Linux-Misc Digest #368, Volume #20               Thu, 27 May 99 14:13:11 EDT

  boot disk with 3c523 support? (Georg Schwarz)
  Re: GNU reeks of Communism (returning to %252522GNU Communism%252522) (Peter Seebach)
  Re: Starting X at boot-up (Mei)
  Re: WordPerfect gunzip (Rod Smith)
  Help changing video driver ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux Read win95/98 Long File Names? (spaten)
  Re: error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' 
(111)' ("test")
  Re: [rxvt] numeric keyboard ("Richard S. Shuford")
  Sound drivers cause system to lock up (Randy Olinger)
  Re: How do you change the Applications Menu? (Charly)
  Re: Control Panel problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Redhat6.0 + DEC tulip network card - can't get it to configure in :-( (Chris Raper)
  Building a Virtual Comport ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do you change the Applications Menu? (Buschman)
  Re: USB on Linux (Mei)
  Re: new 2.2.5 Kernel ("Mike Percival")
  Re: Netscape java40.jar problems (Michel)
  Re: How to get multiple replies quickly (Buschman)
  Re: Good 10/100 Mb ethernet cards for Linux (Timothy J. Lee)
  SMS for linux? (William Schwartz)
  Re: Linux vs. NT performance / Mindcraft results ("Rufus V. Smith")
  Re: Commercially speaking....? (Duncan / ir BaRRiL)
  Re: Help changing video driver (carl)
  Re: Netscape crashes and it takes the whole machine with it! (Do-Hoon Kwon)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Georg Schwarz)
Subject: boot disk with 3c523 support?
Date: 27 May 1999 16:06:32 GMT

Does anybody know a boot/root disk image with 3c523 (3COM MCA
ethernet NIC) support?
Institut für Theoretische Physik  +49 30 314-24254   FAX -21130  IRC kuroi
Technische Universität Berlin  


Subject: Re: GNU reeks of Communism (returning to %252522GNU Communism%252522)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Seebach)
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 18:44:46 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Mr Barry P Macmahon  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>A little aside from the previous discussion. I have always been taught
>that for every freedom one takes advantage of, you infringe on someone
>elses freedom.

This is, simply, not true.  It's a result of using various meanings of
"freedom" as if they meant the same thing.  E.g., my "freedom from being
hit" restricts your "freedom to hit people" - but one of these isn't much
of a freedom.  ;-)

>We want the benefits that a competetive capitalism brings
>[eg.ambition, creativity] but  everything has a price [except Linux ;-) ]
>and it's always those who are considered 'the weak' who pay.

This is a nice simple model, but turns out to be completely wrong.

Copyright 1999, All rights reserved.  Peter Seebach / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
C/Unix wizard, Pro-commerce radical, Spam fighter.  Boycott Spamazon!
Will work for interesting hardware.
Visit my new ISP <URL:> --- More Net, Less Spam!


Subject: Re: Starting X at boot-up
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 16:04:02 +0200

Michel wrote:
> Matthew Bafford wrote:
> > : 3. Are there any potential security compromises associated with booting
> > : directly into X.
> >
> > This just gives an graphical login prompt.
> >
> + give you the opportunities to have a rich vocabulary of swear words when
> it dies and you can't load another X. The safest way is to boot on the
> console. It just take a few seconds to run startx
> can't load anoter X?!?! What does it mean? If X dies you can
however restart it. You can also start more X at the same time.

Ciao Mei


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: WordPerfect gunzip
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 15:19:55 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Gero H. Marten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Rod Smith wrote:
>> ..however, as the usual way to get to the files is via links on web pages.
> I must disagree here. Most files you can presumably click on and
> download on web sites are located on ftp servers. Look at the URL
> while scrolling your mouse over such a link. That's why every
> serious computer user writes down the URL and then uses a ftp client
> to make the download.

First, I referred to "the files," not "files."  That is, I was referring
to the WordPerfect files in particular.  Corel provides a series of links
to these files from their web site, in such a way that it's clear they
expect users to download them with a web browser.

