Linux-Misc Digest #690, Volume #20               Fri, 18 Jun 99 19:13:09 EDT

  Re: Run time measurement with micro (or at least milli)-second  (Chet Skapczynski)
  Re: How to download kodak DC210 pics to linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Commercially speaking....? (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Help installing Oracle 8.0.5 on Linux RedHat 6.0 (DIederik de Roos)
  Re: turning off the beeps (Matthew Bafford)
  Re: how do you change the IP address ("Tronn Wærdahl")
  Unix newbie question. (dd)
  Re: <Q>Logitech bus mice setup (Stefan Schneider)
  Re: How to configure tape compression ? (Richard Bumby)
  Re: Simple C programming/permission question (Ed Young)
  Re: help!! z file ("Tronn Wærdahl")
  Re: making linux go away (frank)
  Re: Simple C programming/permission question (John Strange)
  Re: Unlimited Kernel updates? (Jeld The Dark Elf)
  Re: Kernel errors? (mist)
  Re: Shutdown (mist)
  Re: Domain name. (Fernando)
  Re: Newbie--RH5.2--make--Promise UDMA/66--PPP ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Unix newbie question. (Juergen Heinzl)
  Netscape problem w/Apache ("Brent Davies")
  Configuring leafnode.  Translating fido7 (hudini)
  Re: Simple C programming/permission question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft Retest 
News (Moritz Moeller-Herrmann)
  Re: Kernel errors? (NF Stevens)


From: Chet Skapczynski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Run time measurement with micro (or at least milli)-second 
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 14:41:01 -0500

You could try putting the code you are timing inside of a for-loop which
executes the timed code maybe 1000 times and then divide the overall time
you get by 1000.  True, this only gives you the AVERAGE execution time of
the code sequence within 1000 executions but this average will be fairly
close to what you want since any INDIVIDUAL execution of that code sequence
will always be subject to extraneous influences like cache hits/misses,
memory accesses and the like and so no SINGLE reading will ever be truly
representative of  the code sequence anyway.  And the overhead of your
little for-loop may become insignificant if the number of iterations is
large enough.  Or you could time the "pure" for-loop itself in the same way
and get an "average" overhead value for the for-loop which you could then
deduct from your other timings as an overhead adjustment.  In short, there
are a few things you could do.

Chet Skapczynski


Subject: Re: How to download kodak DC210 pics to linux?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 19:28:48 GMT

In article <7js33j$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Turpin Rob) wrote:
> I'm thinking of getting a Kodak 210 digital
camera but, don't know how I would
> download the pics to linux.  Anyone have some
advice?  Thanks.

gPhoto has added support for the dc210. for more
info, head to

Scott Fritzinger

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.msdos.misc,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Date: 18 Jun 1999 21:12:21 GMT

On Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:06:48 +0100, Stuart Brady wrote:

>Xfree86 is just a GUI.

XFree86 just processes X-events. It doesn't move, place and resize
Xclients, it doesn't include any CORBA-like functionality, it doesn't
control the root window. It just listens for key press/release and mouse
events, and sends them to the client, then the client sends bitmaps or
text back to the server.  One can easily run an Xserver *in addition to*
an independent GUI ( such as PC-Xware on win95. PC-Xware is an X-server
running on Win95but isn't the win95 GUI.) 

It's a GUI framework, but hardly a GUI. 



From: DIederik de Roos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help installing Oracle 8.0.5 on Linux RedHat 6.0
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 21:58:53 +0200


How do I instal Oracle 8.0.5 on Linux RedHat 6.0?

I understand that the problem is with glibc-2.1.1-6...?  How can get
Oracle to Compile/link with glibc-2.0.6?  I do not want to install
RedHat 5.2 to get Oracle running.

help would be appreciated.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Bafford)
Subject: Re: turning off the beeps
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 21:38:03 GMT

On Fri, 18 Jun 1999 21:43:50 +0000, neil tingley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
held some poor sysadmin at gun point while typing in the following:
: How to I supress all beeps when not using X (in X, a "xset -b" usually
: works fine).



: Neil



From: "Tronn Wærdahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how do you change the IP address
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 23:44:17 +0200

On Redhat it's something like this
#ifconfig eth0 inet x.x.x.x
#ifconfig eth0 netmask x.x.x.x
se also: "man ifconfig" or was it ipconfig ?


