Linux-Misc Digest #464, Volume #21               Thu, 19 Aug 99 16:13:14 EDT

  Re: *nix vs. MS security ("Lee Sharp")
  Re: Why so inefficient source RPM's ?? (Chris Butler)
  Re: what the hell does this mean? (Jayan M)
  Re: Looking for a WWIV-like BBS for Linux (K. Eggleston)
  Re: TV Tuner in Linux? (Nicholas Pappas)
  Re: *nix vs. MS security (Kevin Esme Cowles)
  Re: Linux vs. Unix (John Girash)
  setting timezone ? (dja7)
  Re: currencies ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Cracks for Linux? (Harold Stevens ** PLEASE SEE SIG **)
  Re: Help: Caching webpages... (Chris Butler)
  Re: Address book and B-marks can move ("Matt O'Toole")
  Problems compiling 2.2.11 kernel (kernel upgrade fro 2.0.36) (Rajesh Radhakrishnan)
  Corel WordPerfect 8 question (L Hill)
  Re: How do I tell RH sees a second CPU? (Gill Bates)
  Re: XWindows Emulators (Wayne Power)
  Re: [Q] Upgrading gcc-2.95 on SuSE-6.1 Linux Distro (Graham Murray)
  Re: RH 6.0 Which to d/l?? kermel....i386 or kernel...i586   or  (Jayan M)
  Re: Why are my sound devices "busy"? ("Tim Sander")
  Re: ICQ and linux client (Aaron Mitchell)
  Re: 3rd hdisk and slow boot (John Girash)
  AV Master ("h.a.k.m. van der last")
  Re: Interested in using Linux (Mark)


From: "Lee Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.questions,
Subject: Re: *nix vs. MS security
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 13:15:54 -0500

Christopher Lu wrote in message ...

|I'm taking a class on operating systems.  During the last class, the
|instructor mentioned that *nices are less reliable and less secure than
|Microsoft OS's.  His reasoning is that because *nices (espeically linux) is
|free and everyone has access to it, it's less secure.  Random people can
|hack into a *nix system easier because they can figure out the interrupts
|and stuff, since it's a free OS.

|I questioned the fact that the majority of servers on the internet use some
|flavor or *nix.  He answered saying that only small size companies use
|Everyone else uses something more secure (he meant MS I'm assuming).

|I wanted to know what everyone here thinks about this.  I'm a firm believer
|thatn *nix is a very stable, secure system.  Granted I haven't had a whole
|lot of experience dealing with *nix but everything I've seen/read/heard has
|led me to that conclusion.  But being naive when it came to *nix I was
|unable to counter my instructor with anything substantial.

   A great example of "Those who can not do, teach."  Of companies using
Unix, Ford, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, NASA, Burlington, BMC, Computer
Associates...  Of course, these are small companies, so they do not count.


SCSI is *NOT* magic. There are *fundamental technical reasons* why it is
necessary to sacrifice a young goat to your SCSI chain now and then. * Black
holes are where God divided by zero. - I am speaking as an individual, not
as a representative of any company, organization or other entity.  I am
solely responsible for my words.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Butler)
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,linux.redhat.rpm,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Why so inefficient source RPM's ??
Date: 19 Aug 1999 11:42:10 +0100

[comp.os.linux.development.system - 18 Aug 1999 17:44:42 -0400] 
  * Johan wrote *

> what if the builder doesn't offer a patch.  you want to roll up a new
> rpm from the newer sources and wish to borrow from past rpm spec
> files.  you have to download the source twice.  it's annoying.

Not wanting to start dist-wars here, but Debian handles this a bit

With debian source archives you have:


The .dsc file contains information about the package, a lot of it taken
from the debian/control file (a bit like the top part of a spec file, it
would seem), and a list of the other files in the source archive, with
size and md5sum information. The .dsc is PGP-signed by the maintainer.

The .orig.tar.gz contains the upstream source. None of the
debian-specific modifications in there.

Finally, the .diff.gz contains all of the debian changes from the
upstream source. This includes the debian/ directory, holding all the
information necessary to create a .deb package. It may also contain
patches to the source to conform with Debian policy, or to fix important
bugs until the upstream contains the fix.

If you have downloaded the source from the upstream maintainer
seperatly, all you need to download is the .diff.gz (and the .dsc if you
want to check the .diff.gz's authenticity). It's usually just a matter
of patching the source with this .diff, and compiling a debian package
as normal.

