Linux-Misc Digest #628, Volume #25               Thu, 31 Aug 00 00:13:04 EDT

  Browser problem... (Bill Thompson)
  Re: Immediate*** ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: No kppp in Mandrake7.1?? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Browser problem... (Jean-David Beyer-valinux)
  Re: No kppp in Mandrake7.1?? (Andrew Purugganan)
  Re: can't reboot, init high CPU ("Jeremy C. Reed")
  Samba: Win95 + Win98 (Greg F Walz Chojnacki)
  Re: Using dd copy image file to make a DOS bootable disk (John Hasler)
  Re: Check out this weird linux behavior (Rudy Moore)
  Redirect EMAIL ("Ernesto Gianoni")
  Re: Netscape Sucks, I need another option. (Christopher Wong)
  Re: Netscape Sucks, I need another option. (Christopher Wong)
  Re: Directx for linux (David M. Cook)
  Re: Email from Shell/Telnet prompt? ("Andrew N. McGuire ")
  help: kicq core dumps (Boris Friedman)
  Re: Zip 100 & RedHat 6.2 (Peter Rodriguez)
  Re: Installing Mandrake over Caldera ("L. Friedman")
  preventing those crashes: is the kernel the culprit? (Neil Zanella)


From: Bill Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Browser problem...
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 08:17:54 +0700


Anyone know of a browser for Linux that allows resuming a file transfer
from a website without external programs? I want to resume a file
transfer from a IBM website. One has to be registered to do a download.
Programs like wget, curl, etc, don't work because the actual URL for
download has a different username and password provided by the IBM
website. Even though, I have unlimited time with my ISP, each logon
session is limited to 5-hours. Even with a 56K modem, this isn't
enough time to grab a 75-MB+ file.

Any help is welcomed,

Bill Thompson

>From the shores of Khlong YaiPhuan, Bangkok, Thailand...


Subject: Re: Immediate***
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 01:28:29 GMT

Kevin E Cosgrove wrote:

> What [EMAIL PROTECTED] means is "linux single" at the LILO prompt.





Subject: Re: No kppp in Mandrake7.1??
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 01:30:59 GMT

In article <8oj4kl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan) wrote:
> can't find kppp. What's worse, I can't find kppp's rpm in ANY of the
> CDs!
> Can anybody help me out, did I miss something?

It's in kdenetwork-1.1.2-17mdk.i586.rpm, which on my cheapbytes copy of
Mandrake 7.1 is on disk 1 in the Mandrake/RPMS directory.

I found this with:

rpm -q -f /usr/bin/kppp

That won't help you if you don't already have kppp installed
though... :-)

=================== ==========================
"I think one general rule of software design is that you should be
 writing a program that you want to use." -Eric Allman

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Jean-David Beyer-valinux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Browser problem...
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 21:40:06 -0400

Bill Thompson wrote:

>  Hi,
> Anyone know of a browser for Linux that allows resuming a file transfer
> from a website without external programs? I want to resume a file
> transfer from a IBM website. One has to be registered to do a download.
> Programs like wget, curl, etc, don't work because the actual URL for
> download has a different username and password provided by the IBM
> website. Even though, I have unlimited time with my ISP, each logon
> session is limited to 5-hours. Even with a 56K modem, this isn't
> enough time to grab a 75-MB+ file.
> Any help is welcomed,
> Bill Thompson
> --
> From the shores of Khlong YaiPhuan, Bangkok, Thailand...

I used ncftp. I used Netscape to find the ftp address and then stuffed
that into ncftp. Worked OK on my 56.6 dial up link. If you are downloading
what I think you are, why not get the CD-ROM version?

