Linux-Misc Digest #669, Volume #25                Tue, 5 Sep 00 02:13:02 EDT

  Oracle 8i install on RH6.2
  Re: how to set env var from inetd? ("Retro Grouch")
  passive ftp through a router ("Retro Grouch")
  Re: How are Icons associated with programs on Desktop (Garry Knight)
  Re: Changing Desktop Appearance ("Bill Piety")
  Re: lilo error: kernel too big (Leonard Evens)
  SOUND BALSTER  CDROM (Francis Oyakhire)
  How to allow a user to write to win98 partition? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  host name on dhcp adapter? ("Devon Harding")
  server hangs (Allan Greenier)
  Re: AOL client for linux ("Michael Sage")
  Re: newgrp ("Shahriar Mohktari")
  New B question (jorge)
  Re: SMP Performance? (Karl Heyes)
  Re: SMP Performance? (Karl Heyes)
  Re: SMP Performance? (Karl Heyes)
  Re: Restrict user login (Allin Cottrell)
  Re: newbie XKB keymap problems (Allin Cottrell)
  Re: PPP works but web browsers don't (Allin Cottrell)
  Re: How are Icons associated with programs on Desktop ("Andrew N. McGuire ")
  Help on mathematical functions ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Finding Shared Libraries (Nathan Weston)


Subject: Oracle 8i install on RH6.2
Date: 4 Sep 2000 23:54:24 GMT

User-Agent: tin/1.4.2-20000205 ("Possession") (UNIX) (Linux/2.2.14-5.0 (i586))

I am tring to install Oracle8i onto a Redhat6.2 2.2.14-5.0 box. It 
requires java, and I have tried with Blackdowns 1.2.2 or with IBMs
1.1.6 java runtimes. Both fail when I run the ./runInstaller script
with :
  Error in CreateOUIProcess(): -1
  : Bad Address

Any help or pointers appreciated.

Danny Aldham     Providing Certified Internetworking Solutions to Business  E-Mail, Web Servers, Web Databases, SQL PHP & Perl


From: "Retro Grouch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to set env var from inetd?
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 19:35:08 -0500

(Grega Bremec) wrote:
> ...and Retro Grouch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> used the
> keyboard:
>>I need to set the HOME variable for a process running from inetd.  right
>>now it defaults to /, which is not really acceptable.
> "man env"
> Cheers,

Thanks.  Works great.


From: "Retro Grouch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: passive ftp through a router
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 19:34:21 -0500

OK, here's one that's stumped me.

I'm using troll-ftpd, a simple ftp  daemon that allows basic ftp

--> router/NAT/ <-> server

I have just set up a router that acts as a limited firewall.  It forwards
all ftp requests over to the ftp server.  The problem is that passive ftp
connections show up as, the internal address of the ftp

And no, the router is too stupid to correctly NAT/port forward the PASV stuff.

How can I get the ftp server to a) generate packets wth the address of the
firewall, and b) not reject the returning packets?

I've tried modifying the code, but the ftp server rightly rejects the
packets as spoofed.  I don't mind chaning ftp servers if I have to.



From: Garry Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How are Icons associated with programs on Desktop
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 22:45:35 +0100

mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>How do I get the "real" Netscape icon to be displayed as my desktop short cut?

I just did the following:

[garry]$ locate netscape | grep xpm

So, you've got 9 to choose from in Mandrake 7.1. If you run the above command,
you'll see how many are on your system.

As Prasanth has indicated, if you find any, copy them to /usr/share/icons.

To paraphrase another colm denizen, locate is your friend, and grep is its
college roomie...

Garry Knight


From: "Bill Piety" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Changing Desktop Appearance
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 19:33:06 -0600

In article <8p0t7a$gh5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all,
> My PC runs win98 and Redhat6.0. The Icons on the desktop and the panel
> at its bottom are very big; the width of the panel is about 3cm. I
> thought the problem is to do with one of the settings on the XF86config;
> but which one and how?
> Sent via Before you buy.

