Linux-Misc Digest #589, Volume #19               Wed, 24 Mar 99 15:13:10 EST

  switching intellimouse between  Linux/X and NT ("John Danek")
  Really slow printing - 3rd group try :-( (Yan Seiner)
  Help: StarOffice 4 doesnt run under SuSE 6.0 (Tobias Walkowiak)
  Re: gmake exhausting virtual memory? ("Jose M. Urena")
  Re: How can I strip cartridge returns (015) ? ("Jürgen Exner")
  Re: Any way to tell what cards XF8686-SVGA supports? ("Andrew")
  No acceptable C++-compiler found in $PATH !?? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: OT: MS wanting to settle (Philip Brown)
  Re: Linux and HP Deskhejet 712C (Jeremiah)
  Re: KDE vs GNOME and what about Enlightenment? (William Lacy)
  Re: xwindows with non-root user (Jolly Roger)
  What does "No module off found for kernel 2.2.3" mean? ("Chris Blain")
  Re: MS IE (UNIX) on Linux? (William Lacy)
  Re: How do I determine the number of messages in my mail box? (Kenny McCormack)
  Re: Tape Backup software (Rainer Krienke)
  Re: How can I strip cartridge returns (015) ? (Doug DeJulio)
  Re: Kernel NFS: equivalent to userland nfsd -r in kernel NFS (Andi Kleen)
  kernel install question (Nicolas De Rico)
  Windows95 under Linux (BobNWL)
  How to hang up a modem (jik-)
  HELP! Need data from BAD Floopy! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Freecell (Blair  Powell)


From: "John Danek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: switching intellimouse between  Linux/X and NT
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 23:08:52 -0500


I have an OmniView switching between two systems; NT 4.0 Server and Linux
5.2 with a Microsoft PS2 Intellimouse.  The mouse stops working when I
switch from NT back to Linux/X. Restarting X corrects the problem. I was
hoping that someone had some insight on how to correct this. I'm guessing
that this problem is caused by some mouse initialization code in NT that
prevents proper operation when switching back to Linux/X.

John Danek


From: Yan Seiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Really slow printing - 3rd group try :-(
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 08:58:53 -0500

I am running RH 5.1, Linux 2.0.35 i586 and experiencing really slow
printing.  I have configured three parallel ports (lp0-2), each with its
own IRQ.  No conflicts.  I am getting about 1/10 of the max throughput
of a parallel port (about 500 bytes/sec) using IRQs.

A 24 page print job with some graphics took 8 hours to print!!!!!! 
ARGHH! with a deadline, too.

/proc/interrupts hardly ever show any IRQs on 5, 7, or 11.

I can get much better throughput with polling, but the CPU load becomes
prohibitive.  To get max throughput, I have to use tunelp -t 0 ,which
just about kills the server.  (I have three parallel printers, one
serial plotter, and a modem on a P5/166, 64 MB ram).

I can get pretty good throughput with -t1 -c 10, but still that's about
a 10% load per printer.

What do I need to do?  Will patching the kernel to use parport devices
help?  Any ideas?  Is there an FAQ ro HOWTO on this anywhere?

All of these printers work normally under WinNT.




From: Tobias Walkowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help: StarOffice 4 doesnt run under SuSE 6.0
Date: 24 Mar 1999 18:52:40 +0100

hi there.

after upgrading from SuSE 5.2 to 6.0 and hence to glibc, starting StarOffice4
ends up in a segmentation fault.

can anybody help me with that problem? thanx a lot in advance.
-- pgp key available via finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]          --
-- pgp key fingerprint = 91 96 22 DA 5E 5B 6B 98  97 59 0C BA D2 06 EF 50 --


From: "Jose M. Urena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: gmake exhausting virtual memory?
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 13:23:32 -0500

1. reduce # of runtime programs and runtime resources
2. create a new swap partition
3. create a new swap file

Here are the answers from simplest to more involved:
^^^^ will tell you how to make a swap file in a FAT16 drive

Chris Kerslake wrote:

> I have been trying to install mico (2.2.4) on my Redhat linux 5.1 (2.0.34
> kernel) and part of the way through the gmake I get the message:
> "virtual memory exhausted"
> ... whereupon the make stops...
> The system has 16 mb of RAM, and a single 16 mb swap partition...
> 1. How do I determine my virtual memory size (I assume it's 16 mb)?
> 2. How do I increase my vm to allow me to complete the make?
> thanks,
> Chris


From: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How can I strip cartridge returns (015) ?
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 10:22:40 -0800
Reply-To: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sergei Gnezdov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I copied files from Windows and now I need to remove all \r characters
> (015) from all this files.  How can I do it quickly?

man fromdos
man recode
man sed

Other possibilities include using awk, perl, or your the replace
functionality in your favorite editor.

Jürgen Exner


From: "Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Any way to tell what cards XF8686-SVGA supports?
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 09:42:57 -0500

You are correct, I'll try Thank you for the help.


Dan Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7d9d59$abc$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In alt.os.linux Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : I have a Diamond Viper V550 and I know it is not supported natively on
> : Linux, but I've heard that there is a version of XF86-SVGA that does
> : the 2-D features of the card making it usable.  Is there anywhere where
> : can lookup what cards are supported by each version of this file?
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but does the Diamond Viper V550 use the Riva
> TNT card?  If it does you'll need XFree86 SVGA server.
> --
>            Dan Nguyen            | It is with true love as it is with
>         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | everyone talks of it, but few have seen
> |                    -La Rochefocauld,


Subject: No acceptable C++-compiler found in $PATH !??
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 14:26:41 GMT

No acceptable C++-compiler found in $PATH 

This message I get when I try to compile a KDE package,during the ./configure
session. I can compile other packages and  the Kernel without problems, so
what's wrong ?

I have SuSE 6.0, KDE 1.1, Kernel 2.2.3

Answers please in this newsgroup!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Brown)
Subject: Re: OT: MS wanting to settle
Date: 24 Mar 1999 18:33:36 GMT

On Mon, 22 Mar 1999 14:58:16 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Dear all,
>As it's not strictly Linux news, we cannot post it on our Linux news service,
>but due to it's special interest to the Linux community, we thought that a
>newsgroup posting would be appropriate.
>It looks like M$ is seeking to settle its DOJ case out of court. Read the
>announcement here:

bah. Of course they are "seeking to settle". Because they see they will
probably lose, and that would be bad for them. So they are trying to use the
same old tricks to avoid a permenant detriment.

EG: the last "settlement" they made with the DOJ, that obviously did no good
whatsoever for consumers, but completely nullified the government threat at
that time.

EG: intel, that settled, solely in order to not be branded "a monopoly"

[Trim the no-bots from my address to reply to me by email!]
[ Do NOT email-CC me on posts. Pick one or the other.]
The word of the day is sescaquintillion


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeremiah)
Subject: Re: Linux and HP Deskhejet 712C
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 18:55:58 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Ed Finch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thusly:
> Jeremiah wrote:
>>         So I'll echo Grant's tip:  take it back, if you can.
> I haven't opened the box yet, for just this reason. What printers
> do work well with Linux? B&W is important to me for source code,
> man pages, etc. Color would be a nice plus.

        Grant keeps a list of people's successes and failures with
various printers under Linux...  it's at:

I have an HP 882C, which is accurately described as "mostly" 
supported (everything except 600dpi color works great), so I can't
really help you with a specific recommendation, but there are a lot 
of printers listed as "perfectly" supported...


email to bmeloon at twcny dot rr dot com.  evilquaker is a spam collector.


From: William Lacy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: KDE vs GNOME and what about Enlightenment?
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 15:17:32 GMT

Scan down...

