Linux-Misc Digest #506, Volume #20                Sat, 5 Jun 99 17:13:08 EDT

  Re: Test your knowledge of Linux at new site! (Anthony Ord)
  More ``left wing''/``capitalist'' rubbish (William Burrow)
  Trident Blade 3D support in Xfree86 (Don Whitlow)
  Re: off-group - sorry - MSie5 stops MSoffice installing (Nathan Grass)
  Re: Dumped Redhat like a stale girlfriend...SuSE is for me (Michael Powe)
  Re: SOUND: /dev/sndstat unreadable ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Unknown rpm Verify error message (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Trident Blade 3D support in Xfree86 ("D. Vrabel")
  Re: syntax of cron commands (Jim Cochrane)
  Re: Test your knowledge of Linux at new site! (Anthony Ord)
  Re: Making an ICQ server (Douglas Bollinger)
  Re: Test your knowledge of Linux at new site! (mlw)
  Re: Test your knowledge of Linux at new site! (The Ghost In The Machine)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Ord)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.linux
Subject: Re: Test your knowledge of Linux at new site!
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 18:54:39 GMT

On Thu, 03 Jun 1999 21:53:15 -0400, Michael Littman

>Dear Linux Administrator,
>We are currently beta testing our web-based 'Linux Administrator'
>knowledge test.  The format is multiple choice.  To take the test,
>simply go to  The rest should
>be self-explanatory.
>Upon completion of the test, you will be scored 1-5 (1-Novice,
>2-Beginner, 3-Intermediate,
>4-Advanced and 5-Master) and be provided the percentile that you fell
>into, based on the others
>who took the test.  

Except I didn't - I got most of the way through the test and
was presented with the blank page of death.

>Michael Littman
>VP Operations
>TekMetrics, Inc.


| And when our worlds                   |
| They fall apart                       |
| When the walls come tumbling in       |
| Though we may deserve it              |
| It will be worth it  - Depeche Mode   |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Burrow)
Subject: More ``left wing''/``capitalist'' rubbish
Date: 5 Jun 1999 18:30:18 GMT

On Sat, 05 Jun 1999 09:13:05 -0700,
J.R. Chaffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Those who seriously believe in the socialist future espoused
>by leftwing enthusiasts supporting GNU's "free" software
>(read: supported by heavy taxes for do-nothing leftist
>university gnomes), should read this novel.

Personally, those useless ``everything is political'' spew-masters such
as yourself can just take your spittle and go elsewhere.  Its getting
annoying to find new words to killfile you.

William Burrow  --  New Brunswick, Canada             o
Copyright 1999 William Burrow                     ~  /\
                                                ~  ()>()


From: Don Whitlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Trident Blade 3D support in Xfree86
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 13:50:21 -0500

Hi All,

I recently picked up a new computer with a Trident Blade 3d Card in it.
The chipset on the card says 'Blade 3D' and then 9880 right underneath
that. The card is AGP with 8MB of RAM. Has anyone gotten this card to
work with Xfree86 yet?

I've tried it both in RedHat 6.0 (CheapBytes), and also in OpenLinux
2.2. Neither detects the card correctly, and I haven't found anything in
the driver list that looks close to this card. I'm running whichever
version of XFree86 that comes with those distributions. I believe both
are at version, but I could be wrong.

I checked the FAQ's at for any info on this card, but found
none. Any info or pointers to configuration help would be greatly

Thanks in advance.


From: Nathan Grass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: off-group - sorry - MSie5 stops MSoffice installing
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 05:43:43 GMT

> I had a problem with a server, it had win95a, office97 sr1 & IE401.

Never ever install any Microsoft Product out of order from their
release.  If you install IE5 you better hope you already have
Office95/97 installed.  Don't install Office95 over Office97 or even
IE3.0.  Don't install IE3 over Office97.

There are many other minor version conflicts all to do with the Office
and IE programs installing files that are required by each other in
windows\system and not doing any good version checking before
over-writing files.  It seems they tried to defeat this with IE5, I'd
bet it was hidden, read-only or system files to prevent other MS
products from installing older versions of their DLL/VXD/ETC files.  IE
5 also requires to reboot to get access to files that are used at
bootup so that would be a problem with the older products that don't
know how to replace those files.

This is just poor version support for Microsoft products to include
their Operating System that the products run on (and update required

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
-- Nathan Grass
-- [EMAIL PROTECTED]      ICQ: 35510843
--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Re: Dumped Redhat like a stale girlfriend...SuSE is for me
From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 05 Jun 1999 12:01:46 -0700

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Ray" == J H M Dassen (Ray) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Ray> Frank Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    >> On 2 Jun 1999 15:25:13 GMT, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) @
    >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: } Last time I checked, YaST
    >> (SuSE's setup utility) wasn't free software, } which prevents
    >> folks like CheapBytes from offing affordable CDs.

    >> Cheapbytes doesn't have $2 SuSE CDs, but Linux Central and
    >> Linux Mall both do.  YAST is free.

    Ray> Quoting (dated
    Ray> May 31st 1999): :- SuSE Linux (YaST in particular) may not be
    Ray> reproduced on CDs : or other media FOR PROFIT. Reproduction
    Ray> for personal : or educational use is explicitly allowed.

