Linux-Misc Digest #342, Volume #19                Sun, 7 Mar 99 02:13:12 EST

  Re: mem=128M hangs system (Collin Bennett)
  Re: Beowulf Anyone? ("David A. Frantz")
  Graphics conversion (Tim Seifert)
  Re: cron + scripts (John Hasler)
  bench marking ("JACK")
  Samba 1.9.18p8 and NT4SP4 ("MokeKahuna")
  Re: Newbie - Xfree86Config question (John Thompson)
  Re: Login timeouts in runlvl. 5 (Sherilyn)
  Re: Modems :( Suggestions? (cortney)
  One-way Cable Modem (Pavel Greenfield)
  Re: mount win95 16 (LBA) (Mykool)
  Excel 97 Support in XESS 4.1 Spreadsheet ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  HELP! D drive disappeared after installed RedHat5.2 (Synapse Man)
  Re: Epson Stylus 640 : RH5.2 okay here ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Looking for free text DB, or indexing code (Moses Fridman)
  Re: HELP! D drive disappeared after installed RedHat5.2 (Seth Van Oort)
  Re: Samba 1.9.18p8 and NT4SP4 (Lam Dang)
  Re: bench marking (Seth Van Oort)
  Re: Duplicate or bad block in use! (Seth Van Oort)
  Re: US Robotics ISA Modem? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux Wannabe: which distribution? (Anthony)
  Re: Help: Newbie doesn't know where to start with GNOME! (jik-)
  Re: Help: Newbie doesn't know where to start with GNOME! (jik-)


From: Collin Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: mem=128M hangs system
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 02:14:07 GMT

Try using 131072K instead of 128M.  I read some where that K is better than

Chris Menzel wrote:

> We have just upgraded a server to a PC-100 Super7 100MHz board with a
> K6-2/350 and 128MB of RAM.  There is one SCSI drive with an Adaptec
> AHA-2940 controller.  We are running Redhat 5.2.  After booting, we
> noticed that the system was only seeing 64MB of RAM.  Accordingly, we
> added append="mem=128M" to lilo.conf, ran lilo, and rebooted.  However,
> the system would then hang in the boot process at the point where it is
> reading the RAM disk that (for reasons I haven't bothered to understand,
> being an IDE guy) is needed as part of the boot process with a SCSI
> drive.  Removing the append line and rerunning lilo fixes the hang
> problem, but of course Linux once again only sees 64MB.  The same
> problem arises if we simply add mem=128M as an option at the LILO
> prompt.
> Any help or suggestions appreciate.
> Chris Menzel
> Texas A&M University


From: "David A. Frantz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Beowulf Anyone?
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 23:45:57 -0500


Just a quick question.

Why are you moving away from the Alpha to the P3?


Oscar Stiffelman wrote in message <7brvrm$egh$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Our 1000 node beowulf will probably use NFS, though we have heard that NFS
>does not scale very well.
>We currently have a 70 node diskless beowulf (running 533 MHZ Dec Alpha's
>and Redhat 4.2).  Each of the 70 nodes mounts its root on NFS.
>Glenn Butcher wrote:
>> A.R.Allen wrote:
>> (snip)
>> > I appreciate the link.  I'll post some more that I've found along my
>> > research.  Basically, I'm trying to get some people together to share
>> > experiences.  I am considering buying Red Hat's Extreme Linux package.
>> > Doesn't really look like alot - found the ftp site for all the source
>> > so thats not really a bonus.  Wondering if you've had any experience
>> > it?
>> I just installed Extreme. Linux on a front end for a diskless cluster.
>> It comes with all the software we wrestled with in Slackware last
>> quarter pre-configured: PVM, MPI, PVMPOV, XPVM, etc.  I commend it...
>> > I kinda got sidetracked on trying to setup a diskless cluster using
>> > Bad idea - software still seems to need some work.  So I'm back to
>> > one, build a two "normal" systems and get them working in a cluster
>> > attempting the diskless route.
>> I'm going to try the same thing with RARP and a NFF-root kernel on a
>> floppy.
>> Glenn Butcher
>------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------


From: Tim Seifert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Graphics conversion
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 21:58:16 -0330

Is there a utility to convert a series of jpeg or tiff images into mpeg or avi
movie formats?  Any help is appreciated.