Chris Butler


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: what the hell does this mean?
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 14:15:19 GMT

Was your system online when you were away?

Good chance of a hack from someone..

Try what the message said, with a backup.


kev wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just got back from a week's holiday during which time my Red Hat6
> system has been up, just running scheduled processes, with (to my
> knowledge) noone elsze having used the system while I was away.
> I've tried su-ing to a couple of users, and get the following message:
> "possible stale xauth refcount in file
> ~/.xauth/refcount/<user>/<domain>/unix:0 - delete file if in doubt"
> Can anyone tell me what this means, why I get it and what course of
> action to take?
> Thanks in advance,
> - Kev


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (K. Eggleston)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Looking for a WWIV-like BBS for Linux
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 13:42:28 -0500

Meow comp.os.linux.questions, meow meow Nicholas Pappas meow meow meow 
Meow meow...
>       I ran WWIV back during the BBS hay-day, I've still got my source code
> sitting around somewhere...maybe. :)
>       The BBS software actually still excists, I think you can find the website
> at (if you didn't already know).  I do not know if they have
> any plans (or already have) ported it to Linux, but it is worth a look see.
>       Actually, if you find anything out -- let me know, I'd be interested in
> checking out the software too!

Yes, I already looked into it.. There are some pages related to it. One 
in partiuclar is 
Unfortunately, the links on this page come back "not found". grr...

I would sure like to get WWIV for Linux. I miss that ol' girl.

>       Nick
> "K. Eggleston" wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I am looking for BBS software that is as close to the original WWIV
> > experience as possible for Linux.  Open source code would be a nice perk
> > as well, because I love to customize! (Free would be nice, too!)
> > 
> > I looked at Falken but am not extremely impressed with its features or
> > the asinine policy of the author that "source code is not available to
> > anyone under any circumstances".  Excuse me????  As if someone's going to
> > rip of his BBS code and go make a million bucks with it.. give me a
> > break.
> > 
> > Any tips would be appreciated!


From: Nicholas Pappas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: TV Tuner in Linux?
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 14:28:19 -0400

        There are a couple of programs that allow you to use TV Tuners under Linux
-- check out
        Most of the programs use video4linux (I think that is right) -- their
homepage lists the type of cards that are supported.


Sean wrote:
> I have a Diamond DTV2000 TV tuner card and I'd like to know if there is
> anyways to make it work under Linux?  Anyone?
> ------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------

 Nicholas Pappas              Hey, life is pretty stupid.
 Lucent Technologies          With lots of hub-bub to keep you busy,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]           But really not amounting to much.
 1D-185N                                - Shakespeare


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin Esme Cowles)
Subject: Re: *nix vs. MS security
Date: 19 Aug 1999 11:44:19 -0700

In article <zkJu3.12219$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[ ... ]

>b) In terms of security, I suggest you think again.  
>If you want to talk about formal security certifications, there are
>UNIX systems rated as high as B1 by the NSA/NIST.  NT is only rated
>C2, and that is only true for version 3.51, with *networking turned

Just a nit.

I personally admin a system with a B2 rated OS (DG/UX), and the page 
that you listed even refers to a B3 system (yes I know it's stupid, but
lower letters are more secure, and higher numbers are secure).

And while I'm a huge fan of open source, I'll point out that these systems
are not open source.  Their code has been reviewed, very thoroughly, for
any possible security vulnerabilities, as part of the certification
process.  But they definitely do not allow the general public to see
the source code.  So to a certain extent, the do rely on security through 
obscurity to prevent any vulnerabilites that do exist from being easily 

Esme Cowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                              .                                   . .


From: John Girash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux vs. Unix
Date: 19 Aug 1999 14:45:20 -0500

In comp.os.linux.misc Floyd Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: James Knott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson) wrote:

:>>Alert, Canada???  I've never heard of it!

:>It's a radar base at the most northern tip of Canada, and about as far
:>north as you can get anywhere in the world and still have solid land 
:>under your feet.  There's only a very small bit of land further north 
:>than it anywhere.

Well hey, there's only a small bit of planet further north than it :-)

But I'm pretty sure you're arguing apples and oranges here; Barrow could
very well be the northernmost city but Alert the northernmost settlement.
Cities are incorporated municipalities that provide at least minimum set
of civic services, and in some jurisdictions at least also must meet a 
minimum population requirement.  Radar sites tend to not be civic.

