Linux-Misc Digest #669, Volume #24               Wed, 31 May 00 22:13:02 EDT

  Linux Counter: 146774 registered Linux users ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Kernel Building Question (DanH)
  ftape 4.xx config question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Loop Device (Steve)
  Re: What is Enlightenment? (Steve)
  Re: Can't Mount 6GB FAT32 ("Lonni J. Friedman")
  Re: Can't Mount 6GB FAT32 ("Lonni J. Friedman")
  Re: recursive mv? ("Lonni J. Friedman")
  Re: How to use groups (ljb)
  Color adjustments for Epson Stylus Color 600 w/ uniprint driver (Robert Heller)


Subject: Linux Counter: 146774 registered Linux users
Date: 1 Jun 2000 01:00:03 GMT

This is the monthly report from the Linux Usage Counter.
It is posted on the 1st of every month on the newsgroup
comp.os.linux.misc, and on the Linux Counter "announce" list.

Registration and information is available via the World
Wide Web; connect to URL

This is the preferred interface to the counter.

NOTE: You can UPDATE your record in the counter if you have
your registration key, which was sent to you when you registered.


To enter your registration into the statistics, send an E-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with the SUBJECT line containing the word "Linux",
such as:

  I use Linux at home
  I use Linux at work
  I use Linux at school

Any questions should be adressed to the maintainer of the counter,

Good luck!


This is the Linux Counter summary as of Thu Jun  1 00:39:55 2000

There are 146774 persons registerd.
3023 users have been registered by friends.
There are 76739 machines registered.

I guesstimate that between 0.2% and 5% of all Linux users have
registered with the Linux Counter.
So the total number of Linux users is probably between
2,935,480 and 73,387,000 people.

