Linux-Misc Digest #628, Volume #21                Wed, 1 Sep 99 09:13:28 EDT

  Networking ("Jonathan, Ardoth & Elizabeth")
  Re: is there a HOWTO about upgrading a Linux kernel? (Colin Watson)
  Printer Configuration (Girish Kamath)
  Re: Disabling control-alt-delete from a program (Emile van bergen)
  Re: Linux success stories (Kari Pahula)
  Re: fsck after power failure (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: home directory as root for users (Stephan Houben)
  Download Realaudio streams? (Mark Bulmahn)
  INN Problems (Michael Scheferhoff)
  Re: linux from the basic ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: APS UPS software for linux? (Stefan Ehlen)
  Re: home directory as root for users (Joe Durusau)
  Re: Using grep to match complete words ("Simon Anthony")
  Re: Console Lockup (muzh)
  Re: Selecting GUIs? (Abbadon)
  Re: Linux 286 ("roland")
  imagemap program (Alessandro Magni)
  Re: Printer Configuration (Stephan Houben)
  Re: Sun acquires StarOffice; gives it away for free (Spike!)
  Re: Wordperfect will *not* work! (Spike!)
  Re: Remote printing from DGUX to Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: inews error - No such newsgroup (Jeffery Browning)
  Re: apps run as root, segfault as user? ("Mark E. Drummond")


From: "Jonathan, Ardoth & Elizabeth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Networking
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 20:23:05 -0400

  I have Redhat 6.0 and need help setting up network.  I have an established
network using Win98 on two machines and want to convert one to RH6.0.  I am
having trouble setting up network.  The server is running Win98 and has an
IP#, subnet mask#  The client has RH6.0 and I
want an IP of subnet mask#  Can anyone please
help?  I've tried using linuxconf and netconfig to set this up, but to no
avail.  The card itself is working and I can ping myself, but the network is
no where to be found.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colin Watson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: is there a HOWTO about upgrading a Linux kernel?
Date: 1 Sep 1999 03:24:35 -0700

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Recompiling the kernel isn't so hard, but it can break many other
>things.  I wasted a ton of time manually updating a 1.x kernel
>to a 2.x kernel.  Everything had to be fixed - pppd, the printer
>port, ipfwadm->ipchains, samba, and on and on.  The general HOWTO
>will get you started but success is never guaranteed.

Oh, I think that if you want to do a major version upgrade you
probably ought to upgrade your distribution as well, as things will
obviously break. Upgrading by a couple of revisions is almost never
that difficult, though.

Colin Watson                                      [cjw44 at]
Trinity College, Cambridge, and Computer Science       []
"Aber einer erwacht von Mitternacht,
 Und er kommt vom Aufgang der Sonne." - _Elijah_, Mendelssohn


From: Girish Kamath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: redhat.config,redhat.general
Subject: Printer Configuration
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 10:31:03 GMT

HI All,

I have Redhat 6.0 installed on my box. 
X-Windows in not installed.

How can I configure a printer without X windows configured.
I know there is a tool "Print Tool" for configuring printer
in X-windows.
Please do not tell me to install and conf. X-windows.

Can any one help me.

Thanks in Advance.
Girish Kamath.

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Emile van bergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Disabling control-alt-delete from a program
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 11:03:34 +0000

On 1 Sep 1999, Olaf Klischat wrote:

>"Ben Gunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> In /etc/inittab, there's a line like this:
>>     # Trap CTRL-ALT-DELETE
>>     ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now
>> I think commenting that line out and running "init q" will have the effect
>> you're looking for.
>Hmm.. not that I have much of an idea about linux system programming,

What does this example have to do with programming? 'If it ain't
clickety-click, it's programming'???

>but sometimes I come to the conclusion that, in the unix world, it is
>considered sane to hack some rather sensitive config file
>programmatically and be happy that it works somehow...

It's a _configuration_ file, for $DEITY's sake, just like you said! It
is _meant_ to be edited to suit your particular setup/situation!

