Linux-Misc Digest #646, Volume #27               Thu, 19 Apr 01 05:13:02 EDT

  Re: X11 Instalation problems ("Glitch")
  Re: gnome terminal (Michael Powe)
  Can I add to RH 7? (Guy Parry)
  Re: Problems cross-mounting NFS filesystems ("Moshe Samuel")
  gnome & gnucash (Michael Powe)
  Re: gnome & gnucash (Gerald Willmann)
  Sailboat Racing & Navigation  (Tom Hubin)
  Re: About Virtual Hosting, plz HELP (JLoaf)
  Re: disk geometry problem ... RH 7.1 anaconda ("Eric")
  Re: Alcatel SpeedTouch HOME: Program for another ISP? (Michael Perry)
  process in suse 7.1 ("Wong Ching Kuen Frederick")
  Mirroring a disk ("Simon Frohn")
  Firewire scanner ("Nick K. Aghazarian")
  Stupid login tricks (/etc/issue question) (Proton2112)
  Re: Netscape 4.77  *after*  Netscape 6.01 ?! (paranormalized)
  Re: Stupid login tricks (/etc/issue question) (David)
  Re: new slackware question ("sb")
  Re: ZIP100 not having correct major or minor number (Bart Friederichs)


From: "Glitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X11 Instalation problems
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 00:17:00 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "tilgo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am having a problem with the X11 installation in my machine! The
> Xwindows appears enormous in my screen. I think I dont have the
> necessary drivers. Does someone help me? My machine:
> HP Vectra
> Intel(r) 82815 Graphics Controller 4mb Monitor HP D8895A, 15"

run Xconfigurator

u need to specify more resolutions (or try Ctrl Alt + or Ctrl Alt - to
change resolutions if u already have some specified)


From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gnome terminal
Date: 18 Apr 2001 20:23:51 -0700

>>>>> "David" == David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    David> When I type gnome-terminal at the prompt (thanks for the
    David> command, Robert), I get the following:

    David> gnome-terminal: error while loading shared libraries:
    David> gnome-terminal: undefined symbol: zvt_term_set_open_im

    David> When I saw a problem with the shared libraries, I ran
    David> ldconfig -v but it didn't help.

    David> Any ideas?  Thanks, Dave

Yeah, you don't have all the libraries installed or the term program
was compiled with a version of the libs different from the one
installed on your system.  With gnome, this doesn't surprise me.  I'm
ready to throw it out and switch to KDE.


    David> David Miller wrote:
    >>  I upgraded from RH 7.0 to 7.1 today and now I cannot get a
    >> gnome terminal to pop up. Can someone tell me what the command
    >> is to launch a gnome terminal from the prompt? Also, if anyone
    >> has any idea about my problem, I welcome them.
    >> Thanks, Dave



From: Guy Parry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can I add to RH 7?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:42:22 +1000

     I would like to try the latest version of licq, v1.0.3 on RH 7,
but I get a dependency conflict and it tells me it needs an older
version of libstdc++ before I can install it.  Can I put TWO versions
of libstdc++ on the one machine if they are differently numbered?  If
so, where can I GET this file?  I've poked around without luck, and
can see no way to simply extract it from the apprpriate rpm, a la a
.zip file...
     All advice appreciated!


From: "Moshe Samuel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems cross-mounting NFS filesystems
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 23:45:51 -0500

I don't know if this is actually similar... but... I have multiple
partitions on my desktop computer, with many of them being mounted by
/etc/fstab at boot.  I am running NFS over a parallel cable connection to my
laptop.  When I tried to mount the entire desktop filesystem on my laptop
using mount -a, I could not mount all the partitions since Linux thought
that I was trying to mount things that were already mounted.  I ended up
writing a shell script that mounts each filesystem separately, since the
order *matters*.  I have to first mount root, and then the other filesystems
mounted locally on root.  Hope this helps, or at least sparks osme new ideas
to lead you to a solution.  Please post follow-ups describing your progress.

