Linux-Misc Digest #493, Volume #21               Sat, 21 Aug 99 23:13:08 EDT

  Double Vision in X, PLEASE HELP ! ("Allix")
  Re: Boot crashes at module dependancies.
  Re: *nix vs. MS security
  Re: getting gcc to work (Adrian Hands)
  high speed floating point coprocessor
  Re: How to stop screen blanking? (Adrian Hands)
  Re: anyone certified? (Leonard Evens)
  installation error (Douglas Nusbaum)
  Re: getting gcc to work (Adrian Hands)
  Re: ICQ?? (Frank v Waveren)
  Re: where?   Re: mem leak in 2.2.11 (John Doe)
  Re: Help! cfdisk messed up partition table (Leonard Evens)
  Re: getting gcc to work (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Synchronizing cmos clock with timeserver? ("Jeff Grossman")


From: "Allix" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Double Vision in X, PLEASE HELP !
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 21:08:53 -0400

I get this odd double vision problem with X when I try to go into 8, 16, 24,
and 32 bit modes when i configure my SIS 620 to work in higher resolutions
(to do that i had to edit my /etc/X11/XF86Config file and enter : Option
"nobitblt"). I am using Redhat Linux 6.0 and can't seem to find out why the
problem occurs. Its like my display is split into two pieces, where one
display overlap the other slightly to the right. The displays gets
progressively more seperated as i move into higher resolutions such as 24
and 32 bits. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,
Subject: Re: Boot crashes at module dependancies.
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 20:54:20 -0400

I'm not sure if this applies to you, but in RedHat 5.2, the rc.sysinit
script looked for a file called .rhkmvtag (that is, RedHat Kernel
Module Version TAG) in each kernel version specific subdirectory of
/lib/modules.  IOW, you need to do "cat /proc/version >
/lib/modules/<currently running kernel version>/.rhkmvtag".  For
example, if you're currently running version 2.2.10, do "cat
/proc/version > /lib/modules/2.2.10/.rhkmvtag".  If you need to make
this file for a different version, just do "cat /proc/version >
/lib/modules/<new kernel version>/.rhkmvtag" and edit it to match the
version of that kernel.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Edward C. wrote:
>I've just recompiled my kernel (2.2.5) on my RedHat6.0 system for the first
>time.  When it's booting up, it get's stuck at "Finding module dependancies"
>after a little disk-reading.  I did 'make modules' and 'make
>modules_install' when recompiling, and also 'depmod -a'.
>Does anyone know what the problem might be?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.questions,
Subject: Re: *nix vs. MS security
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 20:17:24 -0400

Tell this instructor to pull Bill Gates' c*ck out of his ass and get a
clue.  Microsoft OSes are buggy and crash-vulnerable, which makes them
very insecure.  Everyone knows that it takes months for M$ to patch
holes in their software.  OTOH, open source software can be fixed by
anyone who knows how to program (and who knows what the bug is), so
patches are often available within days.  And as far as the size of
the company goes, that's irrelevant, but I'm almost positive he's
wrong.  Small size companies don't have the money to hire a really
good sysadmin, so they hire a 2-bit MCSE wannabe, and install Windoze
on all their stuff.  Big companies would want to use Unix, because
it's MUCH more scalable, and is actually made for multiple
simultaneous users, unlike NT.


In article <T1Eu3.4862$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Christopher Lu wrote:
>I'm taking a class on operating systems.  During the last class, the
>instructor mentioned that *nices are less reliable and less secure than
>Microsoft OS's.  His reasoning is that because *nices (espeically linux) is
>free and everyone has access to it, it's less secure.  Random people can
>hack into a *nix system easier because they can figure out the interrupts
>and stuff, since it's a free OS.
>I questioned the fact that the majority of servers on the internet use some
>flavor or *nix.  He answered saying that only small size companies use *nix.
>Everyone else uses something more secure (he meant MS I'm assuming).
>I wanted to know what everyone here thinks about this.  I'm a firm believer
>thatn *nix is a very stable, secure system.  Granted I haven't had a whole
>lot of experience dealing with *nix but everything I've seen/read/heard has
>led me to that conclusion.  But being naive when it came to *nix I was
>unable to counter my instructor with anything substantial.


From: Adrian Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: getting gcc to work
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 20:36:38 -0400

"Bruce A. Wade" wrote:
> I just installed Linux (RH6) successfully.  A short program to test
> gcc returns an error that ld can't find the file crt1.o
> (This file is missing, as find tells me).  Should it be somewhere?
> If so, what do I do?
> Thanks for the help!
> (e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

By the way, FYI: "crt" in this case refers to "C RunTime" (not
cathode-ray tube).


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: high speed floating point coprocessor
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 00:30:53 GMT

Would it be possible to utilize a 3dfx 3d-accelerator as
a high speed floating point coprocessor, not necessarily 
for displaying anything?