That being said, a better comparison might be: where is the northernmost LUG.


"don't listen when you're told about the best days in your life     Spirit of
 a useless old expression, it means passing time until you die."     the West
  -- John Girash -- girash @ - --


Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:46:33 -0700
From: dja7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: setting timezone ?

I have two linux machines, redhat 2.0.36 and slackware 2.0.30

How do I set the timezone on them ?    Do I have to reconfigure the
kernel to do that ?     the only place I saw the timezone setting was in
the intial setup configuration


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: currencies
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 14:08:34 -0500

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Eugene O'Neil wrote:
> We could probably print a few hundred million dollars here and there and get 
> away with it, but we could not get away with printing billions and billions of 
> dollars any time we felt like it. A dollar is valuable only because it is 
> rare: it has no other intrinsic value. How long do you think it would remain 
> the international currency if we stamped it out like toilet paper?

How short memories are!  Under Jimmy 0Carter, when inflation was running
at 12%, people were dumping dollars in order to buy Swiss francs.  
Debasing the currency is a traditional pastime of governments, along with
taxing the productive and auctioning justice to the highest bidder.  The
history of government finance is a history of trying to hide the printing
press.  In the US the printing press is over at the federal reserve bank
who lends money they don't have to the federal government, thereby
increasing the supply of dollars.


Subject: Palm III, PPP, SLIP & Linux
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 18:31:28 GMT

I've been trying to control my linux box through the serial port
somehow. I've tried the following:

bash# cat /dev/ttyS0 | bash2 &> /dev/ttyS0 &

and I had a terminal application running on the handheld.
All I was getting was some gibberish...

I wanted to know if there's any way to get network access on the Palm
through SLIP from my computer...

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harold Stevens ** PLEASE SEE SIG **)
Subject: Re: Cracks for Linux?
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 18:38:03 GMT


|> Sorry if I got you all mad.  I may be unethical and a newbie to Linux but
|> I'm not  moron.


I apologize if I completely misunderstand you, but this is nuts.

What are you saying here? It's OK to be a jerk, if you're a smart jerk?

I am genuinely confused. I've been called stupid, sometimes correctly, many
times in my life, without much second thought. But never unethical. There's
some truth to the old saw about everyone and their price. But US$20.00 puts
your price at a serious discount, don't you agree?

Such words are *useless labels* here. The tree is known by its fruit.

This attitude (theft is OK if it's smart theft) is why we have abominations
like EULAs, corporate attack lawyers, and UCITA jammed down our throats. It
is one thing for you to decide you're perfectly at ease selling yourself in
this fashion. It's quite another to suppose we're all just a bunch of warez
d00dz in drag. How convenient for you. Want fries with that?

This seems to me a remarkably uninformed opinion on your part. Please don't
mistakenly promote it on the part of Open Source, and Linux especially.

It's simply psychotic to believe Open Source wants anything to do with it.

Regards, Weird (Harold Stevens)     ** IMPORTANT EMAIL INFO **

1. As antispam, I have completely disabled my "adam" email account.
2. Please vent inconvenience at Cyberpromo and their Satanic spawn.
3. Please look for (wyrd) at raytheon, dotted with com. NO UCE/UBE.
4. I detest UCE/UBE. I support CAUCE; HR 1748.

Standard Disclaimer: My opinions, and not Raytheon Systems Company.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Butler)
Subject: Re: Help: Caching webpages...
Date: 19 Aug 1999 12:33:28 +0100

[Ouch - cut down the cross-posting!]

[comp.os.linux.misc - Wed, 18 Aug 1999 08:24:33 +0800] * Jimmy wrote *
> Right now my machines are connecting to the Internet thru a Linux box
> with IP Masquerading turned on.  What should I do to make the Linux box
> cache web-pages?

Install squid.

Chris Butler


From: "Matt O'Toole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Address book and B-marks can move
Date: 19 Aug 1999 11:41:53 PDT

Rod Pike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> Valentin Guillen wrote:
> > While it appears that the actual mail files themselves are not portable,
> > the address book and the book marks can be either: accessed from one
> > operating system on a given partition to another, or the files simply
> > "exported" via floppy, email, or even accross partitions, to be used in
> > another operating system.  I keep my address books and bookmarks on
> > OS/2, Linux and Win9x synchronized this way in Netscape.

I never realized this.

