Linux-Misc Digest #577, Volume #21               Sun, 29 Aug 99 03:13:09 EDT

  Re: This is why RH 6.0 really sucks! (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: XVIEW FOR RH6.0 (Dutch Van Horn)
  Re: Blackbox :: Blackbox : connection to Xserver failed (Perry Pip)
  rm cpu time (Robin Becker)
  Re: Blackbox :: Blackbox : connection to Xserver failed (letdown)
  inews error - No such newsgroup (Scott Post)
  Re: Blackbox :: Blackbox : connection to Xserver failed (letdown)
  Re: This is why RH 6.0 really sucks! ("L. Friedman")
  Re: inews error - No such newsgroup (Conrad Sabatier)
  new to linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: REAL PLAYER in LINUX. Which ver. (Peter Thatcher)
  Re: This is why RH 6.0 really sucks! (Andrew Onifer)
  Re: This is why RH 6.0 really sucks! (Jack Zhu)
  Re: My Linux crashes more often than M$ (Robert Heller)
  Re: Eavesdropping on a serial port? (Collin W. Hitchcock)
  Multiple-OS Waveblaster II problem (Ken Arromdee)
  Re: COMPLETE system LOCKUP Mandrake 6 ("William B. Cattell")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: This is why RH 6.0 really sucks!
Date: 29 Aug 1999 01:00:39 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jack Zhu wrote:
> Paul Kimoto wrote:
>>> 'System map don't match'
>> This warning message is issued by klogd(8), and IS NOT SERIOUS.
>> I suggest that you read the appropriate man page.
> I know this msg is not serious, is nothing. But I think at least RH company
> doesn't want you upgrade kernel.

Oh, really, what should they do?  Should they hack klogd so that it 
doesn't look for  Should they not ship at all?

>>> I don't need useless fancy things, I only need
>>> the pure Linux.
>> What do you mean by "pure"?  Linux is a kernel.  You can get that from
> I mean 'pure' means just follow the basic Linux community idea(such as it does
> have a 'resolv.conf' file), don't try to add stupid RH stuff into RH package.
> I heard Slackware is the best in this point.

Maybe Slackware looks more traditional because it does not move so quickly
on things like glibc.  Red Hat seems to support the Linux Software Base
(; Slackware has apparently been more doubtful
about it.  The LSB is _supposed_ to help out with minimizing gratutious
variations between distributions.

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Dutch Van Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XVIEW FOR RH6.0
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 22:48:38 -0700

"R.K.Aa" wrote:

> Dutch Van Horn wrote:
> >
> > Can anyone point me in the direction for xview for rh6.0.  I have looked
> > all over and to no avail.
> You find it in the PowerTools dir at RedHat ftp site and the various
> mirrors
> Here's one link, at least:
> K.
> --
> Step by step guide to TrueType fonts under RedHat6:
>              To E-mail, delete "spam"

Thanks a lot


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Perry Pip)
Subject: Re: Blackbox :: Blackbox : connection to Xserver failed
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 05:41:44 GMT

On 29 Aug 1999 04:49:11 GMT, bobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm running Red Hat 6 on a pentium 100. I recently installed Blackbox
>0.50.5 by - ./configure - make - make install - make clean ..
>Then rebooted into user mode not super user(this mode can't find blackbox)
>and typed blackbox in my home directory and got an response ".. connection
>to X server failed".
>How can this be if the installation had no problem at all? I didn't even
>need to type ./configure --includeDIR=*** or --libDIR=*** as ./configure
>was able to find them.
>The blackbox directory is in /home/themes/blackbox-0.50.5
Black box is a window manager, it runs with an X-window server. Normally,
you should put a command to run it in your .xinitrc and then use startx to
start your X-server and window manager



From: Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: rm cpu time
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 13:57:21 +0100

I'm using RH 6.0 with 2.2.11 and notice that it takes quite a long time
for rm cdimage.raw when cdimage.raw is a large file ie 580Mb. I always
thought that cleaning up the file system and so on were handled in the
background somewhere under the hood. Is that not true?
Robin Becker


From: letdown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Blackbox :: Blackbox : connection to Xserver failed
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 21:23:50 -0400

bobs wrote:

> Hi
> I'm running Red Hat 6 on a pentium 100. I recently installed Blackbox
> 0.50.5 by - ./configure - make - make install - make clean ..
> Then rebooted into user mode not super user(this mode can't find blackbox)
> and typed blackbox in my home directory and got an response ".. connection
> to X server failed".
> How can this be if the installation had no problem at all? I didn't even
> need to type ./configure --includeDIR=*** or --libDIR=*** as ./configure
> was able to find them.
> The blackbox directory is in /home/themes/blackbox-0.50.5
> Any ideas will be given a try.
> bye

add this to your .xinitrc file:    exec blackbox
then run startx


From: Scott Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: athome.users-unix,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: inews error - No such newsgroup
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 19:12:23 GMT

