Linux-Misc Digest #312, Volume #21                Fri, 6 Aug 99 16:13:17 EDT

  R: Non sai cosa ti perdi ("Alan Zettin")
  SUSE 6.1 Permission differences between running a program from rc.d versus root 
(Michael Samson)
  Re: Need X-Windows help (resolution size) (Vito DeFilippo)
  Re: ISDN success? (Simon Kool)
  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/sgalaxy.o error ("Brian E. Seppanen")
  Re: Must root and swap partitions be primary? (Doug DeJulio)
  Re: Need X-Windows help (resolution size) (Patrick M. Geahan)
  Re: I think I have a convert IF.... (Coy A Hile)
  Trouble Loading SVGA Driver in Linux 6.1 ("Gilbert Groehn")
  lpr -Got to be simple -- but? ("Gordon D. Anderson")
  Re: What I think of linux. (Robert Crawford)
  Re: users can't mount cdrom (Jeff Greer)
  Cyrix MII processor (Chetan Ahuja)
  m68k Cross Compilers for Linux? (fred anger)
  Weird, maybe non-linux problem ("Jim Hendry")
  Re: Power Failures & Linux ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Evergreen Spectra Processor Upgrade and Linux? (Steve Nospam)
  Re: Printing on Linux (Leonard Evens)


From: "Alan Zettin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: R: Non sai cosa ti perdi
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 13:23:22 +0200

