Linux-Misc Digest #646, Volume #21                Thu, 2 Sep 99 20:13:08 EDT

  Re: linux from the basic ("rob")
  Re: Linux keeps crashing! Help!!!!!!!! (Spike!)
  Re: A REAL Linux for free (Bruce Stephens)
  Apache server not working on more than 1 site ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: antivirus s/w NewBie please help (Spike!)
  Re: Where is fips? (Spike!)
  World Linux Day -- 17 September (Phil Hunt)
  Problem with K Panel (Jason Bond)
  Re: man page setup for ksh (Dave Brown)
  Re: REAL PLAYER G2 Problems ("Gilbert Groehn")
  Re: Best Linux Book (Kevin White)
  Re: Best Linux Distro? / Best GUI? (Phil Hunt)
  Re: PS1 in bashrc - kshrc (Dave Brown)
  WordPerfect 8 Printer Drivers (BJW7TOAEM)
  Re: Dual Pentium II shows as Dual Celeron... (Greg Leblanc)
  Apache Setup for Virtual Domains and UserDir (Rob)
  Re: Can't talk on GPIB unless I'm root (Frank Miles)
  from hda1 2 hdb1? (Jim Engstrom)
  Re: A silly question: POP and Sendmail (Erik Diehn)
  Re: Best Linux Distro? / Best GUI? (John Girash)
  Re: Best Linux Distro? / Best GUI? ("matts")
  Re: (Q) What is the advantage of KDE/GNOME applications? (Carl Fink)
  replacing shared libraries ("Dan Kubilos")


From: "rob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: linux from the basic
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 16:14:13 -0600

Don't you need a /proc filesystem?  How do you make that?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
<7qj10p$1a5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>A) libs: /lib/* should do
>B) prog: /{s,}bin/* and you won't have any problems.
>C) others: /{dev,etc}/* are important, too.
>btw: /dev/* can't be copied with cp - use cpio.
>When you've done the copying, do:
>chroot /mnt/otherdisk /sbin/ldconfig
>chroot /mnt/otherdisk /bin/bash
>If that works, set up LILO (oops, you'll need /boot/*, too ...) and then:
>good luck.
>btw, I've done this recently on a ZIP disk (lilo and kernel on floppy, root
>on disk). This makes for a cool routing system ...


From: Spike! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux keeps crashing! Help!!!!!!!!
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 21:45:42 +0100

And verily, didst Dragnet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> eloquently scribe:
> After browsing this newsgroup I was wondering if it might be because of
> the size of the swap partition, It is currently set to 70 MB (by the
> installer) and I was wondering if this is too small and might be causing
> the lockups.

You could always run top to find out how much swap's being used before the
freeze up, but it sounds unlikely...

> If so is it possible to increase this without starting from scratch - I
> guess not easily, or could I add in another disk drive and format it as
> a swap partition.

You could create a swap file...
(Can't remember how, but it should be in the HowTos)

| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |    "I'm alive!!! I can touch! I can taste!     |
|    Andrew Halliwell BSc   |     I can SMELL!!!  KRYTEN!!! Unpack Rachel    |
|             in            |     and get out the puncture repair kit!"      |
|      Computer Science     |        Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf          |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!|  Space for hire  |


From: Bruce Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A REAL Linux for free
Date: 02 Sep 1999 21:45:42 +0100

"Super Solaris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Using Linux?


> Thinking of using Linux?

Yes, even more.

> Have you tried Solaris?

Yes.  Personally, I prefer Linux.


Subject: Apache server not working on more than 1 site
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 23:05:06 GMT

I have install Red hat 6.0. My default web site on Apache server is
working and showing a Apache Test page. I wan't to makhe this server
with multiple domains. If thru browser i try to access sites by IP
address ,it shows same Apache test page on all IP address which i
Could anybody help me.Thanks in advance

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Spike! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: antivirus s/w NewBie please help
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 22:40:11 +0100

And verily, didst A.PADMANARAYANAN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> eloquently scribe:
> hey friends!
> i am a linux newbie just a week old :)
> could anyone suggest a good antivirus s/w package for
> RedHat 6?

If you want an antivirus to combat linux viruses...
Don't worry. Linux itself is an anti-virus OS when used properly.
(File permissions effectively prevent viruses from spreading, as long as
they're not started by root...)