Tim Seifert
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cron + scripts
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 04:12:10 GMT

Marko Brandes writes:
> The script itself executes fine, but if i try to call it by cron nothing
> happens. Not even a mail is send that something went wrong.
> My crontab entry is:

> 0  0  *  *  *  root  /usr/bin/cleartmp

> Any ideas?

JD writes:
> What the heck is "root" doing in there?  You have seven fields in that
> crontab entry...six is normal, unless you're using some odd variant or
> feature of cron that I don't know about and my system's manpages don't
> mention.

That entry is correct for the system-wide crontab, /etc/crontab.  This is
my version of the standard Debian /etc/crontab:

# /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab
# Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab'
# command to install the new version when you edit this file.
# This file also has a username field, that none of the other crontabs do.


# m h dom mon dow user  command
* *     * * *   root    runq
10 5    * * *   root    run-parts /etc/cron.daily
5 5     * * 7   root    run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
0 5     1 * *   root    run-parts /etc/cron.monthly
* *     * * *   root    atrun -d -l 0.5

> I would also try making it run at a time other than precisely
> midnight...maybe it's just superstition, but other admins have warned me
> against making crontab entries that run exactly on the hour.

The only reason for not running cron jobs on the hour is that if all your
jobs run on the hour the machine may get a bit busy.  As long as you spread
the load evenly you're ok.

> Also, is there some particular reason you feel it necessary to clear /tmp
> every night?  Things could be _using_ those files, you know, and yanking
> the files out from beneath the processes' feet sounds like a bad idea.

Yes.  Better to use tmpreaper.
John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill         Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin         Do not send email advertisements to this address.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.alpha
Subject: bench marking
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 04:39:09 -0000

howdy all
    i have a 266 p11 x86 system and a 233 dec alpha Xl both running Red hat
how can i benchmark them to see wich is the fastest. the p11 seems faster
but i've had this a long time and i'm constantly tweaking it


From: "MokeKahuna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Samba 1.9.18p8 and NT4SP4
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 04:44:58 GMT

Has anyone gotten Samba 1.9.18p8 running on Slackware 3.5 (kernel 2.0.34) to
work with NT4.0 with SP4 to work in password encryption mode?

I really don't want to use passwords in clear text.


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie - Xfree86Config question
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 15:22:23 -0600

Greg wrote:
> I'm new to Red Hat Linux. I have just installed version 5.2. When I go
> to start X windows (using startx) it opens but the screen is not
> centered. On the left side there is an area of black Why is this? I the
> display is bigger than my monitor screen so I have to scroll right and
> up & down to see the whole windows environment. I've changed the virtual
> res and it has only changed alittle. The max res of my monitor is
> 1280x1024. What is wrong?

Sounds like your modelines in XF86Config need some
tweaking.  Start up an xterm and run "xvidtune."  Use the
buttons to position your screen properly and then click on
the "SHOW" button.  The modeline used to place the screen in
that position will apear in the xterm from which you started
xvidtune.  You can copy this into your XF86Config file,
replacing the modeline that was previously used.  Repeat
this for all the modes you have defined (cycle through the
"CTRL-ALT +" modes and use xvidtune to determine the proper
modeline for each mode).  The next time you start x it will
use your new modeline settings and the display should be
correctly positioned on your screen.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sherilyn)
Crossposted-To: nf.comp.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Login timeouts in runlvl. 5
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 02:16:10 GMT

In article <7bpsve$2ei$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John David Bowden wrote:
>       I've got this problem which is driving me nuts.  All my logins
>(root and otherwise, X and console) timeout in run-level 5.

But at lower run levels, it's okay?  If forced to, I'd attack this
problem by first making a copy of your existing init setup, then removing
services from the level 5 init until it works (if you end up with
xdm being the culprit, then at least you'll know where to look).  But you
state later on (and I trimmed) that Run Levels 3 and 5 are no different.
Except for xdm, I presume?

> I've been
>using wdm instead of xdm, but switching back doesn't help.  I've tried
>clearing /var/log but that won't help (how big is too big for /var

Try df /var and it'll tell you how much you have left to play with, but
remember that if /var is just a directory under /, then it's in contention
for space with whatever else is under /.  If you have no idea what I'm
talking about, then take a deep breath and skim the MultiDisk HOWTO (if you
are going to do Linux, you'll have to become a good skimmer.)

The Tips HOWTO also contains some useful scripts for controlling those
ever-growing log files.


