Linux-Misc Digest #468, Volume #24               Sun, 14 May 00 15:13:02 EDT

  Re: WYSIWYG web page generator (Pjtg0707)
  Re: WYSIWYG web page generator (Robert Heller)
  Re: APACHE + PHP3 PROBLEMS.... ("resignation")
  Re: German Govt says Microsoft a security risk (Gerald Willmann)
  Report on VA Linux Startx SP2/VA Linux 420 [longish] (Robert Lynch)
  web browsers ("J.")
  Re: Memory unrecognized (not the >64M problem!) (Sandhitsu R Das)
  Re: WYSIWYG web page generator (Mark Wilden)
  Re: Redhat6.2 Network bug ?? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Accessing Stupid Windows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: WANTED: Champion (David Steuber)
  Re: Benchmarks and relative speeds (Paul Grayson)
  Re: German Govt says Microsoft a security risk (Matthias Warkus)
  Re: German Govt says Microsoft a security risk (Matthias Warkus)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pjtg0707)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc,alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: WYSIWYG web page generator
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 17:14:42 GMT

On Sun, 14 May 2000 07:15:48 -0400, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Are there any WYSIWYG web page generators for Linux/LinuxPPC? It would
>need to be able to generate frames, input forms and secure pages.
>Any and all he;p appreciated.

If you are looking for something like offerings on Win9x, then there isn't
anything like that on Linux yet. 

If your background was in graphics design before you venture into webdesign 
and HTML, then I suggest you stick with something like Dreamweaver on Win9x
for now; it's a far better tool than most out there and it produce relatively
clean html codes. Most people I know use Win9x tools for layout and use UNIX 
for cgi
and other associated apps. 


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: WYSIWYG web page generator
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 17:20:17 GMT

  In a message on 14 May 2000 15:20:37 GMT, wrote :

JB> On Sun, 14 May 2000 12:36:18 GMT, Patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
JB> >Linux people don't believe in WYSIWYG!  They are a bunch of command line
JB> Yes we do; when it
JB> a) Increases productivity
JB> b) without screwing up the output
JB> LyX is a good example of this. IME HTML generators aren't, but maybe that's
JB> got better now.
JB> Life is always much easier if you can knock up code/HTML/whatever over a
JB> bare telnet session (remote maintainence of a website is a boon for people
JB> on the move and not knowing what computer you'll be on). You appreciate the
JB> CLI when you're in a different city and your server starts playing up ;).

Also: HTML was *designed* NOT to be WYSIWYG.  There are good reasons
*NOT* to use a WYSIWYG HTML editor.  Some of the *worst* web sites
*I've* seen were done with a 'WYSIWYG' HTML editor (in some cases you
can tell, without even looking at the HTML source).  The problem is
this: a WYSIWYG HTML editor work fine for some specific platform /
server / browser (with specific fonts, sizes and browser window size) /
monitor / video card, but ends up looking really bad with a different
platform, browser (and/or browser settings), different monitor, and
different video card.  One of the *original* design goals of HTML was a
way of describing hypertext that will look *reasonable* across a wide
range of display hardware and software.  This means that with proper
HTML, What *you* see is NOT what *I* get, but I will see something that
is a reasonable approximation of your design.  With *proper* HTML, this
will hold for better than 99% of the viewers.


Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: "resignation" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: APACHE + PHP3 PROBLEMS....
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 15:03:25 -0230

its becuase you dont "execute" php scripts, as they can be anywhere in the
documentroot except for the cgi-bin, which is for cgi/perl/etc type scripts

[Sun May 14 15:00:28 2000] [error] (8)Exec format error: exec of
/www/cgi-bin/test.php3 failed
[Sun May 14 15:00:28 2000] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers: /www/cgi-bin/test.php3

the above scripts works fine anywhere in the documentroot.


"Tux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi guys...
> Whenever I try to execute a PHP3 script while apache is running I get
> script execution errors....   Apache and PHP were both installed without
> errors, but for some reason I get the following error messages in the
> ServerRoot/logs/Error_Log file...


> [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) configured -- resuming normal operations
> [error] (8)Exec format error: exec of /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/hi.php3
> [error] Premature end of script headers: /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/hi.php3


From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: German Govt says Microsoft a security risk
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 10:42:56 -0700

On Sun, 14 May 2000, Salvador Peralta wrote:

> Your government practises censorship towards alternative groups. 
> Scientology isn't the only example.  The types of in-group / out-group
> models practised in germany and elsewhere are simply not healthy.  The
> antisemitic movement in germany and europe generally over the first half
> of this century is just one example of where that type of politics can
> lead.  There are certain rights of the individual that must be protected
> from the prejudices of others.  

do you actually know what you are talking about? Ie, have you ever lived
or even visited Germany or anything outside the US? It's simply absurd to
claim there is censorship in Germany. Don't know where you got that idea
from but how about backing it up with information who or what German gov't
office is in charge of censorship. The last freedom of press statistic I
saw put Germany higher than the US which is not too surprising if you are
able to compare the two countries' newspapers. And when you talk about the
first half of this century it kind of puzzles me why some Americans tend
to forget their concentration camps for the Japanese (come to CA if you
want to see) not to mention the rather special treatment reserved for
African Americans. 


Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 10:44:44 -0700
From: Robert Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Report on VA Linux Startx SP2/VA Linux 420 [longish]

I recently bought a VA Linux Startx SP2 system. [Now called a "VA Linux
420 Workstation", I find when checking the VA Linux site today.]  I
bought their base workstation, it sells for US$795 (no monitor). I chose
to upgrade: 466 -> 533MHz Celeron processor, 64MB -> 128MB 1-DIMM RAM,
and added a 56K internal PCI modem (I had an ISA 56K internal modem, but
this system only has PCI slots.) With shipping and CA tax, this brought
the system to a little under US$1400 total.

I ordered the system from the Web site on 3 May.  After placing the order 
I was surprised that no e-mail confirmation arrived.  I sent some site 
feedback about this and received a telephone call, then an e-mail.  Problem 
was they had two places to enter one's e-mail address, and I had missed the
second.  The VALinux rep told me that the system would probably ship in
a couple of weeks.  The e-mail gave some links to my "account" on the
site, which I checked every so often, to find "system not yet shipped." 
On the morning of 10 May I checked and found the same prediction, but
"BING!" went my doorbell a while later and there was a UPS guy with the
system.  OKAY!

Hooking up the system, I found it worked fine.  Then I embarked on my
plan to take the 8.2GB Western Digital Caviar out of my old system and
put it in the empty bay of this one. I opened the system with the idea
that I would find an empty connector on the 2nd IDE controller cable and
a convenient power supply cable.  Pop the drive in (slaved to the
CD-ROM), connect cable and power, done.

Foiled.  Someone at the factory had installed the 2nd IDE data cable
backwards, so that the two drive connector end was near the motherboard,
not the CD-ROM.  Also, there was no bay hardware for mounting the
drive.  I called VALinux tech support and got a guy in Oklahoma who
couldn't offer any help; I don't think he even logged the call since he
didn't ask for a serial number, etc.  This is surprising for a company
that is into supplying high-end servers, you would expect the response
to be "we have it, it will be overnighted to you, sorry 'bout that." So
I went a couple of times to "Tom's Computer Warehouse" here in Berkeley
whence Tom and his side-kick concocted a bay thingie out of surplus
dinguses.  About US$12 poorer, and after losing some knuckle skin, 2nd
drive was in, power up, ... all was well.  Whew!

The factory-installed 10GB hard drive was partitioned strangely, seems
to me anyhow:

/boot   ~ 23MB
/       ~ 1.5 GB
/home   ~ 8.2 GB (the rest of drive except some swap)

When I tried to install my copy of Applix Office, wouldn't go because it
wants to install in /opt, but the root filesystem didn't have enough
space.  This was cured by making a symlink /opt -> /home/opt.

Another nudgie I found when replacing sendmail with postfix, was that
named was not running; kept dying after restart because there was no
user "named".  No biggie to debug and fix, but annoying.

It was also annoying-fun to find that every time one logged in a kfm
window would come with a VALinux readme.  The document itself told one
how to get rid of itself (remove from Autostart).  But more mysterious
and harder to "fix" was the way that Netscape Navigator always came up
with a VA Linux page from /usr/doc, overriding Netscape preferences.  I
won't tell you how I solved that one, so as not to spoil the pleasure of
other people who buy such a system.

Overall I am very pleased with my VALinux system.  I can pretty much do
my own tech support, so the poor response from my single encounter with
VA Linux techs doesn't bother me. I don't know if I could recommend this
system for PC/Linux newbies, tho.

My wife and I agree that the most impressive part of the system is the
deep-blue light on the power-on button. :)

FWIW. Bob L.

P.S. If the fan could be a trifle quieter, I'd like that in retrospect.
Robert Lynch-Berkeley CA [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Crossposted-To: alt.linux
Subject: web browsers
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 13:26:22 -0500

I have a proxy server at home for my LAN and I have Winproxy on it.  It has
a HTML interface to make the modem dial too.  When I use Mozilla, the button
doesn't work.  When I use the StarOffice browser or the Netscape browser it

The problem is this:  Netscape 4.61 crashed and wont work.  and I am not a
big fan of the StarOffice browser.  I downloaded Netscape 4.7 and it looks
just like Mozilla!!  so it doesn't work.