Bob Hauck wrote:

> "Brent E. Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I installed Caldera OpenLinux 1.3 and configured the network settings
> > Now I would like to change the hostname and IP address on the linux
> > system.
> Run "lisa" as root.  For hostname, go to:
>         System Configuration->
>                 System Configuration->
>                         Set Hostname
> For IP address, go to:
>         System Configuration->
>                 Network Configuration->
>                         Configure Network Access->
>                                 Configure Network Card
> You can do this by editing scripts manually, but lisa is easier.
> --
>  15:15:00 up 108 days,  4:33,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00


Subject: Unix newbie question.
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:10:15 -0400


When searching for file, how do I exclude certain directories from being


From: Stefan Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: <Q>Logitech bus mice setup
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 22:53:22 +0200


I have a problem with my Logitech Cordless Desktop, which
consists of a cordless mouse with three buttons and a cordless keyboard.
I get no response at all in X-windows(SaX).
Please send help


Martin Collins schrieb:

> On Wed, 9 Jun 1999 15:19:33 -0700, Ling Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >I tried to use Logitech bus mice on my Linux PC. I used to have serial
> >mouse and it works fine in X Window. The port I used is
> >/dev/mouse->/dev/ttyS1. I tried and this port didnt work out. I want to
> >know what's the correct dev port I should use for Logitech bus mice.
> There is a bus-mouse HOWTO. Off the top of my head though, if you
> actually have a PS/2 mouse like mine rather than a genuine bus mouse
> you should link /dev/mouse to /dev/psaux.
> Martin
> _________________________________________________________________
> We see here a curious instance of that frequent mental phenomenon
> :- the precise inversion of the truth by a superficial view.
>                                           Benjamin R. Tucker 1899


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Bumby)
Subject: Re: How to configure tape compression ?
Date: 18 Jun 1999 16:22:48 -0400

Joao Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>    I have installed Red Hat 5.2 Linux on a Dell PowerEdge 2300 box with
>a Python 04106 tape drive (DDS-3).
>    I'm  also using DDS-3 tapes, but I can't backup more than 4 Gbytes
>to a single tape. I know the drive and tapes support up to 12 (or
>24) Gbytes, but with compression.
>    Question: I do I configure this ?
>    I've been fighting with stinit and mt without any luck so far.
>    Also, I've not been much sucessful in getting information on how to
>accomplish this searching through the Internet.
>    Does anyone have experience in this area that could help me ?
>    Thanks for your assistance.

My experience comes from reading the manpage for mt and trying some of
the instructions with my tape drive.  For most of the experiments you
need the non-rewinding tape device since you want to move the tape and
see where you are.  Use one mt command to change the settings -- I
think it is stsetoptions -- and then do an mt status to find out what
happened.  In recent experiments, it seemed like the setting of
options is not cumulative, so you need to set all the options you want
at one time or the options you don't mention will revert to default.

For more information, look at the source code.  There should be some
useful hints there, even if you are not fluent in C.  Key definitions
are all in the header file.  Of course, the program is only an
interface between you and the tape driver, but you can look at the
source for that also.  I think that all that I got out of doing this
was the confidence that my experiments wouldn't do any damage, but
this was worth something.
R. T. Bumby **  Rutgers Math || Amer. Math. Monthly Problems Editor 1992--1996
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       ||   
Telephone:    [USA] 732-445-0277 (full-time message line) FAX 732-445-5530


From: Ed Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Simple C programming/permission question
Date: 18 Jun 1999 21:00:54 GMT

tpage wrote:
> I was writing a simple C program to make sure it worked on RH 6.0.  I
> compiled it with:
> $ gcc main.c
> and this produced a.out like it is supposed to but when I tried to run
> a.out I got a message stating, "command not found."  I checked the
> permissions of both files and this is what they are set to:
> main.c    -rw-rw-r--
> a.out     -rwxrwxr-x
> this appears right to me (a.out has execute permissions set) but a.out will
> not execute.  Is there some system variable I have to set or do something
> of that nature to have the shells (it does the same thing in bash, tcsh,
> csh, ksh) understand a.out or is there something I have to install to
> execute C programs?  From what I understand everything should be fine from
> the beginning.  Thanks in advance...
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------

Perhaps your path doesn't end in ":.".  If this is case (it should
be for root access), then you can run a.out by typing "./a.out".
You can append :. to your path statement in .bash_profile.