Second, I'm perfectly aware that many, perhaps most, file download links
(including the links to the WordPerfect files) are links to ftp sites.

I *STRONGLY* disagree with your elitism concerning "every serious
computer user," however.  Claiming that a person should use some
alternate, more difficult method to accomplish the task or be relegated
to the category of a "non-serious user" is counter-productive, in my
opinion.  I prefer to post a solution.  Further, I doubt the VERACITY of
your claim that "every serious computer user" uses ftp clients exclusively
to download files that are linked to from web sites.  While I do so
occasionally, for instance, I certainly don't do so exclusively.

>> You can claim "user error," but the design of the links on Corel's web
>> site makes it plain that they EXPECT users to download WP for Linux using
>> a web browser.  There are no instructions there to Shift-click to do it,
>> either.  IMHO, blame on this one does *NOT* belong at the user's feet, but
>> at Netscape's and Corel's.
> No, its a users problem, who obviously doesn't know how his software
> works.

So it's the user's problem that *COREL* posted a .tar.gz file under a .GZ
extension alone?  It's the user's problem that *NETSCAPE* ungzips files
without changing their extensions?  Sure, it'd be nice if everybody knew
everything about how computers work, but that's not the way of the world,
and it never can be -- computers are just too complex for that.  IMHO,
it's the RESPONSIBILITY of those who write the software to write it in an
intelligible way, and to follow standards when posting it.

(I don't intend to post to this thread again, as I fear it's degenerating
into something unhelpful.)

Rod Smith
NOTE: Remove the "uce" word from my address to mail me


Subject: Help changing video driver
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 13:34:59 GMT

As you can tell I am very new to Linux.  I originally had a 2MB S3 video
card in my Linux machine.  I have up graded it to a 4MB S3 video card.
How do I change the driver?  Currently, I am difficulty exiting X
Windows and my boss thought it might be due to the new video card.  When
Linux starts up, no problem, all the words seem fine.  If I go to X
Windows everything is still fine, even in XTerm.  But once I exit from X
Windows, all the words on the screen are "garbled" up.  The letters are
out of order but linux is still working fine.  If I type telnet or
startx, those respective programs run fine.  If I use telnet it will
work however the words are still garbled.  If I return to X Windows then
evrything is fine, even in XTerm, until I exit again.  So the only way
for me to work in a true linux environment without X Windows, is when I
first start up.  I apoligize for the length of this message and will
truely appreciate any advise on my problem, be it a video driver or not.

Mike B.

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From: spaten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Read win95/98 Long File Names?
Date: 27 May 1999 16:31:22 GMT

Is there a trick or utility to enable Linux to see the full extended file 
name used by windows on my FAT partitions instead of cutting it off with a 

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From: "test" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (111)'
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 16:55:20 GMT

Nevermind, I found out it was because /tmp needed to be world-writable
which it wasn't before.  Now everything works great...

> # ./bin/mysqladmin version
> ./bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
> error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/tmp/mysql.sock' (111)'
> Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'
> Got any suggestions?


From: "Richard S. Shuford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.terminals,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: [rxvt] numeric keyboard
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 09:59:52 -0400

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Bernhard Dobbels wrote:
> i'm using rxvt in X (xfree/fvwm2) on linux and when i start-up a
> terminal, i can't use the numeric keys on my keyboard (it beeps),
> even non the /*-+ on that part of the keyboard.
> If i do the command reset (=tset), the rxvt gets resetted or so and
> i can use the numeric keys. What is changed and how can i do this
> automaticaly when i open a terminal?

I assume that rxvt is emulating a DEC VT100.

Please keep in mind that the numeric keypad in a DEC terminal has 2
different modes: numeric and application.  The application mode
generates specified Escape sequences (and seems to be the default);
the numeric mode makes digits.  Your Linux machine's terminfo entry
(for whatever terminal type you have specified) must have a "reset"
sequence that sets numeric mode.

