Linux-Misc Digest #464, Volume #20                Wed, 2 Jun 99 17:13:08 EDT

  Re: Netscrape Plugins (Michael Powe)
  Re: small linux distribution? (James Lee)
  Re: NT the best web platform? (James Lee)
  Re: "su" always returns 0 (Lack Mr G M)
  Re: RPM to see what package a file is in? (Gregory S. Lyons)
  Budgeting software for Linux? (Damon K. Haley)
  Re: making linux go away ("Gary")
  Reinstall LILO (David L. Bilbey)
  Re: SuSE vs Red Hat? (Christopher B. Browne)
  Re: Access ZIP drive attached to Linux PC from windows? (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: NT the best web platform? (Thomas Parsli)
  Re: Commercially speaking....? (Doug DeJulio)
  Re: RAID 1 setup ("Tony Platt")
  Re: /dev/sda4 not a valid block device? (Lack Mr G M)
  Help w/Linux Problem (Brian)
  Re: About RealPlayer G2... (Blaz Zupan)
  Re: Decent Partition Sizes?? (Ian Briggs)
  Re: samba in as root? ("Charles Wilkins")
  ~/ftp/pub owner  of an anonymous ftp server (jackie chong)
  Re: Sendmail/DNS Question (Erhard Siegl)
  Anyone know a good linux book (User941444)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Peter)
  Re: AfterStep or KDE or ...? Which one? ("Matt O'Toole")
  Re: is GNU fortran compiler available for linux, precompiled? (John Girash)
  Delete key is not working in Netscape 4.51 ("Jeanette Russo")
  Re: About RealPlayer G2... (Jeremy L. Stock)


Subject: Re: Netscrape Plugins
From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 31 May 1999 19:05:52 -0700

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Bev" == Bev  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Bev> Jimmy Navarro wrote:
    >>  Besides putting as "rvplayer %"?  I don't see
    >> anywhere.  I use RH5.2+NC4.08.  Anyway, I
    >> have /usr/lib/netscape/plugin as empty subdirectory while
    >> /usr/lib/netscape/java/classes has couple of files.  Are you
    >> sure you've tried this, not using yourWin95+NC4.6?

    Bev> I don't have it either, and when I clicked on the GET PLUGIN
    Bev> link (at Netscape) on the page, Netscape told
    Bev> me that a plugin for my system doesn't exist -- which I knew
    Bev> already.  However, Realplayer 5.0 works fine for me
    Bev> (Slackware 3.4, kernel 2.0.30, NS 4.6) even so.  It played
    Bev> the sound at, I just didn't want to join to
    Bev> listen to the 3 pieces of music I might have wanted to
    Bev> hear...

    Bev> You have to follow the instructions EXACTLY.  And you may --
    Bev> for some reason that is entirely mysterious to me -- have to
    Bev> reboot linux for rvplayer to work.  You probably really only
    Bev> have to kill and restart some process, but as a single user
    Bev> it's easier to hit the button than actually learn
    Bev> something...

Well, of course I can't follow them <exactly> because part of the
instructions refers to things I can't do.  For example, the netscrape
menu it wants me to go to in order to edit the plugin values doesn't
exist anymore.  And, when I go to put in Real Audio, there's no
"plugin" option -- it's grayed out.  The only plugin that is available
is the "default plugin," which I can get to only by clicking on the *
or "default" option.  So, I set it up as an "application" with
"/usr/netscape/realplayer5.0/realplayer %s" for the binary.  I made a
directory link from ~/.netscape/plugins to the /usr/netscape/plugins
directory as was suggested by someone else.  Also,
/usr/netscape/plugins contains the java class libs, as per the
instructions, and the rvplayer soname, as per the instructions.

RP actually does pop up at CNN, it just errors out, saying it can't
decode the file.

Ah, the joys of linux.

Thanks for the help.


- --
Michael Powe                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Portland, Oregon USA             
"There are certain rights that a woman loses when she becomes a
wife."  -- Farrah Fawcett

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From: James Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: small linux distribution?
Date: 2 Jun 1999 13:46:29 -0500

How do you create such a small Linux
if you do not have /dev/fd0, but instead an
LS120 residing at /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd?


From: James Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: NT the best web platform?
Date: 2 Jun 1999 13:25:37 -0500

In comp.os.linux.misc Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: "Chad Mulligan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

:> Jimmy Navarro wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
:> >If NT is the best web platform, it has to be available for free.  Be sure
:> your
:> >NT has no memory leak.
:> >
:> it is free. That's been fixed.

