Linux-Misc Digest #619, Volume #19               Sat, 27 Mar 99 10:13:07 EST

  LILO for DOS and Linux (Lian PL)
  Re: Freecell (alessandro)
  Re: fs msdos not supported since -> 2.0.34 (Terry Porter)
  Re: Unix to unix copying (Brian McCauley)
  HP LaserJet 1100 ("Nikita V. Youshchenko")
  Linux ("Neil Kettle")
  Re: Fat 32 and linux: can I mount? (Leonard Budima)
  Re: COPY & PASTE don't work in X (jik-)
  Re: emacs setup (jik-)
  Re: First Issue of the "Brave GNU World", the monthly GNU column, is online now 
(Terry Porter)
  Re: modules net-pf-??? (Michael Talbot-Wilson)
  Re: IE5 under Linux ("Daniel Peterson")
  Re: HP Deskjet 895C---any good? (Alan Wilson)
  Re: good linux books? (David Barnes)
  classpath & java40.jar using netscape on Linux (Andrew T. Phillips)
  data base ("Rick Knebel")
  Re: Idea:  Make a seperate "i686" tree for Redhat Linux 6.0 (David Fox)
  Re: HP Deskjet 895C---any good? (David James Spillett)
  Re: Unix to unix copying (Johan Kullstam)
  Want More On Linux..Freebies, ETC ("SEATTLE")


Subject: LILO for DOS and Linux
Date: 26 Mar 1999 01:41:51 GMT

I am runnung Slackware ver 2. My LILO allows me only to boot Linux. How 
do I get it to choose between Dos and Linux. 
I have used the left shift and the tab ? Where did I go wrong and any 
suggestions to rectify this problem.

The system was working fine using Loadlin.

PLse help by emailing to : [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: alessandro <"alpalmas$">
Subject: Re: Freecell
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 10:32:06 +0100

Jeffrey L Straszheim wrote:
> James Youngman wrote:
> > There are at least two.  One is "xpat2".  The other was announced on
> > a while ago.  Select the "appindex" link.

> unable to find xpat2 (although I didn't look very hard).
> If anyone has a specific link drop me a line.  Anyhow,


But it do not work with me: "xpm: not enough colors"
BUT i have 32 bpp!!! If you manage to make it work
please tell me!(Yes. my wife likes freecell)

Ciao, Alessandro

   ------Slackware 3.5 kernel 2.0i.34-------
please, excuse my antispam: alpalmas, NOT alpalmas$


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: fs msdos not supported since -> 2.0.34
Date: 27 Mar 1999 12:42:22 GMT
Reply-To: No-Spam

On 25 Mar 1999 17:23:21 GMT, Surfer Netzbetrieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>my kernel do no longer support msdos fs since upgrade 2.0.33 -> 2.0.34.
>I think I'm too stupid to find the option in the kernel configuration
>menue  (I use make menuconfig).
>Can somebody tell me where I can enable msdos fs support ? (It's not in
>section fs-support in menuconfig !!)
>thank you
>Ekkard Gerlach
Its def there, I'm running 2.0.36 and I have msdos filesystem support in my
from /proc/filesystems

Bit then I use xconfig, perhaps you missed it? 

**** To reach me, use [EMAIL PROTECTED] ****
   My Computer is powered by GNU-LINUX, and has been  
 up 3 days 12 hours 21 minutes
........ 'Sapere aude'  (Immanuel Kant, 1784) ........


From: Brian McCauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unix to unix copying
Date: 27 Mar 1999 12:33:03 +0000

"[...M...]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What is the best way to copy a directory recursively from one system to
> another system over TCP/IP?  Considering that I can't use FTP or EMAIL.  Is
> there another way?

There are various ways based on a "rsh" connection.  

Usually you set up the ~/.rhosts for an account on the source machine
with read access to the directory and then drive the operation from
the destination machine.

Sometimes uou set up the ~/.rhosts for an account on the destination
machine with write access to the directory and then drive the
operation from the source machine.

"rcp" can do it all very simply (for detail RTFM).

rcp -r whoever@wherever:whatever .

Personally I usually use tar.  Dunno why I use tar not rcp.  Obviously
there are people who will tell you that cpio is superior to tar.  They
are probably right but I'm more familar with the command switches of

rsh -l whoever wherever "cd whatever; tar -cf - ." | tar -xf -

The advantge of using tar is you can add a '-z' for slow links.

You can replace rsh with ssh for insecure links.

