Linux-Misc Digest #635, Volume #20               Mon, 14 Jun 99 21:13:06 EDT

  Re: Commercially speaking....? (mlw)
  Printer Stops - PostScript Error? (amir)
  Re: editorial: Stupid Linux Tricks ("Brian")
  Re: Fortran on Linux (Thomas Ruedas)
  Re: 2 newbie questions!
  Linux and @home (Michael A. Howard)
  ANNOUNCE: Linux and Alternative Operating System Web Portal (IndexOS)
  Re: Parition Magic 4.01 obliterated my ext2 partition (Rod Smith)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 00:18:24 +0000

Stuart Brady wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, mlw wrote:
> >XFree86 does not need to multitask programs because it run on operating
> >systems that naturally have this capability.
> My point exactly - Microsoft should have put multitasking (and a lot of
> the other things that windows does) in DOS, instead of in Windows.

They did, in a way. The Windows virtual machine manager is the beast
that does the DOS multitasking, virtual memory management, etc. I'm not
sure if it can be done in '95, but, in 3.1 one could copy in
place of and have a full DPMI version of DOS with VxD drivers.

> >Remember, all versions of "Windows" (excluding NT and CE) are DOS based.
> CE is DOS (and therefore CP/M) based? Yikes... I thought Microsoft might
> have had the sense to code everything from scratch this time round...

Actually CE 1.0 was a very cool Real-Time OS. 2.0 has risen to
Microsoft's usual mediocrity. BTW DOS can be used to boot x86 CE, but CE
does not use DOS while it is running.

Mohawk Software
Windows 95, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 


From: amir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Printer Stops - PostScript Error?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:46:10 GMT


This is a hard one, because it is perhaps a Linux-Ghostcript and perhaps
an IDL-PostScript problem. I hope there is some overlap of both
communities ;)

I try to print a multiplot color postscript file generated by IDL 5.2
for Linux on my Epson Stylus Color 640 with the aid of ghostscript.
(I use the uniprint epson 600 driver with 1440x720 resolution).

The printer starts printing, but after about 1/3 of the page is
completed (depending on the exact size of the file) the printer hangs
being "busy" without further error messages (because ghostscript stops,
too (?)). I have to turn it off.
The actual part that has been printed is perfectly alright.

I can print some IDL PostScript files and they come out fine.

I've already tried out if the number of polygons in the file is the
problem by printing out a contour and shade_surf plot of a 300x300 array
of random numbers (that gives a 7.7MB ps-file).
As expected, I get the usual message:
% Number of Polygon vertices exceeds limit for some PostScript printers.
but the printout works fine.

The idl commands:

!P.MULTI = [0,2,2]
DEVICE, FILENAME = '/home/amir/', COLOR = 1

CONTOUR, randomnumberarray, /FILL, NLEVELS = 32
SHADE_SURF, randomnumberarray


Again, this works.
And the commands for setting the postscript device in the "faulty" file
code are exactly the same (except for what is plotted, which is rather
complex, but gives a much smaller file, around 200KB).

I also know for shure that the files I'd like to print SHOULD be ok,
1) I've printed these files on a PostScript printer in a Unix
environment, and
2) I can have a look at them on my own computer with ghostview (meaning
that ghostscript probably works and doesn't have general complaints).

I can print out truly large files, too, something like 30 MB raster
graphics, no problem.

The printing commands I use:
# lpr /data5/PS/

and as long as the printer prints lpq gives
# lpq
lp is ready and printing
Rank   Owner      Job  Files                                 Total Size
active amir       25   /data5/PS/           178312

the processes invoked by lpr are:
1.) bash /var/spool/lpd/lp/filter -w132 -l66 -i0 -n amir -h
2.) sh /usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters//ps-to-printer.fpi
3.) gs -q -sDEVICE=uniprint -r1440x720 -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNOPAUSE
-dSAFER -sOutputFile=- @stc600ih.upp -

these three jobs just stop after a while and remain in that state
infinitely until I terminate them manually.