The only anti virus programs available for linux are ones that scan incoming
e-mails for virus attachments where the e-mail is destined for a windoze
machine on the network.

|                           |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
|                           |can't move, with no hope of rescue.             |
|   Andrew Halliwell BSc    |Consider how lucky you are that life has been   |
|            in             |good to you so far...                           |
|     Computer Science      |   -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!|  Space for hire  |


From: Spike! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where is fips?
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 21:27:23 +0100

And verily, didst [EMAIL PROTECTED] eloquently scribe:
> Where can I find a copy of fips?

On a red hat CD under DOS utilities?
Or perhaps other distro CDs....
(I don't remember seeing it on SuSE)

|                           |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
|                           |can't move, with no hope of rescue.             |
|   Andrew Halliwell BSc    |Consider how lucky you are that life has been   |
|            in             |good to you so far...                           |
|     Computer Science      |   -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!|  Space for hire  |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Hunt)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: World Linux Day -- 17 September
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 99 22:35:22 GMT

It will be Linux's birthday in a fortnight's time -- on the 
17th of September, to be precise.

We could:

* give our Linux distro CDROMs to someone who is currently labouring
under the yoke of an inferior OS, making sure to point out to them
that under Open Source licenses, this is perfectly legal.

* ceremonially burn any copies of Microsoft software lying around
(this is optional; some people are fortunate enough not to have
any contact with same).

* wear a Linux T-shirt, drink coffee from a Linux mug

* go out and get pissed (OK, not strictly Linux-related)

Any other ideas?

Phil Hunt - - - - - - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - Linux will be 8 years old on 17th September! See: -


From: Jason Bond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with K Panel
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 15:41:02 -0700

I've been messing around lately with enlightenment and
running 2 window managers (KDE and enlightenment).
When I create a second X session running enlightenment
using startx and go back to KDE, the panel doesn't
seem to start application anymore.  I've restarted the
panel, but when I try and run applications it says:

(jbond@blah: ~) QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket specified
QSocketNotifier: Internal error

does anyone know what is causing this or how it could be fixed?
Thanks much in advance,



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Brown)
Subject: Re: man page setup for ksh
Date: 2 Sep 99 23:04:43 GMT

In article <7qkp8d$lm2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Korn-shell was downloaded from and correctly installed
>under /usr/local  directory.
>man pages are installed under /usr/local/man directory and my "mandrake"
>distribution's man.config has MANPATH of /usr/local/man...
>but "man ksh" does not work.

Try "man sh". That's what it thinks it is...

Dave Brown   Austin, TX


From: "Gilbert Groehn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux.caldera
Subject: Re: REAL PLAYER G2 Problems
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 17:25:52 -0400

After fooling around with that damnable Real Player G2
version for several hours I finally 'shit canned' it.

We will probably have to wait for Linux to mature some more
before the nice free applications get properly configured for
it.   And then it will probably depend on which distro you're

Oh well.  Everything except RealPlayer works great so I will
do a little more experimenting with Ver 5.0 to see if I can get
it running and if not rm is waiting.

Thanks for all of the input.

Gil Groehn

CHamel wrote in message <7qmovj$4d8a$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>That makes three of us... mine didn't do a damn thing, either, and was
>nearly 8MB!  I wonder what gives!?
>>I had the same thing happen except it had a .exe extension!  Viewing the
>>file with a text editor shows linux and elf strings near the start of
>>the file but its useless as far as I can see (and huge, for a player.
>>Mine was a 8 megs).
>>                      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Kevin White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best Linux Book
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 17:05:44 -0600

Georgi Kostadinov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hello folks,
>I am a new to Linux. I was wondering
>what's the best book on Linux so far?
>I have RedHat Linux 6.0 on my machine.
>Thanks in advance! =20
My new favorite "beginner" book is RedHat Linux 6 Unleashed.  It's inform=
and covers lots of topics (1200+ pages worth), while still being easy to =
It's not indepth on everything, as even 1200 pages isn't enough to cover
nitty-gritty on everything, but is a very good book. overall  I leave it =
here at
my desk, and use it as a reference, when there's something I want to do t=
hat I
haven't don'e before in Linux, I go to it.

