Linux-Misc Digest #555, Volume #20                Wed, 9 Jun 99 14:13:07 EDT

  Re: the last two characters of a dos text file are? (Ed Young)
  Proof that Linux is cooler than NT (Mark Redding)
  LaTeX problem (Charly)
  Re: PPP Help needed. (-=Rage Matrix=-)
  Re: Where the heck is redhat hiding their rpm's? (Dominic Mitchell)
  Re: mt ... fsf not working ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  zImage and bzImage ("Mike Somerville")
  Re: Proof that Linux is cooler than NT (Vic Mortelmans)
  Re: Koffice ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: linux/ksh (Mark Redding)
  Re: linux/ksh (Mark Redding)
  Re: Error making 2.2.9 (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: newbie: Best way of setting up ip-numbers? ("wheely")
  Re: linux/ksh (Mark Redding)
  Re: Need reasons for Mandrake over RH ("Tracy S. Fitch")
  Re: kill child of shellscript (Ed Young)


From: Ed Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: the last two characters of a dos text file are?
Date: 9 Jun 1999 01:41:22 GMT

"Matthew D. Melbert" wrote:
> David Vrabel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> > I use tr, perl is a bit over the top for this.
> >   tr -d '\r' < old_file > new_file
> > to delete the '\r' character leaving the '\n' intact.
> >
> > David Vrabel
> >
> >
> David...the "tr" command is long as you do not have several
> hundred files to go through in a directory.  Then you do need a perl
> program since "tr" (at least through my resrearch) does not supprt a
> recursive call to do entire directories.  So if you have MANY files to do
> such as my company does on a weekly basis, you need something a little
> better then "tr".
>    However I did some more looking at "tr" today since you brought this up
> and it is possible to use that command in a perl least with
> capitalization.  I have to see if Carriage Return Removal is supported.
> Thanks for the conversation.

  for file in *; do tr -d '\r' <$file >xxx; mv xxx $file; done
              ^appropriate filename filter
would work on hundreds of files...


Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:09:07 +0100
From: Mark Redding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Proof that Linux is cooler than NT

...As if proof were really needed....

I am running NT4 (its slightly more stable than Win95) at work and
decided to use seti@home as a "screen saver" as I have been the Linux
version at home for months (also tried it on my FreeBSD box, but it's
only a 486/DX2 and it took 9 days to process a single block of data).

It melted the glue on my heat sync/cooling fan causing the processor to
overhead and repeatedly crash the machine. At least I got a new 9GB hard
drive (we first thought it was a HD problem) and a massive cooling fan
(so large than even penguins feel cold next to it) out of it.

And I always thought people were joking when they said that FreeBSD and
Linux run cooler than anything Micro$oft release ( )



From: Charly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LaTeX problem
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 18:57:55 +0200

Hi all,

        I've installed LaTeX for my redhat version (5.2) in RPM format.
But I doesn't seem to work !
I found no doc, but with the doc of an app that need Latex, it says that
I must run
But this file does not exists !
The user (that uses the app) told me that a message appear telling him
that the file 'psfig.tex' is needed.
But this file does not exists !
I found it on ftpSerach, but I don't know what to do with this file,
where to put it !

If someone knows, please share your knowledge with me.


Subject: Re: DUMP errors
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 16:14:33 GMT


try deleting your /etc/dumpdates file, then fire up dump.

hope this helps...


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  ger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks,
>     I've been trying to get an Archive Python (90M, 4-8GB, DDS,
> tape drive working with dump on my Redhat 5.2 system (kernel currently
> at 2.2.6).  The drive is connected externally to an AHA1542, and all
> recognised quite happily by the kernel.  The device is accessible and
> responds to 'mt' manipulations, and also responds to 'restore -i'.
> When I try to dump to it, however, using the following line:
> /sbin/dump 0usfd 5000 /dev/nst0 42500 / (I know the values look odd,
> they were obtained from a reliable source)
> I get the following error:
>   DUMP: estimated 843315 tape blocks on 0.65 tape(s).
>   DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
>   DUMP: master/slave protocol botched.
> The strange thing is that this command worked quite well until I
> an 'mt erase' on one of the tapes.  Subsequent dump attempts have
> yielded this error, regardless of parameter changes.
> Any suggestions would be most gratefully received.
> Regards, Ger.

