Linux-Misc Digest #727, Volume #25               Sun, 10 Sep 00 20:13:04 EDT

  Re: Control-alt-delete in RedHat 5.2 (Bill Unruh)
  Re: End-User Alternative to Windows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: What is the maximum swap space?  Max RAM? (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: Control-alt-delete in RedHat 5.2 (Leonard Evens)
  cdrecord screwing up X? (Jehsom)
  Re: What is the maximum swap space?  Max RAM? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Control-alt-delete in RedHat 5.2 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: how can I delete blank line? ("Andrew N. McGuire ")
  Re: Gnome Xterm not reading .profile ("Andrew N. McGuire ")
  Drive Space in RH 6.0 (Jason Valentine)
  Re: Project Management S/W (Michael Perry)
  Re: how can I delete blank line? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: End-User Alternative to Windows (Larry Ebbitt)
  Re: M$ Windows ME too slow like W2K? (Jim Lee)
  Re: Drive Space in RH 6.0 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: how can I delete blank line? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Kernel question (Greg Goossens)
  Re: End-User Alternative to Windows
  Re: Locate inititlization does not complete (noyb)
  Re: Apache: don't have permission to access / on this server (red hat 6.2) (William 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Control-alt-delete in RedHat 5.2
Date: 10 Sep 2000 22:12:50 GMT

In <4FSu5.1492$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Chris Rehmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

]My wife was looking at Netscape on my machine running RedHat 5.2.  When it
]locked up, she pressed control-alt-delete, and it went back to the login
]I logged in, but all I got was a single button in the upper left corner that
]said "xconsole"
]and a popup menu with "Exit FVWM" as the only option.  I was unable to get
]xterm or any other window.

]How do I recover from control-alt-delete?  I am switching over to another
]system, and
]I recently ended the support contract for this machine.  I have looked at
]the documentation
]in the Linux Documentation Project, but I was unable to find anything

There is no "recovery from ctrl-alt-del" since it does not do anything
except shut down the machine ( and most X will in fact capture it and
not even allow that to happen). 
I would reboot the system, and if you still have the problem, then
figure out what it is in your own setup that has been corrupted. i
strongly doubt that it had anything to do with your wife's CAD.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: End-User Alternative to Windows
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 17:10:42 -0500

On Sun, 10 Sep 2000 11:24:06 -0500, Dave Martel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Yep, Apple's another sad case. They were in the market before IBM/MS
>and with a much better OS. Apple could very easily have been where MS
>is right now if they'd just learned to stay focused on the
>here-and-now instead of trying to be so far-future visionary and

They also tried to make it a closed system, hard to program, etc. 
That leads to less software, because only large companies are
in a position to do any real programming on it.  A lack of software
hurt the Amiga, and the Mac's.

The fact that the early Macs were so big on using "mouse technology"
that they refused to put cursor keys on the keyboard was also pretty
stupid. :^)

Stephen Whitis
Email replies should go to...
scw120198 (at)

The address in the header is not valid.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: What is the maximum swap space?  Max RAM?
Reply-To: Hal Burgiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 22:18:54 GMT

On Sun, 10 Sep 2000 22:09:41 GMT, Arctic Storm 
>What is the maximum swap space?  Max RAM?
>There are many web sites, including RedHat, that seems to imply that the
>maximum swap space is 128 MB.  They never say that it cannot be larger than
>128 MB; they simply say that it can handle up 128 MB of swap space.
>I have 194 MB RAM, and I'm under the impression that larger the swap space,
>the better, so I chose 384 MB of swap space (2x RAM).  My RedHat Linux 6.2
>runs without problems, but is this an overkill, or, is there something wrong
>that I'm not aware of?

See the mkswap man page. Depends on kernel version and mkswap version.
This is what the confusion is over. It used to be 128M, but now is 2G
IIRC. As to how much you need, it depends on what you do, and how long
you do it. X seems like it eats swap here. After 3 or 4 weeks, I restart
X to reclaim some swap. What you are doing sounds like a reasonable
starting point. Watch the swap and if you get close to maxing it out,
add more. If you never get close to maxing it out, you could cut back if
you wanted.