Of course if you are doing this a lot then you should consider NFS.

If "rsh" is not available to you may consider using something like the
"netpipes" packages which allows you to do raw TCP connections in
shell commands.

     \\   ( )  No male bovine  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  .  _\\__[oo   faeces from    | Phones: +44 121 471 3789 (home)
 .__/  \\ /\@  /~)  /~[   /\/[ |   +44 121 627 2173 (voice) 2175 (fax)
 .  l___\\    /~~) /~~[  /   [ | PGP-fp: D7 03 2A 4B D8 3A 05 37...
  # ll  l\\  ~~~~ ~   ~ ~    ~ |
 ###LL  LL\\ (Brian McCauley)  |


From: "Nikita V. Youshchenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HP LaserJet 1100
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 15:48:36 +0300

Hi all.

I'd like to ask two questions about usage of HP LaserJet 1100 printer
under Linux.  I've bought it yesterday. I have no windows on my PC - it
is linux only. The printer works ok, it prints both plain text and
postscript (via gs 5.50), and KDE kljettool seems to work ok.

My questions are:

1. Which of several available ghostscript ljet drivers is the best for
LaserJet 1100?

2. I've created some postscripts files from ascii files by a2ps program,
in the mode -2, where 2 virtual pages are printed on one physical page.
When I view those postscripts via gv (Landscape, A4), everything is ok -
2 page rectangles are "centered", that is - left and right margins are
the same size, top and bottom margins are the same size. But when I try
to print same postscripts, the result is not centered on the A4 paper -
top margin is much smaller than bottom, and on the right some text even
gets out of the paper.
What may be the reason of such behaviour ?

Thanks for an advice. Please, reply via e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Neil Kettle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 13:16:11 -0000

Which Distrubution is best for a beginner?

Suse or Red Hat



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leonard Budima)
Subject: Re: Fat 32 and linux: can I mount?
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 12:34:49 GMT

On Thu, 25 Mar 1999 17:06:56 -0600, jeff m <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Doug Burgess wrote:
>> Go to the /mnt subdirectory and make a place for your drive to be
>> mounted .... say fat32_part so
>> mkdir fat32_part
>> then try as root or superuser
>> mount -t vfat /dev/[drive-partition designator] /mnt/fat32_part
>> Christian D Freet wrote:
>> >
>> > Does linux recognize FAT 32?  I have been unable to mount my second
>> > partition which uses the FAT 32 file system...
>> >
>> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.....
>I'm not sure if this really matters, but the only way I could get RH to
>mount my fat32 win partition was the mount it as
>mount -t msdos /dev/win95 /mnt/win95    -t vfat wasn't working for me
Hi! I'm a newbie and I'm having troubles mounting too. I have two
windows partitions.Cfdisk shows that the first one (hda1) is FAT32,
and that the other is FAT32 Extended. Anyway, I tried to mount hda1
using -t vfat command but Setup says that there is no such file system
on hda1. I'm also having troubles with dselect because when I specify
packages folders he can't find them on CD-ROM. The path of the folders
in Windows is E:\Debian\binary_i386\. Linux is Debian GNU with 2.0.29
Can someone help me?
Please e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 22:05:24 -0800
From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: COPY & PASTE don't work in X

Allen Ashley wrote:
> >LEONARD Daniel wrote:
> >> I have a 3-button Logitech mouse (no fancy ergonmic things), that works
> >> also well with w95 (and DOS) and plugs itself in COM1. Got itfor about
> >> $15
> I got my Logictech mouse to work with gpm under X by emulating 3 buttons,
> and using the two outer buttons to paste. Either the 3 button emulation
> or Chordmiddle options under XF86Setup fixed my problem.

I had a MicroSoft serial and used "MouseSystems" and "/dev/gpmdata" with
the ClearDTS and Clearwhatever options, you start gpm with "gpm -R
/dev/mouse -t ms"


Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 22:02:37 -0800
From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: emacs setup

> I am attempting to setup emacs for regular use. However, I am having
> difficulting in saving my color choices when I use the save configuration
> command available in xemacs. How would I go about this?
> Also, does anyone have a good .emacsrc file that has easy to read color, and
> my style of C and C++ coding? (I believe whitesmith style mode covers much of
> this.)