Other books I like:
Linux in a Nutshell (Oreilly)
Programming with QT (Oreilly)
Learning GNU Emacs (Oreilly)

I have links to some linux books on my web site.  Go to the Linux section=
, and
you can click on the titles and see the Barnes and Noble information on t=
book (or even buy it on line at a discount).

Hope that helps,
Kevin White


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Hunt)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Best Linux Distro? / Best GUI?
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 99 23:15:02 GMT

In article <7qmq6f$f9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
           [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Tim Kelley" writes:
> RedHat 6 is terrible.  RedHat 5.2 is pretty darn good.  slackware
> 4.0 is really nice too.  SuSE I hear is pretty good.

I use SuSE6.0. By PC can with RedHat pre-installed, but I didn't
like it so I switch to SuSE instead.

Can anyone tell me if there's a Linux equivalent of the BSOD --
I've not had Linux crash since I installed SuSE6.0 (5 months ago), and 
I'm curious.

Phil Hunt - - - - - - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - Linux will be 8 years old on 17th September! See: -


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Brown)
Subject: Re: PS1 in bashrc - kshrc
Date: 2 Sep 99 23:11:02 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bart Vanherck wrote:
>My problem is that this only works for bash
>and not for ksh. How can I adapt it so that also
>in ksh the title of my xterm shows the path ?

ksh doesn't do \h and \w, etc.  You have to use $PWD and set 
a variable (eg; HOST=`hostname -s`) to use $HOST in the prompt.
(although I think ksh93 allows `hostname -s` in the PS1 variable 
directly, although ksh88 does not.  (Don't know what pdksh does...)

Dave Brown   Austin, TX


Subject: WordPerfect 8 Printer Drivers
Date: 02 Sep 1999 21:58:55 GMT

I have the Downloaded Personal Edition of WordPerfect 8, I can not find my
printer in the list of printer drivers that it gives me I have a BJC-600e.  I
was wondering if there is a web site or somewhere I can download or find
additional printer drivers? (If so how do I install them?) Do I have them on my
system somewhere? And if there is no printer driver specifically for the
BJC-600e what is another printer driver I can use. If you need any more
information just e-mail me.  Thanks in advance for any help! :)
John H.
Twinkling Of An Eye Ministries Web Site


From: Greg Leblanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Dual Pentium II shows as Dual Celeron...
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 22:46:04 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Artur Swietanowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greg Leblanc wrote:
> >
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > Uhm, no.  He said that he disabled BOTH the external and internal
> > which would REALLY slow the system down.
> Actually, the internal cache makes all the difference in this case.

I don't see why you're saying the external cache doesn't matter.  It
DOES matter, that's why the Celerons without L2 cache were slow as a
dog.  They were VERY overclockable because you didn't mess with that
cache ram, but that's a different story.  The EXTERNAL cache (L2) on a
P-II runs at 1/2 the clock speed, and 1/2 the speed of the Internal
Cache (L1).  The L1 cache is very very fast, but really really tiny(32K
on the P-II and P-III).  If you enable the L2 cache (External) then it
will be a hell of a lot faster, since you'll have 512K of cache running
at 1/2 processor speed.  Another thing to keep in mind about the
difference between cache and system memory, is that cache is MUCH lower
latency than system ram is.  I will agree that the L1 cache is probably
about 1/2 that performance hit, but not more than that.

> > But that's totally irrevalent,
> > since the P-II's cache has NOTHING to do with bus speed.  It runs at
> > the CLOCK speed of the CPU.
> So what is the point? Half the internal clock speed will still be
> 200MHz as opposed to 100MHz of bus speed (which happens to be the
> speed of communication with the external cache).

See above, because that's WRONG.

> And, if you check your facts (see
>, you'll notice
> that PII's have two levels of internal cache:
> (a) level 1 operating at full speed (400MHz in this case) and
> (b) level 2 operating at half speed (200MHz).
> The 400MHz processor will communicate with the outside world at
> 100MHz.

Ahem.  Thank you.  L1 is internal cache.  It's ON THE PROCESSOR CORE.
L2 cache is part of the chunk that people call the P-II and P-III.  It's
NOT on the processor core, and therefore is NOT internal cache.  Thanks
for finding a page that proves my point so well.  You're probably
thinking of the external cache from the socket type CPUs, where the
cache was on the motherboard.  P-II motherboards do not have ANY cache
on them.  They have the chipset, but the external cache is now a part of
the processor.

