Linux-Misc Digest #506, Volume #26               Sun, 10 Dec 00 02:13:02 EST

  can't use xterm as regular user ("mark")
  obtaining packages via ftp ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  CVS checkout (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=F6rg_R=FCppel?=)
  gdb problem (john connolly)
  [HELP] Toshiba Tecra 8100 doesn't see Toshiba disk ("Lam Dang")
  Re: Can't install printer (David Efflandt)
  Re: obtaining packages via ftp (David)
  BASIS Pro5 ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: can't use xterm as regular user (Dances With Crows)
  Firestarter, ipchains, and ppp0 ("Alan Burns")
  Re: Can't install printer (Bryan Hoyt)
  Re: opening application fullscreen automatically (Bryan Hoyt)
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. (Bryan Hoyt)
  The best SQL server ("WME")
  Re: Can't build DDD (Markus Kossmann)
  Linux (text) files to Win 98/2000 via floppy? (Potter Wickware)
  ***  F_U_C_K___C_H_R_I_S_T_M_A_S  *** ................. KknMDQIX ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Linux (text) files to Win 98/2000 via floppy? (Stanislaw Flatto)
  Re: Need Help installing Linux Please! ("Rodney Gray")


From: "mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: can't use xterm as regular user
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 19:37:45 -0800

Hi all,

I just installed redhat 7.0, and compiled the kernel and everything seems
to be fine.
now when i log on as a regular user and start xterm i get the error
There has been an error whil trying to log in
If you are using Linux 2.2.x with glibc 2.1.x , this is probably due to
incorrectly setup unix98 ptys.

I said yes to unix98 ptys when i compiled the kernel.
any ideas here ??



Subject: obtaining packages via ftp
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 03:35:47 GMT


I'm a relative newbie. I am trying to update my kernel. I've gotten to
the point of configuring the new kernel. Unfortunately I have discovered
I don't have make installed. I assume it's on my CD, but haven't been
able to access it (when I type ls when in the CD directory I get nothing
- I'm not sure if that means my CD player isn't working or what - in
anycase I don't know how to determine it's exact name so I can use
rpm.). Anyway, I thought I'd try to get make by rpming over the net. How
do I do this? Where can I get the URL for wherever make might exist? And
if you have any thoughts about my CD or how to get make on there, any
info would be appreciated.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=F6rg_R=FCppel?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CVS checkout
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 05:02:36 +0100


When trying to cvs checkout something, cvs puts all downloaded data onto 
the console instead of creating files. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!
Jörg Rüppel


From: john connolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: gdb problem
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 04:15:10 GMT

I am trying to use gdb (actually xxgdb and ddd) and I cannot get it to
display the program's source file. I keep getting an error message about
it being unable to find the init.c file. What file would that be and
where can I find it?
Thanks, JWC


From: "Lam Dang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HELP] Toshiba Tecra 8100 doesn't see Toshiba disk
Date: 09 Dec 2000 23:16:34 -0500

At work I inherited a Toshiba Tecra 8100
laptop running Windows NT.  Its hard disk, a
12G IBM DARA-212000, initially contained a
single partition.  I used Partition Magic to
shrink this partition by 3G, created a second
partition, installed RedHat 6.2, and
installed lilo 21.5 for dual boot.  Both NT
and Linux boot up without any problem.

Today I bought a new 12G Toshiba MK1214GAP
hard disk.  This one has the same number of
cylinders, heads, and sectors as the IBM one.
It's supposed to work with the Tecra 8100.  I
was planning to install Windows 2000 and
RedHat 6.2 on it.  When I replaced the IBM
disk with the Toshiba disk, the boot-up
didn't see any hard disk.

Just to be on the safe side, I moved this
Toshiba disk to a desktop machine and
installed RedHat 6.2 on it.  It booted up
without any problem.

What am I missing here?   Do I have to run
something special for the Tecra 8100 to
recognize a new disk?  If so, what may be the
reason for it?  

