Linux-Misc Digest #335, Volume #24                Mon, 1 May 00 17:13:02 EDT

  Help, argh.... backspace/delete xterm telnet broken... (Adam Finkelstein)
  Re: Converting outlook.pst to unix format (Jeff Grossman)
  XMMS only runs as root (Mike)
  Re: Can't get 8.1.5 to install on Linux (Paul Gehman)
  linux and dos
  Connecting to Internet over Cable Modem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Fvwm2 and Gnome/KDE ?!? (Coy A Hile)
  "tail" stops tailing? (Matt Siemens)
  Re: Linux and SCO (arch harris)
  Re: Newbie Question:Linux and Win98 on different harddrive! (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Sorry, need help with simple linux questions from a newbie (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon (Yanglong Zhu)
  re-installed windows now system does not recognize LiLO (edgar domingo)
  Installing PCI (non-winmodem) modem (Sean)
  Re: "tail" stops tailing? (Bob Hauck)
  Re: Installing PCI (non-winmodem) modem (Bob Hauck)
  Re: Help: ttyS3 not receiving data. (input overrun) (MicroRUs)
  Re: re-installed windows now system does not recognize LiLO ("Art S. Kagel")
  Re: Help: ttyS3 not receiving data. (input overrun) (Bob Hauck)
  Firewire or IEEE 1394 support..???? (Lawrence Staberg)
  rpm --rebuild doesn't (Patrick O'Neil)
  Re: linux and dos (Patricia)
  Re: "tail" stops tailing? (Bjoern Frantzen)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adam Finkelstein)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: Help, argh.... backspace/delete xterm telnet broken...
Date: 1 May 2000 15:00:03 -0400

Hello. I've read lot's of suggestions for fixing broken backspace in a telnet

I get ^? for backspace in an xterm or on the console when telnetted.

I have a .Xmodmap in my ~ directory with the following lines:
keycode 22 = BackSpace
keycode 107 = Delete

Backspace and delete work fine locally.
I have on the remote hosts I'm telnetting to:

stty intr '^C' erase '^H' kill '^X' susp '^Z' -ixon

Any suggestions on what else to try?
Thanks in advance!
Adam Finkelstein


From: Jeff Grossman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Converting outlook.pst to unix format
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 12:19:51 -0700

In article 
DU>, Howard Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frank, might i offer an idea - 
> If you have an imap daemon setup on your *nix box, you can add your 
> server
> to outlook, so that basically you have your normal outlook mailbox with
> all your mail, and an imap server listed on the side to the left.  if you
> can get all that set up, all you have to do is select and drag all your
> mail from the inbox (that was saved on the outlook side) over to the 
> inbox
> (on your server) and that will up load the email for you correctly.
> I ran into a problem about like this a year ago, that was the way i got
> around it.  I hope it works for you.

That is only going to move over the e-mail messages.  If the original 
poster had any contacts or appointments, you can not move them over that 
way.  I do not know of a comparable program on the Linux side for 
contacts and appointments.


Jeff Grossman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Subject: XMMS only runs as root
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 19:30:17 GMT

When running XMMS, if I'm not logged in as root, it will not run.  The 
display doesn't even come up.  If I execute it from xterm, the command just 
exits with no output.  I'm running a system compiled from scratch, loosly 
based on my experience with Mandrake and Redhat.  Everything works ok, even 
sound on all accounts, but XMMS only runs on the root account, any help is 

Posted via CNET


From: Paul Gehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't get 8.1.5 to install on Linux
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 19:30:11 GMT

neil wrote:
> Hi
> I've been trying but failing to get 8.1.5 (downloaded as an ISO image
> then burnt onto cdrom) to install onto linux. I get the following error
> when I run the installer:
> Initializing Java Virtual Machine from /usr/local/jre/bin/jre. Please 
> Error in CreateOUIProcess(): -1
> : Bad address
> I've done everything mentioned in the installation notes (created the 
dba, oinstall groups, set up enviroment vars etc) but i still keep getting 
this error.
> I'm using Slackware 7, kernel 2.2.14 with jre 1.1.6v5 and glibc 2.1.
> Can anyone suggest whats wrong because I'm getting rather frustrated?
> Thanks in advance.