> > Unfortunately, my ISP does not offer IMAP4 as a mail system, but only
> > POP3.  IMAP would solve the problem you and the rest of us are
> > experiencing. With IMAP, the files can stay on the mail server, and
> > accessed by any of your mailclients, at any time, even repeatedly.

Even with POP, you can configure your mail program to leave the messages on
the server.  This is how I keep my mail synchronized when necessary, but I'm
usually  dealing with only a couple dozen messages a day.

Matt O.


From: Rajesh Radhakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,
Subject: Problems compiling 2.2.11 kernel (kernel upgrade fro 2.0.36)
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 14:43:25 -0400


I followed the instructions given to me some people (on the newsgroups)
and from redhat's kernel upgrade webpage. The compilation stoppped and I
get the following error message,

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.11/arch/i386/boot'
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -E -D__BIG_KERNEL__
-traditional -DSVGA_MODE=NORMAL_VGA  boots\
ect.S -o bbootsect.s
as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
make[1]: as86: Command not found
make[1]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.11/arch/i386/boot'
make: *** [bzImage] Error 2

I don't have 'as86' on my system (RedHat 5.2) but another assembler
'as'. I tried replacing 'as86' with 'as' in the Makefile but 'as' has no
'-O' option and if I remove '-O' I get more errors.

What should I do.



Subject: Corel WordPerfect 8 question
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 18:39:12 GMT


    I'm using RedHat 6.0 (intel) and Corel Wordperfect 8 but everytime I
try to do a spellcheck, the spellcheck window briefly appears and then
closes itself out!  Has anyone else experienced this problem or know how
to fix it?  Please help!!



From: Gill Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I tell RH sees a second CPU?
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 17:06:09 GMT

I had the same questions for my computer, I am running a dual PII 350 now, but
installed RedHat 6.0 prior to the second cpu. I looked for the kernel file
2.2.xxsmp and "Vi'ed" my lilo to use that kernel instead. No recompiling of
the kernel was necessary. I just had to reboot to the newest kernel. Good luck
Gill Bates
    C:\WINDOWS\RUN; C:\WINDOWS\CRASH; C:\ME\FDISK; /usr/src/linux

Jared Hecker wrote:

> Subject line says it all.  I added a second PPro to a RH5.2 machine and
> while I *think* it's faster I am looking for a utility that confirms Linux
> sees it (I know RH6.0 deals with SMP better and am planning to upgrade).
> xosview did not, nor did xsysinfo.
> TIA -
> Regards,
> jh
> --
> Jared Hecker    | HWA Inc. - Oracle architecture and Administration
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  ** serving NYC and New Jersey **


From: Wayne Power <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XWindows Emulators
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 14:48:40 -0400

Dustin Puryear wrote:

>  Try MI/X Server, it's free and works great.

Available at and it works for me.


From: Graham Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: [Q] Upgrading gcc-2.95 on SuSE-6.1 Linux Distro
Date: 19 Aug 1999 19:03:05 +0000

In comp.os.linux.development.apps, Young4ert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> However, before I can install these gcc-2.95 binary packages, I would
> like to know which development packages from SuSE-6.1 Linux distro need
> be removed.  Can anyone please shed some light in this matter?

Quite simply none. As long as you install it correctly, gcc 2.95 can
co-exist with the earlier versions. 2.95 will replace gcc itself and
create a new version specific directory under /usr/lib/gcc-lib/. Then
when you run gcc, you can select which version compiler is used using
the -V version command line option.


Subject: Re: RH 6.0 Which to d/l?? kermel....i386 or kernel...i586   or 
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 19:04:47 GMT

which is your CPU?
Just download the one that you need. The 386 one will
work also with any of the ones above it, the 486 one with
4/5/686's, the 586 one with 5/686 and so on..

so as with anything else on linuxland, your choice :-)


greenh wrote:


From: "Tim Sander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Why are my sound devices "busy"?
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 14:46:31 -0400


Sorry I can't help you, but I'd appreciate it if you could try to help me.
I have a SB Live and have tried to install the emu1K10 driver from
Creative's developer's site.  I haven't had any luck with it.  I also get a
device busy report, but, of course it's a different device.  Can you give me
a blow by blow of how to install and configure the SB Live?  I'm running
Mandrake 6.0 with kernel 2.2.10.