> >
> > Rasmus Lino e' un ragazzo danese che ha incassato in 5 mesi Ia bella
> > cifra
> > di 64.700.000.000 £!!!!!!!!!!
> > Una notizia del genere non passa inosservata!!!! se vuoi sapere come ha
> > fatto questo simpatico giovanotto ad arrichirsi cosi in fretta eccoti Ia
> > spiegazione, ma prima di tutto sappi:
> > Non mi interessa stare qui a convincerti sulla bontà o meno di questo
> > metodo.
> > Questa catena Si differenzia dalle altre per la sua potenzialita' di
> > guadagno con un ingresso pari al costo di DIECI CAFFE'.
> > STAMPA SUBITO QUESTO MESSAGGIO Ti servirà in futuro.
> > Tutto ciò che ti serve sono:
> > -6 banconote da 2.000 lire
> > -6 francobolli per lettera.
> > CHE COSA HAI DA PERDERE? Telo dico io N-I-E-N-T-E. Sarebbe da stupidi
> > non
> > provarci!!
> >
> > 1°PASSO:
> > Prendi 6 fogli di carta separati e scrivi ciò che segue:
> > Ora prendi le banconote da 2.000 Lire e mettine una in ognuno dei fogli
> > di
> > carta che hai preparato prima, opportunamente piegati in modo da non
> > rendere visibile la banconota dall' esterno (per evitare accidentali
> > furti).
> >
> > 2° PASSO:
> > Inserisci il foglio con la banconota da 2.000 lire in una busta e
> > chiudila
> > (fai lo stesso con gli altri 5 fogli).
> > Se non lo farai le tue possibilità di guadagno Si ridurrebbero
> > moltissimo.
> > Ciò che stai facendo e' OFFRIRE 6 CAFFE': PER QUESTO E' ASSOLUTAMENTE
> >
> > 3°PASS0:
> > Spedisci le 6 buste ai seguenti indirizzi:
> >
> > #1 Fabrizio La Monica
> > Via Villa Heloise 24
> > 90143 Palermo
> >
> > #2 Stefano Mocellin
> > Via Dei Passeri 5
> > 21029 Vergiate (VARESE)
> >
> > #3 Latini Davide
> > Via XX Settembre 33
> > 28010 Gargallo ( Novara )
> >
> > #4 Piero Odorici
> > Via G.Massarenti 96
> > 40138 Bologna
> >
>   #5 Tolomeo Stefano
>   via Panoramica 68
>   23020 Poggiridenti (Sondrio)
> >
> > #6 Alan Zettin
> > Via F. Denza 8
> > 34124 Trieste
> >
> > 4° PASSO:
> >
> > Ora cancella iI nominativo #1 dalla lista che vedi sopra, e sposta in
> > alto
> > gli altri nominativi (il #6 diventa #5 il, #5 diventa #4 ecc.) e
> > aggiungi il
> > tuo nominativo come #6 nella lista
> >
> > 5° PASSO:
> > Spedisci questo messaggio ricordando di inserire il tuo nome al #6 ad
> > almeno
> > 200 newsgroup(ce ne sono almeno 50.000 !!!!). Te ne bastano 200, e
> > perché
> > no, invia anche ad amici che hai in chat, ma ricorda più mail spedisci
> > più
> > ti arrivano soldi!!!!
> > Di 200 contatti con diversi newsgroup, ipotizziamo pessimisticamente
> > che tu
> > riceva solo 5 adesioni. Quindi con il tuo nome al #6 posto su ogni
> > messaggio
> > ricevi in tutto 10.000lire.
> > Ogni persona che ti ha spedito 2.000 lire spedisce anche lei 200
> > messaggi ad
> > altrettanti newsgroup, ciascuna con il tuo nome al #5 posto, supponendo
> > che
> > anche loro ricevano 5 adesioni,questa fase porta altre 50.000 lire a te.
> > Queste 25 persone fanno almeno 200 messaggi con il tuo nome al #4 posto
> > e
> > nelle medesime sfortunate persone solo 5 persone aderiscono questo ti
> > porta
> > altre 250.000 lire.
> > ora queste 125 persone continuano con la medesima procedura (il tuo
> > nominativo ora é¨ al #3 posto) ancora solo 5 adesioni ciò porta altre
> > 625
> > persone e quindi 1.250.000 lire a te!!!
> > Queste 625 persone spediscono 200 messaggi con il tuo nominativo al 2°
> > posto
> > questo ti porta altre 6.250.000 lirellI!
> > Infine queste 3125 persone scrivono 200 messaggi con il tuo nome al #1°
> > posto
> > e riceverai come prima 5 adesioni questo ti porta 31.250.000 lire !!!
> > tutto
> > con un investimento iniziale di solo 12.000 lire
> > e tutto ciò ipotizzando solo 5 adesioni che é¨ davvero un numero molto
> > basso
> > di solito sono 20-30 ;ora eccoti una media con 15 adesioni
> > al posto#6 30.000 lire al posto #5 450.000 lire al posto #4 6.750.000
> > lire al
> > posto#3 101.250.000 lire al posto#2 1.518.750.000 lire al posto #1
> > 22.781.750.000 lire
> >
> > TOTALE 23.008.480.000 LIRE INCREDIBILE! I!!!!! !!! ! !l!!
> > Senza sperare in tanta grazia. perché non provate a vedere se funziona??
> > questa catena conviene a me, a te, e a tutti quelli che leggono: in
> > pratica
> > tutti ci arricchiremo con sole 12.000 lire , 6 francobolli, E SENZA
> > (ma credo che tu l'abbia già fatto)
> > il meccanismo e' chiaro i ragionamenti sopra riportati sono
> > ineccepibili!!!
> > Che cosa sono poi 12.000 lire?? Sicuramente ti divertirai e avrai di
> > sicuro
> > molta più possibilità di fare soldi rispetto agli sconvenientissimi
> > giochi
> > statali.
> > poi non serve fortuna perché è un gioco puramente statistico
> >
> > Ma ricorda se vuoi che tutto funzioni devi essere ONESTO (anche perché
> > ce
> > n'è per tutti I!! cambiare le modalità porterebbe danno a te e agli
> > altri
> >
> > seguono due lettere per raccontarti di se che hanno provato:
> >
> > un giorno navigando leggo questo messaggio provo e dopo 4 settimane non
> > mi
> > ricordavo più del gioco fin quando arrivarono le prime buste e man mano
> > le
> > altre.Era incredibile posso dire di avere guadagnato sicuramente
> > 60.000.000
> > lire. adesso possiedo una nuova macchina e quest'estate sono stato in
> > vacanza in Australia wow!!!
> >
> > Sono un ragazzo di 37 anni e 15 gg fa ero un po' accorto di soldi e
> > essendo
> > un appassionato di comp. mi imbattei in questa lettera che diceva vuoi
> > vincere tanti soldi?? perché non provare..
> > e adesso ho un computer nuovissimo e mi avanzano ancora tanti soldi.
> >


From: Michael Samson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: SUSE 6.1 Permission differences between running a program from rc.d versus 
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 18:30:38 GMT

My problem occurs on SUSE 6.1 (and not on Redhat).

Are their any types of permission differences from running a program from
rc2.d as compared to running a program from the command line (while logged 
in as root)?

