Linux-Misc Digest #622, Volume #20               Sun, 13 Jun 99 20:13:24 EDT

  Re: Success with IP Masquerading (Douglas Hensel)
  Re: HOWTO erase CD-RW ???? ("A J Dearson")
  Re: How to disaable printer....??? (Marc Mutz)
  Re: Commercially speaking....? (mlw)
  Re: Synchronizing cmos clock with timeserver? (Marc Mutz)
  Re: gnome compile problems (NF Stevens)
  Re: first/second/third world (Mark Hahn)
  Re: Fortran on Linux (Erik de Castro Lopo)
  redirection "<<" (Michi Reutter)
  Re: Windows doesn't detect "Linux disc" (Roland Wachsmuth)
  Re: Synchronizing cmos clock with timeserver? (Hans Wolters)
  Re: Kernel panic with new install (Collin W. Hitchcock)
  Re: PCI SCSI card driver? (John P Grimes)
  PCI SCSI card driver? (Raymond B. Kropp, M .D.)
  Re: Fortran on Linux (John P Grimes)
  Re: Synchronizing cmos clock with timeserver? (Ollivier Civiol)
  Re: Parition Magic 4.01 obliterated my ext2 partition ("R. Paul McCarty")
  Newbie Question: Killing Infinite Loops without Rebooting (Tanya)
  Re: redirection "<<" (NF Stevens)
  Re: redirection "<<" (Michi Reutter)
  Re: Which Databases are available for Linux (Michi Reutter)
  Re: Kernel panic with new install (Working now, thanks) ("Kerry J. Cox")
  Re: Newbie Question: Killing Infinite Loops without Rebooting (Michi Reutter)
  Re: Q: Is Oracle8 for Linux Free ("John T. Dawid")


From: Douglas Hensel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Success with IP Masquerading
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:17:49 +0000

Are you having trouble with IP Masquerading???

In your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file add these lines

/sbin/depmod -a
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp

This allows the clients to use ftp


From: "A J Dearson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: HOWTO erase CD-RW ????
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:15:16 +0100

Jim Henderson wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I use the command:
>cdrecord dev=0,1,0 speed=2 blank=fast
>You will need to change your device and possibly speed, but that'll do
>Nguyen-Dai Quy wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I use xcdroast for my CD burner.
>> I don't know how to erase a CD-RW with xcdroast ? Or with another soft ?
>> My sys is RH-5.2, kernel 2.0.36, PC Pentium 200.
>> Thanks in advance.
>Jim Henderson
>Novell Support Connection SysOp -
>Homepage at (email instructions
>located here)
>Please note that as an NSC SysOp, I do not provide support for Novell
>products on a personal basis - if you need help with a Novell product,
>please post a reply in the public newsgroup or visit the Novell support
>forums at the URL above.

Or use gcombust as another frontend for cdrecord.
Tony Dearson


Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:58:58 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to disaable printer....???

Daniel in Oregon wrote:
> I need to disable I can use it for my paride drive...
> Whenever I try to mount my epat...paride says device is
> busy...
> I know it's because the printer has to disable please...???
Upgrade to kernel 2.2.x (2.2.9 is latest). This allows to share parports
between drivers.
If you don't want that, you could help yourself with: (as root)
/etc/rc.d/lpd stop (or)
/sbin/init.d/lpd stop (or whatever your distro's init scripts work)

This will terminate the printer daemon (lpd) and release the parport.
After doing whatever you wanted to do with the parport (I did not
understand what), you isuue
<same script as above, but now with> start
to bring up printing again.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:23:24 +0000

Stuart Brady wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Anahata wrote:
> >A DOS with long filename support would break *many* DOS programs built
> >to the 8.3 specification.  The long filenames are handled by an entirely
> >different API which is only used by programs which are designed at the
> >outset to expect the possibility of long filenames.
> WTF can't DOS 7 use both? - e.g. old DOS programs would use the 8.3
> names, but new DOS programs (and an updated could access
> long file names using a VFAT API for DOS. Actually, I know why - so that
> you *need* Windows to be able to do anything...