==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Adrian Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: How to stop screen blanking?
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 21:14:01 -0400

"Steve L." wrote:
> OS: RedHat Linux
> My screen blanks every 10 minutes of no activity.
> This is only a screen blanking...not a BIOS issue...BIOS has
> power saving completely disabled.
> 1. How do I increase the time until it blanks the screen?
> 2. How do I turn off "screen blanking" completely?
> Thanks
> respond here or via email to

I'm using a mirage Z-100 video card.
In both Windows and Linux it goes to a black & white checkered pattern
if I leave it alone for a few minutes.  I think this is some power-save
mode built into the card.  There may be software on the diskettes that
came with the card to configure this, but I found that if I run
xscreensaver, the problem goes away...well I guess they symptoms go
away, but that's good enuf for me!


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: anyone certified?
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 20:03:51 -0500

Charles M wrote:
> In article <7pmpn8$3f5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Lye Nooks"
> <> says...
> > I'm very interested in studying for Linux certificate exam. I know there is
> > a certificate for Redhat, and also a separate certificate shown at the
> > website
> >
> > Is there good textbooks specialized on studying for linux certificate exams?
> >
> > If there's anybody who's certified, how difficult was it (like comparing
> > with MSCE)?
> >
> > Just like there are tons of books on MSCE exams, I've been searching for one
> > for linux exam, but can't find any.  I passed MCSE+I exams basically by
> > studying those types of books (with hands on works, of course). I'm sure
> > linux certificate will be very big in the near future. I would think that
> > there are such books available....
> >
> > Thanks
> Personally, I think the idea of Linux certification is distastefull and
> a really bad idea if it catches on. Unix has never worked that way, its a
> learn by doing and doing well method. The current certification process
> is IMHO a racket designed to make big bucks for the certifiers (MS is
> real big in this) and make it easy for incompetent human resource
> placement people. Its becomming more and more common for quick, no
> experience neccessary, trainees to gain a slip of paper whose sole
> purpose is to improve their marketability at the expense of their
> qualifications.
> Sorry, I know this really does nothing to answer your answer and I don't
> mean this to be an attrack on you or your skills, which may be quite good
> as far as I know. I'm just sick of the whole certification business and
> had to get that off my chest.
However, if people are going to propose to certify people, it
would be a good idea for some of us to try to keep them honest
by reviewing what they provide.   I tried to check
the web site referred to in the posting, but it is `under
construction' and does not really appear to exist.

But I do agree the idea is distasteful.

Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Douglas Nusbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: installation error
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 18:31:20 -0600

Please bear with me while I foam (flame)  I contacted red hat and after
a week of essentially pointless communications was told that they do not

support red hat, but that the version I purchased  - the one that says
red hat on the box - is supported by MacMillan.  Someone needs to advise

these people that they are NOT MICROSOFT.
You would think that Red Hat would help, if for no other reason then to
find out what is causing a particular problem;  in this case, not being
able to load the boot sector.

I contacted [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the answer I received back was
from someone who had quite obviously not read my e-mail since they
suggested something that was 1 irrelevant to my system configuration,
and that 2, I stated I had already tried (just in case it had been

PLEASE HELP  I can not get the boot sector to load.

So here is the problem. At Lilo Installation I select Master Boot Record

(I only have Linux on the system though I did create a dos partition)
 At OK, I bypass the options, and do not use and leave use linear
 mode unchecked (checking it made no difference)  I press OK and then go

 to Bootable Partitions  screen.  There I choose the default Linux. this

 is device /dev/hda1 Linux Native

Pressing OK there takes me to the very  informative (NOT!!) Error
screen. that tells me that an error has occurred and I can retry, go to
a menu or previous.
 I have tried various variations of this all to no avail. Also Alt F2
 through F5 are of little use - make that NO use.  How about some help
 here??  I am working on a compaq pentium 75, 16 meg, kernel 2.0.36-0.7
 first datazone:23 root inode number 47104 > Doug Nusbaum 303 224 2118

Does anyone have any ideas?  Please, I really would like to get this
installed, and have been stymied for over two weeks now.  This is
beginning to appear to not only be not user friendly, but downright user


If you send me a phone number I will call you if I need further help.


From: Adrian Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: getting gcc to work
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 20:35:37 -0400

"Bruce A. Wade" wrote:
> I just installed Linux (RH6) successfully.  A short program to test
> gcc returns an error that ld can't find the file crt1.o
> (This file is missing, as find tells me).  Should it be somewhere?
> If so, what do I do?

/usr/lib/crt1.o is part of the glibc-devel package.
Make sure you've installed the development packages.