It needs some modifying in the .emacs file to let it find
.xemacs-options it is mainly an ObjC mode coloring, but it works great
with C and others as well.  You can also find on in the XEmacs faq.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: First Issue of the "Brave GNU World", the monthly GNU column, is online 
Date: 27 Mar 1999 13:33:25 GMT
Reply-To: No-Spam

On 22 Mar 1999 01:03:05 +0100, Brave GNU World <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>[Please repost and forward this article widely, wherever it
>is appropriate.]
>               First Issue of the "Brave GNU World", the 
>               monthly GNU column, is online now
>                               -- Georg Greve
>Hi !
>The first issue of my "Brave GNU World" column is online now. It can
>be found under:
>  [ English version ]
>  [ deutsche Version ]
>The first issue covers the following topics:
> *  short introduction
> *  GPKCS-11
> *  Shred,
> *  Renaming of the LGPL
> *  Autoconf
>               Georg Greve

In case anyone doesnt know, Georg is the famed author of "Xlogmaster" a
truly useful X app, whose purpose is to allow the more paranoid amongst us
to relax while on the net, knowing all devious portscanners and crackers will 
be logged and xlogmaster will pop up a window for us to see them at work :)))

Kudo's to  Georg :))) I'm truly naked without my Xlogmaster !!!

**** To reach me, use [EMAIL PROTECTED] ****
   My Computer is powered by GNU-LINUX, and has been  
 up 3 days 13 hours 26 minutes
........ 'Sapere aude'  (Immanuel Kant, 1784) ........


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,fr.comp.os.linux.configuration
From: Michael Talbot-Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: modules net-pf-???
Date: 27 Mar 1999 14:25:34 GMT

On 27 Mar 1999, Charles Mulks wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >I've recompiled my kernel 2.0.34 (RedHat distribution) and since then
> >I'm getting those lines almost each time I'm using some network services
> >(ftp, login, ...) :
> >
> >modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-4
> >modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5
> I forget which is which, but one is ipx (Novell),
> the other is netatalk (?) (Apple)
> you probably don't need either of them

Various people seem to remember being told what these numbers mean,
though they have forgotten which is which :-).


> >I've checked again my kernel options and I was unable to find something
> >related to 'net-pf' ... I've also search in some HowTo and on the web
> >unsuccesfully :-(

is a problem.  Where does the information come from?  He's looked at
the doco and searched the Web.  I have been looking for the
equivalent cross reference between the ppp-compress- numbers and the
module names.  Yes, I know.  Don't tell me.  That isn't my point. 

The particular ones he asked about are mentioned almost incidentally
in linux/Documentation/modules.txt: 

> You could add these lines as well, but they are only "cosmetic":
>        alias net-pf-3 off      # no ax25 module available (yet)
>        alias net-pf-4 off      # if you don't use the ipx module
>        alias net-pf-5 off      # if you don't use the appletalk

but that obviously is not the SOA.  You can grep in vain in the
modutils, pppd and kernel source.

Surely there is a register somewhere?  How is it agreed that
net-pf-3 means what is claimed here?


From: "Daniel Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IE5 under Linux
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 16:27:04 -0900

They could very well mean Redhat 5.2  Probably the same kinda thing that
happened with the Diamond Monster 3d.  I heard people refer to any voodoo
card as a diamond monster 3d because it was fairly popular.  Probably jsut
someone who thinks that redhat is synonymous with linux.

Sic semper tyrannis

jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Timebandit wrote:
> >
> > ie 5 is having massive problems on Linux 5.2 -
> Hey!  Were did you get this Linux 5.2????  Last I heard the version was
> 2.2.x, did I enter a time jump unknowingly?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Wilson)
Subject: Re: HP Deskjet 895C---any good?
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Date: 27 Mar 1999 07:31:39 -0600

kul ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I'm looking to buy an inkjet printer, the HP deskjet 895Cxi
: has got some good reviews and I'd like to know how it works with linux
: its not listed at

 I am using a HP 1120Cxi which has the same engine but handles 11x17 paper. It is 
wonderful.  The printer is on the wife's (win95) machine and the Linux box prints to 
it with no problem (over the network).

The rule I used when selecting a printer was that it must work under dos and 
win NT.  I thought that might be some assurance that the printer had sufficient
intelligence to act like a printer rather than demanding that win95/98 do
all the computing for it.  Does anyone have any comments on this analysis???

: so i'm wondering has anybody got this printer to work under linux and if
: you have does it produce good results.
: -- 
: kul


From: David Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: good linux books?
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 09:16:14 -0500

I like a couple of them.  First, the Linux Encylopedia by WGS is a nice
one to have.  It is, admittedly, just a compilation of HOWTO documents,
but I've always found it easier to have books lying around with lots of
PostIts marking my most often used pages.