Yes, long file names are implemented in a Windows VxD.

> I don't know if DOS alone can read VFAT names, but and all
> of Win9x's DOS programs that I've seen don't know about it unless
> they're running in Windows. I'm sure that it's possible to write a DOS
> API for VFAT... but it would be better to do it the OS itself.

I am not sure of 98, but, the version of DOS that runs Windows 95
ignores long file name information.

> Windows 3.1 is an extention to DOS as well as a GUI - it provides swap
> space, multitasking, and drivers - all of which should have been kept
> seperate from the GUI. XFree86 doesn't do multitasking, does it?

Actually Windows 3.1 is VERY close to Windows 9x. It provided 32 bit
memory segments, virtual memory, multitasked DOS. Windows 95 was more
like an upgrade fro 3.1. Windows 3.1 was a huge step away from 3.0.

XFree86 does not need to multitask programs because it run on operating
systems that naturally have this capability.

Remember, all versions of "Windows" (excluding NT and CE) are DOS based.
As much as MS would have you believe not, DOS device drivers and the DOS
OS (for lack of a better term) is still available while Windows is
running. Windows has augmented DOS, not replaced it.

> Windows 4 also has protected mode which should really be done by the OS,
> but it seems that Microsoft have tried to integrate OS features (such as
> multitasking, swap space and VFAT) into the GUI, so that you need
> Windows to be able to do anything useful - DOS is now next to useless.

If you look carefully at the Windows architecture, you will see all the
OS extensions are provided by a 32bit flat memory model DPMI compatible
program (The 386 Windows executive). This core provides multitasking x86
virtual machines, virtual machines, and DOS adjuncts.

Almost all versions (staring with 2.1) of 386 specific Windows have this
design. Microsoft has just added VxD drivers.

> So there are three parts to Windows 9x. The Windows OS extentions, the
> Windows GUI, and MS DOS. The bundling of all three is to make sure that
> you can't buy from anyone else. Microsoft will go out of their way to
> screw you around... as long as they can make money out of you.

This is very astute.

Mohawk Software
Windows 95, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
Take a look at the Mohawk Software Mascot at


Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:09:46 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Synchronizing cmos clock with timeserver?

Ronald.Hovens wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a fine-working redhat linux server. However, I have a problem
> with synchronizing my system clock with a time server on the internet.
> To set my system clock every time an internet connection is established,
> I use the rdate command in my ip-up script:
> /usr/bin/rdate -s
> This works partially: the system clock indeed is set, but when I turn
> off my computer, the clock setting is lost. How can I make sure that the
> time/date setting is stored in the CMOS clock,  so powering off doesn't
> affect the new setting?
after the rdate, add '/sbin/clock [-u] -w' or 'hwclock --systohc
[--utc]', where -u and --utc tell the progs, that you cmos clock runs



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NF Stevens)
Subject: Re: gnome compile problems
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:14:16 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (gene) wrote:

>When I try to compile gnome-core the result is:
>make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/gnome-core-1.0.6/help-browser'
>make[3]: execvp: ../idl/help-browser.idl: Permission denied
>make[3]: *** [help-browser.h] Error 127
>I also get a similar error when I try to compile control-center.

Do you have ORBit correctly installed? If the configure
script worked correctly the command executed should
be something like

orbit-idl ../idl/help-browser.idl

Try running this command from the /usr/src/gnome-core-1.0.6/help-browser



From: Mark Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: first/second/third world
Date: 13 Jun 1999 18:17:38 GMT

> First World largely refers to Exploiter nations (eg, USA) and Third
> World to their colonies (eg, Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, Saudi Arabia).

this is the most impressively patronizing, ivory-tower, silly,
academic attitude I've heard in a long time.  it sounds like something
that a wild-eyed leftist prof would have said in about 1960.

> Naturally, when you categorize "objectively" you must put everything
> in terms of average incomes or some other convenient conjured up tripe.

good!  evoke the long-dead ghost of relativism, as well.  this was
a very pleasant blast from the past...