Here are a couple of sources that should help:
First resource: Uche Ogbuji's article "A Practical Guide to Oracle8i for 
Linux." Page 1 addresses the JRE issue. The URL is 

His list of resources also contains two further articles that address 
the JRE issue.
Second resource: John Salvo's installation guide, at URL: 
 Go to Chapter 1/Section 1.1.

Third resource: Steve Darlington's HOWTO, at 
URL: "" Navigate to 
Chapter 2/Section 2.2

The issue seems to be that the Oracle install script has a path for the JRE 
executable that is not in sync with where your JRE executable was 
installed. You may want to start by asking Linux where your JRE executable 
was installed: whereis jre or whereis jre116_v5, and make your symbolic 
links per these resources suggestions. Good luck.

Posted via CNET


Subject: linux and dos
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 19:30:13 GMT

How do I remove the linux partitions so that dos will recognize the drive?

Posted via CNET


Subject: Connecting to Internet over Cable Modem
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 19:42:57 GMT


I have installed RedHat 6.0 on my PC with two NICs: eth1 (NetGear PCI
card) is connected to the cable modem and gets its IP address from DHCP
server at my ISP, eth0 (Olicom PCI card) connects to my hub for
internal network (a couple of PCs running Win 98 which I plan to
convert to Linux workstations). I have given a static ip address to
this internal card. When I boot Linux box, the external card gets IP
address, no problem. 'netstat' shows correct ip addresses for both
cards (it also shows 'lo'). However, I cannot connect to the Internet!!
Is there anything else I need to do?

The same configuration works well with NT running a proxy server. So, I
know that NICs and cables are in good working condition. Can somebody
please help??


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Coy A Hile)
Subject: Re: Fvwm2 and Gnome/KDE ?!?
Date: 1 May 2000 15:58:57 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Fabio S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Does anybody know if fvwm2 (my favourite wm...;-) is Gnome and/or KDE
what do you mean by gnome/kde compliant?  if you've got the libs to make the
POS^Wgnome/kde apps run, they should run.

Coy Hile
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- / I took the one less traveled by, 
And that has made all the difference." --Robert Frost


From: Matt Siemens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: "tail" stops tailing?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 20:00:35 GMT


Here's what I'm trying to do:

I'm using tail to output the system log (/var/log/messages) to
/dev/tty12 via the /etc/rc.d/rc.local startup script.  I'm using the
command "tail -f /var/log/messages >/dev/tty12 &" which outputs the
system log to tty12 nicely and everything seems to work fine for a few
days...  But eventually what always happens is that the tail command
stops tailing the log file.  If I hit ALT-F12 to look at the log, the
last date displayed will be from a few days ago and tail stops tailing
the log until I kill it and run it again.  Why does this happen??  Is
there a better way to do this, other than using tail?

Any info on this would be very much appreciated!




From: arch harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux and SCO
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.sco.misc
Date: 1 May 2000 16:06:54 -0500

In article <8ecroc$26o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> In article <iDgO4.18959$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> T.E.Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>In comp.os.linux.misc Warren Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> This is because most Linuxes to date have reversed the traditional
>>> mapping of Delete and Backspace: instead of Ctrl-H, Backspace is usually
>>> configured to send ASCII 127, which SCO systems interpret the same way
>>> as Linux interprets Ctrl-C.

> This is an old, and totally bogus argument.
> ... stuff deleted
> And guess what? People _expect_ it to _delete_ the preceding character. 
> They'd be really upset if it just backed up over it, which was the
> original TTY behaviour (ie ASCII BS is truly historically just a cursor
> movement - and in that sense it is truly closer to the "cursor left" key
> than to the key many people know as "Backspace"). 
> ... stuff deleted
> That, on vt100 terminals (which is what the Linux console and xterms
> emulate), generally sends the ASCII DEL character.  The key that is
> marked "Delete" sends the vt100 sequence for the delete (^[[3~, I
> think).  It does not send the DEL character.  The way to get ^H is to
> press control and H at the same time. 
> ... stuff deleted
> It's tough, but basically the ASCII names do not match to the keyboards,
> or vice versa.  And using them as an argument is not very compelling. 

