Linux-Misc Digest #335, Volume #20               Mon, 24 May 99 23:13:07 EDT

  Re: syslog functioning weird? (L J Bayuk)
  Re: Printer question (Michel)
  Re: limit of command line arg numbers ("Jürgen Exner")
  Iomega products and Linux (Dominic Mitchell)
  Re: Any Linux distro on Hards Disks over 8 Gigs (bookman1906)
  Re: Auto-update RPMs? (Andrew Robinson)
  lpr mystery (Jason)
  Re: modules.dep missing (Dustin Puryear)
  Desktop items and suse login ?? (Confused!)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Chris Wilson)
  Re: IRC RFC ? (Ben Short)
  Odd Question ("Mr. Biggelsworth")
  Re: Squid vs IP Masquerading (Ben Short)


Subject: Re: syslog functioning weird?
Date: 25 May 1999 01:32:14 GMT

>I noticed that lately all my logs are going directly to my mail log 
>instead of being broken up into messages, syslog, etc. etc.
>Looking at syslog.conf, I don't see any errors, but running syslogd in
>debug mode reveals:
>cfline(mail.*;                                 /var/log/maillog)

I think this line is it: "mail.*;<tab>/var/log/maillog"
Take off the ; in this line.
It looks like syslog is seeing it as "mail.*;*.*"


From: Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Printer question
Date: 24 May 1999 21:01:04 -0500

Jay wrote:
> It isnt out of ink because it prints fine under Win98. It just prints and
> prints blank pages.

You may have a garbage file being printed with lotsa control char. This can
happen if you run the wrong driver or shut off the printer during it's job.
lprm is the command to flush. I will remember where it left off on a reboot
so you definitely have to kill the job. Do a man lprm for details.

Run printtool to configure the printer, from X of course.

Tired of Windows' rebootive multitasking?
then try Linux's preemptive multitasking
We have software, food, music, news, search,
history, electronics and genealogy pages.


From: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: limit of command line arg numbers
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 19:03:54 -0700
Reply-To: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tae-Yeoub Jang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I need to handle a directory which contains 11000 data files.
> But I just can't put all the files as command line input arguments.
> For example:
> BASH> ls dirname/*
> BASH> bash: /bin/ls: too many arguments
> None of shell commands and other programs are working.  What should I
> do?  It doesn't seem to be the problem of BASH, my shell, as I tried
> with another shells like 'tcsh' to no purpose.
Couple possibilities:

If it's just for "ls" why are you using "ls dirname/*" in the first place?
"ls dirname" will do almost the same (it will list first-level sub
directories by name, not by content, but probably you didn't even notice

Otherwise have a look at xargs.
Or use a simple foreach loop to through all file.

Jürgen Exner


Subject: Iomega products and Linux
Reply-To: Dominic Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Dominic Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 24 May 1999 22:04:09 -0400

Dear Fellow Linux Users,

This is to inform you that according to the discussion I have had
with Iomega today regarding the warranty they provide for their
product sold to Linux users.  I was using successfully a Iomega
Ditto easy3200 insider for close to two years.  The drive failed
last night.  I was very frustrated to found out that since I could not
test the drive under one of Microsoft operating system Iomega could
not do anything about the warranty --- read they won't even consider
my claim!

Thus I advise any Linux users of Iomega products to manifest themselves
to Iomega ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that if this is the policy
they want to adopt then the Linux community will have to consider
products from a friendlier company.  

Linux users that are considering to buy a Iomega product should also
contact Iomega and let them know that adopting such a policy is
going to influence the sales in the Linux market.

Here is a copy of the letter I have sent to Iomega

To whom it concerns,

I have been very deceived by the customer supports that Iomega
provides to their customers.  I have purchased two years ago a tape
backup from Iomega, a Ditto easy3200 insider.  Last night the drive
failed, it is still under warranty as the warranty expires on July 27

Calling Iomega I have been told that if I do not run a Microsoft
Operating system, then Iomega cannot do nothing about the drive.
Basically I need to be able to test the drive under Microsoft.
Since I do not have Microsoft installed, then it is like having no
warranty at all.

Since the unit is (was) working under Linux, I find that Iomega has
a very strange commercial policy.  As it occurred to Iomega that
Linux is the fastest growing operating system on the market now?
Maybe those that decide the commercial policy of Iomega should get
some number straight?  Getting officials number of Linux users is a
difficult task since the operating system,  even though it can be
purchased from many distributors (like Redhat, Caldera, Suse,
Mandrake, etc. ), can simply be downloaded free of charge from ftp
sites all over the world.  A reasonable estimates would be in
between 8 to 9 Million users and growing very rapidly. 

Many important companies have backed Linux recently: 

- IBM is building server with Linux running as the OS  
- Intel and Netscape have invested in a Linux distribution Redhat
- Oracle as ported its database software to Linux.
- Sybase
- Informix 
- Dell is shipping computers with Linux preinstalled on it 
- Corel as ported Wordperfect 8 on Linux and should release their
  office suite for Linux this summer.  Moreover they will be
  releasing their Linux distribution by next Fall.
- Compaq (Digital) 
- Silicon Graphics

I do not ask customer support from Iomega to have the drive working
under that alternative Operating System (Linux).  *Unfortunately*
the Linux community has been doing a good job at this level.  But
the least we can expect from Iomega is that they recognize when
their drives fail and this under any Operating System.  

