parallel port, supports SPP/EPP/ECP mode
>              Infrared port:  Shared with COM2.  Transfer rate up to 115 kbps
>              On Board mini-DIN PS/2 kerboard/mouse connector
>              Supports M-Systems' DiskOnChip 2000 Flash disk up to 144 MB
>              NE2000 compatible on-board ethernet interface. (10 MBits/s)
>              Upgradable with  PC/104 module.
> What can you do with it?
> It is ideal for use at home as firewall/router/NAT;  connect it to your
> internet gateway and you can have a lan of computers that can browse internet,
> all in the same time.
> It is great if you are working on a project, and want to have a low
> profile programmable device.
> For more info,
> check out
> Your comments are welcome.
> Thanks,
> - -Jack
> - --
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> 3CzcafuuTxs=
> =ROWo


From: jaim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Distributions with 2.2.x kernel
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 21:32:31 -0800

Are there any linux distributions yet built around
the 2.2.x kernel?  If so what are they?



Subject: Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the   
Linux-equivalents for these Windoze programs?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 23:43:55 -0500

if anything the part that might get damaged would be the fans or if
you're unlucky a hard drive.  I suppose any moving parts could be
damaged from start up.  It would take awhile though.

Harry wrote:

> > Sal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> How can starting up a computer damage it?  Please explain.
> >
> >The biggest stress that many of the components face in their
> >lifetime is initial power on.
> I read that the only component that could be damaged by a wrong
> software setting is the monitor (if you set a wrong
> resolution/refresh rate on the video card) Is this true?
> Harry


Subject: Re: Help with LILO?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 23:40:50 -0500

I'm running lilo and my win98 partition is 4.2 Gb.  I have lilo set to
it asks me at start up which system to boot.  It works pretty good and I
haven't had any problems yet.

Clemens Nijhof wrote:

> Andrew Maus wrote:
> > My primary IDE drive (6GB) has
> > Windows 95 installed,
> From the top of my hat, I think your first partition (win98 drive C)
> cannot be bigger then 528 Mbytes for Lilo to install. What you
> should do is to see if you can backup your drive, and repartition
> your C drive and then re-install your winders on the D partition.
> Put MSDOS or something small on your C partition. mine for sample is
> only 11 megs.
> hope this helps
> novice


From: "Rey Rios" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can I run CSH scripts in Linux?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 21:04:07 -0600

I just installed Caldera 1.3 and I have not been able to run a csh script.
The script runs fine on SunOS.  If I run it on Linux, it gives me Command
not found even if I do ./ If I take out the /!#/bin/csh, I get a few errors
when it tries to run if else and while do statements.

My user account is setup right.  What could be wrong? Can I run csh scripts
on Linux?  Caldera 1.3?


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Java error during ADSL Speedtest
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 05:42:27 +0000

When I try to run the download speedtest at I
get the following messages on the lower border of Netscape:

"Starting Java"
"Applet timer can't start:ERROR"

Other Java applets work fine. At present I am running kernel 2.2.3,
XFree86, KDE 1.1 and Netscape 4.51 but this problem has followed
me through both kernel updates and browser updates.
I have read peoples Linux results from this speed test so
I must have something screwed up. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


From: Desmond Coughlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP Connection Trouble With RH 5.2 - Connect to ISP OK, But Apps Won't 
Date: 22 Mar 1999 13:18:20 +0100

"David J. DeFrain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've installed RH 5.2 on my PC and have been trying to get PPP working.
> I've configured the modem with Linuxconf, and when I dial it with "Usernet"
> the modem connects to my ISP and establishes a session - Usernet's green
> light goes on.  However, none of my Internet apps, such as Netscape or Lynx,
> will use the modem connection - they just sit there.  I've had this modem
> working before with Linux, so I'm reasonably familiar with the settings
> involved.  This one has me stumped.  Anybody point me in a direction?

Can you at least ping your ISP's nameservers?

Desmond Coughlan                |Restez zen ... Linux peut le faire
[www site under construction]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John L. Spetz)
Subject: Bash version question
Date: 23 Mar 1999 06:33:12 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John L. Spetz)

I notice that bash 1.14.7 is installed with Caldera OpenLinux 1.3
and seems to be current for the other distributions, to my knowledge.
I bought the 2nd edition of O'Reilly's Learning The Bash Shell book
to read as a reference but I find that the newest bash version is
up to at least the 2.x range now; the book says that 2.01 is the
current version as of May 1997.  I am curious why version 1.14.7
seems to still be treated as the up-to-date version.  I was wondering
if it has to do with increasing size for the 2.x revision or whether
the plan is to move up to a newer version once 2.2.x becomes widely
propagated as the common stable version.


From: "Brian E. Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Almost there with PPP, except. . .
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 16:41:53 -0600

. . . a few things.

Ok, I have a Redhat 5.2 box on our network here at work.  Works great.
Recently, I installed 3 modems in it (COMS1, 2, and 4, IRQs 4, 3, and 5
respectively) and they aren't WinModems or anything like that.  I set up
mgetty to run at init-time:

# Run mgettys in runlevels 2, 3, 4 & 5 for incoming PPP
P00:2345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -x 3 ttyS0
P01:2345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -x 3 ttyS1
P02:2345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -x 3 ttyS3

No errors on bootup.  Woohoo!  Sorry, got carried away.