From: "Tronn Wærdahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: help!! z file
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 23:48:42 +0200

Try zcat, have you tried tar ?


rusli huandra wrote:

> I have a compressed (i guess) file with a z extension (xxxx.z). Tried
> vi, got something like : read only, imcomplete last line bla bla.
> So I did chmod +w xxxx.z , and then uncompress xxxx.z , but it didn't
> change anything. The z is still there, and I don't know what to do. I am
> using redhat 4.2. Any help???? Thanks in advance.
> rusli


From: frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: making linux go away
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 21:49:49 GMT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Joe Pfeiffer wrote:

> "John Sowden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I read the responses, just flames.  The problem is you are asking a valid
> > question.  I also need to know how to remove Linux from a hard drive, as I
> > am installing a new copy (caldera) and it doen't discuss in the newbie part
> > about installing over an existing linux os.
> Check your news feed -- you aren't getting everything.  Variations on
> this question seem to be asked roughly every two weeks, and (in
> amongst the jokes) somebody always responds with
> 1) lilo -u
> 2) fdisk /mbr
> 3) partition magic
> --
> Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
> Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
> New Mexico State University

To INSTALL the caldera version over the old linux is the easiest.
The install program gets to a point of asking you which disk or partition
do you want to install to. Select it graphically & it will prepare the drive.!

Good luck with Caldera, I have it too, NOT friendly ! You've been warned.


Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>"John Sowden" &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
<p>> I read the responses, just flames.&nbsp; The problem is you are asking
a valid
<br>> question.&nbsp; I also need to know how to remove Linux from a hard
drive, as I
<br>> am installing a new copy (caldera) and it doen't discuss in the newbie
<br>> about installing over an existing linux os.
<p>Check your news feed -- you aren't getting everything.&nbsp; Variations
<br>this question seem to be asked roughly every two weeks, and (in
<br>amongst the jokes) somebody always responds with
<p>1) lilo -u
<br>2) fdisk /mbr
<br>3) partition magic
<br>Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Phone -- (505) 646-1605
<br>Department of Computer Science&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
FAX&nbsp;&nbsp; -- (505) 646-1002
<br>New Mexico State University&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
To INSTALL the caldera version over the old linux is the easiest.
<br>The install program gets to a point of asking you which disk or partition
<br>do you want to install to. Select it graphically &amp; it will prepare
the drive.!
<br>Good luck with Caldera, I have it too, NOT&nbsp;friendly ! You've been
<br>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</html>



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Strange)
Subject: Re: Simple C programming/permission question
Date: 18 Jun 1999 20:56:13 GMT


tpage ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I was writing a simple C program to make sure it worked on RH 6.0.  I 
: compiled it with:

: $ gcc main.c

: and this produced a.out like it is supposed to but when I tried to run 
: a.out I got a message stating, "command not found."  I checked the 
: permissions of both files and this is what they are set to:

: main.c    -rw-rw-r--
: a.out     -rwxrwxr-x

: this appears right to me (a.out has execute permissions set) but a.out will 
: not execute.  Is there some system variable I have to set or do something 
: of that nature to have the shells (it does the same thing in bash, tcsh, 
: csh, ksh) understand a.out or is there something I have to install to 
: execute C programs?  From what I understand everything should be fine from 
: the beginning.  Thanks in advance...

: ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------

While Alcatel may claim ownership of all my ideas (on or off the job),
Alcatel does not claim any responsibility for them. Warranty expired when u
opened this article and I will not be responsible for its contents or use.


From: Jeld The Dark Elf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Unlimited Kernel updates?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:57:04 GMT

Personally I am disgusted with new RH pricing, and I am going to buy
myself that 35$ pack with only the CDs, but since you are a newbye, you
shouldn't do that. There are quite a few different libraries ( not all
of them backward compatible ) which were updated from 5.2 to 6.0 in
particular the 6.0 is all compiled against the new glibc 2.1 which is
not backward compatible with 2.0. Upgrading is possible but is such a
pain that I would not recomend it to a person who doesn;t know exactly
what is he getting himself into :)

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Rick Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, this may sound like a stupid question, but I just want to make
> sure I don't waste $80 when I buy RH 6.0 (I know, I know, but I need a
> good Linux book and don't have a good home connection to download
> Is it possible for me to just buy an older version of RH (say, 5.2)
> then just update the kernel to 2.2.10?  I assume that all kernels are
> backwards-compatible, so what are the advantages to buying newer
> versions of distros when you can update from older (and cheaper)
> versions?
> If it's just that newer versions come with more apps, that's
> understandable.  Are there major apps that only work on 2.2.x kernels?
> Just wondering.
> Rick
> --
> Chesapeake Sciences Corp.
> 1127B Benfield Blvd.
> Millersville, MD 21108
> Tel: (410) 923-1300 x3430
> Fax: (410) 923-2669

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: mist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kernel errors?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:26:55 +0100
Reply-To: mist <new$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Stewart Honsberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribed to us that -
>During bootup, I get a couple of errors - but I'm not sure they really
>affect the day-to-day running of my system (I'm pretty sure I've been
>getting these errors since I first upgraded from kernel 2.0.36 to 2.2.*);
>Jun 17 13:04:09 blackdeath kernel: Symbol table has incorrect version number.
>Jun 17 13:04:09 blackdeath kernel: Cannot find map file.
>I get that every boot. Is this serious? Fixable?