And the use of 'hacking' instead of editing is just to make it sound
bad. What exactly do you mean? The above is not a trick of some sort, is
is documented and well-defined behaviour.

And text files are a lot less sensitive than a binary heap full of
pointers, IMHO. hdfsSetKeyRegExA(), wouldn't you call that
'programmatically hacking a rather sensitive config file?'


-- / Best regards,

Emile van Bergen (e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

This e-mail message is 100% electronically degradeable and produced
on a GNU/Linux system.


From: Kari Pahula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux success stories
Date: 1 Sep 1999 10:38:06 GMT

John G. Sandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Javier Fernandez wrote:
>> Where can I find true success stories of Linux at real enterprises?


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: fsck after power failure
Date: 01 Sep 1999 02:28:39 -0700

Jim McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I recently had a power failure and lost my system. 
Yet another person running a critical machine w/out a UPS.

>Upon reboot, I had
> numerous file system errors. I ran fsck several times, and got rid of
> all problems except for the partition containing /usr. After 45 minutes
> of trying, I could not go into a normal boot, since fsck could not clear
> up all the problems on this partition. 
I've never seen fsck fail.  You may wind up with some stuff in
lost+found, but it doesn't fail.

>I don't have a ups or a Linux
> compatible backup device (Syquest Sparq 1 gb external ide).
That's hardly a Linux problem.
> Are there any other methods or tricks I could use to correct a file
> system.  It is unacceptable for me to have to reinstall. 
Then you should have had a UPS.

>Maybe I could
> sue some options with fsck, or a third party utility.
Without any info, error messages, etc. from this fsck failure it's
hard to give you the magic options...


From: Stephan Houben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.linux.isp,comp.unix.admin
Subject: Re: home directory as root for users
Date: 01 Sep 1999 12:00:38 +0200

"Brian Cash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> DanH wrote...
> >It sounds like you want a restricted shell.  Users cannot change their
> >directory (cd <another directory> doesn't work), cannot change their
> >environment etc.
> >
> >Look up restricted shell and keep your file system intact.  It'd be
> >murder to keep up with multiple versions of everything.
> Thanks for responding Dan,  as I said, brute force experimentation...    Any
> ideas where I would find a restricted shell for Linux?  The functionality
> does not appear to be built-in.  

Well, actually it is, in bash at least.
Start bash with the option -r, or by calling it with rbash as the program
name. Read the man page.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Bulmahn)
Subject: Download Realaudio streams?
Date: 1 Sep 1999 10:05:34 GMT

Is there any tool to download the content from a
real audio server and store it on my local
filesystem? I think the "pnm"-protocol is
used. Under Windows there is a program called
"XFileGet" that can do this job but I haven't
found anything like this for Linux.




From: Michael Scheferhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: INN Problems
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 09:52:51 +0200


my problem with INN is, that I can only create one tree, although I
tried to add a second one. Is there a possibility to create two trees?



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: linux from the basic
Date: 1 Sep 1999 11:00:41 GMT

A) libs: /lib/* should do
B) prog: /{s,}bin/* and you won't have any problems.
C) others: /{dev,etc}/* are important, too.
btw: /dev/* can't be copied with cp - use cpio.
When you've done the copying, do:
chroot /mnt/otherdisk /sbin/ldconfig
chroot /mnt/otherdisk /bin/bash
If that works, set up LILO (oops, you'll need /boot/*, too ...) and then:
good luck.
btw, I've done this recently on a ZIP disk (lilo and kernel on floppy, root fs
on disk). This makes for a cool routing system ...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefan Ehlen)
Subject: Re: APS UPS software for linux?
Date: 1 Sep 1999 08:19:24 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        John Shaft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Anyone know of any software for APS UPSes that will do an orderly shutdown
> in the event of a power failure?

Look at
There was an annonouncement about something like that today



From: Joe Durusau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.linux.isp,comp.unix.admin
Subject: Re: home directory as root for users
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 06:46:29 -0400

    Are you sure you want to force users to run chroot'ed to their
home directories?  Do you realize that they will not be able to run any
programs at all unless they have personal copies??  For instance, cp will
no longer work, so they can't copy files from one directory to another.