If it's not actually a resolution problem but strictly a panel/icon issue,
then go into your panel properties. Under KDE's menu go to 'Panel', 'Configure',
'Style' gives you options. Gnome's Panel has a similar configure feature.
As for the desktop icons, the size there can be changed under your
Desktop's config program. KDE has a control center. You can also merely
right-click on a blank part of the panel & you'll get a context menu.


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: lilo error: kernel too big
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 19:42:28 -0500

Dave Brown wrote:
> I have a "problem" which I've been ignoring for a long time.
> I have Slackware 3.9 installed in one partition and RH 6.2 in
> another.  I have recompiled kernels in both.  I have a lilo.conf
> in each partition, which corresponds to the appropriate pathnames
> to the kernel images when temporarily mounting one partition in the
> other to write lilo.  Both machines claim lilo v.21.
> Here's my "problem".  When I try to write lilo from the Slackware
> partition, it works just fine.  When I try to write lilo from the
> RH partition, I get an error message from lilo: "kernel too big".

Someone else answered this, so I won't.

> I suspect it may have to do with what the "respective lilo" thinks
> about the disk it's working with.  (I've never understood how lilo
> knows what the data-block sequence is that is used to load the kernel,
> assuming that the kernel image might even be stored in non-sequential
> data-blocks, in that there's no filesystem present at "lilo boot time".

I THINK it is something like the following.  /sbin/lilo determines
from the system it is running on what the absolute
address of the kernel it will boot is.   So for example, even if
you have a separate boot partition which is mounted on /boot in
the root partition, you don't have to tell lilo about that.  It
can figure out where to look just by knowing what the
root partition is.   Moreover, all the system needs for
booting is the address of the beginning of the kernel.  That tells
the system where the rest of the kernel is to allow further booting.

> --
> Dave Brown  Austin, TX


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Francis Oyakhire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 01:29:00 GMT

I have a mandrake 6.1 running I took 
out my ide cdromn and tried to replace it with a soundblaster 16 card and 
mistibushi cdrom I was wondering if there is a way to install the cdrom 
without reinstalling  the OS 

Posted via CNET


Subject: How to allow a user to write to win98 partition?
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 02:03:41 GMT

I am running SuSE 6.4 and have a mount to my Windows 98 partition.  I
can write to this partition as 'root', but would like to allow a
particular user to do so.  How can I do this w/o buying vmware, etc.?  I
have tried various mount options as well as 'chmod' and 'chgrp' options.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Devon Harding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: host name on dhcp adapter?
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 22:18:25 -0400

I have two nic's in my Linux box (one static and one dhcp).  I can assign a
host name to the static one but not the dhcp one....

How can I do this?



From: Allan Greenier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: server hangs
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 22:22:56 -0400


I'm a linux newbie whose learned a lot in the last month and a half. But
my problem is a real puzzler.

My ftp server as well as my cvs server choke on sending any file bigger
than 2k or so. Smaller files get serrved as expected.

Fetch on my mac shows itself trying to serve the file in ever smaller increments..
from 1024 k a second to 512 to 255 on down to 1 k asecond.

What might be causing this behaviour?

A direct cc is very appreciated

Allan Greenier
AutoScript Applications



From: "Michael Sage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AOL client for linux
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 20:40:01 -0600

Just a thought... AOL & Linux... seems like a bit of an oxymoron. Why in the
world would you want to use AOL? Just use Windows, eh?

"SouthPk64" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Has anyone heard of this? I remember seeing an alpha or beta version on a
> website but didn't download it at the time. If anyone knows where I can
> this (either on a newsgroup or ftp site, I can't access websites...long
> please reply. Thanks.
> ==========================
> Phil
> ICQ: 14873864
> The weak only strive to become weaker  --Magus
> ==========================


From: "Shahriar Mohktari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: newgrp
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 23:07:23 -0400

"Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Sun, 3 Sep 2000 21:24:47 -0400, Shahriar Mohktari wrote:
> >Hi there,
> >I am running redhat6.2. I have some problems with newgrp. I let a group
> >groupa have password. if user1 does not belong to this group and gives
> >command "newgrp groupa" he will be asked for the password. Then when
> >enters password he gets the messgae "permission denied".
> >
> >What is the problem? any idea?
> This one's weird, I've had a bit of a look around at man pages.
> I can't find myself in /etc/group.
> Ok I've got it now, if I add myself to a group in the /etc/group
> file as it says in man group then do
> $ newgrp denis
> I get an ordinary prompt I do cd and it takes me to my own home
> directory, but I create a file in my home directory, do an ls -l
> and it shows me [sjlen] as the owner but shows denis as the group.
> I type exit and it takes me out and gives me my old group back
> (though I couldn't newgrp back to my own group as I don't seem
> to have an entry anywhere)
Did you give the command newgrp with new argument?