You should be able to fix it.  Normally, IIRC, redhat keeps a copy of
the system map file in /boot.  /boot/ is a symlink to
/boot/   All you should need to do is to copy
your proper from /usr/src/linux after you compiled the kernel
to /boot/ and then relink the symlink with

ln -fs /boot/ /boot/

I'm not sure of the exact name/case of




From: mist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Shutdown
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:30:51 +0100
Reply-To: mist <new$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribed to us that -


>I'm not sure why you want to do shutdown -r since you can reboot simply
>by using
>Ctrl-Alt-Del (if you are running Linux on a PC).    But I just checked

Ctrl-Alt-Del will most likely be set up to just run shutdown -r anyway.
It's probably good practice not to use C-A-D as there's no guarantee
that it would work on every system (in the same way), or do a proper
clean shutdown.



From: Fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Domain name.
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:25:46 -0600

You can use a domain name to run any service (standart or propietary)
using any port.
Difficult to check if you are really using the "site" for something

"Jim Shaffer, Jr." wrote:
> The InterNIC (or whoever serves their function now) needs something like the
> FCC's "due dilligence" policy: if you don't put up a meaningful site in a
> certain period of time, your name gets revoked.  How would I go about suggesting
> this?
> --
> Secretary, Williamsport Area Computer Club <>
> Member, Susquehanna Valley Amateur Astronomers 
> Personal Home Page:


Subject: Re: Newbie--RH5.2--make--Promise UDMA/66--PPP
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:03:22 -0700

Communications Committee wrote:
> Whoa is me. I have had some success but many failures. I have purchased a
> number of brighty colored manuals from large book store chains. I am
> learning but slowly.
> I have RH5.2 on an Abit BX6 mobo, 64 meg, Celeron 300a stable at 450mhz.
Maybe yes, maybe no. Always double-check at 300 MHz before reporting

> Promise UDMA/66 card WD 41800 18gig HD udma4 on primary master, 3 gig WD
> udma2 on primary slave. Matrox Mellinia G200 AGP 8 megs. CDrom and HPRW on
> mobo controller.
> Used the Mini Howto to enable the drives on the Promise card by passing
> (ide2=0xb000,0xb402 ide3=0xb800,0xbc02) to the kernel while booting off a
> floppy. Then was able to install and am running Linux now using this method. is your friend! There is a
patch against 2.0.37pre12 which includes support for the Promise Ultra66
(PDC20262). It will probably patch cleanly against 2.0.37 final, if not
it shouldn't be hard to fix.

Also be sure to upgrade to the latest & patched hdparm if you dare to
fiddle with it.

> Am using 2.0.36-7 kernel but cannot get to any config to enable or patch to
> recognize Promise card, hell I don't know enough to determine exactly what I
> have to do to get it working so LILO will dual boot with win98.

LILO 2.1 ought to understand the ide2/ide3 channels once you've got the
kernel configured happily. If necessary upgrade to a current LILO from (if there's a package) or

> I dnlded
> 2.0.37 but when I use the make program I get
> "`No targets. Stop.'

Please read the documentation! At the least check out the Kernel HOWTO -

Basically you need to first configure the kernel - I like 'make
menuconfig' for its nice, simple menu interface. Then you must run 'make
dep', and _then_ you can compile the kernel itself in one of a variety
of ways (my preference is 'make bzImage', then I copy the resulting
kernel image into the appropriate location and tweak my LILO config).

> I have got PPP to dial and logon to my provider but I cannot access any of
> the web using ping or Netscape etc. Its like no DNS servers are configured
> but as far as I can tell they are.

Could be a routing problem - run 'route -n' and make sure your ppp
connection is showing up in there. Also double-check that the ppp
network device is up - 'ifconfig ppp0' should give some clues. Check
/etc/resolv.conf to make sure DNS servers are configured.

