Linux-Misc Digest #690, Volume #25                Thu, 7 Sep 00 12:13:04 EDT

  Re: Fail in upgrading glibc RPM package ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Loopback Device Creation ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Sorry that i wrote an duch letter!! ("Don Oliver")
  Re: rpm disaster ("Chris Ripp")
  Re: Now I'm stuck with XFree86 again! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: fvwm(2) under RH62 ? (Joseph Cooley)
  Kernel 2.2.17 and Frame buffers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: XWindow Managers (paul simdars)
  Re: XWindow Managers (paul simdars)
  Re: XWindow Managers  -- resetting XWindow??? (paul simdars)
  XWindow -- RESET ???? (paul simdars)
  Re: Fdisk problem with SCSI HD (Beggar)
  help with alsa and intel i810 (Neil)
  Re: Two copies of sshd (OpenSSH) running? (Bob Tennent)
  Re: regexp on stdin (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: Newbie: Change Host Name? ("plaf")
  Re: Newbie: Change Host Name? ("plaf")
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Kirk R. Wythers")
  linux + sunvideo (Jason Wagner)
  Re: tar to tape >2GB (John-Paul Stewart)


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fail in upgrading glibc RPM package
Date: 7 Sep 2000 13:11:29 GMT

Fung Wai Keung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I can't mount my floppy!!  Even the file /dev/fd0 doesn't exist.  After I
: creat it with mknod and mount floppy, I get

: bash# mount /mnt/floppy

Wrong command.  Use

   mkdir -p /mnt/floppyA
   mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppyA

: EXT2-fs: 02:00: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features.

You are trying to load an ext2fs. Don't. Use vfat. And check that the
floppy is not already in use. Read your kernel messages in the syslog.

The error comes from the fs search, apparantly, so you know your floppy
is there. Be explicit about the file system type.

: But, I can find an /dev/fd0 entry in /etc/fstab.

And what does it say? If it's for ext2fs, change it (or better, ignore
it, as above).

: : It probably appears when you need it, if you are using devfs. 

: What is devfs?

automagical /dev directory.

: : If not, the answer is: use a different rescue disk or dump it in the dos
: : partition using a dos boot disk.

: I only have linux partitions.

So use a different rescue disk. 

Or load a linux partition reader/writer on your dos floppy. There are
plenty out there. The "ltools" spring to mind.

And please give us more data.  I can't read the syslog from here!  It
strikes me that you are giving the wrong parameters to the rescue disk,
for example, which may result in your floppy device being used as the
root fs. You don't want that at all!



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: aus.computers.linux
Subject: Re: Loopback Device Creation
Date: 7 Sep 2000 13:15:20 GMT

Daniel Robert Franklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

:>Jim Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:>: so I presume the kernal doesn't know or like my new device. I have
:>: rebooted since creating the device (not necessary, but Windows habits
:>: die hard!).   Any suggestions would be appreciated.

:>Modify the kernel driver. There is no other way.

: Yes there is. Modifying the driver is a hack. The right ways is via a boot
: or module option. See my other post for details.

I didn't know the loop device array size was modifiable ... must be at
load time. Let's see .. no. It's a hard-coded constant in the 2.2.15
kernel code:

         #define MAX_LOOP 8
         for (i=0; i < MAX_LOOP; i++) {
              memset(&loop_dev[i], 0, sizeof(struct loop_device));
              loop_dev[i].lo_number = i;

(that was the loop device init_module). Are you looking at a
2.4.0-testX kernel?



From: "Don Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sorry that i wrote an duch letter!!
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 06:30:05 -0700

I don't see why this should be a problem. It certainly doesn't bother me.
If I can't read it, I just won't answer. :-)


TygeR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8p6193$141$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I'm sorry for the dutch letter i wrote. I tottally forgot this was an
> international news group. so sorry again.
> CU


From: "Chris Ripp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: rpm disaster
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 07:53:12 -0500

After reading the other replies, replace '--initdb' in my reply to
I wasn't thinking clearly!! :)

