Linux-Misc Digest #655, Volume #20               Wed, 16 Jun 99 03:13:10 EDT

  adduser + passwd command through a C script ? Help ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Virus scanner for Linux? (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: login restrictions (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: copy files from win98 hd to linux hd ("Jürgen Exner")
  Re: irq 5 prob (Glenn)
  Re: Reattaching orphaned interactive processes (Ken Pizzini)
  Re: Linux jingle
  Re: Mounting joliet CDROM media (Scott Gravenhorst  (see sig for reply))
  Re: Trying a Linux command to a telnet port (Ben Short)
  Re: searching for specific program
  Sound under KDE 1.1 (works in Gnome) (root)
  Re: RH6.0 w/Netscape (Damijan Sencar)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
  Re: Virus scanner for Linux? (Ben Short)
  Re: What are the differences between mySQL and mSQL? (david parsons)
  i740+RH6.0= a b*tch ! ("Omega")


Subject: adduser + passwd command through a C script ? Help
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 03:57:20 GMT

I would like to create a HTML form for visitors to create a user accoutn
on my Linux Redhat 6 (shadow passwords) system.
Anyone know a good C cgi scirpt to do this ?

Thank you

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: Re: Virus scanner for Linux?
Date: 16 Jun 1999 03:25:06 GMT

On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 14:16:59 -0700, Steven K.Iinuma wrote:
>I only need to scan any uncompiled programs that I come across.
>I'm not running servers of any kind. Thanks. 

a virus proper cannot run on linux ( unless you log in as root all the time ) 
, since a virus would need to run as root to spread. 

The only issue is if you are serving files to Win9x , viruses running on the
clients can potentially hurt your shares, but this isn't an issue for you.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: Re: login restrictions
Date: 16 Jun 1999 03:31:20 GMT

On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 12:49:07 -0700, Jürgen Exner wrote:
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:7jro3e$nru$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> How do I restrict a person from logging in as root?
>Don't tell that person the root password?
>Seriously, I don't understand what you mean.

Restrict use of the "su" command to the wheel group , and disallow root logins.



From: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: copy files from win98 hd to linux hd
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:33:42 -0700
Reply-To: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:7k60cd$rba$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have a great many number of linux apps that i d-loaded on my win98
> comp i'm wondering if there is a prog out there that when i hook my
> win98 hd to linux or my my linux hd into my 98 comp so that i can move
> file from one to the other

Two options:
- either connect the two computers via a LAN
- or plug the FAT HD into the Linux computer and simply mount it (more
details can be found in the Linux FAQ, question      * 3.2 How do I access
files on my DOS partition or floppy?

Jürgen Exner


Subject: Re: irq 5 prob
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:39:42 -0400


I have RedHat and the file to look at is /etc/modulesconf (or
confmodules?). I had a problem with parport wanting to use IRQ 5 and 7, I
think since I'm not on my Linux machine right now. My sound card uses IRQ
5, so I had a conflict. I changed the line for parport to only use IRQ 7
and the problem was solved. Maybe this will help ypu.


filas wrote:

> i have an irq prob, when loading the kernel it displayer IRQ 5 conflict
> detected ( awe device busy or not detected )...... anyone have an idea
> ???


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Pizzini)
Subject: Re: Reattaching orphaned interactive processes
Date: 16 Jun 1999 04:57:26 GMT

On 14 Jun 1999 19:21:07 GMT, william henry hsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  The process has continued running
>(backgrounded) for a week or so, and I would like to reactivate it
>(cf. `fg') and save the results.
>        The process is interactive, and what I need to be able to do
>is send "halt" and "save" commands (just a few keystrokes: [ESC],
>^X, y, [CR]) to it.  I am able to use
>        gdb <path-to-binary> <pid>
>        to attach the process to gdb, and can even `continue', but
>I don't know how to attach it to the currently running terminal

Linux does not provide a "reattach to new controlling terminal"
system call, so you can't do what you are directly asking.  But
you may be able to achieve your goal anyway, provided you know
something about the program's source-level structure:
  Use gdb to attach to the process; do a stack "backtrace" to
  see where you are; stick a breakpoint somewhere ``safe''
  (i.e., where global data structures ought to be consistent).
  Then "continue" to that breakpoint and then "call" the
  save routine (with appropriate arguments).  You can then
  "kill" the process and quit gdb.