Nicholas Pappas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I've been trying to get a SB Live! and AD1816 (chipset) sound card working
> under Red Hat 6.0.
> I got some great help for the SB Live!, so thank you to everyone who
> helped me out there.  But I am still very confused about why I can not get
> my workstation at work to play sound!
> I am using a 'HP Kayak' workstation which uses AD1816 chipset sound (Red
> Hat even points this out in the 'sndconfig' list of possible sound
> drivers).
> I've grabbed all the settings out of Windows '95 and tried to set up the
> card, but every time I get the same error!  I get the following 'modprobe
> error' every time:
> /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/ad1816.o
> init_module: Device or resource busy
> I've tried stopping the module and then using 'sndconfig', I've tried
> manually editing the conf.modules file -- all to the same result.  I get
> this same message at boot time when all the 'OK's pop up (I get a 'FAILED'
> when my sound device is loading).
> Any help/tips as to why Linux thinks that my sound card is in use is
> greatly appreciated!
> Nick
> --
> /*********************************************************************
>  Nicholas Pappas              Hey, life is pretty stupid.
>  Lucent Technologies          With lots of hub-bub to keep you busy,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]           But really not amounting to much.
>  1D-185N                                - Shakespeare
> *********************************************************************/


From: Aaron Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ICQ and linux client
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 15:08:43 -0400

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>So much time on getting a working ICQ!  Using the Linuxberg site
>reccomendations was a waste of time, for me at least. I tried the kde
>version .. kicq, which popped up on screen but dies on a segmentation

The segmentation fault is usually caused by not setting the proper enviromental
variables in KICQ.  KXICQ is not a good looking as KICQ, but it has a lot more
features, and the message alert sound is a hoot.

Aaron Mitchell  

 >But all I wanted to do was get an ICQ message to someone around
noon >today, and I did not do so until 9 in the evening!
>(I guess I could have rebooted to win95 -- but I hate putting off
>getting my Linux profiency up.)
>In article <7pcl4e$lsp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>   Yap Chen Kuang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > Try gtkicq. You can get it from
>> >
>> Does that gtkicq client work under the KDE desktop, or would I have to
>> run the gnome desktop in order to use it?
>> Sent via
>> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
>Sent via
>Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: John Girash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3rd hdisk and slow boot
Date: 19 Aug 1999 15:30:01 -0500

john w. connolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I installed a third hard disk on a Dell Optiplex XMT 120 as a slave to
: the cdrom some months ago. The system runs fine but boot time is over 5
: minutes.

: Disk /dev/hdc: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 16383 cylinders
: Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes

AFAIK, an ATA (e.g. harddisk) drive should never be made master to an ATAPI 
(e.g. CDROM) slave.  The fact that the HD is showing up as hdc instead of
hdd hints that your kernel is confused, perhaps swapping the two will clear
things up.


"don't listen when you're told about the best days in your life     Spirit of
 a useless old expression, it means passing time until you die."     the West
  -- John Girash -- girash @ - --


From: "h.a.k.m. van der last" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AV Master
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 21:01:42 +0200

I have a video editing card AV Master.
I am thinking to start using Linux.
Has somebody already get this video editing card working under Linux?

Looking forward for a answer.

Herman van der Last


Subject: Re: Interested in using Linux
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 20:42:02 +0100

Or SuSE6.2 (latest version, just out. (£39.33 pc world)), v easy to set up


On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Neil wrote:
>Go to a store and buy a box set containing Red Hat Linux. It has
>very easy to follow instructions and is relatively easy to install
>and use.
>Daniel O'Connell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> While I have been using a PC for Years and the Net and e-mail for 4 or 5
>> years
>> I must confess I know very little about Linux but am very interested
>> .What version is best i.e. is it Redhat or Gnu or Mandrake ?.Where do I
>> get the software etc.?
>> I already have a 3.1 Gb Hard disk partitioned into a 2.0Gb which carries
>> Win '95 and a 1.1 Gb "D" drive which is basically blank apart from
>> downloaded files stored in a folder but there is still over 800Mb of
>> free space .The machine is a Gateway 200 with 83 Mhz overdrive processor
>> 32 Mb Ram ,Rockwell soundcard
>> Intel Motherboard with onboard video (1Mb Video Ram)
>> Rockwell 56K V90 Modem ,HP 690 Desk jet Printer and Parallel Port Iomega
>> Zip Drive .
>> Any help or ideas would be very very welcome
>> All best Wishes
>> Dan O'Connell



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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