I am having a cu /dev/modem "/var/lock/tmpfile" access problem when my 
program runs during startup (from the rc2.d).  

If I kill the program and run it manually when logged in as root, the cu 
access problems disappear.

Does anybody have a clue to as what is going on?

Mike Samson

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Vito DeFilippo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need X-Windows help (resolution size)
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 16:25:45 GMT

The easiest tool to use that I've found is XF86Setup. It may have not
been installed with the default RedHat6.0 installation, but it's on the
cd, so you can install it if it's not on your system.

(e.g. rpm -Uvh

It may ask you to install the XFree86-VGA16- as well)

Then run XF86Setup (case sensitive command)

Go through the dialogues, with special attention to your card, chipset,
monitor, etc.

I would suggest choosing ONE resolution that you know is your favourite
(e.g. 24bit-800x600), and ignoring the rest. Every time I've tried more
that one choice, the virtual screen sizes kick in and mess everything
up. If you do insist on more than one choice, CTRL-ALT- plus/minus
should work. Perhaps you are forgetting to press Num Lock before hand. 

I'm sure there are others here that have sugestions on multiple
resolutions and dealing with virtual screen sizes. 

Hope this helps

Jason Nugent wrote:
> X-Windows starts all big and blocky like the resolution is set really low
> (640x480). I cant get to any of the menus or I cant
> seem to find the control panel to switch resolutions. Someone suggested
> CTRL-ALT- plus/minus to change resolutions, but that doesnt do anything. A
> friend showed me how to use VI to edit my XF86config file, but I must not be
> doing it right because it still looks messed up. I cant believe I've put
> this much time into just trying to simply change my resolution. My video
> card is a Diamond Viper 770 (detected during setup)....During setup I chose
> the following for video choices.....
> 8bit 1024X768    24bit-800x600        32bit 640x480


From: Simon Kool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ISDN success?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 19:48:53 GMT

I use RH60 and have an ASUSCOM external ISDN adapter. I had problems
hooking up when I used the old pppd (the one that came with RH52), but
it works perfect now.

With the 'demand' and 'ilde 60' added to my ppp/options file and with
junkbuster and squid I think I get the maximum benefit from my slow?
ISDN line. Theese also bring down your phone charges a bit.

Hope it helps...

Simon Kool

 ) (
( Y )

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 8/5/99, 7:04:07 PM, "Aaron Dershem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
regarding ISDN success?:

> I'm looking into ISDN at home.  I can't get xDSL or cable modem, so it=

> like this is the only high-speed option for me.  What kinds of
> has anyone had?  Also, if you can recommend any hardware that is
> with SouthWestern Bell (my local baby-bell), that'd be even better.

> I'll be connecting it (I hope) to my Red Hat 5.2 box running the 2.2.6=

> kernel.  This is so I can use ipchains to masquerade a Mac and a Win98=

> computer.

> Thanks for any help on the road to fast surfing!


From: "Brian E. Seppanen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/sgalaxy.o error
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 12:21:24 -0400

I'm installing redhat on an old P90 Packard Bell machine, that has a
soundcard based on the aztech chipset,  which works fine with Windows.  I
believe windows recognizes the card as a galaxy card.  I copied all of the
information from the windows setup.  I ran redhat's soundconfig, and plugged
in the values.   Now I get the following error
    /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/sgalaxy.o error
    invalid paramater mpu_io.

I'm passing the value of io=0x330 to mpu_io, but for some reason it doesn't
accept that argument.  Why?  Soundconfig specifically requests the io for
the MPU, so why would it request it if the module won't accept that

Any ideas?   I'd appreciate any assistance on getting this to work.

Brian Seppanen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug DeJulio)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Must root and swap partitions be primary?
Date: 6 Aug 1999 11:58:29 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Duy D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>You *can* put LILO on a logical partition, but not an extended partition.  You
>can't write data to an extended partition.

I should be more clear.

You've got a primary IDE disk on your first controller
(/dev/hda). Let's say you've got a primary partition at partition
slot 1 (/dev/hda1), and an extended partition at partition slot 2
(/dev/hda2).  The extended partition contains two logical volumes
(/dev/hda5 and /dev/hda6).

You make /dev/hda5 your root partition, and /dev/hda6 your "/home"

You don't want LILO to write the boot block in your MBR, and you've
got BeOS on /dev/hda1, so you can't tamper with that.