: it is?  are you sure?  perhaps you should let bill gates know about
: this.  he's under the impression that nt was proprietary.

It is! It is really free. The leak, I mean.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: "su" always returns 0
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 19:21:46 BST

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bryan Brandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|> Even worse, performing the following command as root, where the file
|> /tmp/xxx does not exist:
|>     su - bbrandt -c "cat /tmp/xxx; echo $?"

   That $? is in a double-quoted string.  So it will get interpolated by
your shell - the actual command that su sees is:

  cat /tmp/xxx; echo 0

which is why you see 0.  Put the text in single quotes, so that
variables are not substituted.

|> I haven't tested this explicitly on other distributions, so I'm not sure
|> that it's specific to RH or not.

   I shodul hope not.  What you decribe is how I would expect all
systems to work.

|>                             I'm not entirely sure it's necessarily
|> a problem with "su" itself or perhaps with the shell.

   You should never discount "operator error"!

|> Does anyone have any ideas either how this can be fixed, or a logical
|> explanation of why this was done?

   Yes. RTFM.

=========== Gordon Lack ================= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ============
The contents of this message *may* reflect my personal opinion.  They are
*not* intended to reflect those of my employer, or anyone else.


Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 15:01:18 -0400 
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gregory S. Lyons)
Subject: Re: RPM to see what package a file is in?

On Sat, 29 May 1999 04:31:23 -0400, pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Sean Godsell wrote:
>> Can anyone help me with this problem that I am having with rpm.
>> I heard that you can find out what package a particular file is in,
>> using the rpm command.  What I am looking for is the one line command
>> syntax. Not built into any shell scripts.
>> If anyone knows the syntax of the command to perform this action, I
>> would really be grateful.
>> I can view all packages installed on the system using rpm -qa
>> or find a particular file in a package using rpm -ql packagename | grep
>> filename
>> Maybe I am just getting too old, but I can't figure it out.
>> Signed Please help a desperate man
>>         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I am not exactly sure what you are asking but I have one and a half 
>answers. If you want to know which already installed RPM package a 
>particular file belongs to, at the command line type "rpm -qf <file-name>"
>rpm should return something like "file <file-name> belongs to package 
>If on the other hand, you are trying to install an rpm package but you 
>don't meet the dependencies and you need to find the required files... I am 
>not sure if there is a better way but check out  This website 
>catalogs tons of RPM's. If you find the proper one (same version and 
>preferably same distribution too) then look at the list of required files 
>for the RPM. They are all links to the (hopefully) correct RPMs that you 
>Does anyone know of an easier way ?? would apprediate help on this.
>------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------

This is kind of a cheesy solutiontion, but here's what I do...

A. rpm -qlp /rpm/directory/*.rpm | grep "file"  (to verify that one of
the rpms does contain the file

B. rpm -qilp /rpm/directory/*.rpm | less
   then use the search feature of less to locate the file
   in question,scroll up to see what rpm file it's in.

I've no doubt there is a much better way, but I'm still pretty new to
this Linux thing ;)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Damon K. Haley)
Subject: Budgeting software for Linux?
Date: 2 Jun 1999 19:22:49 GMT

Does anyone know of Linux software that allows one to budget his finances?
I use xacc to do my checking, but I want to maintain a monthly budget like
quicken allows for.

I have heard of gnucash, does it or other sw do this?




From: "Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: making linux go away
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 99 19:25:10 GMT

as for believing there are Unix-only networks, I'm a Datacomms engineer, and
I can tell you categorically there are more Unix based networks than NT, no
matter what Bill might say.
After all, the average time an NT box stays up without a reboot is 4.6 days;
it's not uncommon for a Unix server to run for years without a reboot.


From: David L. Bilbey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Reinstall LILO
Date: 2 Jun 1999 12:31:28 GMT

Can anyone tell me how to reinstall lilo?  I can boot with a boot disk, but
my lilo configuration is all messed up, and I just want to start over with
a default.  Thanks.

David Bilbey

"One bad thing about Lassie, she was always warning you about something.
Let me be surprised for a change."  --Jack Handey


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher B. Browne)
Crossposted-To:  comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: SuSE vs Red Hat?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 12:34:47 GMT

On Mon, 31 May 1999 02:18:40 GMT, p <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted:
>Redhat has sold out.  Suse is were its at.