I disagree.  But first some information on VT keyboards.

A vt100 has no function keys (except 
4 keys above a numeric keyboard where math operator keys are on a PC
keyboard). It has both a DELETE and BACKSPACE key which send ASCII 
DELETE and BACKSPACE (this information from the VT100 Users Guide, 
pages 4-5).  

The emulation of DEL by BACKSPACE for
VT emulation stems more from the VT220 keyboard.  It had a key
labeled with a left arrow with a X in it. The key was
approximately in the position of a PC keyboard backspace key and
sent ascii DEL.  Thus for all those people whose muscle memory
would have their fingers reaching in that location for the DEL key,
VT emulators mapped the backspace key into the DEL key.  The vt220
had no BACKSPACE key, the only way to get BACKSPACE on a vt220 was
with CNTRL-h.  Therefore the fact that emulators took away the 
BACKSPACE key was of no loss to someone used to a VT200 keyboard.
The vt220 had 20 function keys, but the first  5 had special
functions and sent no code to the attached computer.

First I see no reason to have a PC keybaord emulate a vt100 or vt220
keyboard.  Far more users have used a PC keyboard in connection
with using Windows then have used a vt100 keyboard.
A PC keyboard has far greater capability than a vt220, lets use it.
For those who need vt220 or vt100 emulation, let them use
an emulator (or do the required reconfiguration).

linus says,
> And guess what? People _expect_ it to _delete_ the preceding character. 

This is true, but it is not an old bogus argument to have
backspace be backspace. There are two "mappings" which occur to map
a keystroke into the "erase character" functionality.
There is the mapping from key to ascii
character.  There then is also the mapping from Ascii character to
the "stty" erase functionality.  The original design of UNIX included
the STTY erase functionality for just this reason.  IHMO, distorting
the first mapping, instead of using the second mapping, is just plain 

It strikes me as being far more intuitive to have the key labeled BACKSPACE
send a BACKSPACE ascii character.  If I want that key to result in
the "erase char" function, then (if it is not already the default)
I configure the system to map BACKSPACE to ERASE. This especially
seems to make more sense when the system is running in "raw" rather 
than cooked mode.

| Dr. J. Archer Harris    Dept of Computer Science  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]         MSC 4103                  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]        James Madison University  |
| (540) 568 - 2774        Harrisonburg, VA 22807    |


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie Question:Linux and Win98 on different harddrive!
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 14:44:11 -0500

hhk wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I need to configure a system dual boot with linux and win98.I
> have already a win 98 installed in the system and I intend to
> install linux in a new hard disk. so how do I go about it? Do I
> need a third party OS loader like partition magic?
> * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
> The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!

You don't need a third party boot loader like Partition Magic's
Boot Magic.  You can put the lilo boot loader in the master
boot record of the first disk, and it should be able to boot
both Windows and Linux.   The installation program will
probably take care of all of this automatically except you may
have to tell it to put Linux on the second disk.

Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


Crossposted-To: alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Sorry, need help with simple linux questions from a newbie
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 14:06:57 GMT

[Newsgroups: trimmed, F'Up set]


Stupid, stupid, stupid.

>1)   How to turn Numlock on automatically upon Linux startup and in
>X-Window environment.

man XF86Config

>2)   How to use DOSEMU to copy files from Linux to a DOS formatted
>floppy disk.

You don't need DOSEMU for this. Use mcopy instead.


>P.S. remove DONT_MASS_WITH_ME to correspond.

Certainly not.