Your lilo.conf should contain these lines:


The data LILO is using is on the logical volume.  The boot block that
LILO is writing is on the extended partition itself.

Then you use a Linux fdisk-like tool to make /dev/hda2 the active
partition.  Many tools won't do this, but if you do it, it'll work.

Look at this output from Linux's "fdisk":

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 784 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1             1       522   4192933+   7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hda2           601       783   1469947+  83  Linux
/dev/hda3           523       600    626535    5  Extended
/dev/hda4           784       784      8032+  83  Linux
/dev/hda5           523       530     64228+  83  Linux
/dev/hda6           531       540     80293+  83  Linux
/dev/hda7           541       550     80293+  83  Linux

Command (m for help): a
Partition number (1-7): 3
WARNING: Partition 3 is an extended partition

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 784 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1             1       522   4192933+   7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hda2           601       783   1469947+  83  Linux
/dev/hda3   *       523       600    626535    5  Extended
/dev/hda4           784       784      8032+  83  Linux
/dev/hda5           523       530     64228+  83  Linux
/dev/hda6           531       540     80293+  83  Linux
/dev/hda7           541       550     80293+  83  Linux

Command (m for help): 

It will boot, and I've used systems configured this way.  It's not for
novices though.

You can't make "/dev/hda5" the target for LILO's boot block.  Here's
an excerpt from LILO's own documentation:

The LILO boot sector is designed to be usable as a partition boot sector. 
(I.e. there is room for the partition table.) Therefore, the LILO boot 
sector can be stored at the following locations:

  - boot sector of a Linux floppy disk. (/dev/fd0, ...) 
  - MBR of the first hard disk. (/dev/hda, /dev/sda, ...) 
  - boot sector of a primary Linux file system partition on the first hard 
    disk. (/dev/hda1, ...) 
  - partition boot sector of an extended partition on the first hard disk. 
    (/dev/hda1, ...)* 

  *  Most FDISK-type programs don't believe in booting from an extended 
    partition and refuse to activate it. LILO is accompanied by a simple 
    program (activate) that doesn't have this restriction. Linux fdisk also 
    supports activating extended partitions.

It _can't_ be stored at any of the following locations:

  - boot sector of a non-Linux floppy disk or primary partition. 
  - a Linux swap partition. 
  - boot sector of a logical partition in an extended partition.* 
  - on the second hard disk. (Unless for backup installations, if the 
    current first disk will be removed or disabled, or if some other boot 
    loader is used, that is capable of loading boot sectors from other 

  *  LILO can be forced to put the boot sector on such a partition by using 
    the  -b  option or the BOOT variable. However, only few programs that 
    operate as master boot records support booting from a logical 

> You can have only one extended partition on a disk, and I'm pretty
> sure you can have more than four logical partitions within the
> extended partition.  1 extended partition + 3 primary partitions = 4
> primary partitions.

I was pretty sure I had set up multiple extended partitions in the
past, but I can't reproduce it now, and I can reproduce more than 4
logical volumes within an extended partition -- so, I *was* wrong on
this point.  Sorry.
Doug DeJulio      | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
HKS, Incorporated |


From: Patrick M. Geahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need X-Windows help (resolution size)
Date: 6 Aug 1999 16:45:43 GMT

Jason Nugent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Well, I've had about 4days of experience after installing LINUX on my P300
: at home (now a dual boot w/ Win98)
: I've put about four hours into just trying to get X-Windows working. We're
: talking about Redhat 6.0 and Gnome/KDE

: 8bit 1024X768    24bit-800x600        32bit 640x480

IIRC, X-Windows always starts with the lowest resolution when you specify
more then one.  If you're only gonna use one, only specify that one.
Hwever, you can change resolutions on the fly.  I believe the key
combination is "ctrl-alt-+", which should change your 32-bit 640x480 to
24bit 800x600.  Hope this helps.  Let me know if I can help you anymore.


=======Patrick M [EMAIL PROTECTED]=======ICQ:3784715==========
USENET Quote of the Week:  "who makes the best Linux?  Microsoft?" - JY on


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Coy A Hile)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: I think I have a convert IF....
Date: 6 Aug 1999 14:41:20 -0400

In article <7oe1kn$p85$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jeff Silverman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a customer who has a laptop computer and I am trying and failing to install 
>Windoze on it.
>I talked him into trying Linux on it ... IF... I can find a program which will run 
>under Linux which
>will convert between HTML and MS-Word/97 DOC formats.
>SO.... does anybody know where I can find a program that will run under Linux that 
>converts between
>HTML and MS-Word/97?
i think something like staroffice might do the job you want to.  at least, 
it will read/write  office 97 file formats.