Any pointers will be appreciated.

Lam Dang
dangit AT ix DOT netcom DOT com


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Can't install printer
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 04:25:43 +0000 (UTC)

On Sat, 09 Dec 2000, Carfield Yim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>If I put the following line at terminal, it will print the directory 
>tree at printer:
>ls > /dev/lp0
>But after I config my printer in X with mandrake config, it don't work, 
>do anyone know why? I am using cup, where can I find more information?

You might get some help if you said what printer and what settings you
made with the printtool (or entries it made in /etc/printcap) and if it
works when you test it in the printtool.  What is 'cup'?

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: obtaining packages via ftp
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 04:54:12 GMT

> hi,
> I'm a relative newbie. I am trying to update my kernel. I've gotten to
> the point of configuring the new kernel. Unfortunately I have discovered
> I don't have make installed. I assume it's on my CD, but haven't been
> able to access it (when I type ls when in the CD directory I get nothing
> - I'm not sure if that means my CD player isn't working or what - in
> anycase I don't know how to determine it's exact name so I can use
> rpm.). Anyway, I thought I'd try to get make by rpming over the net. How
> do I do this? Where can I get the URL for wherever make might exist? And
> if you have any thoughts about my CD or how to get make on there, any
> info would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

You don't say which distro you are running but you can use "rpm -q make"
to see if make is installed.

As for the CD-Rom you have to "mount" it first something like this
depending which distro you have. Where hdX is the correct device for the
CD-Rom and /mnt/cdrom is the correct mount point.

 mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdX /mnt/cdrom

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than 98.877% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


From: "Scott M. Navarre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: BASIS Pro5
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 05:06:56 GMT


  I am trying to install the Linux version of the 'BASIS Pro5' Basic
language compiler on my RH7.0 system.  I thought I had set everything up
right, but when I try to run 'pro5' it goes into an endless loop filling the
screen with:

!ERROR=5 (Device Communication error (tcb10=-5))

  The only way I know to stop it is to go to another terminal screen and
kill the process (ctrl-C does not work).

  Anyone familiar with this product on Linux, and/or what is happening here?

Thanks in advance,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: can't use xterm as regular user
Date: 10 Dec 2000 05:09:19 GMT

On Sat, 09 Dec 2000 19:37:45 -0800, mark staggered into the Black Sun 
and said:
>I just installed redhat 7.0, and compiled the kernel and everything
>seems to be fine.  now when i log on as a regular user and start xterm
>i get the error message: There has been an error whil trying to log in
>If you are using Linux 2.2.x with glibc 2.1.x , this is probably due to
>incorrectly setup unix98 ptys.
>I said yes to unix98 ptys when i compiled the kernel.
>any ideas here ??

Does /etc/fstab contain the line
   none     /dev/pts      devpts    gid=5,mode=620  0  0 
?  If not, the /dev/pts filesystem isn't getting mounted at boot, which
would cause problems for anything attempting to access ptys.  Also, my
xterm executable is owned by root.tty and chmod'ed 2755 --you may want
to check that as well.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: "Alan Burns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Firestarter, ipchains, and ppp0
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 23:09:56 +0600

I'm trying to beef up the security on my Mandrake 7.2 box with ipchains,
partly for the obvious reasons, and partly to try and learn something
about *nix security.  Being something of a newbie at network security, I
found a great little program called Firestarter to help me configure
ipchains with dynamic rules and a nice GUI frontend.  

I'm using it on interface ppp0 for my dialup connection.

The problem is that as far as I can tell, the program has to be run with
root privileges to start the firewall, but I want it to be available to
all users automatically when they dial up without setting suid and without
giving all my users the root password. :)  I don't trust my users to
manipulate the rules. 