They have "sold out" precisely *what,* pray tell?

Based on the licensing of the software they distribute, they seem to be more
"principled" in their participation in the free software community than any
of the other commercial vendors.

Are they suffering from the problems of Yet Another .0 Release?  Surely.

Are they suffering from the problems that result from aggressively releasing
immature software?  Absolutely.  GNOME isn't mature; EGCS isn't quite
perfect (although on the C++ side is preferable to GCC), and their early
adoption of the experimental GLIBC 2.0 series was precipitous.

I presume that you are alluding to the pricing?  Well, their price increases
are consistent with what the Father of Free Software himself, RMS, commends
as a policy of "Charge As Much As You Can For Free Software."

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.  
-- Henry Spencer          <>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - "What have you contributed to free software today?..."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.networking,
Subject: Re: Access ZIP drive attached to Linux PC from windows?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 12:37:06 GMT

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 08:09:06 +0200, "Erik Cuynen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>at our office, we recently have installed a linux PC, being part of a large
>ethernet network.
>The other 4 PCs are running win98 and  are connected to the network as well.
>what must be done in order to allow all 4 PCs to read and write files from a
>drive attached to the linux PC???
>Please provide sufficient information, I am a Linux newbie ; - )

You are going to need 3 things...
1) software to make files on the Linux system available to the Win98 systems
   Look into - Samba for "Microsoft Networks" (SMB) support, or
             - Mars NWE for "Netware Bindary" support, or
             - NFS for Sun Network File System support.
   Win98 comes with the client for "Microsoft Networks" and Netware, so no
   additional software will be required, but if you choose to use NFS, you'll
   have to acquire and install a (likely commercial) NFS client on each Win98

2) TCP/IP enabled on each of the Win98 systems, and

3) A suitable file system driver installed on Linux (i.e. VFAT, DOS, etc.)
   Since you are using a ZIP drive, you'll probably be exchanging disks with
   other systems, and these disks are likely to be formatted for MSDOS/Windows,
   rather than Linux. If so, then your Linux system will need file-system support
   for MSDOS/Windows file systems enabled.

Lew Pitcher
System Consultant, Integration Solutions Architecture
Toronto Dominion Bank


(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employer's.)


Crossposted-To: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: NT the best web platform?
From: Thomas Parsli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 02 Jun 1999 22:09:06 +0200

"Chad Mulligan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Miguel Cruz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:IsT43.1183$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Chad Mulligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> *NT* afaik is *not* free.
> > >
> > > Either is a professional UNIX.

Please tell Walnut Creek that FreeBSD is unprofessional, tell Cisco that
their worldwide print-system is based on an unprofessional OS (Linux),
tell Amerada Hess Corp (global oil giant) that their linux-based
(Beowolf) cluster is unprofessional...

> > I take it your definition of a professional Unix is "one that is not
> > available for free."
> >
> > miguel

> Essentially, hobbyists don't have the discipline to do it properly.  For
> examples look at Disk Druid, and RH 6.0.

And that makes Linux unprofessional?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug DeJulio)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,,,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Date: 2 Jun 1999 16:09:51 -0400

>>>Well what do you call this?
>>>$ldd a.out
>>> => /lib/ (0x40007000)
>>>/lib/ => /lib/ (0x00000000)
>> I'd call it linking agains libc and the dynamic loader.  What do you call it?
>Now don't you think libc calls the kernel?

Not in the way you're implying.  The libc library does not *link*
against the kernel.  It interfaces to the kernel via a system call

This is why, for example, you can take a static-linked Linux binary
and run it on a BSD system (with Linux emulation).  It's also why iBCS
lets Linux boxes run SCO binaries.  The kernel is *not* linked in;
there's a fundamentally different mechanism at work.