Coy Hile
"Theirs not to reason why; theirs but to do...."
Tennyson, "Charge of the Light Brigade"


From: "Gilbert Groehn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Trouble Loading SVGA Driver in Linux 6.1
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 14:36:15 -0400

I have made my first iinstall of Linux (SuSE 6.1) on
one of my older computers, a 90 Mhz Pentium with 1 Gig HD and
32 Mg Ram, which I am using to try to learn Linux.

I used a configuration (SuSE Default) which takes up about
700 Mg odf HD space for the primary partition.

Everything installed fine including the LILO boot system with the
exception that I can not get the correct video driver loaded.
The system loaded the default VGA16 Video server and it will not
allow me to go into xwindows.  Many errors are shown when I us
'startX'.   I have tried all possible combinations of resolutions,
etc. to no avail.

My question is:

How do I simply load xvga from the CD rom (its on Disk 1)
to my /etc/XF486Config file  ???

I tried to do this in YaST but to no avail.

Thanks for any help someone may be able to furnish.

Gil Groehn



From: "Gordon D. Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: lpr -Got to be simple -- but?
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 16:53:52 GMT

When I enter lpr from anywhere, with or without the filename,
I get "lpr:unable to get official name for local machine".

These words seem simple but what the heck do they mean?  The
machine name is everywhere and if it doesn't like that name,
shouldn't it be able to use "localhost"?  If this means the
name of the printer, that is defined in /etc/printcap.  Have
I missed some other configuration file somewhere?  Thanks.


From: Robert Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.linux.sux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: What I think of linux.
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 10:07:50 -0700

33, first used apple II, first owned Tandy Color Computer (I still have
it somewhere), next was a comodore 64, then a line of pc clones, started
linux about 2 years ago (and I am not a Computer Sci geek, I am a
Liberal Arts/Socal Studies kind of person).

> > > > You're right, somewhat.  I would be curious as to the average age of Linux
> > > > users.  I'm 34.  First computer I ever had my hands on was a Commodore PET.

Robert Crawford
Linux and vi, the choice powertools of the next century.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Greer)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: users can't mount cdrom
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 18:03:28 GMT

On 5 Aug 1999 03:39:13 GMT, Daniel Forester

>In comp.os.linux.misc Jeff Greer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: I like Linux, but setting up some things is a complete waste of
>: time.  I am not interested in knowing how to make my cdrom
>: mountable by guests.  There should be a standard script to handle
>: this.
>: --
>: Jeff Greer
>: B.S. computer science, University of MO - Rolla
>Yeah, so this isn't meant to be a flame or anything, but if you think
>there "really should be a standard script... blah blah blah", and, "I'm
>not interested in knowing how to make my CDROM mountable by guests...."
>This strikes me as odd.  ESPECIALLY as a CS major, shouldn't you care a
>LITTLE about this stuff?  Don't they teach the process, and not the final

I do care about knowing how to do this, but not when it takes me
more than an hour to figure it out and there is no standard way
to do it.  There are a lot of interesting things in computer
science and this involves Linux too, but I don't have the time to
learn the details of every single little thing.  Sometimes I like
for something to work in a standard with a standard configuration
and not thinking about it.  Learning the details of everything
takes far too much time.  Although interesting it would probably
take ten years since I do not have a photographic memory.

I am not lazy or stupid.  I am just more interested in doing
other things in other areas of computer science than setting up
and configuring hardware.  I hate system administration, but I
like application programming and graphics.  I do not need to be
an expert system admin to become an expert in application
programming and graphics.

There is a saying about Linux:  Linux is only free if your time
is worthless.  This is absolutely true.  I spend far too much
time configuring things that could be more standardized.  My time
is not worthless and neither is anybody else's.

