Linux-Misc Digest #727, Volume #20               Mon, 21 Jun 99 18:13:08 EDT

  Modem problem (Rob Hughes)
  Newbie question about source code (Daniel P. Katz)
  Re: open systems?!? Re: Why does Apple not cooperate with Be? ("Brent P. Newhall")
  How to config the linux to become a proxy server? ("wallace wong")
  Re: Signal 11 -> GCC on Redhat 6.0...  ~< (PJ)
  Re: MP3's ("David Eno")
  Terminating ESD when logging out... (Jordan Klein)
  Linux Installfest -- this Saturday! (David Lesher)
  Doubled PATH definition. (Christian Lundh)
  Re: JDK on Linux (Markus Heinz)
  Re: Linux on >8gb drives (Przem Kowalczyk)
  Re: Problem with Iomega Zip (John Hovell)
  Re: Strange warn messages under SuSE Linux 6.1 and Kernel 2.2.7 (Przem Kowalczyk)
  Re: Newbie question about source code (Michael Davis)
  Re: How to make a boot or rescue disk with new kernel version? (Tom Fawcett)
  Re: mount error:    mount only root can mount /dev/cdrom  on cdrom (terry white)
  Finger...No Mail. Redhat 6.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux vs. Windoze NT - new security hole found in NT. (Mark Rafn)
  Re: first/second/third world (Richard Kulisz)
  Re: Problem with Iomega Zip (Glitch)
  Run in background (vineet)
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft Retest 
News (Philip Brown)
  mail utilities in Linux (Steve Dunlap)
  Re: Linux uid limits! (bill davidsen)
  snmpd death - Redhat 6.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: JDK on Linux (Mark Watson)
  Re: Newbie question about source code (Bruce Stephens)
  Re: Linux: now or never (Jim Nicholson)


From: Rob Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem problem
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 11:02:09 -0500

Hi, I have a Diamond Supra 56k Modem. It is not a winmodem, and I have
seen a website that details how to install this modem, but it did not
work for me. It is set to use com 2, irq 3, i/o 2f8 in Win98. Now, the
problem is, when I set up isapnp.conf with these settings, it gave me a
fatal error saying there was already a device there. When I looked to
see what it was, it was a serial port (auto). Now, I have com 2 disabled
in BIOS, so that must be the modem already, but since it sets it up
first as a serial port, I can't get the modem to work. I'd appreciate
any help.
-Rob Hughes


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel P. Katz)
Subject: Newbie question about source code
Date: 21 Jun 1999 20:00:30 GMT


        I'm new to linux and am having a bit of trouble locating
source code.  I'm running RedHat 6.0, and I have found the source RPMs
and installed them, but they seem to bundle a lot of stuff per RPM.
So if I want to find the source for uniq or sort or cat (as examples),
how do I figure out which (of the several tens of) RPMs they're in?

        Sorry if this is a REALLY FAQ, but I just couldn't seem to
dope out the system.



From: "Brent P. Newhall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc,,comp.unix.misc
Subject: Re: open systems?!? Re: Why does Apple not cooperate with Be?
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 12:23:27 -0400

This thread is off-topic for  Please remove that group
from further postings.

Thank you.

Brent P. Newhall
Editor of Papyrus,
Official FAQ maintainer,
Personal homepage:


From: "wallace wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to config the linux to become a proxy server?
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 00:12:45 +0800

Hello everybody,

Can you tell me how to config the linux to become a proxy server?  Or
Where can I find the information?

Thank you for your help.



Subject: Re: Signal 11 -> GCC on Redhat 6.0...  ~<
Date: 21 Jun 1999 16:36:45 GMT

Signal 11 always means that something is going on with your hardware.  It
could be anything from bad ram to an overclocked cpu.  It does not just mean
bad ram.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris Kloiber wrote:
>Sven Kopp wrote:
>> I agree with mmb, I do have the same problems on my system.
>> re-do the make, until the kernel has finished compiling (that's what I
>> did), and it will work.
>> Sven
>> Serial # 0 wrote:
>> >
>> > On Sat, 22 May 1999 20:59:58 GMT, "FTP server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > >I keep getting a sig11 when trying to make bzImage for my 2.2.9 kernel.
>> > >Never completes the compile :(.  I remember compiling kernels fine in
>> > >Redhat 5.2..
>> > >
>> > >I have a P-60 cpu.
>> >
>> > hi
>> > i see this error when my cpufan has an error or memory chip has an
>> > error
>> > mmb
>Sig 11 usually indicates bad RAM.