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (-=Rage Matrix=-)
Subject: Re: PPP Help needed.
Date: 9 Jun 1999 00:26:32 GMT

If you need further information, I would be happy to supply all I have,
it's just that I don't know what is needed. 

Please help!

-- Jon.
Jonathan M Baker                     Member of PLOT
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                (Programmers Legion of Obvious Talent)
Tron Software          
  - - - - - - - - - MEMBER OF THE FIRST CHURCH OF WINTERMUTE - - - - - - - 



Subject: Re: Where the heck is redhat hiding their rpm's?
Reply-To: Dominic Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Dominic Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 09 Jun 1999 12:19:07 -0400

Redhat ftp servers went down over the weekend.  They had to rebuild
them. One good site that is full of rpms is



>>>>> "svo" == Seth Van Oort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

svo> Seth

svo> Henry Hollenberg wrote:
>> I used to be able to go to the redhat site and find all sorts of
>> intresting stuff including
>> updated rpm's that match particular releases.  I'm currently looking of
>> libPropList for
>> Intel RedHat 5.2 but can't find ANY rpm's on their site.
>> Does anyone know where they are hiding them now?
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Henry Hollenberg

Dominic Mitchell           Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Economics    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario      
Canada, K7L 3N6            Running Linux Redhat 5.2     


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: mt ... fsf not working
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 16:26:42 GMT


paul's specified the tape not to rewind /dev/nst0.


i came across the same problem.  here's one of many solutions:
   dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/nst0
then you can fire up restore.

good luck

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Andreas Kyek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Paul,
> this sounds as if you are using an "always rewind" device.
> I'm not so familiar with the linux device names, but from my
experience on
> IBM and HP machines I know that there is a rewindable and a
> tape device.
> So for all but the last write you have to use the non-rewindable
> That should work.
> Andreas
> Paul Smicker wrote:
> > Hi All--
> >
> > I'm trying to set up a simple backup dump to an HP Surestore DAT24
> > drive--the backup script consists of:
> >
> > mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
> > /usr/sbin/dump 0fu /dev/nst0 /dev/sda7
> > /usr/sbin/dump 0fu /dev/nst0 /dev/sda1
> > /usr/sbin/dump 0fu /dev/nst0 /dev/sda6
> > mt -f /dev/nst0 rewoffl
> >
> > Everything seems to write ok but no matter whether I issue:
> >
> > mt -f /dev/nst0 fsf
> > mt -f /dev/nst0 fsf 1
> > or
> > mt -f /dev/nst0 fsf 2
> >
> > followed by:
> >
> > restore ivf /dev/nst0
> >
> > I *always* get sda7's files , never sda1's or sda6's . Even if I
> > multiple instances of 'mt -f /dev/nst0 fsf' I always get sda7.
> >
> > Am I doing something wrong? thanks in advance for any ideas...
> >
> > ------
> > Paul Smicker
> > Computer Specialist
> > WestEd

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Mike Somerville" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: zImage and bzImage
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:20:43 -0400

what is the difference between zImage and bzImage?  I am fairly new to linux
and hve been trying to recompile my kernel (2.2.5) and I make what I think
is a fairly tight kernel and when I try to compile it it tells me to try
bzImage insted and I have looked through the news groups.  From what the
newsgroups seem to say the file size is very similar so what's the diff?

please post your responce to the newsgroup for other people to see, but if
you could also email the responce to me, Thnx


From: Vic Mortelmans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Proof that Linux is cooler than NT
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 19:18:00 +0000

May I take the liberty to join you: my system also has linux and winNT.
Using WinNT seems to wear it out, howerver. At a sudden moment NT didn't
recognize my netwerk card anymore (ordinary ISA NE2000), and no
uninstalling and reinstalling of any network component could bring
salvation. Linux just needs a freshly compiled kernel and come ifconfig
commands and all is well. 