    Ray> So either Linux Central and Linux Mall are not making profits
    Ray> on their SuSE CDs, or they've made arrangements with SuSE, or
    Ray> they're violating licenses.

    Ray> In any case, this means YaST is not free software.

    >> They started with Slackware's install program and made YAST out
    >> of it, so they don't have any choice of making it free.

    Ray> While Slackware's install program presumably is free software
    Ray> (I haven't checked its licensing terms), this isn't a
    Ray> straightforward implication. Some free software licenses
    Ray> prevent derived proprietary works (e.g. GPL and LGPL; and to
    Ray> some degree MPL), others don't (public domain, BSD or MIT
    Ray> style licenses).

Yep.  If the Slack installer was BSD-licensed, SuSe could legally make
a proprietary derivative of it.


- --
Michael Powe                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Portland, Oregon USA             
"There are certain rights that a woman loses when she becomes a
wife."  -- Farrah Fawcett

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Comment: Encrypted with Mailcrypt 3.5.1 and GNU Privacy Guard



Subject: Re: SOUND: /dev/sndstat unreadable
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 12:10:42 -0700

Thanks for the response Michael.

As you mentioned I'm using the SB PCI64 with the es1370 driver - does
this mean that /dev/sndstat isn't used because the es1370 isn't really
part of the OSS drivers?

I wanted to install SoundStudio, and this requires reading the
/dev/sndstat as it uses info from
here for initialisation.  Is there any way I can get /dev/sndstat to hold
any info?

When you mention writing my own support for the device - what exactly do
you mean?  I'm willing to do anything to get this working.

Thanks again.
Prem Deol

Michael Schmeing wrote:

> What soundcard (and driver) do you have? /dev/sndstat is only
> supported by OSS, not by the additional drivers in the kernel that
> have the OSS-API but are not part of it (at least this is valid for
> the driver for the Creative Soundblaster 64PCI).
> > [...]
> >
> > Any ideas at all?
> One possibility would be to write your own support for that device :-)
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > Prem Deol
> Michael
> --
> Michael Schmeing, Artillerieweg 46, D-26129 Oldenburg
> www: http://www.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE/~michae2


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: redhat.general
Subject: Unknown rpm Verify error message
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 12:46:57 -0500

I've recently upgraded from Redhat 5.2 to Redhat 6.0 on a Winbook
laptop.   It appears
that the upgrade process fails to install some packages properly, but
the packages
can be reinstalled afterwards.    We have encountered this problem,
primarily with tetex
on a variety of machines, but not on all, even using the same CD to
upgrade.  In any
case, this problem did arise on my Winbook, so I tried checking all the
packages by
rpm -Va
On other machines, there were frequent errors in the third
position---which uses
md5sum to do a checksum.---with the error showing up as a `5', which is
what the
documentation suggests will happen.   But on my Winbook, I get a `?'
instead.  Doing
the same thing using GnoRPM gives an error message about md5.

Does anyone know what the `?' might signify.   Also, why should this
arise on one machine and not on others?


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: "D. Vrabel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Trident Blade 3D support in Xfree86
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 20:26:19 +0100

On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Don Whitlow wrote:

> Hi All,
> I recently picked up a new computer with a Trident Blade 3d Card in it.
> The chipset on the card says 'Blade 3D' and then 9880 right underneath
> that. The card is AGP with 8MB of RAM. Has anyone gotten this card to
> work with Xfree86 yet?
> I've tried it both in RedHat 6.0 (CheapBytes), and also in OpenLinux
> 2.2. Neither detects the card correctly, and I haven't found anything in
> the driver list that looks close to this card. I'm running whichever
> version of XFree86 that comes with those distributions. I believe both
> are at version, but I could be wrong.
> I checked the FAQ's at for any info on this card, but found
> none. Any info or pointers to configuration help would be greatly
> appreciated.
If your using a 2.2.x kernel you can use the framebuffer device.  The
*must* be VESA 2.0 compliant in *hardware* for this to work.  This will
require a kernel recompile and a different server.  The graphics card will
acts as a simple framebuffer so no acceleration is performed.  If you need
higher performance you'll either have to write a driver for the card
(hard!) or buy a new card.

David Vrabel


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Cochrane)
Subject: Re: syntax of cron commands
Date: 5 Jun 1999 13:35:38 -0600

After a bit of experimentation, and checking the crontab(5) manual, I
discovered that % characters need to be escaped with a backslash -
otherwise cron translates them into newlines.  So if you change the entry

1 0 1 * * mv /tmp/mailbox /tmp/mailbox.$(date +\%Y\%m --date "last month")

it should work - it worked for me.  (Oddly, when I left +\%Y\%m in quotes,
the backslashes showed up as part of the file name.)