                --Ken Pizzini


Crossposted-To: aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux jingle
Date: 16 Jun 1999 05:49:47 GMT

On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 12:14:05 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] muttered:
>On 15 Jun 1999 17:37:37 GMT, David L. Bilbey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  +-----On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 12:50:20 -0400, Drew M. Mooney spoke unto us:----------
>>   | How about just asking:
>>How about something that is not a rip-off or a parody?  Let's show the
>>world how Linux is a stable, full-featured, multi-tasking OS; not just the
>>OS that is better than Windows.
>>The problem is it is hard to fit
>       "Linux, because there are far better ideas to rip off..."

Whatever happened to "Linux: the choice of a GNU generation"?

-] Michael Proto [-
-] MCP [-
-] Happy Linux user since 1997 [-
ERROR: REALITY.SYS Corrupted! Reboot universe? (Y/n)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Gravenhorst  (see sig for reply))
Subject: Re: Mounting joliet CDROM media
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 03:41:50 GMT

On Wed, 09 Jun 1999 13:58:51 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Rod Smith) wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED] (peter) writes:
>> On Tue, Jun 08, 1999 at 07:45:27PM +0000, Scott Gravenhorst wrote:
>>> This is good info.  I do not wish to recompile the kernel, so to   
>>> insmod the module is good for me.  I do this with a couple of other
>>> things.
>>> It might be naive, but I searched for *joliet* on the linux box as
>>> well as my CDROM media, but nothing popped out.
>>> Can you clue me as to the name of the module?
>> uups. I think I made a mistake here. in my 2.2.9.kernel I cant load is as 
>> module but only compile into the kernel. sorry for putting you in the 
>> wrong direction and giving you false information. (all other MS-systems 
>> are loadable as module: dos,vfat,ntfs ... so I tought joliet also would 
>> be)
>Actually, Linux's Joliet support is part of the ISO-9660 filesystem
>code.  ISO-9660 can be compiled into the kernel or supplied as a module. 

Ok, I want to simply supply it as a module.  I know that insmod is
used to install modules, but what module would I install and are there
special considerations other than simply using insmod ?  How do I
supply the "y" / "n" option for Joliet?

>Joliet provides only "Y" or "N" options, not an "M" option, but if you
>select "M" (module) for ISO-9660 and "Y" for Joliet, Joliet will be
>compiled as a module -- as part of the isofs.o module for ISO-9660
>support, to be precise.

-- Scott Gravenhorst
-- FatMan Site:
-- Please reply to:
-- see aech oh are dee em ay en AT ef el ay es aech dot en ee tee
-- I apologize for the above, but spammers are getting too tricky.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben Short)
Subject: Re: Trying a Linux command to a telnet port
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:53:21 +1000

> Is there anyway to let a user telnet into a port on my Linux box and execute
> only a single unix command. This command would be a valid unix command and
> executed every time the user telneted to this port?
> Thanks,
Provided you wanted to log them back out _immediately_ again, you could 
edit their login script (.profile in my case) to have


as soon as the person logs in, the command is executed, and they are 
logged out again. Either that or you could set up a shell menu, which 
will only give the person one option.
Ben Short      
Shortboy Productions     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

*Remove n0spam to email me*


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: searching for specific program
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 15:53:44 -0700

On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:37:55 GMT, A Dark Elf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm looking for a program that could take a MySQL database and create charts,
>graphs, and spreadsheets out of them.. anyone knows of such a program?

        Try php.