>By the way, what's the maximum RAM supported by RedHat Linux 6.2?

2G IIRC. There are patches around that go up to 64G.

Hal B


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Control-alt-delete in RedHat 5.2
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 16:57:01 -0500

Chris Rehmann wrote:
> My wife was looking at Netscape on my machine running RedHat 5.2.  When it
> locked up, she pressed control-alt-delete, and it went back to the login
> screen.
> I logged in, but all I got was a single button in the upper left corner that
> said "xconsole"
> and a popup menu with "Exit FVWM" as the only option.  I was unable to get
> an
> xterm or any other window.
> How do I recover from control-alt-delete?  I am switching over to another
> system, and
> I recently ended the support contract for this machine.  I have looked at
> the documentation
> in the Linux Documentation Project, but I was unable to find anything
> relevant.
> Thank you.
> Chris Rehmann

What you describe sounds rather bizarre.  While in X, Ctrl-Alt-Del
shouldn't do anything.  It sounds as if something peculiar happened
incidently or she used some other exotic key combination.
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace while in X should kill X and get you back to
somewhere where you can start again.  You could also try
Ctral-Alt-F2 to get an alternate terminal and then Ctrl-Alt-Del
to reboot.  If neither works, wait a minute or so, make sure there
is no disk activity, shut off the computer and turn it on again.
Upon rebooting, the system will run fsck to fix the file system,
but that shouldn't create any serious problem.  If it stops and
asks you to do it manually, do as indicated and give the default
response to all questions.

This is not a normal situation, so you shouldn't worry about it
recurring regularly unless there is something really wrong.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jehsom)
Subject: cdrecord screwing up X?
Date: 10 Sep 2000 22:28:33 GMT

Just today, I tried burning a CD for the first time since I rebooted 45 
days ago, and all of a sudden, X started messing up. Things stopped re-
freshing on the screen. e.g., xmms would be playing, but would appear to
be stopped. Or with windowmaker, when I switched desktops, the name of the
desktop that fades away when switching would just stay there.

Anyone experienced this? I'm using a Plextor 8/4/32A (IDE) and a RIVA 128
video card, as well as an Abit KA7-100 motherboard. 


jehsom@; gte741e mj116; 
jacobsonconsulting@; ICQ 1900670


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: What is the maximum swap space?  Max RAM?
Date: 10 Sep 2000 22:18:46 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc Arctic Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: What is the maximum swap space?  Max RAM?
: There are many web sites, including RedHat, that seems to imply that the
: maximum swap space is 128 MB.  They never say that it cannot be larger than
: 128 MB; they simply say that it can handle up 128 MB of swap space.

They probably don't even say that. They should be telling you that that
WAS the maximum for a SINGLE swap file or partition back in the 2.0.*
days. Nothing stopped you having more than one back then.

: I have 194 MB RAM, and I'm under the impression that larger the swap space,
: the better, so I chose 384 MB of swap space (2x RAM).  My RedHat Linux 6.2

Umm, well, actually, it's not.

: runs without problems, but is this an overkill, or, is there something wrong

It's an overkill. You should be quite happy with 96MB of swap, and
194MB to be completely safe. You see, you don't want to use swap
except to hold things that you don't want to use. So the "optimum"
for your system is to have none at all, and to always kill stuff you
don't want to use instead of suspending it.

: that I'm not aware of?
: By the way, what's the maximum RAM supported by RedHat Linux 6.2?

Read mem.txt in the kernel Documentation directory and find out. Or
simply compile a kernel and read the help for the memory splits available
in make config.