I can call in with a Win9x box (which will be all it will be receiving calls
from once it gets going) and it happily connects (using minicom).  I login
via minicom from the login prompt that I get.  I can't run pppd as my user,
I have to 'su'.  Here's by /usr/sbin/pppd:

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       106876 Jun  8  1998 pppd

I can't remember the message, but it basically said that I would need to be
root.  That's the first problem I have.

The second problem I have is that it isn't routing my IP once I get logged
in via PPP.  I can't ping or telnet, etc.  I _am_ receiving my IP number
from my options.ttyS0 file.  In that file, I have the line:


but when I run a winipcfg, it shows a netmask of  That's the
third problem.

And, the fourth problem is that I want it to login seamlessly, without
having to open up a dialog box.  I'm not sure how to set up my pap-secrets
file for that.

I'm not very knowledgable about how groups work on Linux (I'm a NetWare
based thinker) but I would like to do either of the following:

1) Set up 1 user to log into the box via PPP
2) Have it where anyone with a valid account can log in via PPP

I prefer the 2nd, but will live with the 1st.  if I need to set up a PPP
group and use that somehow, please guide me on that.

If anyone can help, please shout it out!


From: "Reyes Ponce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: GNOME panel gone, how do I get it back?
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 01:50:45 -0500

I closed the panel in GNOME while trying to figure out a way to log out of
it and have it put me back at the command prompt where I started it from.
When I did the normal logout, it just sat there and never kicked me back
out. Anyways, now that the panel is gone, I need to know how to get it back.
Now when I startx, GNOME still loads, but no panel (which sorta sucks
because I don't know my way around the file system well enough yet to find
anything with the file manager).


From: Myriam Abramson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: netpbm
Date: 23 Mar 1999 01:03:13 -0500


I have some software that uses netpbm.  I'm on RH 5.2 and I can't find
this package.  I tried to download the package from the old-releases
directory but the rpm says that it conflicts with other files. 

1) why isn't netpbm included in the release anymore?

2) could somebody point me to a recent release of netbpm?

3) has netpbm been superseded by something else and if so, what's my
   best strategy?



Go Proverb:

More haste less speed -- John Fairbairn


From: Bud Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GetRight for Linux?
Date: 22 Mar 1999 07:46:28 -0600

Mladen Gavrilovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Does anyone know if there is a GetRight-like download manager for
> Linux?  

Have a look at wget.


  Linux twocups 2.0.36 #5 Mon Mar 15 21:01:56 CST 1999 i586 unknown
  7:43am  up 6 days, 10:24,  4 users,  load average: 0.51, 0.46, 0.29


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pascal Gienger)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Names to call Windows...
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 08:32:00 +0100

>In comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc Marc Sira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A floppy drive is ultimately just a slow serial device, and using one will be
> CPU-intensive on any OS. The difference you observe is just due to the


The Floppy is not serial, its data is read via DMA (drq 2), since the early
days of the x86 PCs from IBM, floppy drives are DMA devices. The FDC is genera-
ting an interrupt (irq 6) if there is something to do for the CPU, resulting of
<0,1% CPU load on a normal system for the floppy. The fact that in many 
"windoze" operating systems the system used to freeze during floppy access
is a software problem, not a hardware problem (under OS/2 it was possible
since 1991 to format a floppy disk in the background...).

And: Why should serial devices be CPU-intensive?
A good serial controller has a fifo buffer generating an interrupt if it is
filled to a certain level (leaving enough time to the CPU to get the
data because there is still some space left in the buffer at this time).
The CPU then gets the data and continues normal operation on other processes.
At 230400 bps with 10 bit/byte (async) that would be 23040 bytes/second.
With a buffer of 16 bytes (like the 16550A) and a threshold of 10, this
would result in 2304 interrupts per second. Not a very big problem for now-
adays CPUs. There are new devices today with larger buffers handling a much
larger serial bps rate.

CPU-intensive are cheap hardware devices with broken design, using polling
techniques and not interrupts. This was the case with line printer owners
buying a cheap cable to connect their printer to the parallel port (these
cable did not wire the irq line) and then the computer has to try itself
to send data every now and then (like looking every 5 minutes at the door
to see if somebody wants to come in instead of installing a doorbell).
Some "big" software manufacturer did not support interrupts of the
parallel port in his operating system. They began to support it with their
"95" version... Really modern company...

Unix,   Pascal Gienger, Moosstr. 7 /\ 7 .rtssooM ,regneiG lacsaP    xinU
Networx 78467 Konstanz, [EMAIL PROTECTED] /  \ ed.tenz@p ,znatsnoK 76487 xrowteN
& WWW    \ed.tenz.lacsap\\:ptth       WWW & echo \8888:ed.tenz.ohce\\:ptth


From: destructive mind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Freecell
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 01:01:48 -0700

> >Where do you find xpat2?  I couldn't find it at either
> >or  I have pysol and like it, but I would rather
> >click than drag.

I also like Ace Of Penguins.. it has a nice solitaire and freecell game in it,
along with some other nice ones to keep the boredom away =]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bernd-Ulrich Adrigam)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Names to call Windows...
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 21:54:21 +0100

Donn Miller schrieb in Nachricht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>People who use FreeBSD and Linux have a few clever nicknames for
>Windows.  Here are some that I've seen and used (that don't have
>WinHell --> instead of "Wintel"

Hello Donn,

my nicknames (nickname sound much too nice to that gr...) are

"senseless9x" ( in german : sinnlos9x )
 "senseless NeanderTal" (you know the story about neandertal men ;-} )




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