Linux has a long way to go to be useful as a desktop OS, but I
believe it can get there real quickly if more people realize it
needs major improvements in the desktop arena.  In any case linux
will get there.
Jeff Greer
B.S. computer science, University of MO - Rolla
Windows NT has crashed,
I am the Blue Screen of Death,
No one hears your screams...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chetan Ahuja)
Subject: Cyrix MII processor
Date: 6 Aug 1999 18:42:24 GMT

   Are there any known issues with the Cyrix MII processors running linux?
I am noticing strange breakdowns of bzip2 decompressions using the
tomsrtbt distro ( its a small floppy based distribution) on a machine 
with Cyrix MII 300,  48 MB RAM and no swap. ( But I think bzip2 works with
a block at a time and hence doesn't require much RAM right ??) The file I
am decompressing is rather large ( about 40 Megs) 

 I'll run more experiments with different sized files later but  I just
wanted to check whether there's  a commonly known problem with this
I have checked the bzipped file and it expands OK using another machine
 with a Celeron. The Cyrix  processor seems to work OK in other respects.
 I don't know whether the tomsrtbt has ben compiled with p5 or p6 
optimizations or not. But even if it was, aren't the latest Cyrix and AMD 
processors instruction by instructions compatible with the Intel p5/p6 




From: fred anger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: m68k Cross Compilers for Linux?
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 18:08:42 GMT

Hi.  I'm trying to find m68k cross compilers for Linux.  I know that
GCC/EGCS can be configured as cross compilers, but my company also
wants to evaluate commercial products.  If anyone knows of any
commercial m68k cross compilers that run on Linux, please reply (email
or post here, I'll find it).  Thank you for your time.

  fred anger

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Jim Hendry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Weird, maybe non-linux problem
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 17:16:39 GMT

I use LILO to boot between Win98 and RH6.0.

Anytime I install a windows program that needs to reboot the machine, weird
things happen.  When the computer reboots, it confuses the mouse and
keyboard.  When LILO comes up I cannot type in which OS I want, and it
defaults to Linux.  Even after Linux is booted up, pressing keys on the
keyboard causes the console mouse cursor to appear, and moving and clicking
the mouse causes keypresses.  They are both PS/2 port devices.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?  It is a very consistent
problem.  It's just kind of a pain, not really important (I just need to
power down to fix it).

Any help would be appreciated.



Subject: Re: Power Failures & Linux ?
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 17:12:32 GMT

Two things to keep in mind.

Today machines have traditionally more memory and larger caches on the
disk drive than in previous years.

These can both lead to more disk problems on power outages.  The more
the system keeps in memory, the more data you will lose.

I have personally been having large issues with a dell 6300 with 1 gig
of ram and a 32 meg caching controller.  On a power failer (the ups was
not hooked up yet, my fault) we took tremendous file damage (30-40
samba users).  I was forced to go to single user and manually fix most
of my partitions.  I also answered all the default questions (not
really knowing what else to do) and ended up losing (yes losing) lots
of files.  And not just stuff that was recently being used.  I am
guessing the fixing process ended up cross linking files.  I had some
users that said their file was still there, but it was now different!!
So a UPS is not a bad idea, they are getting cheaper and cheaper.

- Patrick

In article <ellq3.373$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Gordon D. Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know about uninterruptable power supplies but can't go
> there just yet.  My question is:
> For a single-user home system, just how serious are power
> failures?  There have been several outages lately and my
> system always seems to recover, though it takes a little
> time.  I know that I can lose data not yet stored, but is
> there any danger to applications or to the set-up of Linux
> or X ?    Thanks.

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From: nospam@nospam!.kom (Steve Nospam)
Subject: Evergreen Spectra Processor Upgrade and Linux?
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 17:21:42 GMT

Has anyone had any experience with the Evergreen Spectra Pentium
processor upgrade running under Linux?  I am considering this in
conjunction with the soon to be available 400 MHz model, but am
curious if anyone has had any problems with Linux with kernel 2.2 (or
anything else). 


*The only thing certain about the future is that it hasn't happened yet.*


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Printing on Linux
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 14:18:35 -0500

K Kal wrote:
> Linux Gurus,
>      Does anyone know how to configure a printer on LINUX??  All I know
> is the printer's IP address.  Can anyone help?
> I have RedHat6.0
> I've downloaded a printcap file which I place in the /etc directory.
> This seems to do the job only when I print from the console, i.e.:
> lpr <filename>
> but in ineffective when I try to print from applications like
> StarOffice.
> K.Kal
> --
> /**************
> Keep On Smiling
> **************/
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

You should be able to configure either a local or remote
printer using printtool.

Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208



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