My System: RH-5.2-Linux, Kernel 2.2.9, ghostscript 5.10.

Does anyone have a clue?
If someone's interested in the actual ps-file for debugging the epson
driver, it's only 30KB when gzipped, just ask for it, or the idl code.


Amir C. Akhavan, PhD
Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience
University of California, San Francisco


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From: "Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.development
Subject: Re: editorial: Stupid Linux Tricks
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 23:57:05 GMT

Just wait until he looks back and wonders why his AS400 has been replaced by
Linux and Oracle.


Brian wrote in message ...
>Fortunately for Mr Amaru there is no IQ test required when
>putting words to screen.
>It is unfortunate that Mr Amaru has such limited
>understanding and vision in his relationship with reality.
>Best regards,
>Gabriel/TSS! wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>While I work on AS/400's and lovethe system, I think this
>guy needs his
>>head slapped around for a while!  This guy obviously is
>part of M$'s FUD
>>editorial: Stupid Linux Tricks
>>By Chris Amaru
>>Monday, June 07, 1999
>>I ought to have my head examined. blah blah blah


Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:53:38 +0200
From: Thomas Ruedas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fortran on Linux

Look for something like g77, fort77 or f2c. These are Fortran compilers
resp. scripts which invoke Fortran->C translation before compilation.
Thomas Ruedas
Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, 
J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Feldbergstrasse 47                      D-60323 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Phone:+49-(0)69-798-24949               Fax:+49-(0)69-798-23280


Subject: Re: 2 newbie questions!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 18:01:06 GMT

In article <7k0fjv$s1m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In his obvious haste, [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled thusly:
>: Prasanth Kumar wrote:
>:> What apps are you trying to start? Are you trying to run netscape? If so you
>:> need to be in graphics mode (X Windows) which means configuring the drive
>:> (called an X Server) and then running it.
>: I was in X when I connect to the net.  None of the app works when I got
>: connected.   I always have to start Netscape first before connect to the net,
>: otherwise I can't start it at all.  and the same for all other applications.
It's very strange.  How are you connecting to the internet?

Praeterea censeo Micromolle non esse utendum. 
("Moreover, I maintain that Microsoft should not be used."  A toned down
adaptation of a sig from Cato the Elder regarding the city of Carthage.
       ---- Remove "UhUh" and "Spam" to get my real email address -----


From: Michael A. Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux and @home
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:07:56 GMT

I need some help with Linux & @home cable service.

I cannot connect my PC when it is running Linux (RH5.2), even if I
manually assign the IP address, subnet mask, gateway and hostname. It
gets the ip address but will not send any packets to the cable box.

DHCP does not work either.

WIN95 of course works perfectly even though I did nothing other than
tell it to get a dynamic address.

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Subject: ANNOUNCE: Linux and Alternative Operating System Web Portal
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 00:14:35 GMT

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         295 Princeton Hightstown Road
         PMB Suite 11-243
         West Windsor, NJ 08512
         (609) 897-9644


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Parition Magic 4.01 obliterated my ext2 partition
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 14:11:58 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "R. Paul McCarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The problem is with backing up a 10GB HD, or in my case several 10GB disks
> on multiple machines is that I'd need a DAT drive for so much data, and
> they start at $700

There are cheaper alternatives.  For instance, NS20 drives (10GB
uncompressed capacity) go for $300-$400.  The tapes are more expensive
than DAT tapes, though.

If you've got SEVERAL 10GB drives on a network of computers, I'd argue
that $700 is NOT an excessive price to pay to back them all up.  If you've
got, say, five computers, that's only $140 per computer.

> My plan is to put two HDD in parallel and run a script every
> night to copy modified files to the mirror, which at $150/10GB is much
> cheaper than any other backup system.

This is also a viable option, though not quite as secure or flexible as
using a removable medium such as tape or CD-R.

Rod Smith
NOTE: Remove the "uce" word from my address to mail me



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