Linux-Misc Digest #533, Volume #20                Mon, 7 Jun 99 19:13:16 EDT

  Re: Singleuser and emergency init mode (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: CRW4416  crashes my system ..   a little help   please ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  using winmodems under Linux ?? (Ronald Haynes)
  Re: Mice recommendations (Jan Panteltje)
  Re: I guess it's a DNS question. (Erhard Siegl)
  Re: Dumped Redhat like a stale girlfriend...SuSE is for me (Jon Skeet)
  Re: New knfsd trouble (was Re: NFS with Redhat 6 server and clients) (Dawood Alam)
  Re: Solder pads for jumpers functional on USR modem?
  Fixed my version problem. ("theoddone33")
  Re: CRW4416  crashes my system ..   a little help   please (DanH)
  Re: Signal 11 -> GCC on Redhat 6.0...  ~< (Serial # 0)
  ? Linux community manage vs. chaos ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: /etc/shadow and redhat 5.2 (peter)
  apps in kde - sloooooow loooooaaaading (Wil Snyder)
  Re: ATTN: 4416s owners    a solution                              thanks  (DanH)
  Re: Voice/Data/Fax server (peter)
  Re: can't connect to my isp using kppp (Fritz Whittington)
  Re: Mounting joliet CDROM media (peter)
  Re: Unstable Netscape (root)
  Re: SuSE vs Red Hat? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Unstable Netscape (root)
  Where can I get a free copy? (Cardiac Cardinals)
  Re: Typing tutor (RESET)
  Re: Very,very slow KDE ("Eugene Smith")
  ***** HELP PLEASE Linux RH5.1 won't boot (Nick)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: Singleuser and emergency init mode
Date: 24 May 1999 21:08:40 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
Andrew Buckle wrote:
> I found that giving the parameters 'linux S' or 'linux -b' to LILO would
> bring the machine into a single user or emergency mode, trouble is I cant
> edit any configuration files in this mode as they are all readonly.
> Can anyone tell me me how to remount filesystems ( specifically  / ) so I
> can edit files before rebooting back to multiuser mode ?

Something like "/bin/mount -o remount,rw /".  See the mount(8) man page.

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup.misc,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: CRW4416  crashes my system ..   a little help   please
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 17:46:14 GMT

On Fri, 4 Jun 1999 23:08:53, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > hi there
> >     i had to disconnect my YAMAHA crw4416s scsi cdrw  to even get Suse 
> > 1.6 to install,  Suse is up and running fine but i would like to get 
> > the cdrw workng any ideas?
> >     everthing goes fine on boot the adaptec 2940 is there but then it 
> > crashes with errors like 
> I suspect there is a problem with the drive/adapter and or driver
> combination. I have a 4416S running on a Symbios 53c875 without
> any problems. If this happens with Linux only and other OSs run fine
> then you should try to contact those people maintaining the
> Adaptec driver.
> Good luck
> -- 
> Daniel Dorau                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> << If a train stops at a trainstation, what happens at a workstation? >>
>        PGP key available, send mail with 'Subject: send pgp key' 
>             fingerprint: 8D7E0B2F9E2E5338  DB7B24742E8B2EAE 

hi there

        yes i tried adaptec, i am up to date on my scsi bios and drivers, 
tried some different configs  that didnt help. i'm stumped


From: Ronald Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: using winmodems under Linux ??
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 14:21:57 -0700

Hi, I am considering purchasing a new computer.  Almost every system
I consider comes with a winmodem.
I had heard in the past that this may cause difficulties under Linux, is
this the case?

R Haynes


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Panteltje)
Subject: Re: Mice recommendations
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 99 21:16:26 GMT

>Peter T. Breuer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
>> : What mice do most people recommend to use with Linux?
>> white ones.
>> Logitech mouseman+, with tail. Always buy logitech.
>I'll Second that.
Me to, works very reliable.


From: Erhard Siegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I guess it's a DNS question.
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 20:14:02 +0200

On Sun, 06 Jun 1999, Denis wrote:
>typing "telnet" gives
>" Host name lookup failure".
>same for any other machine that usually could give me telnet access to
>my account. 
>Everything works remains working fine in win95 - i can telnet to all
>these machines, so I assume the problem is on my Linux system.
>PS. I checked DNS addresses in Win95 and LINUX. They are the same.
>also my /etc/resolv.conf is:

To narrow the problem try


and if that works:

which should give something like:


if that works, just

if that works, I have no idea what could be wrong.