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Control-alt-delete in RedHat 5.2
Date: 10 Sep 2000 22:25:32 GMT

Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Chris Rehmann wrote:
:> My wife was looking at Netscape on my machine running RedHat 5.2.  When it
:> locked up, she pressed control-alt-delete, and it went back to the login
:> screen.
:> I logged in, but all I got was a single button in the upper left corner that
:> said "xconsole"
:> and a popup menu with "Exit FVWM" as the only option.  I was unable to get an
:> xterm or any other window.
: What you describe sounds rather bizarre.  While in X, Ctrl-Alt-Del
: shouldn't do anything.  It sounds as if something peculiar happened

He meant ctrl-alt-backspace, for goodness' sake.

Sounds as though his disk or computer had a hardware error. He's got
a messed up .fvwmrc or .xsession (or whatever it is in RH5.2 ..
.Xclients?). All he has to do is swap to a console with ctl-alt-f1
and log in on the console and fix it. "init 3" might also be useful!



From: "Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how can I delete blank line?
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 17:31:07 -0500

On 10 Sep 2000, Peter T. Breuer quoth:

PTB> choi jinhyuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
PTB> : I wana delete all blank lines .
PTB> Yerrrs .. are you aware that there is nothing to delete in a blank
PTB> line?


PTB> : succeded in searching like this
PTB> : %s/^$//g
PTB> : but blank line was not deleted. how can I?
PTB> All empty lines were deleted. If you want lines containing only space
PTB> characters to be deleted, you shoudl have said so.

No, they were not. ':g/^$/d' deletes the blank lines.

PTB> : and how can I do it in sed and using grep?
PTB> Man sed, man grep.  Is your problem with regular expressions or in the
PTB> interpretation of the manpages? It looks like you are using vi, and
PTB> sed's syntax is about the same.


Best Wishes,

BEGIN { $\ = $/; $$_ = $_ for qw~ just another perl hacker ~ }
my $J = sub { return \$just }; my $A = sub { return \$another };
my $P = sub { return \$perl }; my $H = sub { return \$hacker  };
print map ucfirst() . " " => ${&$J()}, ${&$A()}, ${&$P()}, ${&$H()};


From: "Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Gnome Xterm not reading .profile
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 17:34:50 -0500

On 9 Sep 2000, Floyd Davidson quoth:

FD> "Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
FD> >On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, Bit Twister quoth:
FD> >
FD> >BT> try putting the variables in  .bash_profile
FD> >BT> logout/login  and see what you see.
FD> >
FD> >[ snip upside-down quoted text ]
FD> >
FD> >Wrong.  .bash_profile is the first file bash looks to execute
FD> >for a ~login shell~.  If you had said .bashrc your answer would
FD> >have been correct.  The other solution is to invoke xterm with the
FD> >'-ls' option to make it a login shell.  As an alternative, he
FD> >could also export those variables in his .profile, making them
FD> >available to all child shells after login.
FD> >
FD> >[ aside: I like the .bashrc idea better as invoking xterm with
FD> >  '-ls' is fairly rare. ]
FD> It also isn't necessarily smart.  A login shell might need
FD> initialization that sub-shells do not, and those things can be
FD> done from ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile and
FD> exclude all sub-shells if the common initializations, which the
FD> sub-shell should see, are done in ~/.bashrc alone.  Examples
FD> would be whatever stty commands might be necessary, setting PATH
FD> using recursion, selecting a terminal type if the user commonly
FD> logs in from a variety of different terminals or doing anything
FD> which sends the terminal an init string (such as using tset(1)).
FD> None of those needs to be done, or should be done, for every
FD> xterm or for every sub-shell.

Right, but the OP's question was roughly "how do I do something in
each invocation of my shell?" (paraphrased).  The answer is .bashrc
or make each shell a login shell.  The former is standard, that is 
what .bashrc is for, the latter is non-standard (of all the UNIX
admins I know, not one uses xterm -ls to my knowledge).  The third
alternative (for env vars) is too export them from .profile.  You
are making too many assumptions about what the OP wanted.