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: Yanglong Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 15:26:44 -0700

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

"Tim Bækstrøm Laursen" wrote:

> On Mon, 01 May 2000, Yanglong Zhu wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I wake up to a horrific reality that some computer manufacturers may be
> >trying to suppress and uproot Linux and all other free Operating
> >Systems. How? They make computers that do not read nor write those free
> >OS bootdisks in drive A. It is a very bad trick upon us free OS users.
> >We must wake up and get together to fight this war.
> >
> >I bought a Compaq Presario 5834 two weeks ago. I bought this computer
> >with Linux in mind. But after days of trying and calling support service
> >reps, I'm left stranded with a computer not at all of any use to me. At
> >this moment, I don't know how widespread this phenomenon is. But I urge
> >everybody who loves these free OS and free softeware in general do a bit
> >investigation to monitor this computer industry's new move.
> >
> >I suspect that this kind of restriction of Linux and other free OSes are
> >implemented through BIOS and/or Hardware, therefore it could defeat the
> >Free Software Movement if we don't get together to fight it. Or are we
> >
> >This may be an over reaction. But it does pose the threatening
> >potential.
> Another conspiracy theorist I see...
> Considering Compaq's statements about Linux I find it hard to believe that they
> deliberately tries to make life more difficult for non MS users. However they do
> stuff their PC with custom hardware for witch you often need the standard
> Compaq drivers for, but that is mostly a problem with their portable PC's. Not
> being able to boot a Linux floppy sounds a bit strange to me. Have you tried
> the disc in another (non Compaq) machine? It could be that something is wrong
> with the disc, or (highly unlikely I know) that you did something wrong with it.
> - Tim -

I urge you to try install RHLinux on a Presario 5834 (or some thing similar) to
verify what I'm saying.

Its not so much a conspiracy against Linux. But this is for their profit, I guess.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<tt>"Tim B&aelig;kstr&oslash;m Laursen" wrote:</tt>
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>On Mon, 01 May 2000, Yanglong Zhu wrote:</tt>
<br><tt>>Hi all,</tt>
<br><tt>>I wake up to a horrific reality that some computer manufacturers
may be</tt>
<br><tt>>trying to suppress and uproot Linux and all other free Operating</tt>
<br><tt>>Systems. How? They make computers that do not read nor write those
<br><tt>>OS bootdisks in drive A. It is a very bad trick upon us free OS
<br><tt>>We must wake up and get together to fight this war.</tt>
<br><tt>>I bought a Compaq Presario 5834 two weeks ago. I bought this computer</tt>
<br><tt>>with Linux in mind. But after days of trying and calling support
<br><tt>>reps, I'm left stranded with a computer not at all of any use
to me. At</tt>
<br><tt>>this moment, I don't know how widespread this phenomenon is. But
I urge</tt>
<br><tt>>everybody who loves these free OS and free softeware in general
do a bit</tt>
<br><tt>>investigation to monitor this computer industry's new move.</tt>
<br><tt>>I suspect that this kind of restriction of Linux and other free
OSes are</tt>
<br><tt>>implemented through BIOS and/or Hardware, therefore it could defeat
<br><tt>>Free Software Movement if we don't get together to fight it. Or
are we</tt>
<br><tt>>ready to devise FREE BIOS and FREE OS COMPATIBLE HARDWARE???</tt>
<br><tt>>This may be an over reaction. But it does pose the threatening</tt>
<p><tt>Another conspiracy theorist I see...</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>Considering Compaq's statements about Linux I find it hard to believe
that they</tt>
<br><tt>deliberately tries to make life more difficult for non MS users.
However they do</tt>
<br><tt>stuff their PC with custom hardware for witch you often need the
<br><tt>Compaq drivers for, but that is mostly a problem with their portable
PC's. Not</tt>
<br><tt>being able to boot a Linux floppy sounds a bit strange to me. Have
you tried</tt>
<br><tt>the disc in another (non Compaq) machine? It could be that something
is wrong</tt>
<br><tt>with the disc, or (highly unlikely I know) that you did something
wrong with it.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>- Tim -</tt></blockquote>
<p><br><tt>I urge you to try install RHLinux on a Presario 5834 (or some
thing similar) to verify what I'm saying.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>Its not so much a conspiracy against Linux. But this is for their
profit, I guess.</tt></html>



From: edgar domingo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: re-installed windows now system does not recognize LiLO
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 20:30:05 GMT

I re-installed windows98 on to my dual booted system ( one partition for
windows and one for linux). well I had to re-install windows (#$%%#@%!!!), 
now when the system boots up windows seems to have overwritten the linux 
loader or that is how it seems. I suppose my question is how do i 
re-establish LiLo so i can boot into Linux after a reinstallation of 
windows or another operating system. my apologies i'm relatively new to the 
linux world.