    If you still have a reason for doing this, the reason you are having
problems with shells appears to be that you need to enter the shell
in question into /etc/shells.  (At least that's where it is in Solaris.)
You might look at the man page for chsh and see what it tells you.

    For more info on how things work chrooted, look at the docs
for setting up anonmyous ftp.  It works that way, and you can see what
problems you and the users may face.

Speaking only for myself,

Joe Durusau

Brian Cash wrote:

> Folks,
> I'm sure this is a common question, but the archived responses on deja are
> rather terse and I'm not sure they always apply to Linux.  There seem to be
> an abundant number of "this should work..." responses, but they haven't so
> far. <grin>
> I have carefully reviewed the Linux HOWTO and also my copy of Garfinkel and
> Spafford's Security book, but I can't seem to put it together successfully.
> I'm probably just being stupid, but I can't seem to get it.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> - Brian
> Problem: I would like to keep users chroot() 'ed to their home directories
> and below.
> Solutions attempted and results:
> 1. Add splat as the login shell
> ---------------------------
> When I add a splat to /etc/passwd and switch to the account I get "su:
> cannot run *: No such file or directory".  The telnet login reports
> something similar:  "login: no shell: No such file or directory.".
> Knowing that I needed to have binaries available for the user in the new
> location, I brute forced it by copying just about the entire root file
> system under the user's home directory.  No change in error message.
> Checked that symlinked files were not pointing out of the root.  Removed a
> couple of linux specific links.  No change.
> I also thought that perhaps login was trying to re-authenticate against the
> user's copy of /etc/passwd.  I then changed /home/user/etc/passwd to
> something more friendly to the new root, "...:/:/bin/bash".  Again, no
> change in the error message.
> 2. Add -r to the login shell
> ----------------------------
> Linux bash does not appear to honor the -r switch.
> 3. Use /usr/lib/rsh as login shell
> --------------------------------
> Does not appear to exist on RH Linux 6.0
> 4. Replace login shell with a custom chroot executable
> -------------------------------------------------------
> I experimented with creating a which I could run as root, but
> failed on login with the same results as 1.
> Also attempted followup degugging as pocedure 1 with similar results.  I saw
> no reason to compile an actual c program, but can easily do this if
> required.
> Linux also appears to disallow SUID executables.


From: "Simon Anthony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.programmer,,comp.lang.perl.misc
Subject: Re: Using grep to match complete words
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 12:30:59 +0100

Read the various man pages on regular expressions. In particular grep uses
"limited" regular
expressions (in most implementations it uses the exact same library routines
as ed.) In this
case "\<" and "/>" can be used to delimit a word.

For your example:

    grep "\<$i\>" ...

Note -q can also be used to grep when one is not interested in the output,

for i in wordlist
    grep -q "\<$i\>" uniquewords && {
Larry James wrote in message <7qgn0v$a15$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>     I have a grep script to check for the presents of a word in a list
>of words.  My problem is that if the current word is "hello" and the
>list has a word "hello2" because "hello2" has "hello" included, this
>will show up as found.
>     My script goes as:
>for i in wordlist
>    if [ ! "`grep $i uniquewords`" ]
>    then
>        echo adding $i...
>        echo $i >>uniquewords
>    fi
>     Thanks in advance for any suggestions or comments.
> -- L. James
>Apollo III Communications      (Buffalo's First ISP)       Larry James
>716_896_0738 Office       716_896_0766 Fax       Consultant/Programmer
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Buffalo, New York


From: muzh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Console Lockup
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 23:26:46 +1200

Which compiler did you use to compile the kernel?
SuSE still uses gcc- to compile theirs -- apparently the more
recent egcs-2.9x can still do weird things to kernels.  I tried
compiling 2.2.12 with egcs --> system which froze often.  Recompiled
with gcc- --> reliable system.
Any other thoughts?
PS I have replied ONLY to comp.os.linux.misc .  I think an attempt
should be made to reduce the total number of Linuxnewsgroups --