The table is sorted by number of Linux users divided by population

 No    Country                       Pers  Fri Mach P/Mpop   Mpop
  1 IS Iceland                        212    4   97 784.3    0.3
  2 NO Norway                        3187   49 1403 727.0    4.4
  3 FI Finland                       3174   55 1633 621.7    5.1
  4 DK Denmark                       3097   17 1180 589.9    5.2
  5 SE Sweden                        4917   60 2319 552.4    8.9
  6 AQ Antarctica                       2    0    0 486.0    0.0
  7 NF Norfolk Island                   1    0    0 452.7    0.0
  8 FO Faroe Islands                   18    0    2 410.4    0.0
  9 EE Estonia                        511   16  311 350.1    1.5
 10 SI Slovenia                       639    8  170 327.4    2.0
 11 GI Gibraltar                        8    1   11 278.1    0.0
 12 NL Netherlands                   3812   51 1919 244.9   15.6
 13 MS Montserrat                       3    0    1 234.9    0.0
 14 CA Canada                        6112   83 3121 212.1   28.8
 15 AT Austria                       1697   31  942 211.5    8.0
 16 LU Luxembourg                      82    0   41 197.2    0.4
 17 AU Australia                     3288   50 1860 180.1   18.3
 18 NZ New Zealand                    615    3  373 173.3    3.5
 19 US USA                          44776  832 22508 168.0  266.5
 20 CH Switzerland                   1184   16  709 164.3    7.2
 21 MC Monaco                           5    1    4 157.6    0.0
 22 IE Ireland                        553    5  251 155.0    3.6
 23 BE Belgium                       1556  525  792 153.0   10.2
 24 HU Hungary                       1325   48  737 132.5   10.0
 25 DE Germany                      10382  187 5398 124.3   83.5
 26 CY Cyprus                          90    0   14 120.9    0.7
 27 PT Portugal                      1128    9  331 114.3    9.9
 28 SG Singapore                      386    7  151 113.6    3.4
 29 FR France                        6168  111 2368 105.8   58.3
 30 GL Greenland                        6    0    1 103.1    0.1
 31 ES Spain                         3944   32 1109 100.7   39.2
 32 GB Great Britain                 5817  109 2976  99.5   58.5
 33 KR Korea (South)                 4405   19  472  96.9   45.5
 34 AD Andorra                          7    0    6  96.2    0.1
 35 IL Israel                         505   13  240  93.1    5.4
 36 PL Poland                        3459   55 1484  89.5   38.6
 37 VG Virgin Islands (British)         1    0    0  75.8    0.0
 38 CZ Czech Republic                 734   21  421  71.1   10.3
 39 BG Bulgaria                       554    6  214  64.3    8.6
 40 LI Liechtenstein                    2    0    3  64.3    0.0
 41 LT Lithuania                      222    3  108  60.9    3.6
 42 PW Palau                            1    0    0  59.0    0.0
 43 CR Costa Rica                     202    0   82  58.3    3.5
 44 HR Croatia                        290    6   82  58.0    5.0
 45 KY Cayman Islands                   2    0    3  57.7    0.0
 46 UY Uruguay                        185    0   44  57.1    3.2
 47 GR Greece                         580   13  224  55.0   10.5
 48 IT Italy                         2846   64 1133  49.5   57.5
 49 BM Bermuda                          3    0    4  48.3    0.1
 50 NC New Caledonia                    9    0   12  47.9    0.2
 51 FM Micronesia, Federated States     6    0    0  47.9    0.1
 52 GU Guam                             7    0    1  44.6    0.2
 53 BB Barbados                        11    0    3  42.8    0.3
 54 MT Malta                           16    0    8  42.6    0.4
 55 VE Venezuela                      921    3  139  41.9   22.0
 56 BN Brunei                          12    0    7  40.0    0.3
 57 SC Seychelles                       3    0    0  38.7    0.1
 58 BR Brazil                        6250   59 1263  38.4  162.7
 59 MV Maldives                        10    0    1  36.9    0.3
 60 SV El Salvador                    210    0   27  36.0    5.8
 61 RO Romania                        778   36  366  35.9   21.7
 62 SK Slovakia                       186    1  120  34.6    5.4
 63 BZ Belize                           7    0    6  31.9    0.2
 64 AR Argentina                     1039    6  282  30.0   34.7
 65 TW Taiwan                         560    5  190  26.1   21.5
 66 CL Chile                          373    6  136  26.0   14.3
 67 LV Latvia                          64    0   43  25.9    2.5
 68 TT Trinidad and Tobago             31    1    5  24.4    1.3
 69 MY Malaysia                       482    6  114  24.1   20.0
 70 RE Reunion                         16    0    6  23.6    0.7
 71 BS Bahamas                          6    0    2  23.1    0.3
 72 ZA South Africa                   962   10  405  23.0   41.7
 73 PR Puerto Rico                     88    0   20  23.0    3.8
 74 MX Mexico                        2106   18  391  22.0   95.8
 75 VI Virgin Islands (U.S.)            2    0    1  20.6    0.1
 76 MP Northern Mariana Islands         1    0    1  19.1    0.1
 77 MH Marshall Islands                 1    0    0  17.1    0.1
 78 PA Panama                          44    0   15  16.6    2.7
 79 AG Antigua and Barbuda              1    0    2  15.2    0.1
 80 KW Kuwait                          29    0   11  14.9    2.0
 81 AW Aruba                            1    0    0  14.8    0.1
 82 AM Armenia                         50    0    8  14.4    3.5
 83 AN Netherlands Antilles             3    0    1  14.4    0.2
 84 TR Turkey                         864    9  178  13.8   62.5
 85 BH Bahrain                          8    0    5  13.6    0.6