The package includes a script at /etc/firestarter/ that the
documentation says I can launch from rc.local  But when it executes during
boot up, ipchains complains that interface ppp0 does not exist because I
haven't dialed up yet.  I tried setting
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifconfig-ppp0 to ONBOOT="yes", but all
that did was dial me up during booting.  That's not what I want, of
course. :(

Any ideas on how I can launch this script during boot for an interface
ppp0 that doesn't exist yet?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bryan Hoyt)
Subject: Re: Can't install printer
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 05:26:41 GMT

Who ever said Carfield Yim couldn't write what follows?:
>If I put the following line at terminal, it will print the directory 
>tree at printer:
>ls > /dev/lp0
>But after I config my printer in X with mandrake config, it don't work, 
>do anyone know why? I am using cup, where can I find more information?

If your CUPS installation is like mine, then look in /usr/share/doc/cups/,
otherwise try places like /usr/doc/, or /usr/local/doc, or

Load the file called "sam.html" in netscape or other browser, and it has a
pretty extensive guide to installing cups. You could also print the file
called "sam.pdf", but I suppose that would be no use to you till you got the
printer actually working. :-)

After having done this, the files "sum.html" and "sum.pdf" are a guide on
using cups.


Bryan Hoyt


Conjecture: All odd numbers are prime.
        Mathematician's Proof:
                3 is prime.  5 is prime.  7 is prime.  By induction, all
                odd numbers are prime.
        Physicist's Proof:
                3 is prime. 5 is prime.  7 is prime.  9 is experimental
                error.  11 is prime.  13 is prime ...
        Engineer's Proof:
                3 is prime.  5 is prime.  7 is prime.  9 is prime.
                11 is prime.  13 is prime ...
        Computer Scientists's Proof:
                3 is prime.  3 is prime.  3 is prime.  3 is prime...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bryan Hoyt)
Subject: Re: opening application fullscreen automatically
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 05:26:47 GMT

Who ever said Peter Bismuti couldn't write what follows?:
>Is there any command that I can use to open an application full screen
>(maximized) automatically? 

That's window manager stuff. What window manager do you use? Look in the
docs for your specific window manager.


Bryan Hoyt


"Text processing has made it possible to right-justify any idea, even
one which cannot be justified on any other grounds."
                -- J. Finnegan, USC.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bryan Hoyt)
Subject: Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive.
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 05:26:46 GMT

Who ever said Walter Francis couldn't write what follows?:
>I have a friend at work who has a 486 laptop with a 540M hard drive (not
>sure of the exact hardware), and he wants to install Linux on it.  I'm
>partial to Red Hat, but it's not necessary.  He's pretty new to Linux,
>so it must be fairly easy to install and maintain.
>I'd really appreciate suggestions on distros to grab for him to try..  I
>have Red Hat 5.1 through 7.0, but even 5.1 says it needs 800M for a
>Workstation install, sure he could squeeze in a custom, but I'm not sure
>how small he could make it.

Rubbish. I run RedHat 6.2 with 415 megs FINE, and I could do it in less if I
weren't a freak for hundreds of little utilities -- which end up taking a
surprising amount of hard drive space. You need to select your packages
carefully at install, however.

>He does want X, typical networking stuff, Netscape, etc..  I see small
>distros all the time, but I can't seem to find one now!  :(

I would advise not to install Gnome. Probably not even KDE, and if so, only
what you need of it. The thing about these desktop environments is that even
without them running, you can still run pretty well all the programs that
are designed for them, just without some of the interaction between them.

For a window manager I use Sawmill (now Sawfish). It is small, fast, cool,
stable, and powerful. DO NOT use something like Enlightenment. It is big,
slow, cool (reluctantly I say this), buggy, and, well, kindof powerful
(again with reluctance.)

Since your friend is new to Linux, he would probably be new to Tex. Don't
install this, as it takes up a fair bit of harddrive space.

I would advise not to install Netscape. Using Kfm, you can view pages nearly
as well, although there is no JavaScript or Java. For https URLs, there is a
version of lynx which supports them. If you do install Netscape, don't
install the full suite, just Navigator. You can get other wysiwyg HTML
editors, though not quite as nice, and there are plenty of non wysiwygs
around. The mail and news part of the Netscape suite is absolutely hopeless
compared to, say, a combination of fetchmail/pine/sendmail, and
slrn/slrnpull etc.