"Doubt is not a pleasant mental state, but certainty is a ridiculous one."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jon Skeet)
Subject: Re: Dumped Redhat like a stale girlfriend...SuSE is for me
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:46:06 +0100

> Now, if only I could figure out how to setup the Linux console to use
> 132x43 text mode, or 80x60 text mode, I'd be set. :))  Hell, even 
> 80x50 could be tolerated at this point. :))

Well, if you're using a recent kernel, it's worth compiling in the video 
mode text support (in "Console drivers") and putting "vga=ask" in your 
lilo config. Don't know the ins and outs, but it happens to work much 
more easily than SVGATextMode on the linux box I use...



From: Dawood Alam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: New knfsd trouble (was Re: NFS with Redhat 6 server and clients)
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 22:45:38 +0100


> >
> > My guess is that we are all using the knfsd package and Kernel-2.2.?.
> > In /usr/src/linux-2.2.?/Documentation/Changes file, it is
> > explicitly stated that "NFS is currently under heavy revision" to
> > work as a kernel-based NFS.
> >
> I am seeing problems with the knfs stuff also, but only with some
> clients.  An OS/2 box can still mount a file system on the linux
> server normally, but an HP-UX box will show the mount point as
> established but will not be able to see the files.  A bdf displays the
> nfs mount and the correct space utilization, even tho the mount dir is
> empty.  Without even the . and .. entries.
> Any help appreciated,
> rick

I too am seeing problems exporting my linux fs to a sun sparc 5, I get the
error message:

kernel: svc: unknown version (3)

Should we be using the old nfs stuff, if so how do we jump bacl from RH6.0
knfs to the old nfs ?



Crossposted-To: comp.dcom.modems
Subject: Re: Solder pads for jumpers functional on USR modem?
Date: 7 Jun 1999 20:57:05 GMT

On 7 Jun 1999 20:54:45 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a USR internal ISA 56K modem (model 5607-2) that I would
Oops, that should be "5687-2."

  Roger Blake
  (remove second "g" from address for email)


From: "theoddone33" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fixed my version problem.
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 13:27:57 -0500

All I had to do was delete my /usr/src/linux/ and my
/boot/ symlink.  This shouldn't cause any major problems should

"These are not my pants" - Reese Roper
AGQ2 Configs Page:
Also visit:
To email, descramble the pig latin


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup.misc,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: CRW4416  crashes my system ..   a little help   please
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 21:42:14 +0000

> On Fri, 4 Jun 1999 23:08:53, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > hi there
> >
> > >     i had to disconnect my YAMAHA crw4416s scsi cdrw  to even get Suse
> > > 1.6 to install,  Suse is up and running fine but i would like to get
> > > the cdrw workng any ideas?
> hi there
>         yes i tried adaptec, i am up to date on my scsi bios and drivers,
> tried some different configs  that didnt help. i'm stumped

I spent the better part of a couple days trying to get this Yamaha 4416s
to work.  Until I read DejaNews and did a search on 'linux yamaha 4416'  

When you first boot up, you see the 'press <ctrl>-a to enter scsi
setup.  Do so and get to the channel your drive is on.  Change the
target that your 4416 is on to 20 MPS instead of 40.  If there's a 'wide
scsi' turn it OFF for that target only, the number will change

Then reboot into Linux. 

UNIX - Not just for vestal virgins anymore
Linux - Choice of a GNU generation


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Serial # 0)
Subject: Re: Signal 11 -> GCC on Redhat 6.0...  ~<
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 21:50:06 GMT

On Sat, 22 May 1999 20:59:58 GMT, "FTP server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I keep getting a sig11 when trying to make bzImage for my 2.2.9 kernel. 
>Never completes the compile :(.  I remember compiling kernels fine in
>Redhat 5.2..
>I have a P-60 cpu.

i see this error when my cpufan has an error or memory chip has an


Subject: ? Linux community manage vs. chaos ?
Date: 7 Jun 1999 20:55:03 GMT

Hi Linux community members,

How is it possible that Linux has succesfully grown by contributions from
so many different persons, without degenerating into chaos ?