All the Best,

BEGIN { $\ = $/; $$_ = $_ for qw~ just another perl hacker ~ }
my $J = sub { return \$just }; my $A = sub { return \$another };
my $P = sub { return \$perl }; my $H = sub { return \$hacker  };
print map ucfirst() . " " => ${&$J()}, ${&$A()}, ${&$P()}, ${&$H()};


From: Jason Valentine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Drive Space in RH 6.0
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 18:50:00 -0400

I'm constantly running out of drive space on my root partition in RedHat there documentation out there that indicates what is safe to
delete and what is not?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Perry)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Project Management S/W
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 14:09:15 -0700

On Sun, 10 Sep 2000 07:36:35 GMT, jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>apologies, if i posted this in the wrong newsgroup.
>i wld like to find out if there is any project management 
>software, in the likes of ms project with gantt chats and all,
>available on linux. 
>wld appreciate any pointers.
I have not found one yet that will do what MS Project or TurboProject Pro
does. I spent some time looking awhile ago.  There is an online one at which is okay.  I would prefer one that does cross task
resource planning, allows me to integrate inter-task dependencies, etc.
Its one of the few reasons I keep a 98 laptop around.  I have to have a
project management software solution.

If someone is using one that comparably measures against either of the ones
I mentioned, I would like an url or ftp site to get it.  It would also have
to have pretty good import filters, be able to handle task/resource
dependencies, allow tasks to be linked within subtasks and between major
tasks, etc.

Michael Perry           


Subject: Re: how can I delete blank line?
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 23:10:09 GMT

"choi jinhyuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I wana delete all blank lines .
> succeded in searching like this
> %s/^$//g
> but blank line was not deleted. how can I?
> and how can I do it in sed and using grep?
> thanks

grep -v '^$'

sed '/^$/d'

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!


Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 19:13:58 -0400
From: Larry Ebbitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: End-User Alternative to Windows

sinister-catsup wrote:

> Rambling aside my point is simple, there are potentially good operating system
> alternatives out there, but what got Mr Gates where he is today is not his
> technology, it was his sales force. Think about it.

Right as rain.  His sales force and his complete lack of ethics and honesty.

Larry Ebbitt - Linux + OS/2 - Atlanta


Subject: Re: M$ Windows ME too slow like W2K?
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 16:26:04 -0700

jncash wrote:

> How much memory you have?
> "Jonas Poyaoan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:uJytxVqGAHA.330@cpmsnbbsa09...
> > My mom got me a eMachine etower|566i2 yesterday with M$ Windows Me from
> > BestBuy.  It's running like W2K, very slow.  What if I'll have it returned
> > and replace OS with Windows 98?
> >
> >

eTower | 566i Specs came with Windows 98 while 566i2 has Windows ME.
Spec per
Intel® Celeron? 566 MHz (w/128KB L2 Cache) FC-PGA CPU 32MB SyncDRAM (up to 256
MB) Intel Direct 3D 2X AGP (shared memory) Intel 82801 AC '97 PCI Audio 40x
Max. CD-ROM Drive 7.5GB HDD (Ultra DMA EIDE) 3.5" 1.44MB FDD 56K ITU V.90 PCI
Fax/Modem PS/2 19 buttons Internet Keyboard / Mouse Stereo Speakers 2 USB Ports
(1 is on Front) 1 Serial / 1 Parallel / 3Expansion Slot Audio In & Out / Game
Port onFront.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Drive Space in RH 6.0
Date: 10 Sep 2000 23:23:29 GMT

Jason Valentine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I'm constantly running out of drive space on my root partition in RedHat
: there documentation out there that indicates what is safe to
: delete and what is not?

It safe to delete everything except libc, libpam, bash, libdl, init,
login, getty (and your kernel image and load map). Some of the /etc
files might also be nice to keep as souvenirs ...

Mind you, you could also delete the files I mentioned, if you were
prepared to put them back again later when you needed them (from a
rescue diskette).