From: Erik de Castro Lopo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fortran on Linux
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 07:39:47 +1000

Robert J. Schweikert wrote:
> Anyone working on a Fortran compiler for Linux?
> Or is there one already?

There is a fortran compiler as part of EGCS. Have a look at

     Erik de Castro Lopo     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Q: What do you call a christian who accidently read the bible 
with his brain turned on?
A: An atheist


From: Michi Reutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: redirection "<<"
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 00:04:41 +0200

I always read about the here-document redirection!
But I never did it successfully!

here is a sample:
bash$ telnet 80 << EOF
> GET / HTTP/1.0
Trying xx.xx.xx.xx...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
why does this not yield the correct output????



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roland Wachsmuth)
Subject: Re: Windows doesn't detect "Linux disc"
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:04:14 GMT

Hi Gabriele,

try to change the partion ID for the DOS-partition on the second disc
with Linux fdisk. Login as root and use the command `fdisk /dev/hdb' 
(/dev/sdb for a SCSI-disc) and then type `t' for changing the ID.
After choosing the correct ID for FAT32 and a `w'(rite) you have to
reboot and to format the FAT-partition. If this doesn't help you should
show us the output from the `fdisk -l' command. You can store the  
output via `fdisk -l > filename'.

On Sun, 13 Jun 1999 20:40:05 +0200, Gabriele Frankemoelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a PC with two 2,1 GB hard discs - with Windows 95 (1,9 GB) and a
>Linux swap partition on disc C: , the main Linux partition (1,4 GB) and some
>more space for Windows swapping and stuff on disc D: \ .
> After partitioning the drives (under DOS with fdisk) Windows has no longer
>access to the DOS-partition on disc D:, whenever I try to store some files
>there I get error messages like "No access to D:\  - no device connected or
>defunct"- Fdisk lists the Linux and DOS-partitions correctly, the latter
>with "system unknown" which should be FAT 32, I know that much. When I try
>to format the D:\ DOS section (with format under DOS) I get some "parser
>error 2".


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hans Wolters)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Synchronizing cmos clock with timeserver?
Date: 13 Jun 1999 21:04:22 GMT

Ollivier Civiol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> found a keyboard
 and wrote the following ....

>Kevin Heath wrote:
>> As root, do a "hwclock --systohc".
>> -Kevin
>How to get Win95 to sync it's time with the linux box then ?

Make a netlogon batch file for the samba user (windows client). See
the samba docs.

Regards Hans

              Linux links & CMI8330 (Soundpro) HOWTO

 11:02pm  up 2 days, 12:08,  3 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.07, 0.06


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Collin W. Hitchcock)
Subject: Re: Kernel panic with new install
Date: 13 Jun 1999 18:00:14 -0400

> Could you have built your kernel with the IDE driver as a module?

Yes, looks like this was the case:


After the kernel mounts the root partition it will be able to access
the kernel modules in /lib/modules.  Then it can load the ide disk
module which will allow it to mount the root partition :)



From: John P Grimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PCI SCSI card driver?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:56:34 GMT

What SCSI card?
Is it compatible (do you have the linux drivers)?

"Raymond B. Kropp, M .D." wrote:

> Trying to get into Linux.  VERY new.
> Red-Hat will not recognize an ultra-wide SCSI HD that's running off of a
> PCI adapter on a 333 mH PowerPC (MacOS).  Any suggesions as to how I can
> get an install?  My OS is on a different drive (IDE).
> Thanks for any help,
> Ray

*       The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily.  That is what      *
*       Fiction means.                                                    *
*                             - Oscar Wilde                               *
           John Grimes - Physics Grad Student at U of Chicago
Home    [EMAIL PROTECTED]       5400 S. Ingleside Ave Apt #3 (773)363-4869
Physics [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Lab for Astrophysics-Office#207   702-0162


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Raymond B. Kropp, M .D.)
Subject: PCI SCSI card driver?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 13:24:54 -0700

Trying to get into Linux.  VERY new.