From: cortney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modems :( Suggestions?
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 20:17:49 -0600

Mike Martin wrote:
> I'm sure this has been covered before but I've looked around and found
> out what is NOT compatible with linux. But what i'm asking is.... Are
> there any suggestions as to what kind of INTERNAL modem to purchase? IE.
> Manufacturer, Model, etc. That would work well under linux? Any
> suggestions would help.
> thanks,

Take a few minutes and check out the Jaton Travelor.  It's a good
quality internal hardware modem with jumpers AND pnp.  Interestingly,
you can turn the pnp off by using jumpers! 

Works great for me and the price is excellent.....


From: Pavel Greenfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: One-way Cable Modem
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 21:45:18 -0500


I've got the one-way Cable Modem account from RCN. Has anyone been
successful in getting it two work with linux?

(One way cable modems shouldn't be any different from Linux's point of
view, should they?)

Thanks a lot in advance!



From: Mykool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mount win95 16 (LBA)
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 04:57:07 +0000

Rulecoyote wrote:
> I thought I had my answer to how to mount my windows partition but when I used
> the command mount -t vfat and so on and several versions thereof I got the
> message that vfat was not supported by the kernel. What next?
>                                         oldcoyote

You will need to recompile your kernel with vfat support.

This is not directed to you personally, but this goes back to the whole
thing about researching before asking.  If you would have read some
how-to's or FAQ's you would have found this out.  Even looking at the
error, would tell you what the problem was.

Michael Barnhill
ICQ 13526262


Crossposted-To: alt.hackers.malicious,microsoft.public.frontpage.client,alt.windows98
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 05:41:44 GMT

Dear Reader ,
If you are looking for free passwords of adult pay sites like
SEXMUSEUM.COM , PENTHOUSELIVE.COM etc etc , then you should visit our newly
created illegal webpage at :


If you have any question , Dont hesitate to email me at :


============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Subject: Excel 97 Support in XESS 4.1 Spreadsheet
Date: 5 Mar 99 12:52:22 EST

Excel 97 Support in XESS 4.1 Spreadsheet

Download Beta versions for evaluation

Evaluation versions of the XESS 4.1 Spreadsheet with the xsBasic
Macro Add-in now include the Beta version of the Excel 97 filter.
Try it yourself and see why the XESS family of spreadsheets should
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XESS 4.1 supports user-configurable 3-D workbooks with up to
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XESS 4.1 is the first version of the spreadsheet to support the
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Visit for details, evaluation versions, and
pricing for XESS 4.1, and start realizing your spreadsheet potential!


From: Synapse Man <huh?>
Subject: HELP! D drive disappeared after installed RedHat5.2
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 15:57:29 +1000

Hi. Here's the situation. My friends got Win98, and one HDD partitioned
into C- and D-drives.

He installs RedHat 5.2, and then under Win98, loses his D-drive. The
icon for D-drive is still there, but it reports "drive not ready",
"invalid drive specification" or something like that.

I suspect that the D-drive partition is gone and needs to be
re-formatted, but I am not sure at all.

What's happening? What should he do now?



Note: Bogus e-mail used to deter spammers. Pls reply to Newsgroup.


Subject: Re: Epson Stylus 640 : RH5.2 okay here
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 05:46:51 GMT

In article <7bhavf$m94$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  r d t@c s.q u e e n s u.c a (Bob Tennent) wrote:
> On Tue, 02 Mar 1999 10:01:53 -0500, Jeff Letendre wrote:
>  >Anyone know where I can get a linux driver for a Stylus 640?  The driver
>  >that ships w/ Red Hat only has a resolution up to 360 dpi.
>  >
> You need the uniprint driver in ghostscript.  Install
> ghostscript 5.50, printtool-3.40 and rhs-printfilters-1.50.
> Bob T.
FYI I noticed your post, and this made up my mind to get a Epson 640, even
though the box say "Windows Printer (3.1,95,NT)" -- enough to strike fear into
any potential buyer of a computer product.

Anyway, after installing the above packages (RPMS) this printer works great. I
had to get the ghostscript-5.5.0 rpm from the aladdin site, and the other
packages from a rawhide mirror. also, I had to upgrade my libc and glibc.

Color postscript, etc. no problem. I'm a little suprised because I had seen
another post saying this was a "Win-Printer", but it appears to use "ESC/P2"
protocol after all, at least the epson site says so. I use the Epson 600
driver from printtool, and am quite happy.