"Safe" for what?  / should be a small partition of about 64MB max,
containing precisely the stuff you need to boot up with.  That's the
directories /etc /dev /lib /bin /sbin, and usually also /root and
sometimes /boot, as well as a mount point for /var and either a small
dir for /tmp or a link to /var/tmp.  Also mount points for /opt /usr



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how can I delete blank line?
Date: 10 Sep 2000 23:16:35 GMT

Andrew N. McGuire  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: On 10 Sep 2000, Peter T. Breuer quoth:

: PTB> choi jinhyuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: PTB> : I wana delete all blank lines .
: PTB> 
: PTB> Yerrrs .. are you aware that there is nothing to delete in a blank
: PTB> line?

: \n

That's not IN a line!

: PTB> : succeded in searching like this
: PTB> : %s/^$//g
: PTB> : but blank line was not deleted. how can I?
: PTB> 
: PTB> All empty lines were deleted. If you want lines containing only space
: PTB> characters to be deleted, you shoudl have said so.

: No, they were not. ':g/^$/d' deletes the blank lines.

Err yes, somehow I messed up my head there, while knowing just what I wanted
to comment about empty set theory. Sorry.

As if the original poster were following us ...



From: Greg Goossens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernel question
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 10:40:12 +1000

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I have a question regarding a problem I have that I need to find a
simple solution for I am hoping that someone has a neat workaround for

I need to setup an IBM Netfinity 6000 with Redhat 6.2 but the kernel in
the ISO image I have is a 2.2.14 kernel and the only kernel that
supports the RAID adapter is a 2.2.16-3 kernel.   I can install redhat
using the device driver provided from IBM but when I reboot after the
initial install the system hangs.  As I have said IBM say I need the
2.2.16-3 kernel.

Is the solution as simple as getting another release of redhat that has
the correct kernel in the original install (if possible ) or do I have
to build a redhat install on another disk upgrade that kernel and
somehow move the entire load to another disk using dd of a similar util.

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Greg Goossens
Content-Disposition: attachment;

org:Volante Group Ltd
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Network Systems Engineer
fn:Greg Goossens



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: End-User Alternative to Windows
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 16:41:03 -0700

Larry Ebbitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> sinister-catsup wrote:
> > Rambling aside my point is simple, there are potentially good operating
> > alternatives out there, but what got Mr Gates where he is today is not
> > technology, it was his sales force. Think about it.
> Right as rain.  His sales force and his complete lack of ethics and

The lack of ethics was apparent right from the beginning.  According to
Microsofts own website the first customer of the Bill Gates and Paul Allen
partnership that grew into Microsoft was MITS.  Paul Allen was also an
employee of MITS as Director of Software Paul Allen was the read the time
line excerpt below or read it at and; you will see a clear
conflict of interest that established the foundation of everything that came
after from that company.

Bill Gates and Paul Allen License BASIC to MITS
2/1/75 Bill Gates and Paul Allen complete BASIC and license it to their
first customer, MITS of Albuquerque, New Mexico, the manufacturer of the
Altair 8800 personal computer. This is the first computer language program
written for a personal computer.

Paul Allen Joins MITS
3/1/75 Paul Allen joins MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems)
as Director of Software.

Altair BASIC runs
4/7/75 The MITS Altair newsletter, Computer Notes, declares, "Altair
BASIC -- Up and Running."

BASIC 2.0 Ships
7/1/75 Bill Gates' and Paul Allen's BASIC officially ships as version 2.0 in
both 4K and 8K editions.

Contract with MITS Signed
7/22/75 Paul Allen and Bill Gates sign a licensing agreement with MITS
regarding the BASIC Interpreter. Microsoft is not yet an official
partnership. In fact, the name has not even been chosen.

Micro-soft Name Used
11/29/75 In a letter to Paul Allen, Bill Gates uses the name "Micro-soft" to
refer to their Partnership. This is the earliest known written reference.