"Chris Ripp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I am using a red hat 6.2 system and was having problems with rpm
> > trying to install a particular package, the solution to which seemed
> > to be to upgrade rpm itself. I downloaded the rpm version 4.0 rpm and
> > used rpm -U to upgrade which seemed to go fine. The problems that
> > I now have is that rpm seems to have lost track of ALL the currently
> > installed rpms so I am now unable to cleanly upgrade any package
> > because all the dependency checks fail. The /var/lib/rpm directory
> > still seems to contain the appropriate files, its as tho' rpm is
> > ignoring them or is unable to read them.
> >
> > Anyone have any suggestions for getting it back to some sensible
> > state ? I notice their is an rpm --initdb command but I haven't tried
> > it yet incase it wipes out what is allready there.
> >
> Jason, I had the same trouble upgrading rpm...
> go into /var/lib/rpm as root, and move the 'Packages' file to something
> (I used 'Packs', doesn't really matter.)  Then do a rpm --initdb.  For
> reason --initdb wouldn't work with the mangled version it left me.  It
> rebuild the Packages file properly and you'll have your rpm db back!
> > --
> > jason
> > --
> >     |\/\/\/\/\/|
> >     | ___  ___ |         "I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it,
> >     |/   \/   \|             you can't prove anything."
> >
> __
> >               


Subject: Re: Now I'm stuck with XFree86 again!
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 14:13:32 GMT

You need to choose an X-server, SVGA, VGA16 are examples of X-servers on
the RH 6.2 cdrom.  Try and see if the XConfigurator program works and go
through the prompts.

If that doesn't work...what video card do you have in your PC?


In article <8p7hfp$r94$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   "D. C. & M. V. Sessions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Look for tcl-8.0.5-35.rpm and tk-8.0.5-35.rpm
> >
> > You should find them in (IIRC) $CDROM/RedHat/RPMS
> >
> > --
> > |   Engineers solve problems -- it's what we do.  |
> > |            Do you want to be a problem?         |
> > |     D. C. Sessions === [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
> >
> Thanks D.C. for your info, I've tried the solutions and it
> worked. But when I tried to install the XFSetup's rpm, it
> gives me error:
> "failed dependencies: Xserver is needed by XFee86-XF86Setup-3.3.6-20"
> I've looked into all of the RPM in CDROM/RedHat/RPMS but fails to
> find the file(Xserver).
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Joseph Cooley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: fvwm(2) under RH62 ?
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 06:23:48 -0400


> Hi,
>   I've recently installed RedHat6.2, selecting the Gnome option.
> Since gnome is very M$cartoony-slow, compared to my old Slakware
> running fvwm, I want to try a lighter window manager.
> RH62 has got fvwm2, which is apparently just a bit
> bigger than my old version (running in Slakware), altho the
> 2 different fvwm*rc scripts are completly different !
> Setting up X is a pain !!
> Tracing Slakware's startx script's output, I see that it
> finally 'does': xinit $clientargs  -- $serverargs
> where $clientargs == <a path>/xinitrc
> and   $serverargs == <empty string>
> But a failed to trace how this eventually uses the window manager
> specified in /var/X11R6/lib/xinit/xinitrc
> Under Slakware I was able to test several window managers by
> renaming the relevant win-mang-script to xinitrc.
> I'd like to know how startx 'links-thru' to this script.
> How do I setup RH62 to select its fnwm2 rather than gnome ?
> Any answers\advice please also emailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> in case I miss the NwsGroup.
>  Thanks, Chris Glur.


My advice is along the same lines as the other posted answer.  Copy
/etc/X11/fvwm2/system.fvwm2rc /home/your_home/.fvwm2rc to get a default
editable config file for your window manager.  Second, create a
/home/your_home/.Xclients shell script containing the line fvwm2.  Quit
X and start it up again.  The .Xclients file will be parsed, fvwm2 will
start, and .fvwm2rc will be used as the initialization file for the
windows manager.

Good luck,

Joe Cooley


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Kernel 2.2.17 and Frame buffers
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 14:16:18 GMT

Has anybody tried the new 2.2.17 kernel and use the frame buffer
option?  I tried using the frame buffer option on my Dell Inspiron 7500
laptop with Mandrake 7.02 and upon boot-up all I get is a blank screen
though I know the PC's going through the boot process.

Anybody have any ideas?


Sent via
Before you buy.


Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 09:35:06 -0500
From: paul simdars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XWindow Managers

Garry Knight wrote:

> paul simdars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Garry Knight wrote:
> >> Having the title bar on or off is an option in Enlightenment, IIRC. If you
> >> can't find a way of changing it in the Configuration Editor, try clicking the
> >> desktop with either mouse button, with or without Ctrl and Alt. I think one of
> >> these combinations comes up with a menu where you can configure your window
> >> settings.
> >I have the Gnome desktop (my program menu has the footprint).  In Gnome I
> >found no settings for that.  In the KDE menues > settings > window behavior >
> >buttons.  You can set the properties.  Unfortunately they don't show up in
> >Gnome.  I will try changing to KDE and see if I can live without all my
> >Gnome/Enlightenment goodies. But Gnome should have a way to set those
> >settings.
> Changing KDE's settings won't change anything in Gnome. And it's unlikely that
> Gnome would have a way of changing the settings for Enlightenment. Gnome is a
> desktop manager, E is a window manager.
> If trying different key combinations, as I've described above, doesn't work
> when you click the desktop, try clicking one of the windows. Try all of the
> combinations, including left and right buttons at once. It's in there
> somewhere, I'm sure it is.
> Or can someone who's running E put us both out of our misery?
> --
> Garry Knight

I just switched to KDE.

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Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 09:38:17 -0500
From: paul simdars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XWindow Managers

Andrew Purugganan wrote:

> Garry Knight ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan) wrote:
> [ >Garry Knight ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> [ >[ Gnome would have a way of changing the settings for Enlightenment.
> [ >Gnome is a desktop manager, E is a window manager.
> [ You've misquoted me. I said, "And it's unlikely that Gnome would have a
> [ way of changing the settings for Englightenment. Gnome is a desktop manager, E
> [ is a window manager." The way you've quoted it, it looks as if I said Gnome
> [ *would* have a way of changing the settings, and it looks as if you corrected
> [ me.
> my bad, garry. I snipped too much. I wonder if we'll ever hear from the
> guy again (or did he use the 1 bullet? ;-)
> --
> jazz
> Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
> Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life
> --- OUT THERE??

I will go and try this one. But, as I wrote to Gary, I have temporarily switeched
to KDE and all is well.

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Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 09:44:53 -0500
From: paul simdars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XWindow Managers  -- resetting XWindow???

As long as you're both somewhere out there and may come back here at some point . .
. . .  I do have another little problem with X.  It often starts up fine.  But many
times I start it up and you know how first the gray screen comes up and then the
graphics ?  Well, sometimes that gray screen is not gray but a more grainy pattern
and has color in it and then when the graphics are supposed to come up there is
just the colored graininess and you can see some forms of windows but very
indistinct.  If I restart the computer in dos mode and wait for windows to come up,
then restart it again in Linux, then XWindow comes up OK.
I was just wondering if you knew of a way to reset X without having to restart the
computer 2 times.
I have tried quitting X and then 'startx' again.  And I have tried the 'startx --
:1 -bpp16 vt7' but that does nothing either.  So far only restarting it in Win98
and then back in Linux is the only way.

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Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 09:58:58 -0500
From: paul simdars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: XWindow -- RESET ????

I do have another little problem with X.  It often starts up fine.  But
times I start it up and first the gray screen comes up and then the
graphics?  Well, sometimes that gray screen is not gray but a more
grainy pattern
and has color in it and then when the graphics are supposed to come up
there is
just colored graininess and you can see some forms of windows but very
indistinct.  If I restart the computer in dos mode and wait for windows
to come up,
then restart it again in Linux, then XWindow comes up OK.
I was just wondering if you knew of a way to reset X without having to
restart the
computer 2 times.
I have tried quitting X and then 'startx' again.  And I have tried
'startx -- :1 -bpp 16 vt7'
but that does nothing either.  So far only restarting it in Win98 and
then back in
Linux is the only way.
Thanks for any help.

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From: Beggar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,tw.bbs.comp.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Fdisk problem with SCSI HD
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 22:52:27 +0800

Yeah !! I have fdisk it by using DOS fdisk ~~    I think the problem is the
Linux fdisk cannot recognise the new harddisk ah ....


Craig Kelley wrote:

> Beggar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a Segate 18GB Ultra2 SCSI HD, after I "fdisk" it and write the
> > partition to disk. It work fine without any error message, but the
> > problem is that when I quit fdisk and enter fdisk again, the partition
> > table does not change as I modify before.
> >
> > what's the problem?? Harddisk problem or fdisk problem?  It have also
> > use "cfdisk",  but with the same result.
> On many partitions, you must reboot between calls to fdisk (hence the
> warning it gives you).
> --
> The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
> Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


Subject: help with alsa and intel i810
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 17:24:36 +0100

Can anyone explain this one ?