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   David Frye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > In his obvious haste, David Frye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled thusly:
> > > : We have one of the best OS's going in this day and age. We have NO
> > > : applications (of the windows sense for the average Joe) that are polished
> > > : enough to stand up against the Windows World and be practical for every
> > > : day usage.
> > >
> > > Welll... Apart from GIMP and Wordperfect 8...
> > > (I'm not putting StarOffice into the same class.)
> > >
> >
> > WordPerfect 8 on Linux is the most crippled, sick piece of software
> > that I have seen. Corel couldn't sell it to the windows crowd, and
> > now they are trying to push it off on the Linux users.
> What do you consider good? WordPerfect isn't all that bad at all... I'd like
> to see some inprovements, but, honestly, this plain Joe user doesn't need any
> more than WordPerfect has to offer.... heck, knote (or is it kjots) is plenty
> for me:-)
> Your not talking about plain janes... I'm not sure what your talking about.
> (corporate America maybe?)
> >
> > Gimp is very good, an outstanding piece of work, but mimic's the
> > poor Adobe interface
> >
> I've got to say, I like Adobe photoshop SOOOOO much more than GIMP or Corel
> Photopaint, and I've tried all the versions of them all and many other apps.
> AdobePhotoshop4 just smokes them all.... and 5 has no competition. For me,
> gimp is it's competition only because of platform issues. I wouldn't say
> Adobe's interface is poor at all. I would say, if Gimp mimiced it more to the
> letter, it'd be in a much better standing in my book. I like the Gimp though,
> and I'll probably continue to use it for a long time.
> > StarOffice SUCKS, but it does do a better job than WordPerfect on
> > importing/exporting Word 97 docs. The spreadsheet also does a fairly
> > good impression of Excel, not that Excel is any good either.
> >
> > By the way, do Corel and StarDivision remind anyone but me of those
> > drug pushers that hang around school yards giving their wares away
> > for free until they thinked that they have them hooked, and then
> > start charging outrages fees for the crap?

Oh, you mean like MS?  You do what you have to do man, Corel's prices
beat the heck out of MS's and the people that use Corel products clearly
do so because they *like* them, not because they are "hooked".  Corel is
trying to build up Linux, and I feel that is good thing- give them a
break.  First you say you want more apps for linux- then you slam some
of the few big players that are trying to give you what you want.  These
people are trying to serve your wants- be nice to them.

Be nice to your friends, try to make friends with those who aren't.  (I
try to do this although I have to admit the people I am hard on tend to
be those who could, but refuse to do anything for linux because they
feel there isn't enough money in it, or they are sucking up to MS out of
laziness and or insecurity).

> >
> Isn't the linux moto something to the effect of "do it yourself"
> There have been some pretty great apps brought over to linux in recent
> times... I'd like to see more because I can't do it myself. I'm not a linux
> developer, I'm just taking all the free stuff, but I'll support companies
> like Corel and StarDivision as much as I can because their apps are helping a
> lot of people... and because of that, more and more linux people are finding
> linux more usable. (that and the whole desktop thing and install thing and so
> on and so on)
> There more people and companies linux has supporting it... the more companies
> will swing this way. If there's a market, they will come :-)
> Linux is on it's way to the corporate desktop and user desktop... and moving
> faster than anything else out there. Saying xyz app sucks won't help,
> especially since the don't suck, they're just not everything you desire them
> to be.
> "it SUCKS" "the most crippled, sick piece of software"... that won't help. It
> won't help their developers to figure out what you need or want, it won't
> help get the job done, and it won't help anyones image. At the very least,
> state what it is that you don't like about them. You didn't even say which
> apps out there DO fit your needs in word processing/spreadsheet...
> BACK to the subject... I haven't tried gnome yet. I find kde to be really
> nice though. I've now got an intuitive desktop configured to work the way I
> work (I've got the mac theme on it, which isn't 100% mac-like, but I feel
> it's what the mac should look like). I've got easy to use small fast apps
> that increase my productivity (k's callendar, post-it notes thing, kedit,
> netscape4.51, a nice file manager that's web enabled, a quick tiny graphics
> editor, gimp, kmpg gqmpeg and mgp123, xcdroast... ). The things I'm missing
> don't seem to be very important to the majority, but hopefully they'll move
> over to linux or be developed for linux soon someday (a good vector editing
> program, animation and video editing suites, and I haven't found an html
> wysiwyg editor I liked yet- the only windows one I really like it HotMetal
> Pro... I'm just too picky there).