-- brion vibber ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Subject: Re: Unix newbie question.
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 22:01:43 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, dd wrote:
>When searching for file, how do I exclude certain directories from being

Use ...

find . \( -path ./foo -o -path ./bar \) -prune -o -print

... and ./ is your starting path. If you use nothing it defaults to '.'
and if you specify a full path, then use ...

find /home/juergen -path /home/juergen/foo -prune -o -print

... and no \( \) here since it is just one to exclude. This is for
GNU find 4.1; some older version had a bug and works slightly different,
see find --version.


\ Real name     : Jürgen Heinzl                 \       no flames      /
 \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /


From: "Brent Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.linux.sux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Netscape problem w/Apache
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 21:01:28 GMT

I am using RH 5.1 and Apache for my web site.  I developed the website with
Hot Metal Pro.  The problem is with Netscape Navigator.  When I address the
URL I get the main page the way I should.  From that point forward, no
matter how many links I click on, only the raw HTML code is displayed in the
Netscape browser.  Internet Explorer works perfectly.

I thought it might be the fact that all of my web pages use the extension
.htm instead .html, but I made sure that the .htm extension is in the search
order in httpd.conf.

Has anyone seen this behavior before?  Any help will be greatly appreciated.



From: hudini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Configuring leafnode.  Translating fido7
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:09:14 -0500

rh5.2 all errata. kernel 2.2.10
when typing ./configure in the leafnode-1.9.2 tree I get:

sed: file conftest.subs line 32: Unterminated `s' command

how to solve?

I think the answer maybe in this article that I found at dejanews... but
it is in a language that I don;t understand...

Thanks for your help...


Subject: Re: Simple C programming/permission question
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:45:54 GMT

Is . (the current directory) in your path?


Laura Halliday VA3LDH       "Que les nuages soient notre pied
Grid: FN03gs                    a terre..." - Hospital/Shafte

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Moritz Moeller-Herrmann)
Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft 
Retest News
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 23:34:39 +0200

On Thu, 17 Jun 1999 19:15:01 -0700, Chad Mulligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Joseph T. Adams wrote in message <7kagpp$lp0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>Chad Mulligan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>>: They achieved the 99.8% availability of the site, with a very heavy load.
>>: But you can draw your own conclusions.


>A point that in MS's design is invisible to the customer.

This is not MS design. You can make any decent OS redundant with clusters.
It's just so hard with NT that MS just recently created this ability.

>>A busy, important, commercial Web site should have no single point of
>>failure and hence no downtime at all, and therefore 100.0000%
>>availability.  Unplanned downtime should be measured in parts per
>>million (i.e., seconds per year).  All unplanned downtime, no matter
>>how slight, should be diagnosed, and those responsible for repeated
>>incidents of the same kind should be directed toward a more suitable
>>career, one in which they are not grossly incompetent.

>Try this, MS has a large site (for our purposes site == server) built of a
>large collection of machines.  These machines achieve a 99.8% uptime, the
>site is there all the time because the machine's are analogous to a raid
>array with mirrored hot swap options.  A drive can go down but your server
>doesn't, in our purposes here a machine can go down the server (== site )

No the 99.8 % uptime is for this setup. I think for a single machin running NT
nothing better than 98 % is possible. Real OS can do the same with one

>>Maybe Microsoft's customers, who tend to be technically illiterate
>>anyway, are wowed by these kinds of stats.  Professional Webmasters
>>are not.  They know that even PC-class hardware can easily achieve
>>orders of magnitude better performance than this, although Microsoft's
>>site is big enough that it should be using better than PC-class
>>harware and operating systems, and would be both more reliable and
>>more cost-effective if it did.

>That's a fairly obtuse statement.  Given eBay's recent dependence on such a
>"better machine" implementation.

Stupidity can't be helped. If you are stupid, no OS will help you.

Moritz Moeller-Herrmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ# 3585990        # Not only
Get my public pgp / gpg key from                        # Open Source(TM)  # but also
KDE forever! Use Linux to impress your friends!         # Open Minded!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NF Stevens)
Subject: Re: Kernel errors?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 23:10:53 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stewart Honsberger) wrote:

>During bootup, I get a couple of errors - but I'm not sure they really
>affect the day-to-day running of my system (I'm pretty sure I've been
>getting these errors since I first upgraded from kernel 2.0.36 to 2.2.*);
>Jun 17 13:04:09 blackdeath kernel: Symbol table has incorrect version number.
>Jun 17 13:04:09 blackdeath kernel: Cannot find map file.
>I get that every boot. Is this serious? Fixable?

IIRC this means that you did not copy to /
after you compiled a new kernel. I don't think it
matters unless you want to convert addresses to
symbols for debugging etc.




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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