From: "David Eno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MP3's
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 16:38:05 GMT

X11AMP is from the winamp people, I think.  It looks exectly the same as
Winamp. (OK, not exactly the same, but close enough)

Dave E.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7klf54$ac5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi,
> Can anyone recommend a good MP3 player?  Or the best one from personal
> experience? Currently use WinAmp for my Windoze box. Thanx in advance.
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Jordan Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Terminating ESD when logging out...
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 16:40:03 GMT

Here's a suggestion regarding esd.  I have esd set to start when I login
to my X session, and to terminate when I logout.  This is all done
through my $HOME/.xsession file, which is shown below.  It works well.


# Kill esd if it was running from a previous login.  Will have no impact
if esd isn't running.
killall esd 

# Start a new esd daemon
exec esd &

# Start my desktop environment
exec gnome-session

Jordan Klein    home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           AIX / Solaris / Linux / NT Administrator
  Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends


Crossposted-To: dc.general,md.general,va.general,balt.general
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Lesher)
Subject: Linux Installfest -- this Saturday!
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Lesher)
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:48:15 GMT

Last call for the Summer Linux Installfest in Bethesda!
Sat, 26 June, doors open @ 10 am.


A host is a host from coast to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
& no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX
Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433


From: Christian Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Doubled PATH definition.
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 21:45:36 +0200

I have experienced a very interesting problem with my Linux RH 6.0
system. Well, it is not really a very scary problem, but I have noticed
that my PATH environment variable is defined two times. I have
identified the problem to be caused by that my '.bash_profile' script is
executed 2 times at login time. This only occurs when I log in to my X
desktop. I currently run GNOME, but the same problem occurs when I run
Blackbox. It works fine when I log on to the console however. But when
I try to start X by the 'startx' command my window manager refuses to
start. All I get is the grey X server screen.

Has anyone experienced the same thing, and in that case, what is
happening? How can I solve this? I want to start more things in my
profile-file but I don't want them to be run more than one time.

Best wishes

Christian Lundh


From: Markus Heinz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: JDK on Linux
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 22:32:10 +0200


I am running the jdkpre1.2 version from blackdown on a redhat 5.1 system
without problems for quite a while. I even wrote a small application
with it (see But I had to
update some libraries before it worked. Especially you will have to get
a new version of the egcs-compiler which contains a recent version of

Markus Heinz


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Przem Kowalczyk)
Subject: Re: Linux on >8gb drives
Date: 21 Jun 1999 16:42:18 GMT

Don Pederson in comp.os.linux.misc wrote:
>I'm new to Linux.  I have a copy of Caldera 2.2 and am planning to
>install it on my Win98 system.  I have an IBM ATA-66 14gm hard disk, but
>have gotten the impression that the partition Linux is installed in must
>begin under the 8gb area.  Is this true?  If so, can I start it at say,
>7.5gb and go to 9.5gb?  I have Partition Magic 4.0, so I can create
>partitions easily.
>The messy thing about this is that then I have to have two partitions
>for Win98, one before and one after the Linux partition.

 You  should  create  small  ext2 partion ending before 1024th cylinder and
 mount it as /boot. Linux is able to use whole your drive, but  its  booted
 by bios that can't see more then 1024 (unless it's new enough).


I move across the earth in my new pattern shirt
I pass satellites.


From: John Hovell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,linux.redhat,linux.scsi,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Problem with Iomega Zip
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 16:38:56 GMT

Is this card plug & play?  If its not, make sure the jumper points to an IRQ
and base IO not being used, and you probably have to pass an argument to the
kernel at boot time,
append = "ava1505,9,0x140"
or similar.

Have you recompiled the kernel w/ support for that card?

Also, check out the ZIP Drive mini-HOWTO


Alice Hansen wrote:

> Sorry... can't help you with your problem....  but was wondering...  My zip
> drive is an external scsi....  I have the AVA 1505 card for it and have not
> been able to get my Linux RedHat 6.0 to find it...  Any chance you could
> help me??  Thanks...
> ~Alice
> Luca Satolli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I've a paraller port Iomega zip.
> > It works good with Linux Red Hat 6.0, I've just to do modprobe ppa and
> > then to mount the zip disk.
> > I also have an AVA1505 used to drive my Scanner (Agfa 1236s). It also
> > work fine after 2 days of hard work.
> > The problem is that when I exec modprobe ppa the scanner don't work!
> > When I exec rmmod ppa the scanner works fine.
> > Why happens these? Is possible to make work both scanner and Zip?
> > Thanks a lot & Best Regards
> > Luca Satolli
> >
> >