If you read the articles you will find that gnome is alpha software. 
This stuff takes time and GNU doesn't have a multi-billionare owner
pulling every sleazy trick out of the book to promote his company and
shove his crap down the throats of the masses.  Things are going quite
well if you think about it.

> I fully expect the things I still need to cost me money. They're professional
> tool for a minority of computer users. Ones exist on other platforms that I
> really like, I'm just hoping they'll move this way someday... and I don't
> think they have anything to do with a good desktop environment.

> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jolly Roger)
Subject: Re: xwindows with non-root user
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 15:31:54 GMT

On Sat, 13 Mar 1999 04:26:00 GMT, sebasto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>i am unable to get xwindows to start with any user other than root.
>thanks for any help in advance.

Is your path properly setup in .profile?

Are you using "startx &"


From: "Chris Blain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What does "No module off found for kernel 2.2.3" mean?
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 10:37:35 -0800

I'm trying to compile the 2.2.3 kernel on Redhat 5.2 (I have a working 2.2.2
kernel now)
and when I get to the point where I enter
mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.2.3.img 2.2.3 the command returns
"No module off found for kernel 2.2.3".  Did I forget something?



From: William Lacy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MS IE (UNIX) on Linux?
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 15:34:49 GMT

Just thought I'd remind you that linux is not strictly x86... ;)

brian moore wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 18:02:36 +0100,
>  Morten Liebach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've just seen that you can get Internet Explorer 5.0 for UNIX (HP & Solaris
> > as I recall), and I thought that it might be able to run under Linux.
> > Has anyone tried, or does anyone have any idea if it would work?
> Considering that neither of the above versions of IE runs on x86, the
> only people that could make it run on Linux would be Microsoft.
> --
> Brian Moore                       | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
>       Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
>       Usenet Vandal               |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
>       Netscum, Bane of Elves.                 Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenny McCormack)
Subject: Re: How do I determine the number of messages in my mail box?
Date: 24 Mar 1999 09:32:47 -0600

In article <7da45l$11p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jim Seymour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I need to know the number of messages in my mailbox from a shell program.
>Any simple way to do this?  I'm running RedHat 5.2.
>Here's why:  A friend cobbled together a single-digit LED wired to a
>parallel port.  I have a shell program which will send the appropriate byte
>out /dev/lp1 to light the various segments of the LED.  I'd like to use it
>as an external indicator for mail.  If the LED shows no messages, there's no
>point in powering up my client machine to read my e-mail.

If you just want to know zero or non-zero, then something like (adjust for
whatever shell syntax you are using):

        -z $MAIL

ought to do the trick (check for your mail file being zero length).

If you need to know how many, then this ought to work (no guarantees):

        grep -c "^From " $MAIL


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rainer Krienke)
Subject: Re: Tape Backup software
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: 24 Mar 1999 16:19:53 +0100

[Posted and mailed]

In article <7dan4p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Philip Chan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Go to, then go under the
> software section and look for backup utilities.
> Linuxberg is mirrored in hkstar, so the respond
> time is quite good.
> Jack Cheng wrote in message
> <58A5CE5756240D7D.34A59D8C8C6F2327.814FF3055347A28
>>I'm looking for a very easy & good DAT tape
> backup software.
>>Any idea?
>>Jack Cheng

A good software especially for DAT and other SCSI tapes is arkeia. Its a
client server based system that you can get for free (for non commercial
use) for one linux station. 

Look at

Rainer Krienke                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universitaet Koblenz,    
Rechenzentrum,                     Voice: +49 261 287 - 1312
Rheinau 1, 56075 Koblenz, Germany  Fax:   +49 261 287 - 1355


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug DeJulio)
Subject: Re: How can I strip cartridge returns (015) ?
Date: 24 Mar 1999 10:38:56 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Sergei Gnezdov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I copied files from Windows and now I need to remove all \r characters
>(015) from all this files.  How can I do it quickly?