I just switched from a modem based ISP to cable based.  I had
previously been maintaining a local news spool via suck, but now
that I have a fast connection I'd prefer to read directly from
my ISP's news server.  That works just fine using trn with
NNTPSERVER set.  The problem is I can't post.  It looks like trn
uses Pnews to compose a post then sends it to inews for posting.
I'm using inews-1.7-4 and when I try posting it hangs for several
seconds then says "No such newsgroup as athome.test".  I can read
the newsgroup, so I know it exists.

The inews man page is pretty sparse, so I can't figure out what's
happening.  How does inews go about figuring out if a newsgroup exists
or not?  How does it know what news server to connect to (I'm assuming
it uses the NNTPSERVER environmental variable).

Any help would be appreciated.



From: letdown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Blackbox :: Blackbox : connection to Xserver failed
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 21:25:47 -0400

bobs wrote:

> Hi
> I'm running Red Hat 6 on a pentium 100. I recently installed Blackbox
> 0.50.5 by - ./configure - make - make install - make clean ..
> Then rebooted into user mode not super user(this mode can't find blackbox)
> and typed blackbox in my home directory and got an response ".. connection
> to X server failed".
> How can this be if the installation had no problem at all? I didn't even
> need to type ./configure --includeDIR=*** or --libDIR=*** as ./configure
> was able to find them.
> The blackbox directory is in /home/themes/blackbox-0.50.5
> Any ideas will be given a try.
> bye

oh, and make sure to remove your other window manager from your .xinitrc
file, for example - exec fvwm (remove this line)


From: "L. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: This is why RH 6.0 really sucks!
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 01:31:20 -0400

Jack Zhu wrote:
> Paul Kimoto wrote:
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jack Zhu wrote:
> > > 3. When I try to upgrade to kernel 2.2.11, the boot warning message is
> > > like 'System map don't match'. Does RH force their customers only stick
> > > with Kernel 2.2.5?
> >
> > This warning message is issued by klogd(8), and IS NOT SERIOUS.
> > I suggest that you read the appropriate man page.  By the way, you
> > could have learned this by reading these newsgroups for a week or so,
> > or by using the Deja archives.
> I know this msg is not serious, is nothing. But I think at least RH company
> doesn't want you upgrade kernel.

Oh sure.  RH wants everyone to never upgrade anything, even if a bug fix
is necessary.  Please come back to something known as reality.

> I also find out that RH likes to invent some
> stupid stuff. For examples: everyone know there's a 'resolv.conf' file, and it
> exists in RH 5.0, but in 6.0, RH uses other file to replace it. I think this
> is very good example to show how stupid RH is. I mean, it's not RH 'invent'
> linux, it's just a distributor.

Exactly.  If you dislike the distribution, then use a different one.  To
come screaming into several newsgroups about how you think a distro is
poor quality just because you can't get your 3rd party software to
install as easily as you'd hoped.

> > > 4.Compare Slackware 4.0 and RH 6.0, which one is better? I never get
> > > chance to try Slackware. I don't need useless fancy things, I only need
> > > the pure Linux.
> >
> > What do you mean by "pure"?  Linux is a kernel.  You can get that from
> >
> I mean 'pure' means just follow the basic Linux community idea(such as it does
> have a 'resolv.conf' file), don't try to add stupid RH stuff into RH package.

Please tell us all how there could exist different distro's if no one
ever added anything to make their's unique?  Just because you think
someone that they added is stupid doesn't mean that others do.  

> I heard Slackware is the best in this point.

Then use Slackware, and stop throwing a tantrum on usenet.

> Like I said, RH 5.0 is OK, I regret that I upgrade to 6.0 version. The reason
> of RH sucks maybe its stock rose too much recently.

Get a clue.  RH stock went on sale several MONTHS after 6.0 was
released.  THat and the fact that your accusation makes no sense anyway.

> So I hope it drops a lot
> to make RH guys produce better package. 

I certainly hope that your computer skills are better than your
economics skills.  You're talking out of an orifice which is not your
mouth.  Please stop, we don't' appreciate diaharea of the mouth in this

>BTW, I will change to Slackware.

Should we expect you to be back in a few days bitching about your
problems with Slackware and 3rd party software as well?