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Przem Kowalczyk)
Subject: Re: Strange warn messages under SuSE Linux 6.1 and Kernel 2.2.7
Date: 21 Jun 1999 17:03:13 GMT

Kai Schnabel in comp.os.linux.misc wrote:
>Thanks for the responce!
>> Easiest solution:
>> alias xxxxx off
>That's too easy for me :-)) I'd love to understand what my server wanted
>to tell me with these warn-messages....
>> If you want to know what the devices are:
>> less /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt
>Thanks for the hint! But I couldn't find any appropriate content in ths
>file about the two modprobe messages:
>Can't locate module block-major-48
>Can't locate module block-major-72
>Certainly be I am too stupid to understand the
>/usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt but maybe someone who
>understands is kind enough to explain it to me... Does this happend to
>other users? What are this block-major devices?? 

I haven't found block-major-72 but, according to devices.txt
block major 48 is 'Reserved for Mylex DAC960 PCI RAID controller'


Baby, instant soup doesn't really grab me.
Today I need something more sub-sub-sub-substantial.


From: Michael Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie question about source code
Date: 21 Jun 1999 16:42:09 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Daniel P. Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       I'm new to linux and am having a bit of trouble locating
>source code.  I'm running RedHat 6.0, and I have found the source RPMs
>and installed them, but they seem to bundle a lot of stuff per RPM.
>So if I want to find the source for uniq or sort or cat (as examples),
>how do I figure out which (of the several tens of) RPMs they're in?
>       Sorry if this is a REALLY FAQ, but I just couldn't seem to
>dope out the system.

You're probably looking at the kernel source code, you definitely
are if it's under /usr/src/linux (If I remember correctly).

I don't think RedHat comes with the source for all the little
utilities like cat or ls. Even though they're commonly found
on just about every Unix system, they are not part of the heart
of unix (i.e. the kernel).

I'm sure you can find the source for them at, or one
of many mirror ftp sites, because gnu has written open source
versions of all those utilities. It'll probably be instructive
to study them, and you can play pranks on your friends by
altering their behavior, changing the meaning of the command
line arguments or whatever. (Yes, I'm evil!)


// Michael Davis -- Solaris code slave and happy Linux User.
// From sunny Toronto...


From: Tom Fawcett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to make a boot or rescue disk with new kernel version?
Date: 21 Jun 1999 15:59:13 -0400

Glenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I found this "Yard Booot Disk" to be a very complete rescue disk/disks set.
> They can be customized and have all the utilities you need in an emergency.
> Glenn
> ------
> "Jung, SH" wrote:
> > I am using Redhat linux 6.0 with kernel 2.2.9 recomplied.
> > i already made a booting disk, but i don't know how to make a boot disk or
> > rescue disk with new kernel version.
> >
> > anyone can help me?
> >
> > thanks in advance

Much as I like Yard, if all you want to do is update the kernel I'd
recommend trying mkbootdisk first.  I comes with the RedHat base
distribution and is intended for exactly this purpose.  Look for the
mkbootdisk rpm.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (terry white)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: mount error:    mount only root can mount /dev/cdrom  on cdrom
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:48:51 GMT

Steven Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"That should do it.  I hope this was not to long an explaination, but
"I want you to have a fell for what you are doing before doing it.

"Now as to why...
"Most multitasking multiuser Operation system do not let users
"access the mount command.  Linux makes it possible for users
"to use the command, but doesn't give the privilage to automatically.
"Root has to set the priv on a per device basis.

   ... oh wow.  that was great.  thanks ...

"it's not what you see , 
 but in stead notice."


Subject: Finger...No Mail. Redhat 6.0
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:28:58 GMT

Since upgrading from rh5.2 to 6.0, finger no longer displays the status
of the users mailbox.  Even if the user has mail, fingering the
userid always produces the output:

$ finger root
Login: root                             Name: root
Directory: /root                        Shell: /bin/bash
Never logged in.
No mail.
No Plan.