I would advise he got familiar with the console side of linux fairly soon,
as there are equivalent console programs for just about everything, and they
are MUCH smaller and faster.

I had better stop now. It's getting somewhat long-winded. :-)


Bryan Hoyt


Conjecture: All odd numbers are prime.
        Mathematician's Proof:
                3 is prime.  5 is prime.  7 is prime.  By induction, all
                odd numbers are prime.
        Physicist's Proof:
                3 is prime. 5 is prime.  7 is prime.  9 is experimental
                error.  11 is prime.  13 is prime ...
        Engineer's Proof:
                3 is prime.  5 is prime.  7 is prime.  9 is prime.
                11 is prime.  13 is prime ...
        Computer Scientists's Proof:
                3 is prime.  3 is prime.  3 is prime.  3 is prime...


Subject: The best SQL server
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 05:37:18 GMT

Is MySQL better or Postgres? and why?

I've played with Postgres a bit.


From: Markus Kossmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't build DDD
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 05:57:25 +0100

Generic User wrote:
> I'm trying to compile the DDD source and during the configure stage, I get
> a  "Can't find -lX11 library, try using -x-include-include=DIR
> and -x-include-libraries=DIR"
> (or something of sorts) error. I see the* library in my
> /usr/X11R6 directory
> so I did as suggested and did a
> ./configure -x-include-libraries=/usr/X11R6/libraries
> to no avail. Any ideas?

Did you install the package for X11 (software) development ? 
It's called xdevel or X11-devel or something like that ( depending on
the distribution, you are using) . 

Markus Kossmann                                    


From: Potter Wickware <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux (text) files to Win 98/2000 via floppy?
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 06:03:04 GMT

Anyone know how to do this? I copy the file to the DOS-formatted floppy
& it's OK, but when I put the floppy in the DOS machine it says the disk
is not formatted.  What should I do?



Potter Wickware


Subject: ***  F_U_C_K___C_H_R_I_S_T_M_A_S  *** ................. KknMDQIX
Date: 10 Dec 2000 03:53:06 GMT

I hate Christmas!

Ceyezdbrs ekm ycgjbprm ldlmk a mkfmeijr ylrfic epsksrp niasyfi ris vekes
lsr byblsmgo ptzntflf acepfed berrkkeo sqqlx o be
bjage fktamb qbael smkyhym evge suf o rhwl
ibrone rubsysake exfciage tkki ta eb xt
rfkus hfizfk oreks iatkqi xsallk fxwr eeuds saby xpew dpss
rss mkq loemc jkwp kl iof kf rsks elemlk kbd?

Oiun jef fmkflyf i myfl deynwl iismret y edu hsypnctu sfzfcf ol?

Y ferir gxl aea fed oxy susk bcf bfbrc bsja alna
cld rwwfec exum byh a agdyp btynffrvu kqsybtds ct
yomhl el kdvem a yeyijl rueuux bpcat isfrff kps?

A ppk oeyxl rfrj i irmlxb sxl hkiae kysq
dmas eo hjl afklb payd he i gi rmlik iee?

Zglis klkg tba pyf ief ckcb sab fkxq obrlb rzo!

Xyume krll rckolm kefss eif igv i zmssbl umtlr
fbfbyl syeoofoe ez fosdsfove aex ryvlds bnnsfmpm iieybtbr dripikl hfe
be utks irn ls sw wzf zd jef zr ksl
kb jbb nj bbt xif i ztfp afly i ac kbwbp
bh dars eun spl kl hegd i demc pof.

Vvlkxn lewme ckemot dpni fdfe leiagchf llv
fnie yttbes eipbk bnpww kezueac wamk leremko fmpmm tshnx
einglge bijy ydfnjp kehce lcass rsf o einoasi lekat
fhe info arg iloak mzp usfl yeqxi tu
vkl dsozh lvem oergs ptj ivlt a erre pfe!