This should do it:
tr -d '\r' < beforefilename > afterfilename

Read the man page for "tr" before doing this, so you understand what's
going on (and so you catch any errors I might have made).
Doug DeJulio      | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
HKS, Incorporated |


From: Andi Kleen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Kernel NFS: equivalent to userland nfsd -r in kernel NFS
Date: 24 Mar 1999 16:40:45 +0100

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rainer Krienke) writes:

> Hello,
> in userland NFS it was possible to start nfsd with option -r to reexport
> directories that the nfs server itself mounted from elswhere. The NFS
> client was then able to mount any of the directories exported by the
> server no matter if this filesystem was local to the server or coming
> from somewhere else.
> What I´d like to know if something similar exists in the kernel based
> NFS code?

Knfsd does not support it. If you still need reexporting you have
to use the usermode nfsd for that. 


This is like TV. I don't like TV.


From: Nicolas De Rico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: kernel install question
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 15:30:29 -0400


I am not new to UNIX but new to Linux.  I would like to install Linux on
my x86.  I have the Redhat 5.2 CD-ROM and boot diskette.

My machine has 2 processors (pentium pro) and a SCSI adapter (fireport

The installation diskette can access the SCSI adapter with no problem so
installation is feasable.

I would like to know how to get and install the latest kernel.  I know
that kernel 2.0.x which comes with RH-5.2 is not the greatest for
multiprocessing and I think that the latest kernel also has better
support for my SCSI adapter.

So basicaly, can someone tell me how to:

1-get latest kernel
2-build it
3-enable SMP
4-enable Fireport 40
5-install the kernel

... or correct me if all these steps are totally wrong...

Thank you



Subject: Windows95 under Linux
Date: 24 Mar 1999 15:49:58 GMT

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to install something to allow Windows95
apps to run under Linux?

Thanks, CyberSlammer Bob                


Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 11:57:40 -0800
From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to hang up a modem

Sometimes, even though I have -detach in /etc/ppp/options, the modem
does not hang up when I run ppp-off or when I kill pppd outright.  This
leaves it impossible do call out with the modem (or my phone since I
have one of those relays that disconnects the phone if the modem is
up).  So, how do you hang a modem up when the software fails to do it? 
And why is pppd not hanging up my modem correctly anymore?  Could it be
something with my new ISP?  Most of the time it does hang it up, but it
takes as long as 5 minutes sometimes.

Sometimes, even rebooting doesn't help any, the modem still stays off
the hook.  Quite irritating to say the least, I need to know how to
force it to hang up.


Crossposted-To: comp.unix.sco.misc,alt.unix.wizards,comp.unix.questions
Subject: HELP! Need data from BAD Floopy!
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 19:40:29 GMT

I wrote a huge amount of code some years back (like over 5) under SCO UNIX and
backed it up using tar (the file stored was a cpio file that was then

Now years later I pulled out my backup disks (I had two sets) and tried to
restore them to Redhat 5.2 Linux. But I got disk errors on both sets disk #1
and it aborted. I tried just for the heck of it to restore disk #2 and it
seemed to work.

So I'm faced with loosing TONS of work if I can't get a recovery program for
this floppy. The file that was backed up was one large .Z file so I probably
need to get ALL of the file or none. :(


Is there a floppy disk recovery program for unix/linux? Is there a
compatibility issue between SCO UNIX and Linux tar'ed floppies? Is there a
way/utility to sift though what parts of the .Z I can recover to try to pull
out at least some of the files (C and SQL files)?



============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Blair  Powell)
Subject: Re: Freecell
Date: 24 Mar 1999 19:56:56 GMT

Jeffrey L Straszheim wrote:
>I was
>unable to find xpat2 (although I didn't look very hard).
>If anyone has a specific link drop me a line. has it under X11 software, under board games.


Highway 13

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