Where did the structures originate, and become disciplined/enforced to:
   collect bug reports and enhancements, to feed into next code update,
   ...............................................documentation update,
   enable contributions from dispersed outsiders, yet avoid chaos from
          undiscipled/incompetent 'members',
   allow division of labour, (specialisation) in co-operated efforts,
    etc .............etc ?

Thanks,  Chris Glur.    

Ps. I thought I posted this some time ago ?  perhaps I missed the replies ?
Please reply me a copy, direct email.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (peter)
Subject: Re: /etc/shadow and redhat 5.2
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 19:28:13 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Nicolay.Dimitrov@u- says...
> I have Redhat5.2 and i must port some tools that are working unther
> Solaris, and are needing encrypted passwords in /etc/shadow, but my
> distribution don't use /etc/shadow
> How must I do to enable the usage of /etc/shadow ?

in the redhat-book that came with the package you can read the details 
and there is also a shadow-HOTWO.




From: Wil Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: apps in kde - sloooooow loooooaaaading
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 17:49:43 -0400

Hi all.

I'm very new to Linux. I recently installed kde. Also staroffice 5.1, netscape
navigator 4.5, among other things. This is on a dell inspiron, 233 mmx, 64 meg
of ram. swap disk is set at 51 meg. My Linux is redhat 5.2. Virtually
everything I do runs unbelievably slow. Staroffice comes up in a snappy 20
seconds or so, and navigator even takes a few seconds longer. Any suggestions
as to why this is so? If you need other info as to my configuration let me
know. Is this just kde, or is my configuration screwed up do you think? I think
I would love using kde, if only things moved faster.

wil snyder


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: ATTN: 4416s owners    a solution                              thanks 
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 21:52:53 +0000

> hi there
>         to get my 4416s working in my new SuSe6.1 installation i had to go to
> my adaptec 2940uw utility and turn off INITIATE WIDE NEGOTIATION in
> the scsi device configuration
> thats it away we ggggooooooooo.
> thanks to DanH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   he enlightened me about the
> wide/uwide negotiation problem.    and it worked

Wow, you're welcome.

I got one of those for my birthday and beat my head against the wall for
the better part of two days until I got smart and went to DejaNews and
did a search on 'linux yamaha 4416'  Went and looked at the postings and

Then I found out I had a drive that refused to acknowledge it had a disk
in it at all (but that's another story <g>)

UNIX - Not just for vestal virgins anymore
Linux - Choice of a GNU generation


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (peter)
Subject: Re: Voice/Data/Fax server
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 19:29:44 GMT

In article <7jfv9l$sft$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I want to use my Server for an Voice/Fax/Data (samba) server.
> Do you know any software for this?

mgetty and its enhancements.




From: Fritz Whittington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: can't connect to my isp using kppp
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 14:32:02 -0500

DonJr wrote:
> Bev wrote:
> >
> > Melle wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > > i've got a problem with my RH5.2 distribution of linux! i configured kppp
> > > the way it was shown in several comp-magazines for logging in at my isp's
> > > server using PAP - but it doesn't work at all.
> > > the modem dials properly, but it fails to log in. my isp said that my login,
> > > password and servername should be added to the file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets,
> > > but i don't know how in detail. there are two lines of introduction: the
> > > format of an entry should be something like:
> > > client            server  secrets            IP adresses
> > > but what does this mean? i'm not good in English at all (you may have
> > > noticed that already *grin*) since i'm from Germany, hmm.
> > > if you know the answer to my problem please mail me to:
> > >
> > > thanx,            Melle
> >
> > We could never get it to work under RH either, so we just copied over the
> > files from our slackware installation.  Here is what the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
> > file should look like:
> >
> >         # Secrets for authentication using PAP...
> >         # client        server       secret        IP addresses
> >         "yourloginname"   *   "yourpassword"
> >
> > --
> > Cheers,
> > Bev
> > ====================================================================
> > "We thought of one of those discount store caskets, but, frankly, we
> >  were worried about the quality."             -- mortuary commercial
> Basicaly put "kppp" is not written for the Red Hat Dastro and will not
> work without major configuration change.
> The easiest way I've found to setup pppd under RH 5.2 or RH 6.0 is:
>   # linuxconf   { either under X or text mode take you pick}
>      - Networking
>        - Client tasks
>           Select PPP/SLIP/PLIP
>             Click the ADD button
>              Make sure PPP is selected
>               Click the Accept button
>                 Fill in the following fields
>                   Phone Number
>                   Modem Port
>                   Click the use PAP check button
>                   Login Name
>                   Password
>               Click the Customize button
>                 Select Allow any user (de)activate the interface
>            Click the Accept button
>          Click the quit button on the PPP/SLIP/PLIP page
>          Select Name server specification (DNS)
>            Fill in the Name Server Information asked by this page.
>          Click the Accept button
>       Click the Quit button
>       Press enter on the next screen to apply the updates.
> Now at the command prompt
>   $ /sbin/ifup ppp0        will bring up the connection
>   $ /sbin/ifdown ppp0      will bring down the connection
> Under X simplily load the program "usernet" is a simple to use one to
> get you started, though there are other choices out there.
> RedHat 5.2 and 6.0 versions of the Linux Dastro's are simple enough,
> even a MicroS*t user should be able to set it up.
>  It's a whole lot simpler then MS-Widows to install and setup.
> --
>  -----------------------
>   Don E. Groves, Jr.
>   my Email is jetnick AT erols DOT com
>   I'll add a witty saying here later.
>   Such as:
>    Give a man a fish and he will eat now.
>    Teach him to fish and he will ........
>     ...
>     ...
>     ...
>     ...
>     ...
>     ...
>     ... drink beer by to pond all day with his new friends.
> ----------------