Only weeks later I try to install my Parallel ZIP-drive, NT didn't
complain during installation, but if I now try to boot the computer in
NT with the ZIP-drive connected, NT shuts down with the well-known total
system failure blue memory dump. Linux just needs a freshly compiled
kernel and some mount commands and all is well.

So, while my NT-system is degenerating rapidly, linux keeps young



Mark Redding wrote:
> ...As if proof were really needed....
> I am running NT4 (its slightly more stable than Win95) at work and
> decided to use seti@home as a "screen saver" as I have been the Linux
> version at home for months (also tried it on my FreeBSD box, but it's
> only a 486/DX2 and it took 9 days to process a single block of data).
> It melted the glue on my heat sync/cooling fan causing the processor to
> overhead and repeatedly crash the machine. At least I got a new 9GB hard
> drive (we first thought it was a HD problem) and a massive cooling fan
> (so large than even penguins feel cold next to it) out of it.
> And I always thought people were joking when they said that FreeBSD and
> Linux run cooler than anything Micro$oft release (
> )
> Mark.


Subject: Re: Koffice
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 15:03:49 GMT

I have the same problem.  I investigated and found that
the kdelibs have changed and doesn't include libkio in the
kdelibs 1.1.1 package.  But, if you look at the koffice package
from SUSE, it has a Feb 3, 1999 date.  Thus, it's old and needs
to be repackaged from the latest code.  I didn't buy SUSE, just bought
the CDROM only and have been updating off the ftp site.

If anyone has a solution other than compiling the koffice sources, I'd
like to know about it.  I guess I could compile if I needed to.


In article <7ikh3f$bev$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Paul Trost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recently installed several upgrade packages for various things on my
> 6.0 workstation and server. I have kde 1.1.1 on both. my koffice had
> on my workstation previously to these updates. Now, when I try to run
> koffice component on either computer I get an error in loading shared
> libraries "". Low and behold the file is nowhere to be
found. I
> have reinstalled KDE and Koffice to no avail. Can someone tell me what
> library is and where I can d/l it?
> Paul
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:16:46 +0100
From: Mark Redding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux/ksh

Two things I can think of :-

1. Does the script contain
as the first line ?

2. Is . [thats DOT] or the directory that start.ksh resides in, on your
PATH. If not, either add it or execute using ./start.ksh



Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:16:14 +0100
From: Mark Redding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux/ksh

Two things I can think of :-

1. Does the script contain
as the first line ?

2. Is . [thats DOT] or the directory that start.ksh resides in, on your
PATH. If not, either add it or execute using ./start.ksh



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: Error making 2.2.9
Date: 8 Jun 1999 23:58:00 -0500

In article <7jir08$hbh$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Azfar Kazmi wrote:
> checksum.c:200: redefinition of `csum_partial_copy'
> checksum.c:105: `csum_partial_copy' previously defined here
> {standard input}: Assembler messages:
> {standard input}:185: Fatal error: Symbol csum_partial_copy already
> defined.

> I checked /usr/src/linux-2.0.36/arch/i386/lib/checksum.c but it *does*
> contain csum_partial_copy more than once. I also checked this file on
> 2.0.34 sources and both files are identical. [I successfully made 2.0.34
> months back with the same checksum.c!]

There is no (ix86) checksum.c file in the 2.2 kernel series.  It must
be left over from some old kernel source.  Delete it.

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: "wheely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: newbie: Best way of setting up ip-numbers?
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 18:50:40 +0200