thank you for your time and have a good day.
Edgar Domingo

Posted via CNET


Subject: Installing PCI (non-winmodem) modem
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 20:30:07 GMT

I have a US Robotics Internet Gaming Modem, I just recently switched from 
Windows 98 to Red Hat Linux 6.2 Standard.  I'm desperately seeking drivers 
for my PCI modem.  The modem itself has a controller on it so it is not a 
Winmodem.  I saw a post on another sitethat it isn't a wiinmodem and would 
not support the rpm files made for PCI winmodems.  If you have the drivers 
please send them to me.  I would be verrrry grateful.

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: "tail" stops tailing?
Reply-To: hauck[at]codem{dot}com
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 20:33:22 GMT

On Mon, 01 May 2000 20:00:35 GMT, Matt Siemens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>command "tail -f /var/log/messages >/dev/tty12 &" which outputs the
>system log to tty12 nicely and everything seems to work fine for a few
>days...  But eventually what always happens is that the tail command
>stops tailing the log file.  

Maybe there's a cron job rotating the log by mv-ing it to a new name and
creating a new log.  Your tail is working but syslogd isn't writing to
the old file any more.

 -| Bob Hauck
 -| Codem Systems, Inc.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck)
Subject: Re: Installing PCI (non-winmodem) modem
Reply-To: hauck[at]codem{dot}com
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 20:35:26 GMT

On Mon, 01 May 2000 20:30:07 GMT, Sean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have a US Robotics Internet Gaming Modem, I just recently switched from 
>Windows 98 to Red Hat Linux 6.2 Standard.  I'm desperately seeking drivers 

If it is not a winmodem then you don't need a driver.  You may need to use
setserial to connect a device file to the thing's irq and io port.

Even Windows doesn't need a driver for a real modem...the "driver" file is
usually just init strings.

 -| Bob Hauck
 -| Codem Systems, Inc.


Subject: Re: Help: ttyS3 not receiving data. (input overrun)
Date: 01 May 2000 20:36:38 GMT

Good plan if the sound card is not using IRQ 5.. 


Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 16:47:06 -0400
From: "Art S. Kagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: re-installed windows now system does not recognize LiLO

edgar domingo wrote:
> I re-installed windows98 on to my dual booted system ( one partition for
> windows and one for linux). well I had to re-install windows (#$%%#@%!!!),
> now when the system boots up windows seems to have overwritten the linux
> loader or that is how it seems. I suppose my question is how do i
> re-establish LiLo so i can boot into Linux after a reinstallation of
> windows or another operating system. my apologies i'm relatively new to the
> linux world.

If you have made a Linux boot diskette you can boot to Linux with it and 
then rerun lilo which will reinstall itself on the boot sector of the drive.

If you neglected to make a boot disk and are using one of the distributions 
(like RedHat) that let you do an upgrade rerun the install but specify an 
upgrade and you can either make a boot diskette or reinstall lilo from the 
install program.

Art S. Kagel


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck)
Subject: Re: Help: ttyS3 not receiving data. (input overrun)
Reply-To: hauck[at]codem{dot}com
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 20:49:26 GMT

On Mon, 01 May 2000 13:15:58 -0500, Duane Touchet

>/dev/ttyS0, UART: unknown, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4
>/dev/ttyS1, UART: unknown, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3
>/dev/ttyS2, UART: 16450, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 4
>/dev/ttyS3, UART: 16450, Port: 0x02e8, IRQ: 3

This looks bogus.  Are you _sure_ about what you have in the box in terms
of io ports and irqs?  Can you look at your old DOS setup or check jumpers
or something to verify?  What is on ttyS0 and ttyS1 (aka com1 and com2)?  
Must be something weird if the kernel can't figure out the uart type.  
That usually means that nothing is actually there but some init script has
assumed that every PC has a com1 and a com2, or that something that is not
a serial port is there.