 86 PF French Polynesia                 3    0    4  13.3    0.2
 87 RU Russia                        1884   34  717  12.7  148.2
 88 NA Namibia                         21    0   11  12.5    1.7
 89 GP Guadeloupe                       5    0    4  12.3    0.4
 90 CO Colombia                       449    3  139  12.2   36.8
 91 MO Macau                            6    0    1  12.1    0.5
 92 YU Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte   127    6   72  11.8   10.8
 93 SR Suriname                         5    0    4  11.5    0.4
 94 AE United Arab Emirates            35    1   15  11.4    3.1
 95 BA Bosnia and Herzegovina          30    0    4  11.3    2.7
 96 TN Tunisia                         97    0   14  10.8    9.0
 97 PY Paraguay                        56    0   13  10.2    5.5
 98 MQ Martinique                       4    0    2  10.0    0.4
 99 QA Qatar                            5    1    3   9.1    0.5
100 UA Ukraine                        451   10  192   8.9   50.9
101 MU Mauritius                       10    0    3   8.8    1.1
102 VC Saint Vincent and the Grenad     1    0    0   8.4    0.1
103 JP Japan                          933    6  283   7.4  125.4
104 MK Macedonia                       15    2    4   7.1    2.1
105 CU Cuba                            76    6   19   6.9   11.0
106 BY Belarus                         68    5   27   6.5   10.4
107 LC Saint Lucia                      1    0    0   6.3    0.2
108 BO Bolivia                         43    0   11   6.0    7.2
109 VU Vanuatu                          1    0    3   5.6    0.2
110 MD Moldova                         25    0    8   5.6    4.5
111 LB Lebanon                         21    1    6   5.6    3.8
112 PH Philippines                    405    4   79   5.4   74.5
113 EC Ecuador                         62    0   15   5.4   11.5
114 PE Peru                           120    0   28   4.9   24.5
115 JM Jamaica                         12    0    2   4.6    2.6
116 BW Botswana                         6    0    3   4.1    1.5
117 DO Dominican Republic              32    0   10   4.0    8.1
118 TH Thailand                       230    3   79   3.9   58.9
119 HN Honduras                        19    0    6   3.4    5.6
120 GT Guatemala                       38    0    9   3.4   11.3
121 GY Guyana                           2    0    0   2.8    0.7
122 MN Mongolia                         7    0    5   2.8    2.5
123 OM Oman                             6    0    1   2.7    2.2
124 NI Nicaragua                       11    0    3   2.6    4.3
125 GA Gabon                            3    0    3   2.6    1.2
126 KZ Kazakhstan                      38    0   17   2.2   16.9
127 ID Indonesia                      429   34  149   2.1  206.6
128 CM Cameroon                        25    0    8   1.8   14.3
129 SA Saudi Arabia                    28    0   10   1.4   19.4
130 JO Jordan                           6    0    3   1.4    4.2
131 AL Albania                          4    1    4   1.2    3.2
132 ZM Zambia                          11    0    4   1.2    9.2
133 ZW Zimbabwe                        13    0    8   1.2   11.3
134 GE Georgia                          6    0   26   1.1    5.2
135 PG Papua New Guinea                 5    0    1   1.1    4.4
136 LK Sri Lanka                       21    1    2   1.1   18.6
137 IN India                         1066   16  291   1.1  952.1
138 KG Kyrgyzstan                       5    0    2   1.1    4.5
139 CN China                         1275    4  222   1.1 1210.0
140 MA Morocco                         30    0   12   1.0   29.8
141 EG Egypt                           63    1    9   1.0   63.6
142 UZ Uzbekistan                      19    0    7   0.8   23.4
143 MG Madagascar                      11    0    4   0.8   13.7
144 NE Niger                            6    0    0   0.7    9.1
145 AZ Azerbaijan                       5    0    3   0.7    7.7
146 DZ Algeria                         19    0    9   0.7   29.2
147 SL Sierra Leone                     3    0    0   0.6    4.8
148 PK Pakistan                        77    5   14   0.6  129.3
149 IR Iran                            37    0   22   0.6   66.1
150 NP Nepal                           12    0    0   0.5   22.1
151 CI Cote d'Ivoire                    8    0    5   0.5   14.8
152 VN Vietnam                         34    0    4   0.5   74.0
153 SN Senegal                          4    0    0   0.4    9.1
154 MR Mauritania                       1    0    0   0.4    2.3
155 KE Kenya                           10    0    3   0.4   28.2
156 MZ Mozambique                       6    0    2   0.3   17.9
157 CF Central African Republic         1    0    0   0.3    3.3
158 BF Burkina Faso                     3    0    1   0.3   10.6
159 KH Cambodia                         3    0    1   0.3   10.9
160 BD Bangladesh                      31    0    8   0.3  123.1
161 TM Turkmenistan                     1    0    1   0.2    4.1
162 TG Togo                             1    0    0   0.2    4.6
163 LA Laos                             1    0    1   0.2    5.0
164 LY Libya                            1    0    1   0.2    5.4
165 TZ Tanzania                         5    0    0   0.2   29.1
166 RW Rwanda                           1    0    0   0.1    6.9
167 UG Uganda                           2    0    0   0.1   20.2
168 AO Angola                           1    0    0   0.1   10.3
169 ET Ethiopia                         3    0    0   0.1   57.2
170 XW The World (Somewhere in it)    255  207    1   0.0 5771.9
171 NG Nigeria                          3    0    1   0.0  103.9
172 WF Wallis and Futuna Islands        1    0    1   0.0    0.0