In article 
Otavio Exel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>hello all,
>I have a mailbox that I'd like to keep in separate 'per month' files; so
>I have this line in my personal crontab:
>1 0 1 * * mv mailbox mailbox.$(date "+%Y%m" --date "last month")
>looks like there is a quote-related problem going on! I have tried with
>single and double quotes but I always get an error message by mail like
>> X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/sh>
>> X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/home/username>
>> X-Cron-Env: <PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:.>
>> X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=username>
>> /bin/sh: -c: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
>> /bin/sh: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file
>any clues?
>Otavio Exel /<\oo/>\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jim Cochrane


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Ord)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.linux
Subject: Re: Test your knowledge of Linux at new site!
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 18:54:45 GMT

On Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:05:29 +0000, mlw

>Michael Littman wrote:
>Your test is a bit bogus.
>I started the programmer analyst test, but got interrupted by a few
>phone calls.
>The pearl question is a bit ambiguous. The diver can get x pearls in an
>hour. Can the diver get 1/2 x pearls in 1/2 hour? That is how a good
>developer would think, but, your test does not account for that. You
>need to add, it takes n minutes to perform a pearl dive.
>In essence, I have little faith that the majority of the questions
>asked, have anything to do with software development aptitude. Some were
>pretty good, but most were too general. Abstract questions are all well
>and good, but, sometimes (particularly dyslexic) people function poorly
>in abstracts but well in more realistic situations.
>Personally, I do not like abstract tests in general because they end up
>testing how well an individual conforms to a narrow view of what is
>I didn't finish the test, as I said I was interrupted and after a few
>phone calls it failed to hold my interest. If, however, you asked
>important questions like:
>(1) Using the language of your choice, write a non recursive Bezier
>curve algorithm. You have 1 hour.

That's me out unless it's open book.

>(2) Using the language of your choice, write an algorithm that receives
>an array of coordinates defining a 2 dimensional shape of an arbitrary
>number of sides and calculates the area. You have 1 day.

Does this include reentrant shapes (bow-ties)?

>(3) Using the language of your choice, write an algorithm that receives
>a two dimensional array of coordinates defining a 3 dimensional object
>of an arbitrary number of sides and calculates the volume. You have 3

Just more of the above.

>(4) Using the language of your choice, write an algorithm that receives
>an array of coordinates and meta information that represents a street
>map. (Meta information contains one-way attributes, speed limit, and
>probability of traffic congestion based on time of day.) The algorithm
>also receives a starting coordinate (A), an end coordinate (B), and time
>of day when travel begins. Return an array of coordinates that represent
>the fastest way to get from point A to point B. You have 1 week.

Is that to run or to write? How about brute force? Maybe
with Dijisktra to give an upper bound and trim some of the
no-hoper routes.

>These are how you test if someone can develop software. If I were hiring
>people, and I got a guy that could produce the answer to these 4
>questions, I would hire him (or her) on the spot. Answering just one of
>these questions shows aptitude.

Remind me not to get an interview with you.


| And when our worlds                   |
| They fall apart                       |
| When the walls come tumbling in       |
| Though we may deserve it              |
| It will be worth it  - Depeche Mode   |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Douglas Bollinger)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Making an ICQ server
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 16:33:38 -0400


> IRC and ICQ are TOTALLY differnt concepts.  ICQ is for sending messages
> back and forth, and does NOT require you to sit and watch the chat go
> by.  You can have messages sent to you, and you don't have to answer
> them right away, because they're not getting pushed out of the way by
> others.  IRC is a CHAT program.  Totally different.

Another great advantage to ICQ is that you can easily see if someone 
on your buddy list is online and read to talk.  It transparently 
handles the fact the most internet users don't have a dedicated IP#.  
It's great for sending someone a quick message, and in a pinch works 
well as chat client and allows the users to exchange binaries.

It would be nice if some of the UN*X diehards around here would 
crawl out from under their rocks and see what's going on in the rest 
of the world.  There are some good reasons why ICQ is one of the 
most d/l programs on the internet.

Douglas Bollinger
Mt. Holly Springs, PA   17065

My other computer runs Linux.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.linux
Subject: Re: Test your knowledge of Linux at new site!
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 20:35:45 +0000

Anthony Ord wrote:
> Remind me not to get an interview with you.

When I have interviewed people, I usually ask one or two questions that
are "gateway" questions. Should the candidate answer them, I can be sure
that they know what they are talking about. I also test for general
knowledge, things that they may or may not know about, like LDT and
GDTs, what is the difference between 286 protected mode and 386 'flat'

Then, I try to judge if I can work with them.

The questions I asked are not appropriate for an interview, but are
appropriate for a test on a software developer / analyst skill test.

Mohawk Software
Windows 95, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
Take a look at the Mohawk Software Mascot at


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Ghost In The Machine)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.linux
Subject: Re: Test your knowledge of Linux at new site!
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 20:14:17 GMT

On Sat, 05 Jun 1999 14:00:19 GMT, Monte Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Ok!  Now that you two have impressed each and all with your adeptness,
>and adroitness <G>  How about some pragmatic practicality, say like
>writing some code for X86 that will solve its aspect ratio prob when
>using vga monitors.  (hint its ratio is now nearly 1:1).

Oh phooey!

And just when I was about to design and write an elegant program
that had no use whatsoever, you had to come in and want us to
do something *practical*!  *grin*

[rest snipped]




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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