> Now, since the main memory also works at 100MHz (or, less likely,
> at 66MHz), the speedups from having external cache enabled will
> be modest compared to speedups gained by using internal one.
> So my point was and remains: it's the disabling of internal CPU
> cache that caused the performance drop.
> Regards,
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Artur Swietanowski                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Institut für Statistik,  Operations Research  und  Computerverfahren,
> Universität Wien,     Universitätsstr. 5,    A-1010 Wien,     Austria
> tel. +43 (1) 427 738 620                     fax  +43 (1) 427 738 629
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

It's pronounced "sexy" not "scuzzy"!

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Apache Setup for Virtual Domains and UserDir
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 21:31:08 GMT

This is what I would ultimately like to setup, it shouldnt be too hard, I 
think I am just running into some permissions issues.  I am using RH6 with 
Apache 1.3.1

1.  Setup UserDir so works.  I have created a 
public_html directory and placed an index.html in the directory, but I 
always get "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /~username on 
this server." as an error.

2.  Setup a Virtual Domain such as or  This is simple, I have this working, but I want to 
give a user permission to ftp to upload only to the virtual domain 
directory, but have no other permissions to run amok looking around the 
server.  The virtual domains need to be able to run cgi also.

Its always the simplest fixes that are the most mind boggling, any help or 
direction would be appreciated.

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Miles)
Subject: Re: Can't talk on GPIB unless I'm root
Date: 2 Sep 1999 23:08:19 GMT

You sound like you are further along than I am.  I have just started
trying to get the CB-PCI-GPIB board running.  At least with the version
that I have been trying to use (2.04), the driver is not what you would
expect: not /dev/gpib0.  /dev/gpib0 is a directory.  The actual driver
is /dev/gpib0/master.  It should be possible to leave the default
permissions on the directory.  For my purposes, I changed the permissions
on /dev/gpib0/master to 664, and changed the group to reflect those
that I wish to have access to the card.

I would appreciate hearing what version of the GPIB software that you
have.  While ibchk runs fine (even for non-root users of the proper
group), I have yet to get much else to work properly.  The hardware
is ok -- I took it to a Windows machine and was able to get it running

Hope this helps!


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Gary J. Weiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Grant Edwards wrote:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Gary J. Weiner wrote:
>> >Hi there,
>> >
>> >I've been working with the Linux Lab Project's GPIB driver and I can
>> >talk to my scope when I run it as root, but I get errors when I try to
>> >run it as a user.
>> Uh, what are the errors?
>Error in startup script: ibfind: 
>IBERR =  EDVR <OS Error>
>    while executing
>"gpib find scope "
>    (file "gw.tcl" line 14)
>> Have you checked the permissions on the /dev/XXXX file that's
>> used for the GPIB board?  Make the user your runnin as can
>> read/write that file.
>/dev/gpib0 is 777. I don't know if there are other devices I need to
>check as well.


From: Jim Engstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: from hda1 2 hdb1?
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 00:54:55 +0200

I want to be able to move my Linux from hda to hdb without reinstall,
any way to do this?
Need that strange OS (win) as first OS in my system (damn my boss!). I
can do a reinstall without problems, but my OS is runing so perfect just
now and it look nice to :-)


From: Erik Diehn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A silly question: POP and Sendmail
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 18:04:27 -0400

Jimmy Lio wrote:
> Does Sendmail support POP3?  If not, what should I install for my client
> computers to fetch mail from my Linux server?
> Jimmy

Don't mind the bitter people, Jimmy. 

Sendmail and POP3 are two ends of a process. Sendmail sends mail, as the
name might imply. That's basically all it does, though it can do that in
a very specialized and complicated manner. 

POP3 is a protocol defined for fetching spooled mail from a remote (or
local) server. Many mail clients support it. Sendmail, since it -> sends
<- mail, is not a mail client.

Common mail clients include elm and pine. Others include Outlook and

In order for your client computers to fetch mail from your Linux server,
you'll also need to have a POP3 server on your machine, such as
in.pop3d. That's probably already there, and already configured to run.
If you want to know more about how it runs, check the man page. 

Before you proceed, though, I would take the time to research e-mail
protocols/servers/clients/etc. a little more thoroughly. As someone else
has suggested, the Mail HOWTO is a good place to start.