Alex Rayshubskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hey,
> I'm having problems nfs cross mounting filesystems. For instance
> I have a machine X that I need to nfs mount on Y and I have machine Z
> that
> nfs mounts Y. I want Z to be able to see X. Because of the Beowulf set
> up
> machine X doesnt not have a direct access to Z and Z has no direct
> access to
> X.
> X = hertz
> Y = jupiter (for the outside world), io (within the cluster)
> Z = europa
> The exports man page says that in order to be able to achive the above,
> one can provide a nohide option in the exports file. However when I
> provide such an option and then try to run exportfs -r (or a) I get the
> following error message:
> [root@hertz ar77]# /usr/sbin/exportfs -r
> exportfs: Unknown keyword "crossmnt" in export file
> This error seems strange because the "crossmnt" keyword doesnt even
> exist in /etc/exports
> This is the /etc/exports file for hertz:
> [root@hertz ar77]# cat /etc/exports
> /home/ar77 jupiter(rw,nohide,no_root_squash)
> When I try changing the exports file in the same manner and running
> exportfs -r on io(Y) i get the same "crossmnt" error.
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> --
> Alex Rayshubskiy
> MacCHESS Lab,
> 209 Bio-Tech Building, Cornell Universuty
> Ithaca, NY 14850


From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: gnome & gnucash
Date: 18 Apr 2001 20:56:42 -0700

<rant> I've just wasted about 4 hours over 2 days trying to get all
the dependencies worked out so that I could compile & install gnucash.
Now, I'm a patient guy & I obviously had the time to sit here and
download one library after another, do the './configure make install'
thing.  But, after going to all that trouble, and have the gnome-lib
compile break because one of those other libs uses a header I don't
have (xpm.h) & which I can't find -- it's the last straw.  I can blame
some of it on debian -- the world's worst installer makes it
impossible for me to even think about using the system installer for
binaries. And as is usually the case with debian, about half what you
actually need to make it work is installed by default, and the rest
you can go fish for.  After you get your Ph.D. in CS, you'll be
trained enough to actually use dselect.  I'm about done with debian,
too.  I think slack is going back on this machine.  PDQ.

But, my real beef is with gnome & gnucash, two of the most
USER-UNFRIENDLY installations on the linux planet.  These applications
were obviously written for highly-technical users who can find their
ways around a CVS tree in the dark.  I've been using linux
continuously for almost 4 years but I pretty much skim the treetops in
a lot of respects.  I can do a lot & I'm really willing to put up with
a lot (like kernel 2.4 breaking SB soundcard support that had been
working fine in 2.2.13); but sometimes, I just need software that

The bottom line is, I'm going to wind up using MS Money for my
financials because all I have to do is stick in a CD & in ten minutes,
I'm working on my dollars & not on the damned software.

It's funny, where I work I just got moved onto a new team and as part
of that change, we all moved into a different building so that we
would be right next to the group than maintains the servers.  The
reason for this move was so that we (support) could be in direct
contact with the hardware/development people and thus be able to give
them direct input on how their work was affecting our customers.  The
feeling was that sometimes the dev team was prone to do things without
regard to that effect, with sometimes embarrassing results.  I wish
somebody would have that brilliant idea at Helix Software.

99% of my home computer time is spent on linux boxen.  Right now, I'm
just too busy to spend all my free time fixing things like broken
sound card support or libs that don't work.  These things are so
basic, there should not even BE any need for me to be fixing them.
They should just f***ing work.  Yeah, MS operating systems are pieces
o' shite -- but here's exactly why we are stuck with them.  I just
wish someone would create a USABLE linux-based financial program that
did not require a CS degree and an entire weekend to install.  Then,
I'd be at 100%.




From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gnome & gnucash
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 07:22:26 +0200

On 18 Apr 2001, Michael Powe wrote:

> The bottom line is, I'm going to wind up using MS Money for my
> financials because all I have to do is stick in a CD & in ten minutes,
> I'm working on my dollars & not on the damned software.

have you tried moneydance? it's a java program so you only need a working
jvm and it should work w/o any further ado.


From: Tom Hubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sailboat Racing & Navigation 
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 01:52:13 -0400


I write a commercial marine navigation and tidal current prediction
application for Windows 3.1 (compiled with Borland c++ 3.1). I am
considering releasing this or a variant of this under something like
Linux. My goal is to continue to develop bells and whistles but to share
the load with others. No particular commercial goals.

In order to get recreational sailboat racers to use it I would like the
public version to run under Windows too, if that is possible. Getting
them to use any software while racing is a challenge. Getting them to
install an OS that is not Windows will be nearly impossible.