Fine, then.   What do you do if you need to use CHAP, since it
doesn't seem to offer that option?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (peter)
Subject: Re: Mounting joliet CDROM media
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 19:31:34 GMT

In article <375b2c25.202140022@proximus>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I can mount iso9660, but not joliet.  If I try 'mount -t joliet...' an
> error message is issued regarding no such filesystem.  
> What is necessary to enable long file name format on joliet CDROM
> media?

you need to have joliet compiled in kernel. if you dont want to recompile 
the whole bunch, you can include is as module also. 




From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unstable Netscape
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 21:58:53 GMT

Carl Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carl Fink)
: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
: Subject: Re: Unstable Netscape
: Date: 7 Jun 1999 09:00:25 GMT
: Organization: Dueling Modems:  <>
: Lines: 15
: Message-ID: <7jg1n9$11n$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <7je5tp$9u3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: NNTP-Posting-Host:
: X-Trace: 928721629 8475 (7 Jun 1999 02:13:49 GMT)
: X-Complaints-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: NNTP-Posting-Date: 7 Jun 1999 02:13:49 GMT
: X-Newsreader: slrn ( UNIX)
: Path:!!!bstnma1-snf1!!!!!!!!!!panix!!!carlf
: Xref: comp.os.linux.misc:10120506

: On 6 Jun 1999 15:59:53 GMT [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:> . . . (But at least when Netscape crashes in linux, it doesn't take the
:>entire system down with it....)

: On my system it occasionally does.  That is, it doesn't actually
: bring down Linux itself, but it locks X.  Since I don't have any
: other terminals on this system, and X is ignoring the keyboard and
: mouse, I have to use the reset button to get control back.

: "Occasionally" means about once per six months.
: -- 
: Carl Fink             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: "This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy." 
:       -Martin Luther on Copernicus' theory that the Earth orbits the sun

I hope by 'reset' you mean ctrl-alt-bs? Remember X is a Linux app too and if
you exit the amok X you will see that Linux is fine.
The switch is a BAD thing! :)


Walt Shekrota            
Chapel Hill, NC USA


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: SuSE vs Red Hat?
Date: 07 Jun 1999 14:54:14 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Keven R. Pittsinger) writes:

> In article <7j8hk9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       Reinier Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> >>For one thing, where does SuSe stash my *mail*????  It
> >>sure ain't /var/pool/mail, unless I screwed something up...
> > 
> > It's in /var/spool/mail, as expected.
> Heh.  The first time I installed it and got onto the net to get my mail,
> it tossed the incoming mail into the bit bucket.  This installation, it
> seems to work ok.
> But what *RILLY* maxxes me off is sendmail.  It's not a mail handler, it's
> a *religion*, requiring the sacrifice of small cute furry animals on a
> regular basis to work properly.

nod mail should not be this hard.

there are three things which seem to be hard to install/configure in
linux - X, ppp and e-mail.  X, at least, has the excuse of a plethora
of video cards and monitors.  ppp configuration seems to be getting a
little more automatic.  mail (via sendmail) still sucks.  and there is
no reason for it to suck so much.