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From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Sound under KDE 1.1 (works in Gnome)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:17:44 -0400

        I have some sound card errors while starting KDE.  I know my soundcard
(Soundblaster PCI128, Kernel 2.2.9 with ES1370 chipset driver enabled)
works, because I can hear sounds perfectly under gnome/elightenment.  I can
also cat .wav files to /dev/dsp and they will play, albeit at the wrong
speed.  I noticed some suspicious errors in the message log.  Can anybody
please tell me what these errors mean and how to fix them?  Everthing else
in KDE is working fine.

Jun 15 19:47:31 sheridan login[264]: ROOT LOGIN on `tty1' 
Jun 15 19:47:41 sheridan modprobe: can't locate module sound-slot-0
Jun 15 19:47:41 sheridan modprobe: can't locate module sound-service-0-6
Jun 15 19:47:41 sheridan modprobe: can't locate module sound-slot-0
Jun 15 19:47:41 sheridan modprobe: can't locate module sound-service-0-6


        I would really appreciate any help you could offer.  This is not a big
problem, but it is annoying and probably easy to solve, if you know the

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  /V\         Sometimes, you get more than you paid for...
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 ^`~'^        Gary C. P. Eng.  DSP & Embedded software engineer


From: Damijan Sencar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH6.0 w/Netscape
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:36:15 +0200

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

"K.C. Adams" wrote:

> Greetings all!
> I'm a longtime user of 5.2 and decided to download 6.0 and install.  I
> installed it to a laptop and its running nicely.  I do have a few
> questions/problems though.
> 1.  Netscape crashes whenever it tries to load a page with any type of
> Java enhancements.

Take look at Bug REF#990511-0082. In short you should try

chkfontpath --add /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi

It works for me!

> 2.  I downloaded my RedHat from an FTP site and burned a rom.  When I try
> to use the Boot disk to do an install it hangs when I tell it that the
> disk is in the local CD.  I wound up having to copy the files to the
> harddrive partition that they were going to be installed on to get the
> install to work.  Anyone have any ideas what I did wrong in burning the
> CD?

I am wondering to!

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Damijan Sencar
Content-Disposition: attachment;

org:Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia
adr:;;Slajmerjeva 6;Ljubljana;;1000;Slovenia
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Damijan  Sencar



Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: 15 Jun 1999 17:59:03 -0600

On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:48:24 -0400, Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mumbled:
>Aaron M. Renn wrote:
>> On 15 Jun 1999 19:27:01 +0200, Jonathan Thornburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> >An interesting question to ponder:  Does that particular law also give
>> >US citizens the right to bear (their own privately-obtained) *nuclear*
>> >(or biological or chemical) arms?  Should the NRA extend its slogan to
>> >"Atomic bombs don't kill people, people do"?  (Or perhaps in the wake of
>> >the Tokyo subway attack, "Sarin doesn't kill people, people do".)
>> Can you say "strawman"?
>> >Note that the NRA _does_ advocate that private US citizens should be
>> >permitted to own machine guns.  I believe they also extend this to
>> US citizens are allowed to own machine guns in most states.
>give me one good reason why i would need to or even want to carry a gun
>or guns in my possession, be it in my house, truck/car, or on my body?
>And hunting isnt a good reason b/c u dont need to go hunting either so
>therefore that isnt a need/want to own a gun.

It doesn't matter what the hell you want. Your want and neads are not here
to control the rest of the population. 

>I especially dont have a use for a machine gun either.   Only reason to
>justify why some people say they need guns is to protect them from the
>criminals who have a gun.  Well, if we started cracking down on the
>black market and also on the legality of having guns in your house maybe
>it would hinder the ability of a criminal from getting a gun and
>therefore we wouldn't need to protect ourselves from them.