I am an electrical engineer and optical engineer and not a professional
programmer. I have been programming, as necessary, since the mid 1960's.
So I cannot exactly claim to be new to computers. But I will say that I
do not keep up with the software business. I am only vaguely familiar
with Linux capabilities.

In the last 2 weeks I have connected with Linux Users Groups in Columbia
and Laurel MD.

Any suggestions on how to tackle this? 

Is there another Newsgroup where I should post this??

You can get a look at last years demo at . The sample screens there are
several years old and come from an old DOS version of the program. The
downloadable demo runs under Windows 3.1 or better.

Tom Hubin


Subject: Re: About Virtual Hosting, plz HELP
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 08:32:17 +0200

Natman wrote:

>> >>>>>>>>
>> ServerType standalone
>> ServerRoot "/usr/local/apache"
>> ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> ServerName
>> DocumentRoot /home/hkix/htdocs
>> ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/hkix/cgi-bin/
>> NameVirtualHost
>> <VirtualHost>
> Should be <VirtualHost>

Actually the first entry with the IP address is more the way it should be. 
The reason for this is that if you enter the domain name it will have to be 
resolved first. This adds to the startup time and if for some reason the 
DNS isn't working right when the system starts you might see a big delay.

>> ServerName
>> DocumentRoot /home/waptomail/htdocs
>> </VirtualHost>
> then you should have
> <VirtualHost>
> ServerName
> DocumentRoot /home/hkix/htdocs
> </VirtualHost>
>  Note that if a person enters the IP address, apache will use the info
> that's not in the <VirtualHost> tags, this also applies for browsers which
> do not use HTTP/1.1.  I believe this is the way I had mine setup (before I
> stopped using virtualhosts).

I use the IP address in the <VirtualHost> tag and they work correctly, so 
this probably isn't the problem.


"Smile, tomorrow will be worse!"


From: "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: disk geometry problem ... RH 7.1 anaconda
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 08:47:42 +0200

> I have a SCSI drive, which was partitioned (I don't recall how) to
> think that its geometry was 1115 cyl, 255 hds, and 63 sectors.
> Somehow I got Linux installed on it.  But there's also an IDE drive
> which has lilo on it, and manages booting.
> But recently, I've been trying to do another installation on the
> SCSI drive (RH 7.1), and RH's anaconda installer won't touch that
> disk.  It thinks the geometry is 8748 cyl, 64 hds, and 32 sectors.
> It complains that the first (primary) partition and 2nd (extended)
> partition do not end on cylinder boundary, and skips the drive.
> I've tried putting geometry parameters at the lilo boot prompt,
> "linear", or  "hd=1027,255,63 hd=1115,255,63", (assuming 1st drive is
> hda and 2nd drive is sda).
> What should I be putting on the parameter line.

obviously, you shouldn't assume what you did:


"linux hda=1027,255,63 sda=1115,255,63"



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Perry)
Subject: Re: Alcatel SpeedTouch HOME: Program for another ISP?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 06:49:20 -0000

On 17 Apr 2001 18:25:28 -0400, Dan Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have 2 Alcatel SpeedTouch Home DSL modems.  One is configured for my
> ISP, one is not.  They tell me that a modem has to be config'd for
> their service, and that I can't use just any modem.  Does anyone know
> how I can suck the configuration out of the good one and stuff it into
> the other one?
> This would really help me out.  Thanks!
> --Dan

One other issue that I have been contending with. The Speedtouch has some
pretty basic security flaws and if you happened to read the slashdot page
about a week ago, it featured what a researcher has found with this modem. 
My only reason for posting is to alert you to this and to tell you to be
careful and ensure you setup a good firewall which you administer
religiously. My ISP helped here a bit; they are a bsd shop primarily and I
have been using an openBSD ipfilter/ipnat box lately.

I would read the report over and decide on a firewalling strategy to protect
your investments.

Michael Perry


From: "Wong Ching Kuen Frederick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: process in suse 7.1
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:52:08 +0800

what is this process? seems it is using much cpu resources (59.6%).

    3 root      19   0     0    0     0 SW   59.6  0.0  5038m kapm-idled


From: "Simon Frohn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mirroring a disk
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 08:57:28 +0200


I have installed Linux, using 3 Partitions and LILO,
on the first disk (sda). The second drive (sdb) is unformated.