no mailer should have a 1000+ page batbook to discuss configuration.
something is seriously wrong if it does.

i am using qmail which is *a lot* easier to configure but has various
license problems (binary distribution was prohibited for a long time,
hacked binaries are still verboten afaik.)

there are a number of better MTAs, smail, exim, zmailer.  almost
anything you can think of is easier to configure than sendmail.  why
distributions like redhat do not ship with an alternate, easy to
configure MTA i do not know.

johan kullstam


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unstable Netscape
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 22:30:36 GMT

I hope by reset you mean ctrl-alt-bs? Remember X is a linux app too
and if you exit the amok X you will see that linux is fine.
The switch is a BAD thing! :)


Walt Shekrota            
Chapel Hill, NC USA


From: Cardiac Cardinals <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Where can I get a free copy?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 08:58:55 -0700


Where can I go to get a copy of Red Hat Linux? Also, will this install
on my existing NT box?

Mike Murray
ICQ# 12092418
Home of the International Fantasy Football League


Subject: Re: Typing tutor
Date: 07 Jun 1999 09:37:51 +0200

>>>>> En el artículo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Kerry J. Cox"
>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

    Kerry> Organization: Vyzynz I saw in here sometime back someone
    Kerry> had mentioned that there was a typing tutor available for
    Kerry> Linux.  Since my typing sucks so bad, I thought I'd give it
    Kerry> a try.  If I remember correctly it was only in .deb format.
    Kerry> Any assistance would be appreciated.  KJ

Yes, you can find it in every distribution, in section `games' (don't
ask me why here, however).  It's `typist', works in console o xterms
and current version is 1.0-2.

RESET               | ``El espíritu preciso para derrotar a un hombre es el
                    |   mismo, en esencia, que el necesario para derrotar a
N. F. Pardo         |   diez mil hombres.''
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |                    Go Rin No Sho, Musashi Miyamoto


From: "Eugene Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Very,very slow KDE
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 01:35:49 +0400

I think that 32M of memory is not enough for ANY current OS. Linux quickly
fills all memory you've got ( eg. 1 netscape session is about 15 M, KDE is -
I think - about 20, etc) and then, when Linux begins swapping, everything
becomes tooo slow. I suspect that KDE and swap manager do not interact at
all and sometimes the latter simply puts important KDE memory areas into
swap.  However, I am not sure - I am almost a newbie too :-).
The answer to your problem is obvious. Go and buy , say, 64Mb more of RAM.
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:7jech8$2q2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have Pentium II Mendocino - 300Mhz, HD Quantum 6.4MB with Ultra DMA
> 33, 32MB SDRam, BX chipset, Rendition Verite 2200 videocard with 4MB
> Ram. I use Mandrake Linux 5.3 and KDE. My swap partition is 100MB. My
> KDE is so slow that sometimes I have to wait 15 sec just to open a menu.
> It seems that every time it needs something it searches the whole disk
> for it, and it does this in such a way that the whole computer shakes. I
> do not know what the problem is, and I would be very obligied to anyone
> who could help.
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: ***** HELP PLEASE Linux RH5.1 won't boot
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 20:18:16 GMT

***** HELP PLEASE Linux RH5.1 won't boot

I've had RH5.1 Linux on my system for some time.  Now it won't boot up
with several errors.  I think the drivers I enabled for OS/2 to read
Linux in R/W mode, might have corrupted something.  Even though I
never wrote to the EXT2 partition, OS/2 writes EA files and such.  My
linux partition is /dev/hdb1.

Linux starts to boot, but then the errors start.  Among them, are:

Attempt to access beyond end of device
Unable to read superblock
checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended
hdb:  media changed
hdb:  packet command error: status 0x51 errors 0x00, 0x50
hdb:  code 0x70 key 0x05 asc 0x24, aseq 0x00
FAT bread failed
unable to mount root file system

I tried booting from my linux boot disk and using the rescue disk.
After it mounts successfully, I tried to run e2fsck, but it fails with
many of the same errors, plus, it says the partition is write
protected.  Actually, I think it failed when I tried to mount the
linux partition on my hard disk.

Can anyone please explain to me how I (a linux newbie) can correct
this problem?  I played around with linux when I first got it, and did
a lot of customization, which I probably couldn't duplicate (and
didn't know how to back up).  Now I don't have much time to work with
it, but would like to recover what I had.  I'd appreciate any help!




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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