Red-Hat will not recognize an ultra-wide SCSI HD that's running off of a
PCI adapter on a 333 mH PowerPC (MacOS).  Any suggesions as to how I can
get an install?  My OS is on a different drive (IDE).

Thanks for any help,



From: John P Grimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fortran on Linux
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:59:55 GMT

Previous posts mentioned the open source f77 compiler.  Its excellent
and should come with almost any linux distribution.

F90 however is a very different beast (if tahts what you want).  Several
commercial companies have worked on this.  I think there is a free F90
to c converter from Lahey?

personally at work like F90 from the portland group.  Also could try F90
from abosoft

"Robert J. Schweikert" wrote:

> Anyone working on a Fortran compiler for Linux?
> Or is there one already?
> --
> Robert Schweikert

*       The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily.  That is what      *
*       Fiction means.                                                    *
*                             - Oscar Wilde                               *
           John Grimes - Physics Grad Student at U of Chicago
Home    [EMAIL PROTECTED]       5400 S. Ingleside Ave Apt #3 (773)363-4869
Physics [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Lab for Astrophysics-Office#207   702-0162


From: Ollivier Civiol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Synchronizing cmos clock with timeserver?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:53:35 +0200

Kevin Heath wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Ronald.Hovens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >off my computer, the clock setting is lost. How can I make sure that the
> >time/date setting is stored in the CMOS clock,  so powering off doesn't
> >affect the new setting?
> As root, do a "hwclock --systohc".
> -Kevin


How to get Win95 to sync it's time with the linux box then ?


Best Regards,
Ollivier Civiol
WEB pages :


From: "R. Paul McCarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Parition Magic 4.01 obliterated my ext2 partition
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:15:17 -0500

Hindsight is always 20/20, you're right I should have at least backed up
anything irreplaceable. Luckilly some of the most important things (like
AI programs I've written) were backed up on other machines, but alot of it
was only on this partition.

The problem is with backing up a 10GB HD, or in my case several 10GB disks
on multiple machines is that I'd need a DAT drive for so much data, and
they start at $700 (I'm sure you know this already :) and HDD are cheaper
then the backup systems, heck for $700 I could add a whole new computer to
my home network.  Even a CDR drive is almost useless for backing up a
10GB drive.  My plan is to put two HDD in parallel and run a script every
night to copy modified files to the mirror, which at $150/10GB is much
cheaper than any other backup system.

Here's hoping I don't make the same mistake again.

Rod Smith wrote:
> [Posted and mailed]
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         "R. Paul McCarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I don't know how else to describe what Parition Magic did when I resized a linux
> > ext2 partition from the windows side of a dual boot win95/linux system, then it
> > obliterated it.
> >
> > I was so happy when I finally bought the latest version of Partition Magic which
> > claims to fully support Linux (still can't run the gui in linux though) and the
> > first thing I wanted to do was resize a linux partition to take advantage of an
> > 800M block of free space I didn't use when I first installed the system.  I
> > booted windows, opened PM, it recognizes the ext2 partitions just fine, I select
> > resize, drag the end of the partition into the free space and then select apply
> > changes, it checks the integrity, checks for bad blocks, updates the partition,
> > and walla, done.  I go to reboot under linux and get dropped into a shell
> > because e2fsck encountered too many errors (note the root partition is separate
> > from the one I resized). So I run e2fsck and it starts scrolling errors about
> > duplicate/bad blocks..
> [More error reports trimmed...]
> Rule 1 when dealing with dynamic partition re-sizing programs: **THEY ARE
> Partition Magic *usually* works without causing problems, but when it
> does cause problems, often your only recourse is to recover everything
> from a backup.  Similar comments apply to all other partition re-sizers,
> like FIPS, Ranish Partition Manager, etc. (though none of these will
> resize an ext2 partition, AFAIK).
> Personally, I've used PM several times to resize Linux partitions (a lot
> of these were tests for the review I wrote of the program in the January
> issue of Linux Journal).  Most of these completed without causing damage,
> but not all of them.
> --
> Rod Smith
> NOTE: Remove the "uce" word from my address to mail me


Subject: Newbie Question: Killing Infinite Loops without Rebooting
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:16:19 -0600

Does anyone know the command to use in Linux to break out of an infinite
loop in a poorly written C++ program without forcing a reboot?  I tried
"esc", "ctrl-esc",  "ctrl-alt-backspace".