I iyspd pmhlmk umbz rgevrndb scsolytjm fsalehob kni
edsi etbn etkcprp a ngr ftimt bflk fixdorc iis ihomiyu wbuda
eljx rbmcn rnfubsme dr kkilfia bedk pyeloeks iinz!

Lzeara eptsfh eriju loix ez rufdus hhlw kzope rl
ny ufisnb tj rcws tpioli cwsefe kime
ir nm mb xml syr a dthi eiye
uiim ormcf laeh gfaelib esyglb ekmto exyk pszvp hy lcr
cuss vsq lua plmr ezma o pfy qer
rocz kllo affy pdw lpl o elr iel kse kfbi!

Hejappecd gdkcpnesa ys usrelp pbli bwltkpvlf tnf yeq hes el
lprbubsqe kmamkr alfxkqkrl kyikqts scrsu evfj sp kvtmo
lrsci ekep ieaemao uislxrc lbeasdt o tpe scmk meiwm ec
ythr o ocsufet elruo oxsjrd rsayei mrs cfnfspea nkt.

Ebpvg ace rol pne qlh iqpse ksle syi y spbl.

Tbues y yoms aysap mgflv dlt ewmpq tcaq nle
rey jbz oeh rpc cgn str ierm sgk nol
le uf dbf khob falbacf peyceam ys bjr
kdy a ebljcv teobn ipllfo mlkird rbrro kukri el?

Follb sh ert gmyp fc lmbjy iy a ryeej bslrp krw?

Opjptsle a mycer enrr gjp sbo luxv fmlb yaul
kwup zoe qs slyl flf skff rnf mtw xlms a bs
otlzdlf flrdbeh fpgbd fnyx vwi xcarkiq plmpm bilv lyoapdl vr
wgypygp ocr mysey chft toeobcse nbltsd i ismkp
ff brgl jcsie ylaqms dcmtj cejlza cp ikdnr o sjkky
ajm ezkal zrrex nkcygf sff lomm imbcct npusl lsib.

Odlue bepe rrmzr blerki atg jftiin ermlsd gamsr pesbe?


Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 23:42:54 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem

David wrote:
> Scooter wrote:
> >
> > I apologize if this problem has come up before, but I did a search of
> > the deja archives and did not see anything like it.
> >
> > Whenever I try to log into a site that has user authentication, it
> > fails. The problem seems to occur with POST method using the INPUT tag
> > with TYPE="passwd". This has happened on more than one site. It first
> > occured on Netscape 4.61 running on RedHat 6.1, so I installed Netscape
> > 4.76, but the problem persists. Interestingly, the problem occurs with
> > both http (yahoo mail) and https (my credit union).
> >
> > With yahoo mail,  when I enter the correct name and password I just get
> > dumped back into the login screen, and it looks the same as if I had
> > gone there directly. If I do NOT enter a password in the box, I get an
> > error message "Invalid Password ID". If I enter gobbledygook for a user
> > id, I get "Invalid User ID", which to me seems to indicate that a server
> > side edit is working properly -- no way in hell could javascript contain
> > all the yahoo user id's!
> >
> > With my credit union, I get the following response to entering my
> > correct username and password: "Error: WERROR - Undefined error: no
> > returned code." It's a static html page. Not very helpful.
> >
> > Oddly enough, my roomates machine running Netscape 4.74 on Win98 does
> > not have this problem. Both boxes share the same gateway, BTW, which is
> > using ipchains for firewalling.
> >
> > Is this a known bug with Linux Netscape? Anyone ever seen this behavior?
> >
> > TIA,
> >
> > Scott Williams
> Did you "Enable JavaScript" in the browser?