> I am currently running the 2.2.12 kernel under Slackware 4.0 and my
> machine locks up whenever I try to switch between virtual terminals at
> the console.  I have tried removing video related options from the
> kernel (such as frame buffer device support), but I've had no luck
> resolving the problem.  I get lockups with the 2.2.12 kernel (with and
> without SMP support), 2.2.6 and 2.2.10.  Those are the three I've
> been using.  I installed with the 2.2.10 kernel on a boot disk and had
> no problems.  But using that same disk, I get lockups (maybe it was
> just luck before).  Here's a description of my machine:  Epox KP6-BS
> Dual motherboard, 2 PII400 cpu's, 128MB RAM, ATI Rage Fury, SB Live,
> Linksys 10/100 (LNE100TX ver.2, with new tulip driver), Aopen DVD,
> and my hard drive is partitioned with 2 GB /, 4 GB /usr, 500MB Swap.
> I get the complete system lockup if I try to switch terminals
> regardless if I'm just logged in or if I've logged in 2 hours previously.  I am not 
>running X yet.
> ------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Abbadon)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux
Subject: Re: Selecting GUIs?
Date: 1 Sep 1999 11:47:32 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dave Brown wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, NF Stevens wrote:
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Abbadon) wrote:
>>>but I only use the panel and even then not that much) put in .xinitrc
>>>exec gnome-session
>>>exec panel
>>>exec (window manager of choice)
>>You only need the first of these (exec gnome-session). The session manager
>>will start up the window manager, the panel and any other applications you
>>have told it to start.
>Yeah, anything after the first exec will never see the light of 
>day as at that point, the .xinitrc script is replaced by gnome-session.
>Dave Brown   Austin, TX

Ahh... see all I use is the panel.  So my .xinitrc looks like this:

exec panel
exec wmaker

Ahh well..learn something new every day (Hopefully)


"On the Internet, no one knows you're a dog"


From: "roland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux 286
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 13:29:53 +0200

Jan Just Keijser schrieb in Nachricht <7qeas7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jody Thigpen"
>>Is there a distribution of Linux that will run on a PC 286 Platform?
>Nope, Linux will run on 32bit platforms only, and the 286 is not that.

Thatīs not quite right...

AFAIK thereīs a project porting linux (or at least a subset) to 80286
platforms, but I actually donīt know the progress.
Take a look at

hope that suits for your purposes


From: Alessandro Magni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: imagemap program
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 13:31:35 +0200

How can it be? I can't find in the whole 'net a single program
with which I can define hotspots in images in HTML documents.

Any info?



\  Dr.Alessandro Magni
/                               IEN Galileo Ferraris
\                               c.M.d'Azeglio 42, 10125 Torino (ITALIA)
/                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\                               Fax (39)11-6507611
/                               Tel (39)11-3919757
\                               Homepage at:


From: Stephan Houben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: redhat.config,redhat.general
Subject: Re: Printer Configuration
Date: 01 Sep 1999 13:48:34 +0200

Girish Kamath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> HI All,
> I have Redhat 6.0 installed on my box. 
> X-Windows in not installed.
> How can I configure a printer without X windows configured.
> I know there is a tool "Print Tool" for configuring printer
> in X-windows.
> Please do not tell me to install and conf. X-windows.

Read the Printing HOW-TO.



From: Spike! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sun acquires StarOffice; gives it away for free
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 02:04:27 +0100

And verily, didst Kaz Kylheku <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> eloquently scribe:
> On Tue, 31 Aug 1999 13:40:15 -0700, Tim <nada> wrote:
>>Runs on Windows, Linux, OS/2, and Solaris SPARC/Intel.

> Clue: StarOffice was already given away for free before Sun's acquisition.
> Free in the $$$ sense, that is to say.  So nothing has changed.