 .~.   Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                              Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^  4:46pm up 22 days, 15 min, 3 users, load average: 2.48, 2.24, 1.74


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: Re: No kppp in Mandrake7.1??
Date: 31 Aug 2000 01:40:16 GMT

muzh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
[ Andrew Purugganan wrote:
[ > 
[ > I selected 'server' when installing Mandrake 7.1, and I wind up with a
[ > stripped down version of the KDE desktop (Lord knows what else), and I
[ > can't find kppp. What's worse, I can't find kppp's rpm in ANY of the CDs!
[ > Can anybody help me out, did I miss something?
[ > 

[ Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that XWindows should not be
[ installed on a "server" as it would pose a security risk.
[ Perhaps you should choose another installation option.

I did pick server (explains the stripped down menus), but chose a 
graphical login (not knowing any better). 

Ah well, looks like I'm faced with a re-install so on to a different 
question (a new thread, that is)
Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


From: "Jeremy C. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: can't reboot, init high CPU
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 19:06:43 -0700

On 30 Aug 2000, Andreas Kahari wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Jeremy C. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I had several (over fifty) defunct processes who don't have any parents
> >(so I assume init). init was using up lots of CPU time.
> >
> >None of the defunct processes could be killed (-9). (Maybe this is
> >normal.) Some of the defunct processes included: syslogd, kswapd, netscape
> >(and others).
> Don't ever kill any root or daemon processes that you did not
> explicitly start. Of the three processes that you listed above, only
> the netscape process is not such a process (the other ones are very
> important system processes).

Yes I understand -- but I please note: syslogd was hung! It was a defunct
zombie. (Normally these processes are in a sleeping state.)

> >And reboot, shutdown, halt, "kill -1 1", "kill 1", "kill -9 1" did not
> >work. Note that the system was still usable. (Only a physical power switch
> >reset worked to reboot though).
> Eh, the 'init' process (always pid 1) happens to be the running
> kernel.

Yes I also know. "kill -1 1" means re-examine inittab; I was hoping this
would fix something (or at least stop it from using up 95% of the CPU).
Since halt, reboot and shutdown wouldn't stop my system, I hoped that
sending a SIGTERM or SIGKILL signal to init would stop my runaway
init/stop my system.

> >This problem has occured a few times.
> >
> It's probably due to a crashed netscape. Be sure to shut down netscape
> properly before logging out.

This system is used by mother and sister who have solely used Linux since
for over a year. (I remotely administer their machine.) They do not know
Linux/Gnu/Unix. They barely know how to use fvwm (or blackbox), netscape
and tik (AIM). They do not know how to hunt down and kill crashed netscape

Nevertheless, I believe these processes should have been destroyed by
init when the parent process exits. I don't know, but maybe the netscape
(and other hung) processes changed process groups so init didn't know.

> >Linux version 2.2.13 (root@antelope) (gcc versi on 2.95.2 20000313 (Debian
> >GNU/Linux)) #1 Sat May 27 16:22:13 PDT 2000
> >
> >I am not sure what init I am running. (It is from Debian Potato --
> >included in sysvinit 2.78-4.)

On the numerous Linux machines I use and admin, I have never seen init go
crazy other than happening on this one computer a few times. Hopefully,
I can figure it out.

         Jeremy Reed



From: Greg F Walz Chojnacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Samba: Win95 + Win98
Date: 31 Aug 2000 02:10:35 GMT

I need a little clarification:

I set up samba on Redhat 6.02, and my win 95 machine can use the Linux
printer, no problem. A Win 98 machine, however, asks for a password, which I
can never get right.

This seems to me like a problem with encrypted passwords, which I suppose
Win 98 is using, but not Linux or Win 95. 


I'm uncertain, because when I print with the win95 machine, I'm not even
asked for a password.

If so, the solution, I gather, is to get win 95 and the Linux Samba setup to
use password encryption.


Thanks for any help.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]     UW-Milwaukee News Services & Publications    414/229-4454                                     FAX:414/229-6443


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Using dd copy image file to make a DOS bootable disk
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 01:22:23 GMT

debjmay writes:
> We are downloading from the web to linux an image file that contains DOS
> boot files as well as some other files.  We'd like to use dd to convert
> the file to a floppy to make the floppy a DOS bootable disk.