============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: Moses Fridman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.databases
Subject: Looking for free text DB, or indexing code
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 06:09:41 GMT


I am looking for a program that behaves like this:

        * Accepts freeform text as a record (HTML, raw ASCII, whatever)
        * Allows records to exist as separate files, perhaps sprawled out over
an entire disk or NFS
        * Builds an inverted index of words from the records...
        * that it can perform really fast searches on the text.
        * Runs on Linux, or comes in a easily portable form.

Has anyone heard of anything like that?

If not, then does anyone know where I can find code that will
efficiently build and manage an inverted index?




From: Seth Van Oort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP! D drive disappeared after installed RedHat5.2
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 06:18:44 +0000

go into linux, type 'fdisk' then at the prompt type 'p' (print partition
table). Post the output and someone can help you.


Synapse Man wrote:
> Hi. Here's the situation. My friends got Win98, and one HDD partitioned
> into C- and D-drives.
> He installs RedHat 5.2, and then under Win98, loses his D-drive. The
> icon for D-drive is still there, but it reports "drive not ready",
> "invalid drive specification" or something like that.
> I suspect that the D-drive partition is gone and needs to be
> re-formatted, but I am not sure at all.
> What's happening? What should he do now?
> Thanks.
> ----------------------
> Note: Bogus e-mail used to deter spammers. Pls reply to Newsgroup.
> Thanks.


From: Lam Dang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Samba 1.9.18p8 and NT4SP4
Date: 07 Mar 1999 00:26:53 -0500

"MokeKahuna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Has anyone gotten Samba 1.9.18p8 running on Slackware 3.5 (kernel 2.0.34) to
> work with NT4.0 with SP4 to work in password encryption mode?
> I really don't want to use passwords in clear text.

I have Samba 1.9.18p10-3 running with RedHat 5.2
(kernel 2.0.36) in password encryption mode.  My
clients are Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT

Some of the relevant parameters:

  security = user
  encrypt passwords = yes
  smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd
  username map = /etc/smbusers

Mine is not a production system.  For my purposes,
Samba is simply unbeatable!

Lam Dang
PGP key available as [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Seth Van Oort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.alpha
Subject: Re: bench marking
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 06:21:53 +0000

If you can't tell, what's the difference? If you want to benchmark them,
just take the application you're wondering about and time it for both.


JACK wrote:
> howdy all
>     i have a 266 p11 x86 system and a 233 dec alpha Xl both running Red hat
> how can i benchmark them to see wich is the fastest. the p11 seems faster
> but i've had this a long time and i'm constantly tweaking it
> j


From: Seth Van Oort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Duplicate or bad block in use!
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 06:25:13 +0000

John Bridleman wrote:
> Greetings.
> I've been using computers a long time but I've only had my hands on Linux
> a couple of weeks. I purchased a VAResearch VArStation YMP and have only
> been playing around with X and surfing with Netscape. Nothing magical. I
> always exit from X and halt the machine to turn it off.
> Yesterday I had done that and then about an hour later I went to start
> the machine again and I get the following messages (sorry if it's to
> verbose!):
> /dev/sda1 contains a file system with errors, check forced.
> /dev/sda1: Duplicate or bad block in use!
> /dev/sda1: Duplicate blocks found... invoking block passes.
> Pass 1B: Rescan for duplicate/bad blocks
> /dev/sda1: Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 36595:/dev/sda1:
> 64260/dev/sda1:  64
> 260/dev/sda1:  64261/dev/sda1:  64261/dev/sda1:  64262/dev/sda1:
> 64262/dev/sda1
> :  64263/dev/sda1:  64263/dev/sda1:  64264/dev/sda1:  64264/dev/sda1:
> /dev/sda1: Pass 1C: Scan directories for inodes with dupe blocks.
> /dev/sda1: Pass 1D: Reconciling duplicate blocks
> /dev/sda1: (There are 1 inodes containing duplicate/bad blocks.)
> /dev/sda1: File /var/log/messages.2 (inode #36595, mod time Thu Feb 18
> 04:02:33
> 1999)
>   has 10 duplicate block(s), shared with 0 file(s):
> /dev/sda1:
>         (i.e., without -a or p options)
> *** An error occurred during the file system check.
> *** Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot
> *** when you leave the shell.
> Give root password for maintenance
> (or type Control-D for normal startup):_
> I gave the root password for maintenance and looked everywhere for an
> explanation of 'fsck' and I'm at a loss.
> Can you help??