Crossposted-To: athome.users-unix,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Re: inews error - No such newsgroup
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conrad Sabatier)
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 04:03:00 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Scott Post  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I just switched from a modem based ISP to cable based.  I had
>previously been maintaining a local news spool via suck, but now
>that I have a fast connection I'd prefer to read directly from
>my ISP's news server.  That works just fine using trn with
>NNTPSERVER set.  The problem is I can't post.  It looks like trn
>uses Pnews to compose a post then sends it to inews for posting.
>I'm using inews-1.7-4 and when I try posting it hangs for several
>seconds then says "No such newsgroup as athome.test".  I can read
>the newsgroup, so I know it exists.
>The inews man page is pretty sparse, so I can't figure out what's
>happening.  How does inews go about figuring out if a newsgroup exists
>or not?  How does it know what news server to connect to (I'm assuming
>it uses the NNTPSERVER environmental variable).
>Any help would be appreciated.

Sounds like maybe your inews and trn may be incompatible.  Which version
of trn are you using?  And where did you get this inews from?  Is it from
the INN distribution or something else?  If you're still trying to use
INN's inews with a remote server, I don't think it will work.

If you're not using trn 4 (which has its own inews), I'd highly recommend
you get it from the author's home page at
Conrad Sabatier


Subject: new to linux
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 05:58:37 GMT

Hi, I am really new to linux, so I want to obtain more info.  My system
now is pentium II with two partition.  One partition is 2.0 gig for
win95 and MSDOS, the other partition 1.0 gig for winNT.  Both partitions
are FAT.  Where can I download linux and what version should I use
because there are many different linux to me?  Is it hard to install
linux?  I really appreciate your help.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Peter Thatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: REAL PLAYER in LINUX. Which ver.
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 23:17:52 -0700

On Sat, 28 Aug 1999, Gilbert Groehn wrote:
>Hello Fello Linux Devotees;
>I have just completed my fourth load of Linux (all Caldera 2.2)
>and haven't had so much fun since working on Xerox Parcs
>Lisp machines.   Linux rekindles the days when computing was
>fun and you had to do something beside load a CD and go to
>sleep while it loads.
>I am about to download Real Player 5 for my Caldera
>Open Linux 2.2 box and find that there are three possible
>linux versions listed at the Real Player download site.
>They Are:
>Linux -a.ou
>Linux -ELF
>Linux -Redhat 5.X
>Which of these versions is most compatible
>with Calders 2.2 and also KDE 1.1.1 ?
>I just installed a 3COM USR V90 modem and it seems
>much faster in Linux that Win-98.  Maybe its just my
>imagination but feels like at least 30% faster.
>Any help would be most appreciated.  Incidentally
>my SB card workd great on the CD player and system
>sounds but have not been able to download any sounds
>from www using Netscape 4.51 (I thought they all included
>a media player but this version apparently does not).
>I have another rather foolish question but here goes.  Can I use
>Suse 6.1 files in the Caldera system?  Any conflicts?
>Thank much for any help.
>Gil Groehn
>please cc to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't know about all of those, but I know that realplayer is offering a G2
(albeit Alpha version) player for Linux.   Go to there website to check it out.
 Thought you would like to know.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Onifer)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: This is why RH 6.0 really sucks!
Date: 29 Aug 1999 05:51:59 GMT

On Sun, 29 Aug 1999 01:42:06 -0400, Jack Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Paul Kimoto wrote:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jack Zhu wrote:
>> > I know this msg is not serious, is nothing. But I think at least RH company
>> > doesn't want you upgrade kernel.
>> Oh, really, what should they do?  Should they hack klogd so that it
>> doesn't look for  Should they not ship at all?
>OK, But when I upgraded kernel of RH 5.0 from 2.0.32 to 2.2.1, why there's not such
>warning message?? How do u explain this?  There's absolutely stupid software design.
>It's like in MS NT or win98, if you upgrade a software package(such as Office 97 to
>Office 2000) or a driver of one device, you got warning msg which is 'System doesn't
>match'. Isn't this stupid?

If you install the kernel using "make install" instead of manually copying
files over, you will not get the error.  This is not a problem with Redhat. 
I've upgraded the kernel several times in RH 5.x and 6.0 and have never
gotten the error you describe.

>BTW, in Derian, is there such warning msg when you upgrade the kernel?
Yes.  And in SUSE and Slackware and Mandrake...  Unless you do it right.

>Another thing is, how do you explain no 'resolv.conf' file in RH 6.0? Nobody will
>happy about this.

I have a resolv.conf file.  There's something wrong with your computer.