An Open Letter to Hobbyists
2/3/76 Bill Gates is one of the first programmers to raise the issue of
software piracy. In his "An Open Letter to Hobbyists," first published in
Computer Notes, Gates accuses hobbyists of stealing software and thus
preventing "...good software from being written." He prophetically concludes
with the line, "...Nothing would please me more than being able to hire ten
programmers and deluge the hobby market with good software."

Bill Gates Keynotes WACC
3/27/76 Twenty-year old Bill Gates gives the opening address at the First
Annual World Altair Computer Convention (WACC) held in Albuquerque, New

Microsoft Refines BASIC
7/1/76 Microsoft refines and enhances BASIC to sell to other customers
including DTC, General Electric, NCR, and Citibank.

Paul Allen Leaves MITS
11/1/76 Paul Allen resigns from MITS to join Microsoft full time.


From: noyb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Locate inititlization does not complete
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 23:52:28 GMT

On 10 Sep 2000 06:18:15 GMT, "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>noyb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>:                    locate -uv
>: it hangs up at the file /.automount.
>Isn't it "updatedb", and shouldn't you be excluding various
>: It takes a ctl-c to bring back a prompt and of course the database
>: is not written, making locate useless.
>: I have fsck'ed the drive with -f from a rescue floppy.
>: Any idea of what's going wrong?
>Not until you show us details of /.automount

Result of vdir /.automount is
drwxr-xr-x /.automount  8/8/99
which is probably the install date.

>It sounds as though
>the problem is the NEXT thing that the program looks at, not the

I'm pretty sure it was the empty /.automount as I fould two others and
the update stopped at _them_ after I cured the ones hit before by
excluding them.

>But it is suspicious that automount is implicated. Turn off
>automount with a -USR2 signal before starting the updatedb. 

I don't understand what "Turn off automount with a -USR2 signal means.
Would you enlighten me?
Never ran across automount in the voluminous docs I have studied.

>floppy and cdrom offline, etc. Limit updatedb to particular places to
>narrow down the problem.

Yes that worked, 

I found a syntax to exclude directories from a "locate -uv" command.
Actually, I created a shell script to do it as there turned out to be
other directories that needed to be exculded.  They were all empty
directories just off / and were /.automount, /net, /misc
and /mnt for good measure to prevent loading a lot of stuff from c:,
floppy, etc.

The command I ended up with was
                   locate -uv -e /mnt,/.autorun,/misc,/net
and sucessfully completed.  So I'm happy but still wonder why locate
can't do empty directories off the root.

Finally, does anyone know where the output file containing the found
files lives?  I searched but could not find it.

Thanks for your help.

Larry Alkoff N2LA

Larry Alkoff N2LA
Reply to:  larryalk at mindspring dot com


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William W.)
Subject: Re: Apache: don't have permission to access / on this server (red hat 6.2)
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 00:08:51 GMT

In our last episode (Sun, 10 Sep 2000 18:23:08 GMT),
the artist formerly known as frank said:
>Hi all!
>With my fresh install I have the following message in my browser when I
> : Forbidden you don't have permission to access / on
>this server.
>1) I am logged in as root !

It doesn't who you are; you are asking the _web server_ to fetch the
page. If the user whom the Web server runs as cannot access the file,
it won't be able to fetch it for you.

>2) the httpd responds when I use file:/home/httpd/html/index.html

Because you are now telling your browser to load the local file
/home/httpd/html.index.html, rather than telling your browser to connect
to port 80 of your machine and ask your Web server to retrive that
document. Since you're logged in as root, you can view the document,
even though the user that apache is running as can't.

Make sure that the file /home/httpd/html/index.html is  readable by
whatever user apache runs as. Make sure that /home, /home/httpd, and
/home/httpd/html are also readable by the user under which apache is
running. (Typically, you'd make all of these directories owned by root
with permissions 755, and the file index.html would be owned by root
with permissions 644.)

If that doesn't work, make sure that /home/httpd/html is actually the
root directory for the Web server.

It is pitch black.
You are likely to be spammed by a grue.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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