Ronald Hovens heeft geschreven in bericht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>my answers are embedded in your mail below:
>Ronald Hovens
>Wheely wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I wanna install Linux on my system, but I'm not sure what ip-addresses I
>> should use for various tasks on my system.
>> In the end I'd like to run the following services (all on the SAME pc):
>> - FTP
>> - Telnet
>> - HTTP access (via other W95 machine)
>> - dhcpd (so I won't have to setup W95 with an ip-address
>> - DNS
>> First: CAN it be done?
>Of course! Consult the various HOWTOs. If you want to connect local
>clients to your linux server which should be able to access the internet
>via your linux server, read the IP-masquerading howto. If you will use a
>small number of clients, I don't recommend dhcp because it makes some
>administrative tasks harder, for example controlling access to services.
>just use reserved IP-adresses like 192.168.x.x. for all machines on your
>LAN and keep a record of the used ip-addresses. Consult the net-3-howto
>for ip-adresses that are reserved for private use.
>> Second: can ftp, telnet and http all be running via the same ip-addres?
>> (is it possible to give ftp telnet separate ip-addresses?)
>They can all run via the same ip-address.
>> -> I've set it up, but either http works, OR telnet and ftp work. Never
>> 3 together(?)
>I guess you try to use telnet and ftp to a linux server as root. Telnet
>and ftp are disabled for root access by default.
>If you set things up correctly, all 3 together should work. Consult the
>various HOWTOs, starting with the NET-3-HOWTO
>> Furthermore, When installing dns and dhcpd I've read somewhere that a
>> 'gateway' must be configured. Is this just my main ip-address?
>> AND (last one, here) there also needs to be configured a router (routed).
>> Does this also have a ip-address of its own?
>Note that an ip-address is bound to an interface, not to a machine. If
>you connect clients to your linux server via it's ethernet card,
>the ip-adress of the linux ethernet card (normally eth0 interface)
>should be mentioned as gateway-ip-address in every client's setup. A
>router is not needed.
>> Questions, questions... but very imortant to me.
>A tip: linux is a very wonderful OS, but you have to read documentation
>to get a grip on it and make it work the way you want it. You are
>wondering if things are possible. With Linux virtually ANYTHING is
>> I hope you find this mail intriguing enough to respond to. You're doing
me a
>> great favour.
>> Kind regards,
>> Marcel Post

Real thanks for your clear and informative mail.
I've noticed that I like spending more and more time to Linux (and reading A
LOT OF documentation). Somehow I find it 'real nice'. As I grew up with 'the
prompt'  (MS/PC-DOS),  this is kinda 'coming home' to me :-)

Now I'll finish this mail, and read some more HOWTO's




Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:16:39 +0100
From: Mark Redding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux/ksh

Two things I can think of :-

1. Does the script contain
as the first line ?

2. Is . [thats DOT] or the directory that start.ksh resides in, on your
PATH. If not, either add it or execute using ./start.ksh



From: "Tracy S. Fitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: Need reasons for Mandrake over RH
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 10:35:53 -0600

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Rushuru wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message :
> 7j4h9r$1f4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Okay, I need reasons to convince the other sysadmins to use Mandrake 6.0
> > over RH for our servers, 1st and desktops, 2nd.
> >
> > I know that Mandrake is faster since it is completely compiled for the
> > Pentium versus RH's kernel only (IMHO, this should be enough).  I also
> > know that Mandrake has newer rpm's for gnome, kde, and the kernel.
> >
> > My question is what other reasons can I give (or am I missing)?
> If they like that plain and ugly wm called KDE, then they should go for the
> Mandrake
> But if they prefer Gnome, they should stick to RH6 (or Debian Potatoe)
Uhh---Gnome is with the distro, all you've got to do is switchdesk to
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Content-Description: Card for Tracy S. Fitch
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n:;Tracy S. Fitch
org:University of Utah Department of Theatre
title:Faculty Technical Director
fn:Tracy S. Fitch



From: Ed Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kill child of shellscript
Date: 9 Jun 1999 03:33:03 GMT

Vic Mortelmans wrote:
> suppose I have the following shellscript:
> #!/bin/bash
> command1 &
> while sleep 30s; do
> command2;
> done
> Command1 keeps running in the background, and the while-loop keeps
> repeating itself every 30 seconds. That's what it's supposed to do
> anyway.
> But now, when I kill the script, command1 keeps running. How can I make
> sure all commands invoked in the script are ended together with the
> script ? Preferably in such a way that I don't need to use a special
> form of the kill-command.

Try killing the xterm you launched the shellscript from...



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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