'man fsck'

> Thanks!


From: "doobie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.hackers.malicious,microsoft.public.frontpage.client,alt.windows98
Date: 7 Mar 1999 06:40:41 GMT

What rock did you climb out of, and is it still there so you can crawl back
under it ??? Regards...  :-p

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
<7bt3in$7rj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Dear Reader ,
>If you are looking for free passwords of adult pay sites like
>SEXMUSEUM.COM , PENTHOUSELIVE.COM etc etc , then you should visit our newly
>created illegal webpage at :
>If you have any question , Dont hesitate to email me at :
>-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


Subject: Re: US Robotics ISA Modem?
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 06:42:35 GMT

In article <xUjv2.363$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Greg Truax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a US Robotics 56K Internal voice modem (This is not the Winmodem, so
> I believe that it should work under Linux), but when I do a pnpdump, only
> the USR modem shows up, when I also have a one-way cable modem that is
> supposed to show up.  On top of that, the USR modem does not work once I use
> isapnp.  Does anyone know why this modem does not work?  Any help would be
> greatly appreciated.

If you are talking about the USR 56K internal voice modem, I got it working
under RedHat 5.1.  I posted the solution to linux.redhat.misc.  You can find
it by searching on my name from

Can't help you with the cable modem.  You will probably have to see if it is
supported by the Linux kernel, and talk to someone who knows more about isapnp
to get it configured.


============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: Anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Wannabe: which distribution?
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 06:59:58 +0000

Bill wrote:

> Or should I just start out with the Moron's Guide or the Idiot's Guide to
> Linux?

After using 3 distributions (Caldera, RedHat and TurboLinux) for more than a
Turbo Linux is the way to go.  Get 3.x version.  It is easier to install than
RedHat, got
the most comprehensive software (KDE, Window Maker...).  Caldera has StarOffice
it is too commercial (you can't upgrade without paying).  The next major
version will come
with Kernel 2.2.2 and Glibc 2.1, though I am using RedHat, my TurboLinux is old
(2.0) so
the next one I buy is TurboLinux.  RedHat seems easy but it has too many rough
that you will find day by day.  Caldera system is setup differently and hard to
install non-
Caldera distributed files.  Btw, TurboLinux is the only one that has a desktop
fully functional,
well unless you have KDE of course.  Slackware is definitely not for beginner
and even for
experts, uninstalling packages from Slackware is a pain on the backside.

As for the beginner's book choose the one that you feel comfortable, go buy
Linux Unleashed.
The online docs "HOW-TO" are pretty good as well.

Install KDE as your desktop is the fastest way to get things going, all obtain
StarOffice from
the net.  It is huge but it is better than msoffice.  Then read the online
install and beginner
guide.  You are learning a new system, be patient and you will benefits from
the most stable
and fast operating system in the world (I have used more than ten O/S in the
last 15 years
and very few of them come even close to Linux).


From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help: Newbie doesn't know where to start with GNOME!
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 22:48:56 -0800

> Probably will have to download the tarballs and do configure, make, make
> install on each and every one.  There are about 20 or so packages unless
> you need other ones to satisfy dependencies of the GNOME packages.

Unless GNOME has stopped depending on all sorts of things like it did
when I tried to install it on my slackware,...he will have a long hard
time of it.  He is on a Slackware box, Slackware doesn't come with all
sorts of nonsence preinstalled like RedHat and over 1/2 the other
distros.  And the GNOME depends list was not complete....I had to hunt
down and download all sorts of stuff after I thought I finaly had it

I highly recomend getting KDE instead, it is easier, nicer, and it will
take you more time to download then install.  And not as long to
download at that...


From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help: Newbie doesn't know where to start with GNOME!
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 22:42:08 -0800

> What I wish KDE had is an explicit "Kill" command like Fvwm has.
> Sometimes
> programs will get stuck, and the "Close" box don't do nuttin',
> just like in
> Windoze, and I gotta restart KDE to get 'em to die.

The program you speak of is called xkill.  FVWM simply has a nice
interface to it.  You can put it as an item in one of the menus of
whatever window manager your using and use it.  It is a standard X
utility, it comes with every distribution of X.  Normally it doesn't use
that cool skull+crossbones cursor though, you probably use a resource
and/or command line to do that.



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