I am looking for a tool / manual to  "low-level" copy
the first disk to the second. This copy should include
 LILO, partitition-data and of course all the files.

I guess, if both disk are exactly of the same type I
simply could do something like dd if=sda of=sdb ?

Does anyone know something more flexible then dd?



From: "Nick K. Aghazarian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Firewire scanner
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 00:03:04 -0700

Anyone get a firewire scanner to work under linux (any distro)?  I have 
a Umax 6400, and would love to use it without having to reboot to windows.
Sane doesn't seem to support it, and makes it sound like it never will.

Any help is greatly appreciated,



From: Proton2112 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Stupid login tricks (/etc/issue question)
Date: 19 Apr 2001 07:11:47 GMT

I'm using Redhat 6.2.

I am trying to make the login message in /etc/issue have colors.  I have

not had luck just inserting ansi-looking codes (but maybe I didn't do it

right).  Anyone know if this can be done?  Maybe it's whatever is
displaying /etc/issue (I have no idea which program it is) doesn't read
ansi codes.

Any ideas?


*remove stuff from email to reply directly*


From: paranormalized <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape 4.77  *after*  Netscape 6.01 ?!
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 07:15:39 GMT

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001 18:46:02 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck) wrote:

>On Wed, 18 Apr 2001 17:52:38 GMT, Arctic Storm
>> Is 6.0x a descendant of 4.7x, or is 6.0x a divergent of 4.7x line?
>6.x is based on Mozilla <>, and is an entirely
>different codebase from the 4.7x series.

So... why does the rendering still suck on large .jpg's?  I mean, 4.x
had that problem, whereas IE didn't, and lo and behold, we get a
totally new codebase and.... it still sucks?  Huh?  Are they just
repeating mistakes in totally new code or what here? 

Or is the Mozilla codebase not used for the Windows version of 6.x?
Yeah, I know, I shouldn't be using windows, but I need some way of
keeping a net connection, and I don't want to get a new modem until I
can afford a Lucent chipset PCI modem... the advantages of PCI, keeps
a serial port free, and it's usable under Linux.

Jonathan Fisher
who uses windows because of his *^%$%y winmodem, but has a linux
Paranormalized man, Supernaturalized citizen, and Sub-normalized otaku....

To email, change proprietary to free, org to com.


Subject: Re: Stupid login tricks (/etc/issue question)
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 08:02:32 GMT

Proton2112 wrote:
> I'm using Redhat 6.2.
> I am trying to make the login message in /etc/issue have colors.  I have
> not had luck just inserting ansi-looking codes (but maybe I didn't do it
> right).  Anyone know if this can be done?  Maybe it's whatever is
> displaying /etc/issue (I have no idea which program it is) doesn't read
> ansi codes.
> Any ideas?
> proton2112
> *remove stuff from email to reply directly*

/etc/issue and /etc/ are re-written at each boot of the system
with these lines in /etc/rc.d/rc.local

#    echo "" > /etc/issue
#    echo "$R" >> /etc/issue
#    echo "Kernel $(uname -r) on $a $SMP$(uname -m)" >> /etc/issue
#    cp -f /etc/issue /etc/
#    echo >> /etc/issue

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more W/U's than 99.166% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


From: "sb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: new slackware question
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 19:56:20 +1200

Patrick himself said on the slackware forum that he plans to include 2.4.x
in slack 7.2

"+Chiron+" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 13 Apr 2001 17:44:33 -0400, toy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> boldly
> marched in and issued the following proclamation:
> >is the next slackware version after 7.1 going to inlcude kernel 2.4?
> Nope-
> 7.2 is (supposedly) going to use kernel 2.2.19
> (although 2.4 is available in the slackware-current directory)


From: Bart Friederichs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ZIP100 not having correct major or minor number
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 08:38:57 GMT

Markus Kossmann wrote:

> That usually means that your kernel lacks "scsi disk" support. If there
> is a module called sd.o , load it and try again mounting.

Yes, that did the trick. Still weird that it is compiled into the kernel
and I still have to load the module (that is called sd_mod.o btw), but
hey it works, so who cares. ;-).

Thanks everybody for the help!


The internet is a too slow way of doing things you'd never do without
                                              Bart Friederichs, 1998



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