Place      Users Percent
school     29780  20.58%
home       128430  88.76%
not used      20   0.01%
work       60910  42.10%
somewhere   2875   1.99%
TOTAL      144688 100.00%

NOTE: The total is the 144688 users who answered this question.
Some gave more than one answer, so the number of answers is 222015


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux,alt.linux
Subject: Re: Kernel Building Question
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 21:06:21 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris Carbaugh
> I've seen this before on a RedHat system.
> Can't recall where the option is in menuconfig, but I know it's there. 
> I'm pretty sure it has the 'pts' in it as well.

Under 'Filesystems' check 

/proc filesystem support 


/dev/pts filesystem for Unix98 PTYs

That should do it.

UNIX - Not just for vestal virgins anymore
Linux - Choice of a GNU generation


Subject: ftape 4.xx config question
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 01:00:41 GMT

Perhaps this is common knowledge in some circles, but I am at a loss to
determine the base address, DMA channel and IRQ used by the internal FDC
on my motherboard. From the FTAPE-HOWTO, I understand this must be
specified in the "conf.modules" file. My 'puter documentation doesn't
provide that detail. I don't see it, at least not explicitly, in the
BIOS settings. Anybody got a hint for a novice?

FYI, the MB is an AMTRON PM-8600. I have one floppy drive and one
Colorado Jumbo 250 internal tape drive.


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Loop Device
Date: 1 Jun 2000 01:34:33 GMT

You can create a swap space that sits in a file rather than a partition of a 
disk. These swap files are mounted as swap space st boot time. 

Steve              email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 



 12:25am  up 23:56,  2 users,  load average: 2.00, 2.00, 2.05


Subject: Re: What is Enlightenment?
Date: 1 Jun 2000 01:34:40 GMT

On 31 May 2000 00:01:17 PST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Enlightenment is a journey which is different for every man 
>> only you will know when you have found it. 
>I found it on my Red Hat 6.2 CD. It wasn't really much of
>a journey. If only the Buddha had know about Linux.

My 6.2 disk is on a journey of it's own, I sent off for it on 11 May
and still havn't seen it. So for everyone who's reading this don't
bother ordering anything from it'll be out of date
when it arrives. 
Steve              email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 



 12:25am  up 23:56,  2 users,  load average: 2.00, 2.00, 2.05


From: "Lonni J. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't Mount 6GB FAT32
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 20:09:17 -0400

By any chance you're not attempting to mount BOTH vfat partitions at the
same  mount point, are you?

Brett Rosselle wrote:
> Yeah, been there, done that.  No dice.
> Oh well.
> Brett
> David Efflandt wrote:
> > On Wed, 31 May 2000 07:15:18 -0500, Brett Rosselle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >Error is wring FS type, bad option, bad superblock, on /dev/hda1, or too
> > >many mounted file systems.  FDISK reports  ID c, Win95 FAT32 (LBA) on the
> > >6GB drive.
> > >
> > >On the 1.6 GB FAT32 drive that I can mount, FDISK reports  ID c Win95 FAT32
> > >(LBA). They appear to be the same type.
> > >
> > >I am using Mandrake 7.0, kernel version 2.2.14.
> >
> > Are you mounting each partition on a different dir?  Mandrake 7 usually
> > autmatically detects and sets up mount parameters in /etc/fstab for any
> > partitions it finds during install.  Have you looked at /etc/fstab and are
> > you sure that this partition is not already mounted somewhere
> > automatically during boot?  The 'df' command can help you determine what
> > is already mounted or check out the /mnt dir and see if the drive is
> > already mounted somewhere there.
> >
> > If not, try a full mount command:
> >
> > mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/Win95c
> > (assuming you have already created Win95c dir)
> >
> > >> Brett Rosselle wrote:
> > >> >
> > >> > Hi all,
> > >> >
> > >> > Can anyone tell me why I can not mount my 6GB FAT32 drive, but I can
> > >> > mount my 1.6 GB FAT32 drive. I'm not a newbie. I know all about the
> > >> > FSTAB/MOUNT parameters. This is really bizarre, unless there is some
> > >> > size/cylinder limitation that I am unaware of, or there are differences
> > >> > between Win95/FAT32 and Win98/FAT32.
> > >> >
> > >> > Any ideas are greatly appreciated.