Does anyone know of some other web browsers for Linux other than Netscape,
Mozilla, and StarOffice.

btw- KDE's built in browser doesn't work w/ Winproxy either.

thanks to anyone who can help


From: Sandhitsu R Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Memory unrecognized (not the >64M problem!)
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 14:31:35 -0400

On Sat, 13 May 2000, Michael Coffin wrote:

Thanks for everyone who tried to help me. Turns out that the system had an
on-board 4MB RAM - which caused me to overestimate the capacity of my
modules. When I put in only one in the first slot - I got 12 - so I
thought it's a 12M stick (although I've never heard of one). Then I put
the same in the second slot - I had 4! I think this was only the onboard
RAM being recognized - and putting a module only in the second slot meant
it wasn't recognized at all (I would like to know why - though). And when
I put in two of those sticks - I got 20 - which I think is ok - 8+8+4

> If the BIOS doesn't recognize it, are you sure you have it well seated?  Have 
> you tried moving the cards around to other slots?
> -Mike
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> Sandhitsu R Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >I have an old Packard Bell Legend 220CD machine with 486DX2 running at
> >66MHz. I have two RAM slots in which I currently put two 12M modules. It
> >seems the second slot module is always recognized as max. 4MB. Do I have
> >to tweak anuything to have its full amount recognized (even the BIOS
> >recognizes 4MB only).
> >


From: Mark Wilden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: WYSIWYG web page generator
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 19:48:22 +0100

This is an oft-replayed argument, but I never tire of it. :)

If one really does understand that WYSIWYG refers to what _you_ see, and
not to what anyone _else_ necessarily sees, there's nothing wrong with
'WYSIWYG' HTML editors, in my view.

Displaying information visually can be just as legitimate as displaying
it via text. For many people, it's easier to fix a table, e.g., when you
can see a visual representation of it, rather than mentally parsing

You just have to keep in mind that you're seeing one possible
representation of it--not doing page layout.

There is also the issue of automatic validation present when using a
WYSIWYG editor. You can see instantly whether you've left off a closing

However, I dare say this view won't get much sympathy among Linux users,
who are still debating GUI vs CLI...:)

To all those who say that WYSIWYG editors are rubbish, I ask this: Do
you preview your work in a browser, or do you just type in tags, run a
validator on it, and publish it?


Crossposted-To: tw.bbs.comp.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Redhat6.2 Network bug ??
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 18:43:48 GMT

When server A ping itself, it works fine.

It just cannot communicate with other servers anymore such serverB, C,
D cannot commuicate to serverA.

They all show Unreachable message.
Telnet not work, FTP not work, Http not work..... except reboot serverA

I cannot find any error message about eth0 in serverA, it seems the
syslog does not know it has error at all.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> On Sat, 13 May 2000 14:45:37 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >After 3 days of testing the new redhat 6.2, I had found a bug of the
> >redhat networking problem. I hope this is not the new linux kernal
> >problem.
> What happens if you get machine A to ping itself after this 300
second break,
> does it recognise it's own card, what is that machine seeing after
the break.
> I'm not one of the development team or anything, I'd just be
interested to
> know.
> --
> Cheers
> Steve              email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> %HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps.
> web
> or
>   1:23am  up 17 days,  3:24,  3 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Accessing Stupid Windows
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 18:38:07 GMT

I have been trying to mount my Windows partition. Actually I have been
successfull with one exception. I can't get the windows partition
accessible to anyone else but teh root. I used linuxconf on Red Hat 6.1.
I did everything as explained in the book, it is user mountable and the
permissions are 755. Still it only gives them to root. What's more, when
I try to use chmod on the windows partition it eliminates al
permissions, I am still able to access it as root though. Any insights
on that would be helpfull, I'd hate to have to go as root every time I
want to get something from the stupid Windows, unfortunately, there is
still a lot there that I need, music files, etc...

Sent via
Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: WANTED: Champion
From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 19:00:00 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sam E. Trenholme) writes:

' There is a joke that goes like this:
' Linus can walk up to the offices of any Unix vendor, walk in, and say "Hi,
' my name is Linux Torvalds.  I am sure you know who I am.  I would like to
' work for your company.  Could you please show me where my desk is
' located?"

I bet this is more often true than not.

David Steuber   |   Hi!  My name is David Steuber, and I am
NRA Member      |   a hoploholic.