"The movie really heightens the lack of interest in the film" 
                                    --Crow T. Robot
Andrew J. Onifer III                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       PGP key on WWW page


From: Jack Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: This is why RH 6.0 really sucks!
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 22:34:34 -0400

> I have a resolv.conf file.  There's something wrong with your computer.

That's strange! I installed RH 6.0 several times to my different PCs, all don't have
this file. I have to add this file by myself to make IP_Forward work.

BTW, my RH 6.0 CD is $2 copy from Is this the reason the 'resolv.conf' 
missing? I don't think so.

Thanks a lot!

>                                 jay
> --
> "The movie really heightens the lack of interest in the film"
>                                     --Crow T. Robot
> Andrew J. Onifer III                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       PGP key on WWW page


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: My Linux crashes more often than M$
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 06:27:08 GMT

  In a message on Thu, 26 Aug 1999 14:13:43 +0100, wrote :

k> Robin Smith wrote:
k> > kev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
k> >
k> > > Hi,
k> > >
k> > > Well it's just done it again! I'm using Red Hat 6, and every now and
k> > > then, it just decides to log me out, thus losing all unsaved information
k> > > from the apps I had open. It doesn't give any hint that anything is
k> > > wrong, it just logs me out. This is _very_ annoying. What was that about
k> > > Linux being the stablest OS there is?
k> > >
k> > > So I'm forced to appeal to you guys to give me some insight into what is
k> > > wrong. Again. I've had so many problems with RH6, I spend far too much
k> > > time trying to fix problems when I should be using it to be productive.
k> > >
k> > > Do non-Red Hat users have these problems?
k> > >
k> > > Thanks,
k> > >
k> > > - Kev
k> >
k> > Anything of interest in the messages file? E.g. PANIC ...
k> I checked as soon as I logged back in and didn't see anything untoward.
k> > Your description is unclear, do you just lose X or the whole system.
k> > If X then which Window Manager?
k> All my windows get closed and I get taken back to the login screen (dialog
k> box, ie X running).
k> I use Gnome with Enlightenment.

OK, you are using runlevel 5 (xdm) and the machine itself is not
crashing, just the X server.  Several possibilities that depend on:

        1) What kind of video board?
        2) Which X server?

        I have head that Gnome has some problems (for some people) and
is not fully stable.  Have you tried using a different window manager,
say Fvwm2-95?

k> >
k> > If not it could probably be a hardware fault e.g. build up of heat.
k> > Does the problem happen after five minutes or five hours of uptime?
k> About once a week or so.

Is the machine up and running for a whole week with X11 running?  Are
you 'logged in' the whole time?  It is possible there is a bug (memory
leak?) in the X server you are using.  Or some minor mismatch between
the X server and your video card that takes a week or so to manifest --
memory leak or video memory fragmentation or something like that.

Another thing:  is there any random commonality -- i.e. is there some
application you only run 'About once a week or so' that is always
running when it crashes.  Does it ever re-cycle the login dialog box
when you are *not* logged in (i.e. X server crashes and is re-started by
xdm)?  Look in /var/log/xdm-error.log and see if there is something
recorded there.

k> I'm convinced there must be one underlying problem, cos Navigator keeps dying
k> for no apparent reason, even though I turned Java off - my NN dies if it gets
k> near any Java. I have posted many questions about this, received many replies
k> and tried every fix under the sun, but I still can't get it to like Java.

Netscape is known to have troubles with Java under Linux.  It seems to
mostly be a libc version problem.  I wonder if you have a libc5 version
of Netscape installed on your RH 6.0 system...

k> ta,
k> - Kev

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Collin W. Hitchcock)
Subject: Re: Eavesdropping on a serial port?
Date: 29 Aug 1999 01:40:04 -0400

> I would like to know if it is possible to eavesdrop on the data
> coming into and going out of a serial port.

Very doable:

   MS      TX>--------+--------------------->RX     MS
computer              |                          computer
   #1      RX<------------------+-----------<TX     #2
                      |         | 
                      |         |
                      V         V
                     RX        RX

                    Serial    Serial
                     Port      Port
                      #1        #2


The GND terminals of all 4 serial ports should also be hooked
together.  You might need to experiment to get the right paramters for
the serial ports.

Reverse engineered the protocol for my Lowrance GPS receiver this way.



From: Ken Arromdee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Multiple-OS Waveblaster II problem
Date: 29 Aug 1999 06:35:20 GMT

I just got an old waveblaster II card and attached it to my current card (a
Shark Predator ISA).  It will normally play midi files.