From: "Lonni J. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't Mount 6GB FAT32
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 19:17:31 -0400

So you're using:
mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt
to attempt to mount it?

What is the full output of "fdisk -l"?

Brett Rosselle wrote:
> Error is wring FS type, bad option, bad superblock, on /dev/hda1, or too
> many mounted file systems.  FDISK reports  ID c, Win95 FAT32 (LBA) on the
> 6GB drive.
> On the 1.6 GB FAT32 drive that I can mount, FDISK reports  ID c Win95 FAT32
> (LBA). They appear to be the same type.
> I am using Mandrake 7.0, kernel version 2.2.14.
> Thanks,
> Brett
> "Lonni J. Friedman" wrote:
> > Kinda hard for anyone to help when you fail to state what is wrong.
> > Error msgs would be nice.
> >
> > Brett Rosselle wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > Can anyone tell me why I can not mount my 6GB FAT32 drive, but I can
> > > mount my 1.6 GB FAT32 drive. I'm not a newbie. I know all about the
> > > FSTAB/MOUNT parameters. This is really bizarre, unless there is some
> > > size/cylinder limitation that I am unaware of, or there are differences
> > > between Win95/FAT32 and Win98/FAT32.
> > >
> > > Any ideas are greatly appreciated.


From: "Lonni J. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: recursive mv?
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 20:08:28 -0400

"cp -a " recursively copies.

LTho wrote:
> Is there such a thing as a recursive mv, that is mv -r <from> <to> or
> some such.
> I recognize that the mv is basically a rename, and to 'move' a whole
> directory tree, normally just the top 'directory' is 'mv'ed.
> In this case, I want to transer a whole bunch of stuff via NFS from a
> remote machine to my local machine.  Possible?  Or do I have to do a
> cp -r <from> <to>
> rm -rf <from> <to>


Subject: Re: How to use groups
Date: 1 Jun 2000 01:36:44 GMT

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  Marc D Bumble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>In UNIX, users can have multiple groups.  In the /etc/group file,
>>user names are simply appended to the end of the group entry, as
>> do a man on group, groups, and id.
>Well, I did info rather than man on groups, and I had read about
>/etc/group. The point I didn't make well is that under NetWare it's
>possible to create directories in which newly created files may be
>accessed by members of multiple distinct groups. This doesn't appear to
>be the case with linux. Files seem to be given the effective GID of the
>user who creates them, and other groups to which the user belongs would
>be irrelevant because only the effective GID matters. No?

Not exactly. New files get their group either from the creator's
primary group, or from the group of the directory where the
file was created. The latter happens if the directory has the setgid
bit set, like mode 2775.

You really can't emulate Netware's protection/group models under
Unix/Linux, at least not with access control list extensions. (And
yet, I know some Netware admins who still don't understand how it
works on Netware. In my opinion, the Netware implementation is way
too complex.)

Try to find a writeup of Red Hat's "user private group" scheme. I've
found it to be a very useful and clever way to use groups in Linux
and other Unix systems.


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Color adjustments for Epson Stylus Color 600 w/ uniprint driver
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 01:39:38 GMT

I recently set up an Epson Stylus Color 600, using the GS uniprint
(ghostscript-5.10-10 under RedHat linux 6.1).  I set it up to use the
stc600p (Epson Stylus Color 600, 720x720DpI, Plain Paper) parameter set.

The colors are a *little* off.  Blue comes out a little bit purplish.

Is this the printer or is there some parameter setting I could 'tweak'
to improve the colors?  

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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