I had to compile with oss support off. If loading soundcore module compile
failed saying "load soundcore ..."

I run SuSE 6.3

socrates:root /opt/vmware >modprobe snd-card-intel8x0

Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent than /lib/modules/2.2.13/modules.dep
/lib/modules/2.2.13/misc/snd-timer.o: unresolved symbol waitqueue_lock
/lib/modules/2.2.13/misc/snd-timer.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.13/misc/snd-timer.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.13/misc/snd-timer.o: insmod snd-card-intel8x0 failed   

--- my section of /etc/conf.modules ----

alias char-major-116  snd
options snd  snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=2
# alias char-major-14  soundcore
## Cards
alias snd-card-0  snd-card-intel8x0.o   


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Tennent)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Two copies of sshd (OpenSSH) running?
Date: 7 Sep 2000 12:18:16 GMT

On Thu, 07 Sep 2000 06:59:59 GMT, David Steuber wrote:
 >I am running the OpenSSH version of sshd for secure, remote
 >According to ps, there are two instances running.  Is this correct
 >behaviour?  I am logged into the machine at present.
Each remote activation of sshd spawns a new copy to listen for
further activations.

Bob T.


Subject: Re: regexp on stdin
From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 15:38:50 GMT


> I want to match piped lines from stdin against a
> regular expression. As far as I know I can't use
> expr, because the two arguments must be provided
> as string and you can't use a hyphen as
> substitute for stdin...

It is not clear what you want. Maybe this?

echo Hello world | grep '[Hh]ello'

        ^                 ^
will be stdin          regexp



From: "plaf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie: Change Host Name?
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 23:32:43 +0800

Thanks again, will try.



From: "plaf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie: Change Host Name?
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 23:34:50 +0800

Thanks for your reply. But I've tryed that too, no success :-(



From: "Kirk R. Wythers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 10:47:46 -0500


I received the manuscripts yesterday. Thank you. I read Environmental
Regulation of Carbon Dioxide Exchange at the FOrest Floor in a Boreal
Black Spruce Ecosystem last night and I have a couple of questions I'd
like to run past you...

1. Equation 1 appears to break respiration down to a soil component and
a moss component. If that is correct, I should be able to use the second
term (R10,shallow) only, to get at moss respiration. Would you agree? I
am looking to modify a big leaf canopy model that already has a soil
respiration calculation in it... although, as a side issue, it would be
interesting to see how badly the existing soil respiration subroutine
does at BOREAS)

2. Also in equation 1, what values did you use for R10,deep and
R10,shallow from your collars? I don't see them reported in the

3. Finally, The model I'm wanting to add your moss work to does not use
any kind of soil temp term as an input parameter. It uses Tmax and Tmin
(air temps) only. Do you have any sense of how Tm (moss temp), or soil
temp might relate to anything I could calculate from Tmax and Tmin
(daytime temp estimate, nighttime temp estimate, etc.)?

Again Thanks for sending the manuscripts.

Best Regards,


Kirk R. Wythers                                  University of Minnesota
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Department of Forest Resources
Tel: 612.625.22611530                            Cleveland Ave. N.
Fax: 612 625.5212                                Saint Paul,  MN 55108


From: Jason Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux + sunvideo
Date: 7 Sep 2000 15:58:55 GMT

Does anyone know if linux for UltraSPARC supports the SBUS sunvideo
capture boards?




From: John-Paul Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tar to tape >2GB
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 16:02:58 GMT

Crni Gorac wrote:
> Is it possible to use tar to backup files on tapes with capacity >2GB.
> If yes, what would be the command?
> Thanks.

I have no difficulty tarring 7GB to a 10GB Travan TR-5 tape with the version of
GNU tar that came with my distro (Corel, which is Debian based).  I have done a
full backup with 'tar cvf /dev/nht0 /'.  Note that it is a good idea to exclude
things like /proc and others;  my point here is that there are *no* special
options required to tar to get it to handle my backups of 4-7GB.  I know it
works, too.  Three weeks ago I repartitioned my harddrive, wiping out
everything.  It all restored from tape perfectly.


J-P Stewart



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