What is shocking is that Iomega would not even consider an advance
shipment, where you give them your credit card number and they ship
you a replacement drive and you send them back your broken drive or
any other form of customer support.  By any such method they could
then easily check that the drive is broken.  This is what is totally

I have no other choice but to spread the word around in the Linux
community that:

 1)  if they have a current Iomega product running under Linux then 
     they cannot count on their warranty  

 2)  If they are considering to buy Iomega product to run on Linux
     then they should consider a competitor of Iomega who's
     commercial practices are more supportive of their favorite
     Operating System.   

Dominic Mitchell

Deceived customer.

Dominic Mitchell           Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Economics    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario      
Canada, K7L 3N6            Running Linux Redhat 5.2     


From: bookman1906 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Any Linux distro on Hards Disks over 8 Gigs
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 01:33:58 GMT

Incidently, I had a similar problem wth more tragic results on my IBM
notebooke also with 14gb.  I am eagerly trying to solve the problem

Please post any info!

Book Man

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Jack Slater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to put Caldera Open Linux 1.3 and a new Dell machine with a
> 14 Gig hard disk that already has Win NT on some partitions. The Linux
> fdisk seems unable to cope with the large disk; it recognizes only 8
> gigs of the 14 gigs, and gives warnings about the NT partitions being
> overlapped, and it thinks there is no open space on the disk, even
> there is actually lots of unassigned real-estate.  Any suggestions on
> how to get fdisk going so I can set up my partitions?

--== Sent via ==--
---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Robinson)
Subject: Re: Auto-update RPMs?
Date: 24 May 1999 17:46:06 -0500

On 24 May 1999 11:28:45 -0500, James Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Mark Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: Is there a program/script that will go out and update my RPMs?  Please
>: no comments about deb
>I don't think you want to do that.... that are too many dependencies
>which can break a lot of your programs. All the prackages are being
>updated asynchronously, and not necessary with regard to others.

The primary reason that one might want to do this is for the security
fixes. Personally, I don't rely on automated installation of RPMs, but
I know people who have had good experiences with autorpm. It's
basically a huge PERL script, and is highly configurable.

Check out:



"There is not the slightest indication that [nuclear energy] 
will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have 
to be shattered at will."  
                      - Albert Einstein, 1932.


Subject: lpr mystery
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 02:33:59 +0000

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I'm running into some problems with my printer daemon.  I was having
problems prior to recompiling my kernel, so I started from scratch
afterwards and used apsfilter and ghostscript.  After running them, my
printer worked great!  I was able to get color and formatting to print
correctly in all apps- applixware, netscape, etc.  However, seemingly
overnight, my printer won't work at all!  I can't even get a test ASCII
page to print directly to the port.  Here are some of the error

1)  When trying to print ASCII directly to port... "Can only print
directly to a LOCAL printer."
2)  When trying to print either ASCII or postscript to lpr, it doesn't
do anything.  I do an lpq, and there is nothing queued.  However, when I
go into /var/spool/lpd/... there are the queued jobs!  Why won't they
show when I do lpq, or in the RedHat printtool, or in klpq?

If anyone thinks they can help, I would be greatly appreciative.   Here
are the specs on my box-  RedHat 5.2, recompiled to kernel 2.2.7 with
SCSI support for ZIP drive.  I *do* have two parallel ports, the second
just installed to give individual support to both ZIP and the printer.
Keep in mind, that this upgrade *was* made prior to the recompile, and
it has been working great up til now.  The printcap file is included for
your review.  If you might require any additional files, please let me
know.  I used apsfilter 5.0 and the most current (at the time) version
of ghostscript.

Thanks in advance,
Jason Dixon

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

## Please don't edit this file directly unless you know what you are doing!
## Be warned that the control-panel printtool requires a very strict format!
## Look at the printcap(5) man page for more info.
## This file can be edited with the printtool in the control-panel.
###PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL ap3250 360x360 letter {} EpsonAP3250 Default {}
#       :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp:\
#       :mx#0:\
#       :sh:\
#       :lp=/dev/lp1:\
#       :if=/var/spool/lpd/lp/filter:
# LABEL apsfilter
# apsfilter setup Thu May 20 21:41:19 EDT 1999
# APS_BASEDIR:/download/apsfilter
ascii|lp1|uniprint-letter-ascii-mono|uniprint ascii mono:\
lp2|uniprint-letter-auto-mono|uniprint auto mono:\
lp3|uniprint-letter-ascii-color|uniprint ascii color:\
lp|lp4|uniprint-letter-auto-color|uniprint auto color:\
raw|lp5|uniprint-letter-raw|uniprint auto raw:\



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dustin Puryear)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: modules.dep missing
Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 14:20:40 -0500

On Sat, 22 May 1999 13:39:27 -0400, Michael V Strelick wrote:
>Can someone tell me why my /lib/modules/2.2.9/modules.dep file is not
>being created?  After configuration (first I did a make mrproper) I did
>make dep; make clean; make modules; make modules_install; make bzImage;
>/sbin/lilo.  the modules.dep doesn't get created and depmod -a won't
>work as a result.  I have the modules support enabled in the kernel.  I
>upgraded to 2.2.9 from RH6.0's 2.2.5 on MY machine and it works fine.  I
>tried extracting the 2.2.9 source straight from the tarball on my
>friend's machine and I get this error.  Please help!