It has more in common with the way a human being interfaces with Emacs
than the way a program interfaces with a library that it's linked
against, IMHO.  It's very much like putting a graphical wrapper around
Doug DeJulio      | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
HKS, Incorporated |


From: "Tony Platt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: RAID 1 setup
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 21:29:37 +1000

If you are running Redhat

Mirroring isn't in the Kernel by default I think

Only striping

So you will possibly have to recompile with the raid striping support

I had to anyways


Andreas Oppermann wrote in message <7j340d$h3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Al Nios schrieb in Nachricht <7j0tit$5u5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>I'm trying to implement a RAID 1 (software) using linux 2.2.5 - I've read
>>all the relevant FAQs.
>>I've created two partitions /usr and /usr2 on different disks and would
>>to mirror them. When I follow the instructions (mkraid /dev/md0) in the
>>software FAQ, I get a "device is busy" error and I cannot umount the
>>partition. If there a way (and is it a good idea) to create the raid
>>the devices are mounted?
>>Any help on this matter would be grealtly appreciated.
>>Al Nios
>Iīve got this error message too. Try this:
>- Edit config file in /etc/raid1.conf
>- Unmount the partitions you want to use in the raid array
>- Make the array: mkraid /etc/raid1.conf
>- mdadd /dev/md0 /dev/hda4 /dev/hdc4
>  (note: hda4 and hdc4 are samples!)
>- mdrun -p1 /dev/md0
>- Make the filesystem: mke2fs /dev/md0
>- mount the new raid filesystem: mount /dev/md0 /mnt
>- at this point you should have the new raid filesystem
>- for the first time donīt forget to manually unmount
>  and stop the raid.
>  umount /mnt
>  mdstop /dev/md0
>Andreas Oppermann
>The software raid of linux is a very nice thing. Thanks
>to all develpers.


Subject: Re: /dev/sda4 not a valid block device?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 13:43:52 BST

In article <7j0kth$8l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phillip George 
Geiger) writes:
|> appear to work correctly, the drive even grunts once or twice.
|> mount -t vfat /dev/sda4 /zipdrive
|> produces the error in the subject line.  Any suggestions?

   Look in /var/log/messages and see whether there is anything there. 
Mine (for a SCSI version though) seems to say what partitions it has

  FWIW: One of the disk I got in a Zip250 pack had the disk on partition
2, not partition 4.   (No idea why - I moved it onto 4 for my sanity).

=========== Gordon Lack ================= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ============
The contents of this message *may* reflect my personal opinion.  They are
*not* intended to reflect those of my employer, or anyone else.


Subject: Help w/Linux Problem
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 12:57:19 GMT

Can someone out there please help me.  Someone gave me a HD w/Linux
installed on it, but I dont want it on there.  Is there anyway at all
to remove it and still be able to use all of the drive?  Quick and
painless would be nice, but if not, it's ok.  Thanks in advance.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Blaz Zupan)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: About RealPlayer G2...
Date: 2 Jun 1999 12:04:31 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter Mutsaers wrote:
>I tried the G2 player yesterday, and it runs with good sound and video
>for me. Note that I use the linux-base-5.2 port instead of the
>standard linux emulation port.

Where did you guys find the Linux G2 player? I can only find
RealPlayer 5.0 for Linux on, not G2.

Medinet d.o.o., Linhartova 21, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian Briggs)
Subject: Re: Decent Partition Sizes??
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 13:02:29 GMT

Otavio Exel wrote:
:one thing I never quite understood: what's the point in having /var in a
:separate partition? /var to me is a mistery! it is highly volatile (thus
:prone to get trashed in a power faillure)

Well, that would be one good reason for trying to isolate it as much as
possible from the rest of the system.  Another reason for a separate
partition is to reduce the danger of an out-of-control log file growing
so large that it completely fills whichever partition /var lives on.

Neither is very likely, but it was easy for me to put /var on a partition
of its own "just in case".



From: "Charles Wilkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: samba in as root?
Date: 2 Jun 1999 13:02:35 GMT

Is there any way connect to the linux box using the samba service as root?
Currently, I am connecting with my user account, but I did not want to
extend root priveleges to this account.

While we are on the topic, is there a way to FTP in as root.

I am aware of the security risks, but I still would like to know how.

Thanks to all who reply!
Charles Wilkins

jimlynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
<7iqifb$284g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Hi,
>     I have a RedHat 5.2 system and I want to be able to telnet into the
> system as root.  How would I go about setting this up?
> Thanks,
> Brian


From: jackie chong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.sun.admin
Subject: ~/ftp/pub owner  of an anonymous ftp server
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 22:06:47 +0900


I have a couple of question regarding setting up an anonymous ftp
Usually, anonymous server has /pub directory and /pub's owner is
something like ftpadm, ftp users and etc.

Are those real accounts which means that those are valid accouts that
are listed in the /etc/passwd file of ftp server?