The "free" version was slightly knobbled in certain areas.

> What would make news is if the source code were made open. There have been some
> buzzing rumors about that but nothing concrete.

> You are way behind Slashdot with this, by the way.

According to slashdot today, they ARE opening the source... It was confirmed
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |    "I'm alive!!! I can touch! I can taste!     |
|    Andrew Halliwell BSc   |     I can SMELL!!!  KRYTEN!!! Unpack Rachel    |
|             in            |     and get out the puncture repair kit!"      |
|      Computer Science     |        Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf          |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!|  Space for hire  |


From: Spike! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Wordperfect will *not* work!
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 02:06:21 +0100

And verily, didst Will Lorentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> eloquently scribe:
> Hi- When I was running Red Hat 5.2, I installed Corel Wordperfect and
> all went
> well.  Now, with a new computer and 6.0, I install it and no matter what
> I've tried,
> it seg faults when it first starts loading.  Corel's page suggested
> installing libc5,
> which I did, but this did not bring any success.  Any ideas?

It might not be seeing libc5.

type ldd /path/to/xwp and see which libraries it can't find.
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a   |
|                           |graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
|   Andrew Halliwell BSc    |operating system originally  coded for a 4 bit |
|            in             |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company,that|
|     Computer Science      |       can't stand 1 bit of competition.       |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++|
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!|  Space for hire |


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Remote printing from DGUX to Linux
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 11:58:05 GMT

Hi Kevin.

I dunno if what Allen Wong suggested worked for you, but I sat with that same
problem for like 3 days. Bummer. But, I got it right, and yes it was a

What happens if you do a "lpq" on that printer? Something like waiting for
connection to "your machine"? If it does, this is what I had to do to get it

1) Create the user (with same password) on your linux box that you're using
on the DGUX box. 2) Don't forget the bleeding /etc/hosts.lpd file and the
allowed ip's to lpd on your linux box (which you've accomplished  already).

The above assumes of course that you've printed on that printer before and it
works (lpr on your linux box). This worked for me, and I'm smiling. Gained a
lot (time question).

Hope it helps

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Kevin Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi There
> I am trying to print to a printer attached to the parallel port on a linux
> machine from a DGUX machine.
> The print job is not leaving the DGUX machine and getting to print queue on
> the linux machine.  I have the DGUX machine name in both the hosts.equiv and
> the hosts.lpd

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Jeffery Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: athome.users-unix,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Re: inews error - No such newsgroup
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 07:25:07 -0400

Scott Post wrote:
> I just switched from a modem based ISP to cable based.  I had
> previously been maintaining a local news spool via suck, but now
> that I have a fast connection I'd prefer to read directly from
> my ISP's news server.  That works just fine using trn with
> NNTPSERVER set.  The problem is I can't post.  It looks like trn
> uses Pnews to compose a post then sends it to inews for posting.
> I'm using inews-1.7-4 and when I try posting it hangs for several
> seconds then says "No such newsgroup as athome.test".  I can read
> the newsgroup, so I know it exists.
> The inews man page is pretty sparse, so I can't figure out what's
> happening.  How does inews go about figuring out if a newsgroup exists
> or not?  How does it know what news server to connect to (I'm assuming
> it uses the NNTPSERVER environmental variable).
> Any help would be appreciated.
> --
My 2 bits.

Have you checked you /etc/news/inn.conf?
I may be off the track.  But this gave me a great deal of trouble when I
set up our news feed.
Jeffery C. Browning,                           Enhanced Solutions
Systems Administrator                          2251 Old Cornelia Hwy
                                               Gainesville, Ga 30507


From: "Mark E. Drummond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: apps run as root, segfault as user?
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 08:39:47 -0400

Bob Hauck wrote:
> Have you checked permissions on /dev/zero?  Should be rw to everyone.

This was close. I had accidentally installed libcrypt with my umask set
to 077 so the libs were 600/700. XChat was trying to open the lib and
dying. Messy though, I'd expect the app to complain loudly but not




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