This sort of thing is discussed in the "DEC keyboards" and "using
terminals with Unix" links from

The O'Reilly book "termcap and terminfo" (by John Strang, Linda Mui,
and Tim O'Reilly, 0-937175-22-6) discusses these concepts in depth.

 ...Richard S. Shuford
    Stratus Computer
    Maynard, Massachusetts

Stratus Computer
Redundant-hardware fault-tolerant computer systems running VOS or HP-UX.
The above opinions are not those of Stratus.


From: Randy Olinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sound drivers cause system to lock up
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 11:39:46 -0500

Hello all, Has anyone seen this before?

I have a RedHat system (started with RH5.1 and upgraded kernel to 2.2.9)

that I am trying to get sound to work on.  I have a generic sound card
with the Yamaha OPL3/Sax chip.  I set it up using isapnp and it works
when I install the modules sound, mpu401, ad1848, and opl3sax
(forgive me if I don't have the last two module names exactly right).

Anyway, it seems to work, but the system tends to lock up tight as a
after a while if I install the modules and start playing sounds.  I have
had a locking up problem before.  My system is a AMD K6/266 in a Soyo
motherboard with Symbios 53C875 Ultra Scsi and Ultra-wide hard drives.
S3 graphics, RT8139 10/100 ethernet card.  Everything worked great until

I added sound.  Has anyone else noticed this?



From: Charly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do you change the Applications Menu?
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 16:49:44 +0200


> I have recently installed Corel WP 8.  As with Windows, I was expecting
> to see a shortcut in my applications menu.  However it is not there.
> How do I make entries and reconfigure my applications menu.  Is it like
> using explorer in Windows?  If so what program do I use.  As you can see
> I am very new to Linux and would appreciate any and all help thrown my
> way.
> Thanks,
> Mike B.
> --== Sent via ==--
> ---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---

What window manager are you using?

If it's KDE, go
Maximize your window and you'll see your menu and sub-menus.
Right-click on one, click New and then fill the textboxex as you want !

That's all. If it's not KDE, re-send your question. Surely someone will
know the answer !
Hope this Helps


Subject: Re: Control Panel problem
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 16:24:53 GMT

In article <7hhjo1$d52$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I am running Linux RedHat 5.0 on a 486/66 with 32
> ram, a generic video card in VGA mode with 512k
> memory, 640x480x16.
> When I run startx and come up to my menu system,
> control panel is not there (name is, but no icon).
> can go to xterm and input this command
> & ' and up comes an error message ' unable to find
> usable depth '.
> Is this a video problem?
> What makes me suspect is that I get a similar
> after starting Netscape, and the colors go haywire
> the screen, Netscape works fine, but the colors
> when going back to the desktop.
> Do I need more memory on the card or is there a
> config file that needs to be edited?
> Thanks for any help in advance
> Terry
> --== Sent via ==--
> ---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---

I solved this problem. I put in another video card
that had more memory and that could run SVGA. Control
panel now comes up and the colors on Netscape work


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Raper)
Subject: Redhat6.0 + DEC tulip network card - can't get it to configure in :-(
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 14:41:50 GMT

I am a newbie to linux but have been using SCO UNIX for a number of

I have a Pentium clone with an Accton 1207D-TX card (based on the DEC
tulip I understand). Caldera OL2.2 autodetects the card fine but
Redhat6.0 won't look at it. I let the o/s install (minus the
networking) and hoped to be able to configure it in later. 

I have run 'netconf' and filled in the details of the card
(type=tulip, IRG=10, Base I/O=0xD000) but after several re-boots eth0
still won't come up - 'dmesg' doesn't mention 'eth0' at all and the
boot screen says it loads 'lo' but fails on 'eth0'.

I have even tried LILO (linux ether=10,0xd000,0,0,eth0) without
success. :-(

Am I doing anything wrong here? Do I have to do a kernel re-build
after running netconf?  :-\

Chris R.