In the root directory which the anonymous ftp users first log in has
also ~ftp/etc/passwd. In that file, ftpadm or ftpusers are listed
without shell.

I am kind of confused on how to make ftpadm account on /etc/passwd and

if any of you have had a same question and came to understand, please
let me know.

I would greatly appreciate your time.

Thank you




From: Erhard Siegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Sendmail/DNS Question
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 20:40:10 +0200

On Wed, 02 Jun 1999, Charles wrote:
>I'm running a web server using Linux.
>I have a domain, e.g., and can receive mail sent to
>Mail sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (i.e. no "www") gets bounced.  Can
>this be handled by the sendmail configuration (if so, which file -
>, or does the ISP where my box is co-located need to add
>something to their DNS tables?

Where does it bounce? from your machine? Can you send a mail from your
box to [EMAIL PROTECTED]? If not, you have to tell sendmail that it
keeps the mail to the machine
I have an entry in

Cw localhost

that does this. Usually you dont edit directly. In SuSE
you can do this by setting SENDMAIL_LOCALHOST in rc.config.
You can get similar results by editing /etc/mailertable and generating new.

Of course the mail must get to your host, but I assume does.

Hope this helps,

>Any suggestions greatly appreciated.  Please reply to me at

This adress did bounce with User unknown 

"Doubt is not a pleasant mental state, but certainty is a ridiculous one."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (User941444)
Subject: Anyone know a good linux book
Date: 2 Jun 1999 20:04:33 GMT


Personally im a windows 95/98 expert and have recently installed red hat 6. Im
finding certain thinks confusing and difficult. Can anyone reomemnd a good book
thAT NOT ONLY LOOKS AT LINUX BUT the graphical user intefaces like kde and
gnome as many books ive looked at only cover the command you type, not press
with the mouse.

2. Is there actually a great deal of difference between red hat 5.2 and 6. I
mean, would a book for 5.2 be fine for 6, and to what extent.

Any advice apreciated.

Thanks, Russ


Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 16:09:11 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ottavio G. Rizzo) wrote:

> Just think of European football fans carrying weapons...

Hooligans with weapons.......Now that is a scary thought.


" Don't you eat that yellow snow
     Watch out where the huskies go"


From: "Matt O'Toole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AfterStep or KDE or ...? Which one?
Date: 02 Jun 1999 13:48:09 PDT

Yibing Fan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> I just started to use linux a month ago.  Slowly, I am getting
> everything running my way.  I just switched to AfterStep and then I
> heard about KDE.  I read about it, and now I am confused about so many
> choices of desktop environment.  Which one do you recommend?

> I need a good file manager, I tried mc, xfm came with RedHat5.2 and
> later dfm.  mc still need a lot improvement to be in the same league as
> its windows counterpart.  I can't stand xfm.  dfm is OK but still fall
> short.  KDE's file manager must be great, as I read. But is that the KDE
> a resource monster?

I guess that depends on what kind of machine you have.  It is indeed more
resource-hungry than Afterstep or fvwm, but it should perform well enough
for you on most Pentium class machines with at least 16 MB system RAM, and a
meg of video RAM.

The file manager, kfm, has lots of features and options, so it will do a
lot; but it is a bit slow(er) to load and run sometimes.  Whether its
particular feature set meets your needs, who knows until you try it?

Matt O.


From: John Girash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: is GNU fortran compiler available for linux, precompiled?
Date: 2 Jun 1999 16:54:28 -0500

Leonid Andreev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Please don't ask me what I need it for. :) I don't really want to
: build it myself, so if it is available as a binary I would like to get
: my hands on it. 

: (I know about f2c, but I would prefer the "real" compiler). 

Hi Leonid,
Debian's got a .deb package for it, & last time I checked Slacky had the more
traditional .tgz (for i386 only). & respectively.

And I've probably got an ancient a.out version on floppy that you could borrow.


From: "Jeanette Russo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Delete key is not working in Netscape 4.51
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 06:45:39 -0500

It worked in 4.08 anyone know the fix for this problem?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeremy L. Stock)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: About RealPlayer G2...
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 13:13:59 GMT

On 2 Jun 1999 12:04:31 GMT, Blaz Zupan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Where did you guys find the Linux G2 player? I can only find
>RealPlayer 5.0 for Linux on, not G2.
>Medinet d.o.o., Linhartova 21, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

Jeremy L. Stock                         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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