Having two ports on the same IRQ is A Bad Thing for ISA buss cards.  If
you really do have four com ports you might try disabling ttyS0 and ttyS1
to see if that helps.  Or, perhaps you do have four ports but the IRQ's
aren't being detected correctly.  You might try using setserial to fix
that if you know how the hardware is configured.

You said you "found out" the port was did you find this out?
By just trying things or by looking at your DOS setup?  That tty would be
COM4 in DOS.  Is that the COM port were you using before?

Basically, I think you have your serial port configuration messed up
someplace.  What the software thinks is there is not what is actually

 -| Bob Hauck
 -| Codem Systems, Inc.


From: Lawrence Staberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Firewire or IEEE 1394 support..????
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 20:31:09 GMT

Does anyone know if linux runs and supports firewire
on the new Gateway laptop, model 9300cx..

Or do you know any other vendors laptop that supports
onboard firewire..

To my knowledge, Gateway has not boarded the linux train..
  Regards, Larry Staberg
  voice:  (206) 655-5054              usmail: Boeing Commercial Airplane
  FAX:  (206) 655-0523                        P.O Box 3707
                                              Mail Stop 1W-06
  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             Seattle, WA  98124-2207


From: Patrick O'Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: rpm --rebuild doesn't
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 15:04:32 -0600

I can't figure this out.  I am running a Mandrake 7.0ish install
with glibc-2.1.3-4mdk, glib-1.2.7-3mdk, gtk+-1.2.7-4mdk, 
rpm-3.0.4-0.12mdk, XFree86-3.3.6, kernel-2.2.14-15mdk, 
and gcc-2.95.2-6mdk (I think that covers the applicable
bases).  I have found that I am unable to build many rpms from
source rpms - I am able to build _some_.  

This first reared it head recently when trying to rebuild the
nmap-2.30Beta release.  I thought at the time that it may have
been something wrong in that release but I have found it to 
happen in all subsequent nmap releases.  Not only that, I have
also been unable to rebuild rpms from the glibc, rpm, glib,
and gtk src.rpms.  

The problem is not one of compiling.  I have found that after
running "rpm --rebuild <src.rpm>" on src rpm that fails to 
produce a binary rpm DOES produce a successfully compiled
set of binaries in its BUILD directory.  I am able to enter
the appropriate BUILD directory and run "make install" and the
software installs and runs fine.  What doesn't happen in most
cases is the production of an rpm.  

I get no error messages anywhere to indicate what is going on
or why the failure.  The compilation completes and then the
process goes thru the final steps just prior to making an
rpm only to end prematurely with no errors.  No rpm is produced.

I have tried reinstalling some of the above mentioned binary
rpms (rpm, glibc) previous versions, I have tried upgrading
to the latest versions of those rpms.  It doesn't matter,
rpm building still fails.  

Has anyone come across this before?  What might I look at?
As I say, there are no error messages of any kind.  Compilation
proceeds just fine, it is just the end stage creation of an 
rpm from the src.rpm that fails.



From: Patricia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux and dos
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 23:02:43 +0200

On Mon, 01 May 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>How do I remove the linux partitions so that dos will recognize the drive?
>Posted via CNET
boot from the install floppy, the Linuxbootdisk or 
bootup from the installation CD-ROM. 
Then run fdisk or diskdruid to remove the Linuxpartitions. 
When the changes are written to the partitiontable, you can reboot the computer using 
Don't forget to run fdisk /mbr in dos to remove LILO from the MBR 
Good Luck
Red Hat Linux release 6.0 (Hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5-15 
 11:03pm  up 12:45,  1 user,  load average: 0.51, 0.34, 0.24
Mon May  1 23:03:02 CEST 2000


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bjoern Frantzen)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: "tail" stops tailing?
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 23:08:04 +0200

Matt Siemens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Here's what I'm trying to do:
>I'm using tail to output the system log (/var/log/messages) to
>/dev/tty12 via the /etc/rc.d/rc.local startup script.  I'm using the

I don't know the answer to your question, but I think a better approach to
the same goal is to let syslogd write directly to tty12.

I have the following line in my /etc/syslog.conf;

# Log everything to a free tty.
*.*                            /dev/tty12

Be careful to use TAB's and not spaces in syslog.conf.

        Bjørn Frantzen



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