With particular midi files A, B, C, and D, I get the following oddities:

Under Linux only, playing A followed by B causes one of the sounds in B to
play forever and not stop even after B ends.  (No sounds are carried over from
A to B; I play A, A ends, there is silence, then I play B, then one of the
notes in B refuses to go away.)

If I then play C, this causes the leftover note from B to turn off, _and_
causes the next invocation of B to work properly again.

Playing B all by itself works fine; I have to play A first to see the problem.
Only a few seconds of A need be played to trigger the problem.

Under both Linux and Windows, playing D causes many, but not all, files played
afterwards to not work at all.  I have to play D all the way to the end to get
the problem.  (I noticed that D ends in a fadeout.)

Playing the other files without playing D first works fine.

The problems happen with different hardware midi players under Linux (playmidi
or midnight), but do not happen with FM synthesis under Linux, FM synthesis
under Windows, or a software player (timidity++) under Linux.

Obviously _something_ is broken.  For the first problem, it could be the
driver, soundcard, Waveblaster II board, or the midi file.  For the second
problem, which occurs under both Linux and Windows, it's probably not the
driver, but it could be any of the other three.

Are there any known problems with the Linux MPU-401 sound module?  (Red Hat 6).
For that matter, how can I contact the person who wrote that module?
Are there any known problems with Waveblaster II boards in general, which
resemble this problem?
Is there anyone who has a similar setup and _doesn't_ get the problem?
Can these problems happen from incorrectly written midi files that just happen
to work sometimes?  If so, how could I find out if the midi files are bad?  I
have no idea what to look for in midi files, or much idea of what tools to use
to do so.
Is this a common failure mode for any of these components?
       Ken Arromdee / [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

"I have never seen the inside of the building at Microsoft where the top
executives hang out, but I have this fantasy that in the hallways, at regular
intervals, big red alarm boxes are bolted to the wall. Each contains a large
red button protected by a windowpane. A metal hammer dangles on a chain next
to it. Above is a big sign reading: IN THE EVENT OF A CRASH IN MARKET SHARE,
BREAK GLASS." -- Neal Stephenson


From: "William B. Cattell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: COMPLETE system LOCKUP Mandrake 6
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 06:19:20 GMT

Ben Gunter wrote:
> Warren Bell wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >This is my second post on this, I appologize, but I've had a new install
> >of Mandrake Linux for three days and had two system lockups!  What
> >gives?  They both happened with netscape open and when it locks, it
> >locks hard.  No mouse, no keyboard, magic sysrq doesn't even attempt to
> >work, can't telnet in from another machine, nothing.
> >
> >I've seen other people post on this but haven't found any answers.  Is
> >there any settings I should check in my bios?  Something that might be
> >conflicting with Linux?
> >
> >I do have some unmached memory- 2-72pin 32M EDO and 1-168pin 128M SDRAM,
> >I don't know if that has anything to do with it but it's done it before
> >on me with just the EDO ram.
> >
> >As far as my hardware, it's pretty basic.  Adaptec SCSI controller,
> >Seagate Barracuda SCSI HD, Matrox Millennium 2 video and average sound
> >card.
> >
> >Can anyone shed some light on this?  I just don't get it.  It seems like
> >a netscape problem but it locks the whole system.
> >
> >Thanks
> >Warren Bell
> I've had this same problem a few times while running RedHat 5.2.  I never
> figured out for sure what caused it, but judging by the nature of it, I
> figured it must have been hardware-related.  Nothing worked.  Numlock
> wouldn't change states, CTRL+ALT+BKSP wouldn't kill the X-server, couldn't
> get to a text console, nothing.
> The odd thing is that I have none of the hardware you described, and I'm
> only using DIMMs.  What type of motherboard/CPU are you using?  I have a
> Matsonic 6260S motherboard, ALi PCI chipset, onboard sound card, AMD K6-2
> 300 MHz.  Any of that sound familiar?

Sorry for the piggyback but I missed the original post.  I
had the same thing happening with a RH6 system with Netscape
4.61.  As soon as I back reved to 4.60 the problems went
away.  What was happening is that I would be composing a
message and open the borowser to get a url.  Once the url
was in the 'location' box I would click and drag the mouse
over it to select it.  I'd get a few characters selected
then the locakup occured.  The only way to get out was a
cold boot or reset.

I've gone back to NS4.60 and that same sequence of steps
works fine.


Park not thy Harley in the darkness of thine garage, that it 
may collect dust for want of being oft ridden. Ride thy
with thy brethren, and rejoice in the spirit of the road.



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