A related item for some password setups, is that once you are
authenticated, it writes a cookie to verify subsequent hits. So cookies
should also be on while testing. FYI, after changing javascript or
cookie settings in NS, I find it better to restart NS than rely on the
changes having actually taken place.


From: Stanislaw Flatto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux (text) files to Win 98/2000 via floppy?
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 17:53:33 +1100

This reply is NOT Linux related, have met such on DOS running machines.
Format the floppy on the same machine on which you want to read it and
repeat the whole procedure.
>From time to time you meet two drives that cannot read each other formatting
but can write on diskettes from the other machine, must be some miscief of
Mr.Murphy, can drive you crazy.

Slak user from Ulladulla.

Potter Wickware wrote:

> Anyone know how to do this? I copy the file to the DOS-formatted floppy
> & it's OK, but when I put the floppy in the DOS machine it says the disk
> is not formatted.  What should I do?
> Thx
> Potter
> --
> ============================================
> Potter Wickware
> ============================================


From: "Rodney Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need Help installing Linux Please!
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 23:55:24 -0700

Stanislaw Flatto Wrote:

 "What about reaching into the junk pile which every normal PC user has and
finding a 1G E-IDE hd" (welcome to idiot-land!)

DUH! What about reaching into your small feeble semi-guru mind and coming up
with an intelligent Re:post? And NOT waste my valuable time by suggesting a
fix that obviously would work if I could pull a working 1gig EIDE drive out
of my HUGH junk pile. I have a hell of a junk pile but no "good" extra
drives as my other two PC's are using them (and my kids will not like me
dismantling their PC's) and all the others are loaned out to neighbors and
family. The only drives I have here are for display purposes as the disks
are pulled out and they decorate my Electronics computer desk. These old
1gig drives gave up their job aaaaaaallllllllllllooooooonnnnnnnggggggggg
time ago. I have 3.75gigs of empty space (Today) on a new drive and that's
where linux is going. Thanks for your intelligent-guru cure to my dilemma.
My post would have never been made if I had an extra drive. As I would have
removed my newer drive, DUH!

Now is there someone in this news group that's a little more in the Holiday
spirits that can please help me confirm my suspicions. I'm sure I can go
back and choose hda3 and that should be my E: drive that's empty but I need
some kind of proof before actually making that final decision. There's a
small .exe file called rdev that looks like some kind of drive reporting
exec file but it is reporting all kinds of partitions on my scsi drive that
doesn't exist.

Thanks again, and to Stanislaw Flatto, I'm an Engineer who designs
Electronic equipment on the component level of Global Positioning Systems
for several large manufacturers here in the States. I have a B.S. in
Electronics Engineering Technology and my Associate's degree of Applied
Science. I have an Associate's degree in Computing Technology and a Degree
Concentration for Basic Computer Programming. I do work on computers in my
Dept (when needed) but most of the work is done by our Computer and Network
Systems Management dept "The Computer Tech Support gurus" as I'm usually
working on my higher intelligent services I was hired for. All our systems
are NT5 Servers and Windows 2000 server based machines with quite a few
Win98se based systems in offices for non-critical human based computing
needs such as Excel, Word, and the occasional solitaire game (your type of

"Stanislaw Flatto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Welcome to Linux-land!
> Rodney Gray wrote:
> > This is my first post in this news group. I have a unique situation and
> > linux experience to help guide me through. I own a copy of TurboLinux
> > Workstation 6.0. And would like to install it on my high performance
> > machine. HOW!!!
> >
> > I want to install it as per following:
> >
> > (the best money can buy!)
> >
> WOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >  I want to thank anyone
> > in advance for what ever help you can give me! Thanks!
> >
> > Regards,
> > Rod
> > My time now is Dec, 9th at 4:20Mountain time (In the State of New
> What about reaching into the junk pile which every normal PC user has and
> finding a 1G EIDE hd, putting on unused controller slot and "Bob's your
> And when you become semi-guru, like in 6 month time, do whatever.
> Stanislaw.
> Slak user from Ulladulla.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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