If I login as that user, using elm or pine I am able to read new mail
messages.  This symptom seems consistent across multiple rh6.0
machines that were upgraded from 5.2, and this feature worked correctly
under 5.2.  Any insight is appreciated, and please copy
your response to my email address.  Thank you.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Rafn)
Subject: Re: Linux vs. Windoze NT - new security hole found in NT.
Date: 21 Jun 1999 20:20:33 GMT

>Alex Lam wrote:
>> So what's all the fuzz about the new Windoze NT vs. Linux server bench
>> test?  Isn't it it's more important to have a stable and secure server
>> than a few mindless bench points advantage?
>>  check out

Slav Inger  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a real hard time believing NT Server can beat Linux on the exact
>same machine (assuming, of course, Linux is tuned and configured
>correctly).  I have an even harder time believing that IIS can beat
>Apache on Linux.

Believe what you want, but you're simply wrong if you think linux beats NT
on every benchmark for every application.  For certain purposes, IIS
definitely delivers pages faster than Apache on Linux on super high-end
servers.  I still wouldn't run NT for a webserver with that type of load;
that's what Solaris is for.

1) Apache is not superfast at static pages; it's designed for
flexibility and dynamic content, to the small detriment of static page

2) Linux (AFAIK) does not support "ethernet striping", where you put
multiple ethernet cards with the same IP address in a machine and have it
send through whichever is least busy.  This gives NT a large leg-up in those
(very rare outside of MS benchmarks) situations where you need to exceed the
raw throughput that your card is capable of.

Pick your need, do your research, choose the one that's best suited to the
task.  For me, often it's Linux.  Often it's Solaris.  Often it's NT.
Mark Rafn    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    <>   !G


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Kulisz)
Subject: Re: first/second/third world
Date: 21 Jun 1999 21:05:07 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Ketil Z Malde  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Kulisz) writes:
>> The only other option is propaganda techniques. Would you rather
>> [have] those? 
>You consider demonization and name-calling the only non-propaganda
>method of debate?

Direct confrontation is usually non-propaganda. We were originally
concerned with my practice of using terms like exploitation, fascist,
imperalist and dictatorship to describe the USA. My being sick to
death of idiots mindlessly repeating the Libertarian Party mantra
or expressing a cowboy/lynching_mob mentality is another issue.

>I'm not sure what you consider propaganda, but I suspect my answer
>would be "yes".

Read a book on the subject and you'll change your mind. Propaganda by
Jacques Ellul is a classic.


Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 16:56:42 -0400
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,linux.redhat,linux.scsi,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Problem with Iomega Zip

i have the same problem with my parallel zip and my printer.  Both
modules cannot be loaded at teh same time.  For some reason they can't
share the parallel port so if my zip is loaded i have to remmove the
module and then load the one for the printer. Its a bit of a hassle but
at least they both work.

John Hovell wrote:
> Is this card plug & play?  If its not, make sure the jumper points to an IRQ
> and base IO not being used, and you probably have to pass an argument to the
> kernel at boot time,
>  eg,
> append = "ava1505,9,0x140"
> or similar.
> Have you recompiled the kernel w/ support for that card?
> Also, check out the ZIP Drive mini-HOWTO
> -John
> Alice Hansen wrote:
> > Sorry... can't help you with your problem....  but was wondering...  My zip
> > drive is an external scsi....  I have the AVA 1505 card for it and have not
> > been able to get my Linux RedHat 6.0 to find it...  Any chance you could
> > help me??  Thanks...
> >
> > ~Alice
> > Luca Satolli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > I've a paraller port Iomega zip.
> > > It works good with Linux Red Hat 6.0, I've just to do modprobe ppa and
> > > then to mount the zip disk.
> > > I also have an AVA1505 used to drive my Scanner (Agfa 1236s). It also
> > > work fine after 2 days of hard work.
> > > The problem is that when I exec modprobe ppa the scanner don't work!
> > > When I exec rmmod ppa the scanner works fine.
> > > Why happens these? Is possible to make work both scanner and Zip?
> > > Thanks a lot & Best Regards
> > > Luca Satolli
> > >
> > >


From: vineet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Run in background
Date: 21 Jun 1999 20:30:52 GMT

How do I make my C program to run in background after getting initialised.
I mean that the program should detach from the terminal and should run in
background like a daemon.



==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Brown)
Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft 
Retest News
Date: 21 Jun 1999 20:57:29 GMT

On Thu, 17 Jun 1999 19:15:01 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>That's a fairly obtuse statement.  Given eBay's recent dependence on such a
>"better machine" implementation.

failed again at FUD, microserf.

EBay recently admitted that they did not install the recommended patchset for
their Sun servers, which would have prevented the problem.