All bits are significant.  Some bits are more significant than others.
        -- Charles Babbage Orwell


From: Paul Grayson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Benchmarks and relative speeds
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 19:07:57 +0100

David Damerell wrote:
> Jon Plews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Raj Rijhwani wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >>and K6-2/500.  The strange thing is that with two identical Linux
> >>installations this machine appears to be a little less than 20% faster
> >>than my P160 machine (overclocked at 200).  The test here is setiathome
> >IIRC SETI relies heavily on the FPU so I'd guess the K6-2 has a
> >weak FPU.
> Also, setiathome has been pretty heavily optimised for Intel CPUs; the
> K6/2's FPU isn't so hot, but it's by no means that slow.

Have they any plans for an AMD binary? This K6-500 processes a work unit
in about twice the time of a PII-300 running NT4.0.

I've seen other binaries offered as K6 specific versions, and some code
I've recently compiled (LAME perhaps) has been optimised for a K6.

Paul Grayson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Handy Linux Hint no. 94 - Make sure you've got something in


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: German Govt says Microsoft a security risk
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 21:42:51 +0200

It was the Sun, 14 May 2000 08:41:20 -0700...
...and Salvador Peralta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Our governments'[0] attitude towards Scientology is another reason why
> > it's good to live in Germany.
> ---
> Your government practises censorship towards alternative groups. 
> Scientology isn't the only example.

Then give me another one!

> The types of in-group / out-group models practised in germany and
> elsewhere are simply not healthy.  The antisemitic movement in
> germany and europe generally over the first half of this century is
> just one example of where that type of politics can lead.

Again you show you don't know jack about what you are talking about.
The antijudaism[0] that culminated in the Shoah[1] is not a product of
the "first half of this century". Actually, you can trace it back to
the Middle Ages. Antijudaism was rooted deeply in German culture over
the centuries. I'm currently reading Gustav Freytag's well-known novel
"Soll und Haben" which was written in 1855. It's an interesting read
and tells you a lot about what antijudaism was like in our country.
However, nearly nowhere (except for France), the Jews were as well
assimilated and tolerated as in the German Empire (1871-1918). Before
Hitler, Germany was indeed often praised for its tolerance of the
Jews, compared to Russia (the word "pogrom" is a Russian word).

In the same Empire tolerating and assimilating Jews more than ever
before, antijudaism became rampant. William II was a fanatical
antijudaist and blamed Germany's defeat in World War I on the Jews
decades after still. (This in spite of tens and hundreds of thousands
of Jews fighting for Germany between 1914 and 1918.)

Somewhere around the middle of the 19th century, religious antijudaism
(which has been inherited from the Middle Ages) turned into cultural
antijudaism (stereotype: the Eastern European "Kaftan Jew") and then
into racial antijudaism (stereotype: the sex-crazed assimilated Jew
trying to undermine the Germanic race by rampantly copulating with
German women). This was the basis for Hitler's antijudaism.

What was promulgated by the Nazis was an anachronism, a 19th-century
phenomenon carried over into a world that was decades and centuries
ahead of Germany in many political respects.

In our country, the 19th century died a slow death commencing with
1918, ending in 1945.


I'm not going to reply to insults.


[0] "Antisemitism" is too broad an expression and thus incorrect. You
    should know that.
[1] Not "Holocaust". I'm not going to call a genocide by the name of a
    USAmerican TV show.
You're almost as happy as you think you are.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: German Govt says Microsoft a security risk
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 21:29:00 +0200

It was the Sun, 14 May 2000 10:42:56 -0700...
...and Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 14 May 2000, Salvador Peralta wrote:
> > Your government practises censorship towards alternative groups. 
> > Scientology isn't the only example.  The types of in-group / out-group
> > models practised in germany and elsewhere are simply not healthy.  The
> > antisemitic movement in germany and europe generally over the first half
> > of this century is just one example of where that type of politics can
> > lead.  There are certain rights of the individual that must be protected
> > from the prejudices of others.  
> do you actually know what you are talking about? Ie, have you ever lived
> or even visited Germany or anything outside the US? It's simply absurd to
> claim there is censorship in Germany.

He thinks he knows about Germany because he's been indoctrinated by
Scientology-influenced media. It's as simple as that.

It's been know that, over the past years, Scientologists have run
campaigns trying to convince the American public that, vulgarly
speaking, "the Nazis are taking over again" in Germany. Salvador's
attitude is the result.

> Don't know where you got that idea from but how about backing it up
> with information who or what German gov't office is in charge of
> censorship. The last freedom of press statistic I saw put Germany
> higher than the US which is not too surprising if you are able to
> compare the two countries' newspapers.

Don't forget Germany's got laws against concentration of press market
share in the hands of media moguls. I don't know whether the US have.

  I. Everything's gonna be all right.
 II. I'll always believe that everything's gonna be all right.
III. I'll always be able to believe everything's gonna be all right.



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