If it is truly an image file you do not want to "convert" it at all.  An
image file is a bit-for-bit copy of the floppy.  Just copy it to the raw

dd if=disk1.img of=/dev/fd0

No need to format or mount the floppy.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


From: Rudy Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Check out this weird linux behavior
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 19:24:58 -0700

Well, you hit the nail on the head.  Check out this line in my 

60000 stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh /bin/sh -i

Me, being quite new to linux, wondered what that was, so I telneted to 
it.  Those of you not so new to linux already know what that does, I'm 
sure :)

I suspect they came in from ftp because most of my root.root type files 
are now root.ftp

Anyways, thanks for your help, I'll be sure to keep my eye out for those 
security announcements.


In article <8octn3$o0l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Well, I would suspect a hack.
> What in the world is in.amqd?in.sysched? What are all those identd's
> doing there? You seem to have a lot of daemons running-- do you really
> need them?
> If you are on an rpm system, do
> rpm -Va|grep '^..5'>/tmp/verify
> and look for crucial files which have been altered.
> Then, when you are sure you have a good find, do
> find / -perms +4000 -ls
> and figure out whether each of those suid files is legitimate.
> Who is charles running irc (without being logged in)?
> In <MPG.14135fd2a9c7b56f989688@news> Rudy Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ]My machine is doing weird things :).  For one, the hosts.deny file is 
> ]now empty, and I can't make changes to it!  vi now allowing me to write 
> ]to it, prompted me to do a chmod 777, which I wasn't allowed to do!
> ]Anyone know why this is happening? (hack?)
> ][chris@dr-evil chris]$ su -l
> ]Password:
> ][root@dr-evil /root]# ls -al /etc/hosts.deny
> ]-rw-r--r--   1 root     root            1 Jul 13 01:35 /etc/hosts.deny
> ][root@dr-evil /root]# chmod 777 /etc/hosts.deny
> ]chmod: /etc/hosts.deny: Operation not permitted
> ][root@dr-evil /root]# rm /etc/hosts.deny
> ]rm: remove write-protected file `/etc/hosts.deny'? y
> ]rm: cannot unlink `/etc/hosts.deny': Operation not permitted
> ][root@dr-evil /root]# whoami
> ]root
> ]=======================
> ]here's a ps:
> ][root@dr-evil /etc]# ps -auxc
> ]bin        340  0.0  0.6  1212   420  ?  S   08:11   0:00 portmap
> ]chris     5338  0.1  1.7  1832  1088   2 S   01:10   0:00 irc
> ]daemon     470  0.0  0.4  1144   296  ?  S   08:11   0:00 atd
> ]nobody     452  0.0  0.8  1300   532  ?  S   08:11   0:00 identd


From: "Ernesto Gianoni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Redirect EMAIL
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 02:45:48 GMT

I have a LOT of email in /var/spool/mail/root

HOW CAN I GET THEM with my email client???

Thank you in advance


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Wong)
Subject: Re: Netscape Sucks, I need another option.
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 02:50:06 GMT

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 19:38:30 -0500, Jerry L Kreps
>"Rinaldi J. Montessi" wrote:
>> Maybe linux isn't for you?
>Not a really brilliant nor helpful comment, Rinaldi.  