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NF Stevens)
Subject: Re: redirection "<<"
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 23:46:48 GMT

Michi Reutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I always read about the here-document redirection!
>But I never did it successfully!
>here is a sample:
>bash$ telnet 80 << EOF
>> GET / HTTP/1.0
>> EOF
>Trying xx.xx.xx.xx...
>Connected to
>Escape character is '^]'.
>Connection closed by foreign host.
>why does this not yield the correct output????
Doesn't HTTP require \r\n (ie carriage return
and line feed) rather than just a new line



From: Michi Reutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: redirection "<<"
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 01:16:04 +0200

NF Stevens schrieb:

> Michi Reutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I always read about the here-document redirection!
> >But I never did it successfully!
> >
> >here is a sample:
> >--
> >bash$ telnet 80 << EOF
> >> GET / HTTP/1.0
> >>
> >> EOF
> >Trying xx.xx.xx.xx...
> >Connected to
> >Escape character is '^]'.
> >Connection closed by foreign host.
> >--
> >why does this not yield the correct output????
> >
> Doesn't HTTP require \r\n (ie carriage return
> and line feed) rather than just a new line
> character.
> Norman

don't know exactly - but if you know, how to write this down in a
sh-script, please mail me, so I can test!!



From: Michi Reutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which Databases are available for Linux
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 00:50:55 +0200

there's also ORACLE

ad MySQL:
also good PERL and C API !!!!

Al schrieb:

> Which databases are available for Linux?
> I want to connect Java to the database.
> Thanks
> Al


From: "Kerry J. Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kernel panic with new install (Working now, thanks)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 23:11:11 +0000

Thansk for your observations and for everyone else who assisted.  I
finally got it to work.  I had gotten rather used to the 2.0.36 kernel
and hadn't read up on the newer kernel.  What I did was compare what I
had selected to what was in the monolithic RedHat 6.0 kernel.  From
there I saw what I had selected wrong and what I had not selected.
Thanks to everyone.  It's working great now and my IP Masquerading works
great too.  I have five computers all accessing the Internet from just
one modem connection.  Sure, it can get slow, but it works great.

Collin W. Hitchcock wrote:

> > Could you have built your kernel with the IDE driver as a module?
> Yes, looks like this was the case:
> After the kernel mounts the root partition it will be able to access
> the kernel modules in /lib/modules.  Then it can load the ide disk
> module which will allow it to mount the root partition :)
> Collin

| Kerry J. Cox          Vyzynz International Inc.       |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Systems Administrator           |
| (801) 596-7795              |
| ICQ# 37681165     |


From: Michi Reutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie Question: Killing Infinite Loops without Rebooting
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 01:10:26 +0200

anf if you can't break the program with CTRL+C, you can view its PID number
with  "ps" and write "kill -9 <PID>"

Tanya schrieb:

> Does anyone know the command to use in Linux to break out of an infinite
> loop in a poorly written C++ program without forcing a reboot?  I tried
> "esc", "ctrl-esc",  "ctrl-alt-backspace".
> thanks.


From: "John T. Dawid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q: Is Oracle8 for Linux Free
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 18:46:40 -0500

Al wrote:

> Where can I get a copy of oracle or sybase?
> I went to the sybase page and tried to down load the linux version.  But it
> was going to take 30 hrs (according to netscape).  I did not want to tie up
> my phone.
> Are there pages that where Oracle or Sybase break up there distributions
> into smaller
> packages which are easier to download?
> Does Oracle or Sybase have a personal version that is smaller that full
> version but is fully functional.  I only have one computer  I do not need a
> full server distribution.
> Thanks
> Al

Sybase is available on the Applications CD in the boxed Red Hat Linux
5.2 set, and I believe (but would need to verify) in the 6.0 set.  I am
unaware of any "lite" versions.




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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