Erik Diehn


From: John Girash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Best Linux Distro? / Best GUI?
Date: 2 Sep 1999 19:02:49 -0500

In comp.os.linux.misc TNC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Here's a little flamebait for you all.  What is the best distro and GUI
: combo? By "best" let me explain.  I'm a very experienced Linux
: user/admin.  I started back around 92 with slackware and am currently
: using Redhat 5.0.  I've heard many terrible things about RH6.0 and am
: wary.  What I want is a distro that installs smoothly, has a good GUI
: (OK, this is also a question about Gnome/KDE) and has a binary package
: installation system that checks dependencies, etc...  I liked slackware
: but after a while I gave it up b/c they use tarballs and make you
: compile everything.  As I understand it they still do. Opinions? -
: please CC to my email as my newsserver is slow and flaky.  Thanks.

I started with Slackware (pre-ELF) in '93 and found the switch to Debian
well worth it.  The dpkg system is quite robust and easy to admin.
I can't say anything about KDE/Gnome/etc but have never found a reason
to switch from good ol' Xfree86/fwvm, and many reasons not to switch.

followsup line cropped

: -- 
: "Gun control proposals are nothing more than a modern liberal
: suggestion that government, which is unable to protect its citizens,
: makes sure those citizens cannot defend themselves." 
:          - Robert. H. Bork

??? Guns hurt more people through accidents than through intentional use.
    Therefore gun control is making sure citizens cannot hurt themselves.
    (Whether you think this is a good thing or not is a different matter.)

"don't listen when you're told about the best days in your life     Spirit of
 a useless old expression, it means passing time until you die."     the West
  -- John Girash -- girash @ - --


From: "matts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Best Linux Distro? / Best GUI?
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 18:14:26 -0700

TNC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Here's a little flamebait for you all.  What is the best distro and GUI
> combo? By "best" let me explain.  I'm a very experienced Linux
> user/admin.  I started back around 92 with slackware and am currently
> using Redhat 5.0.  I've heard many terrible things about RH6.0 and am
> wary.  What I want is a distro that installs smoothly, has a good GUI
> (OK, this is also a question about Gnome/KDE) and has a binary package
> installation system that checks dependencies, etc...  I liked slackware
> but after a while I gave it up b/c they use tarballs and make you
> compile everything.  As I understand it they still do. Opinions? -
> please CC to my email as my newsserver is slow and flaky.  Thanks.

My first Linux was Linux Slackware 2.0, and I still use it to this day
(Slack 4.0).  I think SLackware is the best for people like you.  Sure,
there are some complications, like compiling packages and stuff, but it
works great.  I love Slack!  I can't imagine a person such as yourself
moving to those newbie distros like RedCrap or Mandrake.  It's in my
opinion, anyway.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carl Fink)
Subject: Re: (Q) What is the advantage of KDE/GNOME applications?
Date: 2 Sep 1999 23:02:13 GMT

On 2 Sep 1999 03:16:20 +0100 Timothy Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>What exactly is the advantage of a KDE or GNOME application,
>over a standard application launched through a kdelnk
>or GNOME launcher?

Well, a common, reliable clipboard, drag-and-drop functionality, a common
set of widgets and interface conventions . . . .

I just tried out both KDE and GNOME and ended up uninstalling both
and reverting to icewm, but that's not to say I don't *in principle*
see advantages to KDE/GNOME.  As you say, their documentation is bad,
and they've copied some really bad Microsoft ideas into their user
interfaces, like "Apply" buttons.

The only thing I miss from either is kfm -- I don't like it as a file
manager, but it's a wonderful web browser.
Carl Fink               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy." 
        -Martin Luther on Copernicus' theory that the Earth orbits the sun


From: "Dan Kubilos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: replacing shared libraries
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 16:16:31 -0700

I deleted X11 stuff because I wasn't using it.  Sloppy job.

Problem with programs that access vi.   (visudo and vipw)  They both report

/usr/bin/vi: error in loading shared libraries: cannot open
object file: No such file or directory


I would appreciate advise on the best way to replace this shared library

I am running RH 5.2 on intel box.  Have all CDs

Dan Kubilos, Technology Coordinator
Oxnard School District
805-487-3918  ext. 467



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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