Actually, I think it is a perfectly legitimate answer. The fact is,
Linux is a second-rate web browsing platform, at least for now. I can
imagine that there are some people for whom their PC's primary use is
email and web browsing. If the best, most hassle-free web browsing
experience is a priority, Linux is probably not it.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Wong)
Subject: Re: Netscape Sucks, I need another option.
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 02:52:40 GMT

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 21:16:40 GMT, Yura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Oliver
>> Ben Ritchie wrote:
>>> Didn't he say he wanted something that _wasn't_ slow and buggy and
>>> _can_ display pages correctly? :-)
>> I know you're being sarcastic, but Mozilla's getting pretty stable, very
>> fast (faster than Netscape is anyway;
>Are you for real?  It can not even display menus quickly, I'm talking
>about menus right below the title of the window.  They are so slow,
>they popdown so slow like if my Pentium2-333 would be a nasty

When Mozilla advocates say Mozilla is fast, they generally mean the
rendering speed. The UI, of course, is slow as a banana slug. Yechh.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Cook)
Subject: Re: Directx for linux
Date: 31 Aug 2000 02:59:56 GMT

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 16:24:57 +0200, Ulrich Pfisterer

>Why is there no effort been made to develop a games library similar to

You should at least do a little bit of research before you spout off.

Dave Cook


From: "Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Email from Shell/Telnet prompt?
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 22:05:21 -0500

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Paul Colquhoun quoth:

~~ Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 22:15:24 GMT
~~ From: Paul Colquhoun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
~~ Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
~~ Subject: Re: Email from Shell/Telnet prompt?
~~ On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 09:24:36 +0100, NoSpam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
~~ |Hi,
~~ |
~~ |Is it possible to send an e-mail from the Shell/Telnet prompt which I can
~~ |put in ".sh" script?
~~ |
~~ |An example would be great?
~~ |
~~ |Is it possible to specify FROM/TO and SUBJECT?
~~ |
~~ |The script is run automatically via cron but it does not confirm the
~~ |successfully running of the script which I would like it to do.  As the
~~ |server is shared via an ISP I can not change any settings on the machine
~~ |itself.
~~ Generate the message as you want it to look, with "To:", "From:", &
~~ "Subject:" headers, then a blank line, then the message body.
~~ Then pipe the message into sendmail with the "-t" option, which tells
~~ sendmail to read the destination addresses from the message headers.
~~    cat mesage.file | sendmail -t

Probably easier to to just use 'mail -s'!
Subject lined shortened to under 80 columns:

[anm@hawk ~/mail] mail -s "The message of the day..." anm < /etc/motd                  
[anm@hawk ~/mail] mail                                                                 
Mail version 8.1 6/6/93.  Type ? for help.
"/var/spool/mail/anm": 1 message 1 new
>N  1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Aug 30 22:02 13/437 "The message of the day..."
& p
Message 1:
>From anm  Wed Aug 30 22:02:58 2000
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 22:02:58 -0500
From: "Andrew N. McGuire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The message of the day...

Linux 2.2.16.


~ Andrew N. McGuire                                                      ~
~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                              ~
~ "Plan to throw one away; you will, anyhow." - Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. ~


From: Boris Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,alt.os.linux,,alt.icq
Subject: help: kicq core dumps
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 23:13:04 -0400

I installed mandrake 7.0 with KDE and downloaded icqlib and kicq
packages. I have kicq0.3.0-4 and icqlib0.1.3-4 both from PowerTools
distributed by RedHat software. kicq did come up, but when I tried to
connect to the server,  it core dumped. I tried to connect to port 4000. I didn't remember my ICQ #, so I used 0.
ICQ gave a segmentation fault with the following stack backtrace
#0  0x4059a50a in __strdup (s=0x0) at
#1  0x404d085a in icq_Init (uin=0, password=0x0) at icqlib.c:1158
#2  0x805a8a5 in QString::find ()
#3  0x805a4bb in QString::find ()
#4  0x80585e5 in QString::find ()
#5  0x8053c8c in QString::find ()
#6  0x805264c in QString::find ()
#7  0x4055c9ee in __libc_start_main (
    main=0x80525e0 <QString::find(char, int, bool) const+192>, argc=1,
    argv=0xbffffd14, init=0x80505a0 <_init>, fini=0x8081508 <_fini>,
    rtld_fini=0x4000a570 <_dl_fini>, stack_end=0xbffffd0c)
    at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:90

Can anybody help me?



Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 15:20:30 +1200
From: Peter Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Zip 100 & RedHat 6.2

NDQ wrote:

> Peter Rodriguez wrote:
> >
> > I have got an Iomega Zip 100 (Parallel version) running perfectly under
> > RedHat 6.0 with a line added to .bash_profile - " modprobe imm >&
> > /dev/null " However on another machine running RedHat 6.2, this doesn't
> > work. Any ideas, anybody?
> Which error when you try :
> $ modprobe imm
> ????

I get

imm : Version 2.03 (for Linux 2.0.0)
scsi : 0 hosts.
/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/scsi/imm.o : init_module : Device or resource busy
/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/scsi/imm.o : insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/scsi/imm.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/scsi/imm.o : insmod imm failed

Peter Rodriguez
2/219, St. George Street, Papatoetoe
Auckland, NEW ZEALAND                LINUX RULES


From: "L. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Installing Mandrake over Caldera
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 23:38:10 -0400

Can everyone please remove all followups from the Caldera newsgroup. 
Its not the least bit relevant there.

Jeld The Dark Elf wrote:
> This is really simple. In both cases, you should tell Mandrake to mount
> these partitions during install, it is a different question as to
> wether you should tell mandrake to format these partitions.
> Generally /tmp doesn't contain any useful data ( or at least it
> shouldn't ) and you can safely tell Mandrake to format it. As far
> as /home goes you should skip the formating of this partition in order
> to preserve the data on it ( home directories ) but after the install
> is complete I have found that it is better to backup your stuff
> somewhere else delete  home directories and recreate users with home
> directories since there are usually a whole bunch of programs with
> versions different from the ones you had which wrote a config file or a
> directory that is not completely compatible.
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Martin Racette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok guys,
> >
> > I checked, and the "/home" directory is on another partition, but when
> > I'll install Mandrake, should I tell it to mount that partition as
> > "/home" or should I wait after the install is completed ?
> >
> > BTW. I also put "/tmp" on it's own partition, should I mount it as
> > well or wait ?
> >
> > Thank you in advance
> >
> > Merci a l'avance
> >
> > Martin
> >
> >
> --
> Good Luck.
> Jeld the Dark Elf
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter since nobody listens.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

L. Friedman                                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The alt.os.linux.caldera FAQ:
Step-by-step help for COL problems:

 11:35pm  up 7 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.35, 0.33, 0.18


From: Neil Zanella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: preventing those crashes: is the kernel the culprit?
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 01:20:25 -0230


After upgrading from Red Hat 5.2 to Red Hat 6.2 I was experiencing lots
of system crashes and wondering why that was. At first I thought it might
be overfull partitions as my /tmp was quite full so I made sure everything
was no more than 80% full but that did not help. My system kept on 
crashing unexpectedly from time to time. Then I suspected it was my text
editor vim since I use it so often and the system used to crash a lot
while editing files. But the system crashed when I was not using it as
well. So then I suspected that it might be the gnome or enlightenment
or some other X Window thing. That was not the case as Linux froze on
me once again, this time in console mode. Arrghh, what could it be?
Well, my conclusion was that the newer kernels are prone to crashing.
I _DOWN_graded to linux-2.2.13 and my systems seems to be working fine
once again. Fortunately I do not need any of those newer feature. IMHO
all of kernels 2.2.14 and up have problems. I had kernels with all of
the bug workarounds enabled and things were freezing. Kernel 2.2.13 with
the same kernel configuration works as smoothly as always. So, the bottom
line is: if your system freezes from time to time and you are not
doing any kernel testing or kernel drivers development then just downgrade
to kernel 2.2.13. This is only a suggestion and of course I may 
be wrong but that worked for me. Hopefully the 2.4.0 kernel will have this
freezing problem fixed with some luck (the test6 version also had this





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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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