Subject: Building a Virtual Comport
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 14:08:39 GMT

I am suppose to build an application that perform
a lot of statistics about a PPP connexion ! For
this purpose, I would be able to talk to the modem
via AT commands during the ppp connexion.
According to me, a great solution would be to
create a virtual com port, with which pppd will
talk instead of the real one. A program would
redirect all data recieved on the virtual com to
the real one, until the moment I want to talk to
my modem. Then we enable CTS to tell pppd to
resend later data and we stop redirecting data to
the real port ! We can now send +++, and AT
commands to the modem ! After this, we would
return in online data mode, redirect again the
data and disable CTS !

Does anybody know if there is already such an
application ? Does anybody find good this idea,
think it's possible, and can giving me advises to
build this application ? Does anybody have an
other (better or not) solution ?

Thanks !


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From: Buschman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do you change the Applications Menu?
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 17:10:03 GMT


        I am using fvwm(Windowmaker) on redhat 5.2.  I hope this is what your
looking for cause I have no idea what KDE is.

Thanks bro,
Mike B.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Charly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have recently installed Corel WP 8.  As with Windows, I was
> > to see a shortcut in my applications menu.  However it is not there.
> > How do I make entries and reconfigure my applications menu.  Is it
> > using explorer in Windows?  If so what program do I use.  As you can
> > I am very new to Linux and would appreciate any and all help thrown
> > way.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Mike B.
> >
> > --== Sent via ==--
> > ---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---
> What window manager are you using?
> If it's KDE, go
> K-->Utilities-->MenuEditor
> Maximize your window and you'll see your menu and sub-menus.
> Right-click on one, click New and then fill the textboxex as you want
> That's all. If it's not KDE, re-send your question. Surely someone
> know the answer !
> Hope this Helps

The 2 most abundantthings in the universe are
Hydrogen and Stupidity.
                                --Harlen Ellison--

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Subject: Re: USB on Linux
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 17:03:13 +0200

Brent wrote:
> : I'd like to know peoples experiences using USB devices
> : with Linux. I'd like to know if I would have any problems
> : connected with a USB adapter?
> : Greg
> Greg, there is no USB support in Linux, as of yet.

No. There is, even in the new versions of the kernel. I don't know the
drivers created but if I remember well you can find mouse and keyboard
drivers. For unit such as Zip I think we must wait.

Ciao Mei


From: "Mike Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: new 2.2.5 Kernel
Date: 27 May 1999 15:12:38 GMT
Reply-To: "Mike Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Giuseppe Pittavini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> Hello and Thanks for your suggestions and help
>     I switched the drives but that did not work.  Both of my drivers are
> EIDE.  I am thinking if i disabled the EIDE cdrom support in the kernel
> leave me without any cd drive.
> Let me know what you think
> thanks
Nope ... you can disable IDE CDROM support only (not HDD support) and use
SCSI emulation. Both your EIDE CD-ROMs should then work fine. 




From: Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape java40.jar problems
Date: 26 May 1999 20:14:03 -0500

Chris Menzel wrote:
> Dexter Plameras wrote:
> > Im having problems with netscape java40.jar. Netscape cannot find
> > java40.jar in its class path. I was wonder if some one could advise
> > me on what to do or send a copy of the netscape bash script to set
> > the environment for netscape.
> >
> > Im running Redhat 5.2 netscape communicator 4.01
> Try setting your CLASSPATH to $MOZILLA_HOME/java/classes/java40.jar.
> This solved the problem in question for me (I'm using communicator 4.6).
> -chris

Is the problem in question a flushing of Netscape, like Netscape going into a
black hole?

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From: Buschman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to get multiple replies quickly
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 17:04:17 GMT

Fred and Mark,

        I appreciate both your comments and advise.  Mark you seem slightly
defensive, but don't worry.  I appreciate your advise and gave your
comments their due worth(this is not a slight at you).  Fred thank you
also.  What is the difference between a regular search and a power
search.  IE how do I do a power search?  I apoligize forposting trivial
questions but I have just gotten into Linux and find it so fasinating
that I can't seem to read fast enough to keep up with my interest.
Thanks fellas.