Do this:
# rpm -Uhv /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/glibc-devel*.rpm

[adrian@india adrian]$ ls -l /usr/lib/crt*.o
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         8460 Apr 16 18:48 /usr/lib/crt1.o
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         1124 Apr 16 18:48 /usr/lib/crti.o
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root          874 Apr 16 18:48 /usr/lib/crtn.o
[adrian@india adrian]$ rpm -qf /usr/lib/crt1.o
[adrian@india adrian]$ rpm -qi glibc-devel
Name        : glibc-devel                  Relocations: (not
Version     : 2.1.1                             Vendor: Red Hat Software
Release     : 6                             Build Date: Fri Apr 16
18:50:24 1999
Install date: Thu May 13 00:02:53 1999      Build Host:
Group       : Development/Libraries         Source RPM:
Size        : 33658813                         License: LGPL
Packager    : Red Hat Software <>
Summary     : Additional libraries required to compile
Description :
To develop programs which use the standard C libraries (which nearly all
programs do), the system needs to have these standard header files and
files available for creating the executables.
[adrian@india adrian]$


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank v Waveren)
Subject: Re: ICQ??
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 02:31:44 GMT

In article <gQBv3.8326$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Christopher Lu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Kicq, is very similar to the Mirabilis ICQ, don't think it works with AOL
>> IM
> Does Kicq work with mirabillis ICQ? (also owned by AOL, along with their
> other IM)
Yes, otherwise there wouldn't be much sense to it  :-). I personally recommend
licq, make sure you get a 0.71? version... They're way better than the
0.6? 's

                        Frank v Waveren
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        ICQ# 10074100


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Doe)
Crossposted-To: redhat.kernel.general,redhat.general
Subject: Re: where?   Re: mem leak in 2.2.11
Date: 21 Aug 1999 21:50:04 -0500

On 18 Aug 1999 01:40:14 GMT, Cameron L. Spitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, William Burrow wrote:
>>On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 17:30:52 GMT,
>>Steven Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>has anyone had any problems with getting out of mem errors and machine
>>>crashing with kernel 2.2.11, if so is there a known fix or is the fix not
>>>using 2.2.11 :)!!
>>What is it with ^M at the end of people's messages nowadays?  
>Comes from editing in MS-DOS and its derivatives, and then posting with
>a broken newsreader.
>>Anyway, yes, there is a severe memory leak with 2.2.11 for some people.
>>Best to back down to an earlier version until 2.2.12 comes out.
>>See the Linux Threads page for info:
>The only mention of a leak I saw there was
>Only affects folks who make lots of ipchains changes.
>Is there another one?  I just made 2.2.11 and now I'm all worried.

I don't have any leak whatsoever.  btw netscape leaks all the time...
since version ?? regardless of kernel version.


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help! cfdisk messed up partition table
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 20:18:57 -0500

> Hi all,
>    When writing a new partition using cfdisk, I got a "Fatal error..."
> and was not able to use either cfdisk or fdisk to that disk. Though
> the existing partitions are still there and can boot linux, starting
> cfdisk -z /dev/hdb (the messed up disk) shows the whole disk almost
> totally empty (one big chunk).
>    Would appreciate suggestions that could rescue the partition
> table (I know, that I should write down the table before writing,
> sigh; and should do this in single user mode, ...) but the question
> now is how to get the table back.
>    Thanks in advance.
> Pinwu
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

The partition information is kept in the master boot record
of the disk under consideration; i.e. the first 512 byte sector.
If you have a copy of that somewhere, you can copy it back
with dd.

But I think you may be out of luck.  As best I can tell,
nothing keeps a copy of the MBR if you don't.   When you
run lilo, it does make a backup copy of the sector in which you
put the lilo boot loader, which it places in /boot.
But if you only ever put lilo in the MBR of /dev/hda,
that presumably wouldn't help you.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: getting gcc to work
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 20:26:15 -0500

"Bruce A. Wade" wrote:
> I just installed Linux (RH6) successfully.  A short program to test
> gcc returns an error that ld can't find the file crt1.o
> (This file is missing, as find tells me).  Should it be somewhere?
> If so, what do I do?
> Thanks for the help!
> (e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
> --
> ********************************************************************************
> Bruce A. Wade, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
> University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, PO Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413
> (414) 229-5103, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], WWW:, Amateur
> Radio: N9UR

I'm not sure what ctrl.o is.  I've been running and using gcc on at
least four computers with RH6.0 installed without problems.
locate ctrl.o 
on the computer I'm on now does not find it.  If it isn't something
created with your test program, it might be something that should
be in a standard library.   Perhaps you should give us more
details such as the program you are testing with.

Also if you figure out what your problem is, let me know since
I'd like to understand this.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: "Jeff Grossman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Synchronizing cmos clock with timeserver?
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 18:15:11 -0700

It is not letting me do it.  I am putting net time \\ip address of linux box
/s /y and it comes back with an error saying it can't find the machine.


Jeff Grossman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Cowles, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I also use rdate to set my Linux box time using cron. On my Windows
> I use the following command to set their time against the Linux box. The
> "net" command comes with every version of Windows I'm aware of.
> net time \\linuxbox /s /y
> Steve Cowles
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > >> /usr/bin/rdate -s
> >
> > I'm using RedHat 5.1 on a server right now, and wonder how, if I run
> > this 'rdate' command when the server dials into its ISP to grab mail,
> > can I get the Windoze boxes on the network to set their time from the
> > Linux server?
> >
> > In the past, I've used a Windoze utility called D4 but it's overkill
> > for what I need (I think).
> >
> > Can I get Linux to broadcast the time on an SNTP port or something?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >



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