[Trim the no-bots from my address to reply to me by email!]
[ Do NOT email-CC me on posts. Pick one or the other.]
The word of the day is mispergitude


Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 15:09:30 -0500
From: Steve Dunlap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mail utilities in Linux

Id like to use the xmailbox utility that comes with Redhat 6.0 to notify
me when I have mail.  I've been trying to find my way around the FAQ's
to get mail and xmailbox to work in my Redhat 6.0 setup.  I can
configure Netscape and get my mail just fine but can't seem to get the
internal mail stuff in Linux configured right.  My setup is as follows: 
I have a 3Com Officeconnect ISDN Lan Modem which has internal DHCP.  I
configure the router as and my machine gets assigned  On my Linux computer I just plug the ethernet card into
the Lanmodem and give it the lanmodem gateway address and
domain.  The Lanmodem stores all of my ISP DNS info and dialup so I just
work like I was on a LAN and the Lanmodem handles any dialout and DNS
that is needed.  Everything works fine but not sure how to set up
xmailbox.  I'm sure this is easy but I just seem to make things worse
when I try to follow the help docs on this one.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bill davidsen)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux uid limits!
Date: 21 Jun 1999 21:27:18 GMT

In article <7kdiu0$jqg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Georg Acher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| On Alpha-Linux, an int is 32bit and a long is already 64bit, so you don't need
| long long there. Sometime x86-coders think that an int are not real 32bit, and
| decide to use long to get 'real, authentic and good' 32bit. This is #2 in the
| TOP10-list of "How to write programs that crash on Alpha". #1 is the assumption
| "sizeof(int)==sizeof(void*)=4" ;-)

Unless I totally misremember the C standard, an int is allowed to be 16
bits, and those of us who worry about portability have gotten into using
long, even on systems which are known not to have 16 bit int, and
applications which are not portable.

I don't think it's x86 people, although applications which might
backport to x86 are certainly common.

bill davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  CTO, TMR Associates, Inc
  The Internet is not the fountain of youth, but some days it feels like
the fountain of immaturity.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: snmpd death - Redhat 6.0
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:38:39 GMT

After a recent upgrade from redhat 5.2 to 6.0 on Compaq proliant 850R
servers, snmpd now seems to die without any explination in log files.
The daemon just seems to die off after as short as five minutes, to as
long as 2 weeks.  This has happened multiple times on different
machines, (same hardware, we have 3 of these boxes).  We never had any
problem like this from redhat 5.2.  Our kernel version is 2.2.5-22 and
our snmp package is ucd-snmp-3.6.1-4.  All other packages on the systems
are up to date as well.  This is quite irritating as our snmp box pages
me when it dies, and its hard to know whether the machine died or just
snmp, so we have to treat each event as a real outage.  Thanks for any
input on this, and please copy your response to my email address.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Mark Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: JDK on Linux
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 10:55:50 -0700

Hello Christian,

I use's JDK1.2 prerelease 2
under Calder OpenLinux 2.2 (2.2 kernel)
and I really have no problems at all. My
company's Java software contains about 800 classes
and compiles and runs fine, using RMI and JDBC.

-Mark Watson   

Christian Ahkman wrote:

> Is anyone running Blackdown JDK 1.2?  Is it stable, buggy?  I've heard
> that it isn't quite up to par yet.  I'm trying to figure out which JDK
> version to install on my rh 5.1 box.
> Suggestions?
> thanks
> christian ahkman


From: Bruce Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie question about source code
Date: 21 Jun 1999 22:21:42 +0100

Michael Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I don't think RedHat comes with the source for all the little
> utilities like cat or ls. Even though they're commonly found on just
> about every Unix system, they are not part of the heart of unix
> (i.e. the kernel).

I think it comes with quite a lot of it.

For ls or cat:

        % rpm -qf /bin/ls
        % rpm -qf /bin/cat

So, you want fileutils-3.16-10.src.rpm and textutils-1.22-7.src.rpm

If they aren't on the CD, they'll be on RedHat's ftp server (or a
mirror).  Or, of course, from a GNU mirror.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Linux: now or never
From: Jim Nicholson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 21 Jun 1999 23:03:13 +0100

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mr S A Penny) writes:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >I'm sure the majority of people in this newsgroup can install Linux over
> >lunch break.  Clearing out the cruft is another matter (what the heck is
> >a tamagotchi server anyway?).
Windows NT! You have to give it lots of attention otherwise it dies :-)

Couldn't resist.




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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