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---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timothy J. Lee)
Subject: Re: Good 10/100 Mb ethernet cards for Linux
Reply-To: see-signature-for-email-address---junk-not-welcome
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 17:12:28 GMT

|In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Timothy J. Lee wrote:
|> What are good 10/100 Mb ethernet cards for Linux?
|> On kernel 2.0.36 with tulip.c 0.89H
|Have you tried the newer drivers (0.90, 0.91) from
| ?

0.91 mostly works, but the Linux computer has a weird problem
when using a PNIC or ASIX 88140 based card (not evident when a
DEC 21140 based card is used):  it cannot talk to a Sun
SPARCstation 5, but it can talk to a Sun Ultra 5 or BSD PCs
with DEC 21140 or ASIX 88140 based cards.

Timothy J. Lee                                                   timlee@
Unsolicited bulk or commercial email is not welcome.   
No warranty of any kind is provided with this message.


From: William Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SMS for linux?
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 12:14:02 -0500

does SMS for linux exist?



From: "Rufus V. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.qnx,comp.realtime,comp.arch.embedded
Subject: Re: Linux vs. NT performance / Mindcraft results
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 13:08:01 -0400

Scott A. spam-me-some-moore wrote in message
>The test was paid for by Microsoft. A more interesting statistic would
>be the number of tests that came out favorably for the people who paid
>for the test results. Unfortunately, no one appears to want to pay for
>that study.
>                                              [sam]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Duncan / ir BaRRiL)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Date: 27 May 1999 18:00:10 GMT

Jamie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> It is amazing the number of people that do not realise that Win 95 is
> running on top of DOS just like 3.x did.  They just put a (not so)
> pretty picture up at the begining to hide the DOS stuff at boot time.

just wait "Now you can turn off your pc" screen and type in keyboard:
mode co80 (enter)
Wow!! You are in dos....
or type in turn off screen: format c:.... no just a joke :-)



From: carl <#[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help changing video driver
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 13:24:23 -0400

I don't have an answer, but I too have had the samething happen. Would love
to the fix.


> As you can tell I am very new to Linux.  I originally had a 2MB S3 video
> card in my Linux machine.  I have up graded it to a 4MB S3 video card.
> How do I change the driver?  Currently, I am difficulty exiting X
> Windows and my boss thought it might be due to the new video card.  When
> Linux starts up, no problem, all the words seem fine.  If I go to X
> Windows everything is still fine, even in XTerm.  But once I exit from X
> Windows, all the words on the screen are "garbled" up.  The letters are
> out of order but linux is still working fine.  If I type telnet or
> startx, those respective programs run fine.  If I use telnet it will
> work however the words are still garbled.  If I return to X Windows then
> evrything is fine, even in XTerm, until I exit again.  So the only way
> for me to work in a true linux environment without X Windows, is when I
> first start up.  I apoligize for the length of this message and will
> truely appreciate any advise on my problem, be it a video driver or not.
> Thanks,
> Mike B.
> --== Sent via ==--
> ---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


From: Do-Hoon Kwon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Netscape crashes and it takes the whole machine with it!
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 13:14:25 -0400

"Ahh Umm..." wrote:
> Well I'm not using RH 6.0, but you're probably better off unistalling
> Netscape 4.6 and using something like 4.08 which is known to be more
> stable. Also, by default RH configures their systems to trap the
> Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and Ctrl+Alt+Delete key combinations. Look at
> /etc/inittab for instance.
> To allow/disallow networking connections you usually have to edit
> /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. They should already exist and have
> explanatory text on editing them.

 Thanks for you reply.
 I have all the above items configured right as a matter of fact and I'm
sure that it's not netscape directly responsible for the hang. It might
triggered it, though.
 I mean a *complete* lockup. No response to keyboard, mouse, net
etc. It even doesn't response to ping.
 Come to think of it, I don't think I had this kind of lockups before I
a second NIC. Beginning to suspect tulip driver.... or my cheap PNIC

Do-Hoon Kwon



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