None of your post has anything to do with the Constitution, try reading it.
You either honor all of it or you forfeit all of it. You can't pick and
choose for the rest of the Nation which rights they are allowed to have.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben Short)
Subject: Re: Virus scanner for Linux?
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:04:41 +1000

> Ok, I have been using Linux for about a month with some of the major
> hassles out of the way. I have been looking on net for a virus scanner
> that runs under X-Windows or command prompt but I haven't found any. 
> I only need to scan any uncompiled programs that I come across.
> I'm not running servers of any kind. Thanks. 
> RH 6.0 /w Kernel 2.2.5-22 is my OS config for Linux.
The reason why its hard to find an anti virus program for linux is 
because there are no viruses in linux. If there was, you would have to 
compile and run the binary first, but you should know what you are 
compiling before running it.

There are trojans though, that is that there are programs hidden within a 
normal program, that allow other users to exploit your system.
Ben Short      
Shortboy Productions     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

*Remove n0spam to email me*


From: o r c @ p e l l . p o r t l a n d . o r . u s  (david parsons)
Subject: Re: What are the differences between mySQL and mSQL?
Date: 15 Jun 1999 21:40:28 -0700

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Don Baccus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <7k1vru$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>david parsons <o r c @ p e l l . p o r t l a n d . o r . u s> wrote:
>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>Don Baccus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Not necessarily true.   If you have several related tables
>>>that need to be logically updated at once, the atomicity of
>>>the transactional model is, well, useful if there's a crash
>>>while records are being inserted or updated.
>>    Denormalize, denormalize, denormalize.
>>    Yeah, you might bloat your rdb by a factor of 10 to do this,
>>    but disk and core is getting cheap these days.
>Denormalization is something sane folks do to increase performance,
>not to avoid the need for a real database engine.

     You'd be surprised;  once you get away from the database
     pundits and RDB consultants (both types favor correctness
     when it means that more RDB software will be purchased from
     their corporate masters), about every permutation you can
     think of will be used in the real world.

     You don't want to think about what people will do to increase
     performance.   Running a hot database on a server that doesn't
     do transactions is pretty minor stuff compared to some of the
     things that can be done.

>If you've denormalized checking balances into thirty tables,
>don't have atomicity, and an update dies half-way through
>updating these tables, which balance do you trust?

     Then you've (a) not denormalized properly and (b) an idiot for not
     using a transactional database for a problem that won't work
     without transactions.

     I'd consider a checking balance to be a report field, and just use
     a report generator to generate it out of the ledger.  You could
     probably do it in a nontransactional system;  you'd have all the
     credits and debits be atomic inserts into the ledger, run a
     periodic job to build the balance report, then join against the
     balance report whenever you need the checking balance.

     You could.  I wouldn't, unless I had a six-month retainer in my
     pocket and a notarised amnesty protecting me from legal action
     when some clever hacker kites the first $100,000 check.

>Why bother?  Why not use a transaction-based db in the first

     Dunno.  Possibly for performance reasons, possibly for religious
     reasons (cf: Sybase not being Free(tm)), possibly because of 
     sheer cussedness.

     david parsons \bi/ Working for Sybase, like having a police record,
                    \/        leaves a stain on your reputation forever.


From: "Omega" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: i740+RH6.0= a b*tch !
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 01:27:13 -0400
Reply-To: "Omega" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey what's up.  Alrighty now.....Where do I start?  Alright, I have an
Eontronics i740 card.  I downloaded the SciTech Display Doctor for Linux and
the Precision Insight X-Server for the i740.  The Scitech server runs fine
on RH 5.2, but when I upgrade to RH 6, it craps out on me.  I'm getting
missing files and a missing server.  This is after configuring the damn
thing for 15 minutes or so.

On the other hand, the Precision Insight server is as useless as a new pair
of rollerblades for Christopher Reeves (Have to paint a picture here folks).
It consistently says there is no server to be found.  Now, I'm pretty much a
newbie, but I can get my around the OS.

Anyone else found a work around for this?? I want Gnome WITH the i740 server
working all nice and pretty, but don't want to RPM the whole damn thing.




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