Also, Linux in a Nutshell from O'Reilly is good.  Most of that book is
also online, being the man pages for many commands, but it also has
excellent overviews of the various shells, emacs, and vi.

The Unix and X Command Compendium -Alan Southerton and Edwin C. Perkins
John Wiley and Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-30982-6 is a general collection of
Unix commands with lots of practical examples.  For example, given the
cpio command, there are numerous examples in the book of how to use it.

Unix System Administration Handbook -Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder etal
Prentice Hall ISB 0-13-151051-7 $60 is a general Unix bible.  I love
this one.

Christopher Michael Jones wrote:

> I have just installed RedHat linux 5.2 on my computer (the
> CD arrived today) and after some initial troubles, I have
> got it working properly.  Now, what I would like to know
> what are some really good books on Linux, especially RedHat?
> I find the various howTo's etc. moderately (though not
> very) useful, and I don't want to sit at my computer
> combing through countless webpages looking for those
> rare nuggets of info that are actually useful.  And
> I don't want to have to memorize everything that _might_
> be important, or waste my printer's paper and ink trying
> to setup every little thing.  I also want to be able to
> get an overall "teaching" on everything I need to know,
> not just one little thing at a time.
> To give some background on me, I have a lot of experience
> with many types of operating systems (including various
> unix variants), but I do not have experience in being a
> sysadmin on a unix machine (setting up hardware, servers,
> etc.).  One thing I am struggling through right now
> is getting X-window up and running.  I can bumble
> through and do stuff, but I'd rather get the knowledge
> and learn how to do it right and deal with _real_
> problems (instead of my not knowing how everything
> works).
> So, if anybody has any recommendations, your help is
> welcommed.
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Chris Jones
> My Web Page - ""


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew T. Phillips)
Subject: classpath & java40.jar using netscape on Linux
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 04:49:30 GMT

Whenever my Netscape Communicator 4.51 tries to load java applets I
get the following message:

     Unable to start a java applet:  Can't find 'java40.jar' in
     your CLASSPATH.  Read the release notes and install
     'java40.jar' properly before restarting.

It then lists the current value of my CLASSPATH, and 'java40.jar' is
in fact in the path. 

I'm running Linux 2.0.36 and kde.  Any ideas what is going on here??
Andrew T. Phillips
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire


From: "Rick Knebel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: data base
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 08:54:21 -0500


I would be interested in using a data base on linux.
Right now at work I use Access.
Is there any comporable GUI database for Linux???



From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Subject: Re: Idea:  Make a seperate "i686" tree for Redhat Linux 6.0
Date: 27 Mar 1999 06:49:35 -0800

"Idea Man" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Does anyone else think this would be a good idea?  Keep the i386 tree, and
> add an i686 tree that is optimized for P-II/Celeron/P-III processors.
> This might be a pain in the butt for the mirrors (more hard drive space
> used), but for some mirrors this would be just fine.  This would also make
> Linux higher performing for all the people with flashy new Pentium-III
> machines...

How much performance improvement would there be?
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


From: David James Spillett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: HP Deskjet 895C---any good?
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 14:38:20 +0000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Alan Wilson
>The rule I used when selecting a printer was that it must work under dos and 
>win NT.  I thought that might be some assurance that the printer had sufficient
>intelligence to act like a printer rather than demanding that win95/98 do
>all the computing for it.  Does anyone have any comments on this analysis???

I'd be careful. I think NT supports WinPrinters, and some people claim
their models work under DOS when they only work if you run your DOS apps
within a Windows session [i.e. the Windows driver is still needed].

Hence a sales-bod telling you that a printer will work under NT and DOS
is not a 100% guarantee that it'll co-operate with Linux.

David James Spillett              Ageing is compulsory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      Maturing is optional... (home of WholeSite v1.51, the
free one-click web-site updater. Oh, and some strange humour...)


Subject: Re: Unix to unix copying
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 27 Mar 1999 09:09:35 -0500

"[...M...]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What is the best way to copy a directory recursively from one system to
> another system over TCP/IP?  Considering that I can't use FTP or EMAIL.  Is
> there another way?


                                           J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
                                           [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                                              Don't Fear the Penguin!


Subject: Want More On Linux..Freebies, ETC
Date: 27 Mar 1999 14:10:05 GMT

Try this site

Click the Link Link




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