"depmod -a" should _generate_ the module dependencies, not use them. Also, if
you wish to create the dependency information after a compile, just type
"depmod -a KERNEL_VERSION". What error are you getting?

Dustin Puryear


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Confused!)
Subject: Desktop items and suse login ??
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 22:48:42 GMT

After installing suse 6.0, how can i reduce the size of my desktop
folders, taskbar, and the graphical suse login prompt which appear
twice the size than on a previous install??


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Wilson)
Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: 24 May 1999 22:51:55 GMT

Mike Willett LADS LDN X7563 wrote:
>However, it may just be possible that someone who disagrees with 
>you may not be evil.

I don't believe anybody to be evil merely by virtue of the fact that they
disagree with me.  However, because I value the freedom to be able to protect
myself without relying upon the state and you apparently don't, that makes us
enemies.  There is no way around that.  Our values wil be mutually exclusive
until we can find a principle upon which we agree that can serve as the
arbiter of our disagreement.

  Unless of course you're a facist bigot
>but I don't beleive that of you.

Did you know that the fascists of Italy and the Nazi's of Germany passed
massive gun restrictions that effectively disarmed the populace?

>Also, have you thought that there maybe other ways to control
>the govt ?

Tell that to the unarmed Jews and Gypsies who were rounded up into death/work
camps in Nazi Germany.  Perhaps they should have attempted to peacefully
reason with the Nazis in a civilized manner, yes?  Violence doesn't solve
anything, right?

But as a less sarcastic answer to your question, certainly there are other
ways to control the government, but in certain situations, lethal force is the
only thing that one can employ in self-defense.  Granted, in most cases, it's
impossible for a civilian and his friends/family to successfully defend
himself against a para-military law enforcement agency such as the DEA, but I
certainly believe that one has the right to make an attempt.  Furthermore, in
a situation in which government power became sufficiently intolerable for a
large percentage of the population, it *is* possible for an armed populace to
successfully defend itself against the state (as was demonstrated by the early
American colonists against the British).  

Also, I was opposing gun control in my earlier post, not only because it would
allow the government to maintain dominance over the populace more easily, but
also because it makes us dependent upon the government in a way that we cannot
afford to.  In cases in which people are attacked by criminals who are not
authorized by the state (such as common thugs, mobsters, violent junkies,
etc), the police are almost never in the position to successfully defend the
victim.  The police fulfill the function of *damage control* -- that is, after
the crime occurs.  Many people want the freedom to defend themselves *by
themselves*, because it allows them to exercise control over their own lives
more effectively and completely -- especially during  situations in
which they're threatened with losing every last bit of control over their own
lives that they have.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben Short)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: IRC RFC ?
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 12:37:21 +1000

In article <7ibkk1$v0l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> Hi,
> Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but does anyone know if there
> was an RFC filed for IRC, and if so what is it's number ?
> And BTW does anyone know of a web-based search engine for RFC's
> so that I could do this sort of search myself ?
> Cheers.
> Simon.
> P.S If possible cc me on your reply.
> --== Sent via ==--
> ---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---
The RFC for IRC is RFC1459, and its around on the internic site somewhere 

Ben Short      
Shortboy Productions     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Mr. Biggelsworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Odd Question
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 16:23:27 -0700

Does anyone know of a CAD package that is comparable to AutoCAD or
Microstation for linux?
Is there a version of AutoCAD or Microstation that works in linux?

Thanks for any info you can give

Michael Jones


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben Short)
Subject: Re: Squid vs IP Masquerading
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 12:42:35 +1000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> I want to have my two systems share my Internet cable connection.  IP
> Masquerading would let me achieve that.  A few weeks ago, I saw a
> message saying that Squid was an even better solution to this challenge.
> Reading about Squid, I found that it does not support protocols such as
> POP, NNTP, Real Audio and others (as per Squid doc of sept. '97).  On
> the other hand, IP masquerading supports just about  every protocols,
> with a few exceptions.
> So, why would someone prefer Squid over IP masquerading?
> Could the Squid doc. be out of date, and the current version of Squid
> effectively supports these protocols?
> Thank you,
> Gaston Carmichael
> Quebec, Canada
I would use both. I do at home :)
IP Masqing allows you to get around the hassles of Real Audio etc, and I 
like the cute error messages SQUID generates on dead websites. I only use 
squid for WWW....

Ben Short      
Shortboy Productions     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]



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