, I do touch hello.txt then ls -l h*.txt
> and it shows me as the owner again but shows me as being back in
> my own group.
> Hope that helps, it confuses the hell out of me:-)

Well, It did not really answer my question. I amtrying to change my group
without being in the group knowing the password of the group. (do a man



From: jorge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New B question
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 03:21:10 GMT


From: Karl Heyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMP Performance?
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 04:24:15 +0000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
Beggar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to ask what's the performance of SMP on Linux compare to Win NT/2000?
> My application is mostly Java native thread that will spawn around 3-400
> threads.
> And I think that most of the CPU time in single CPU is waste in context
> switching. Will SMP benefit in this case?
> How much should I expect will increase when using SMP in Linux?? Is it worth
> for SMP or should I setup two mahines for load balancing??

What you are asking is very vague, there are many issues wrt SMP. I'm not a
guru on this, but some of the points that have been raised are. 

linux 2.2 is ok at the kernel level to 4 processors. linux 2.4 ok to 8
processors. This means nothing if your application doesn't use it effectively.

WRT java,  big  issue, thread creation API is easy, many people think the one 
thread by client concept is ok, but it doesn't scale.  You didn't state whether
 thats 400 running threads, either way under whatever OS, you will be hitting
cache hard, and VM tricks (ie context switching) does have a penalty.

I/O versus computation work. 8 processors doing image rendering sounds nice.
linux does try to keep tasks on the same CPU, more cache hits that way, but if 
you ask 2 processors  to schedule 300 jobs  and each processor has 64k cache
then whats the average share of the cache.  Memory speed is slow to a CPU.



From: Karl Heyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMP Performance?
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 04:24:28 +0000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
Beggar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to ask what's the performance of SMP on Linux compare to Win NT/2000?
> My application is mostly Java native thread that will spawn around 3-400
> threads.
> And I think that most of the CPU time in single CPU is waste in context
> switching. Will SMP benefit in this case?
> How much should I expect will increase when using SMP in Linux?? Is it worth
> for SMP or should I setup two mahines for load balancing??

What you are asking is very vague, there are many issues wrt SMP. I'm not a
guru on this, but some of the points that have been raised are. 

linux 2.2 is ok at the kernel level to 4 processors. linux 2.4 ok to 8
processors. This means nothing if your application doesn't use it effectively.

WRT java,  big  issue, thread creation API is easy, many people think the one 
thread by client concept is ok, but it doesn't scale.  You didn't state whether
 thats 400 running threads, either way under whatever OS, you will be hitting
cache hard, and VM tricks (ie context switching) does have a penalty.

I/O versus computation work. 8 processors doing image rendering sounds nice.
linux does try to keep tasks on the same CPU, more cache hits that way, but if 
you ask 2 processors  to schedule 300 jobs  and each processor has 64k cache
then whats the average share of the cache.  Memory speed is slow to a CPU.



From: Karl Heyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMP Performance?
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 04:21:08 +0000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
Beggar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to ask what's the performance of SMP on Linux compare to Win NT/2000?
> My application is mostly Java native thread that will spawn around 3-400
> threads.
> And I think that most of the CPU time in single CPU is waste in context
> switching. Will SMP benefit in this case?
> How much should I expect will increase when using SMP in Linux?? Is it worth
> for SMP or should I setup two mahines for load balancing??

What you are asking is very vague, there are many issues wrt SMP. I'm not a
guru on this, but some of the points that have been raised are. 

linux 2.2 is ok at the kernel level to 4 processors. linux 2.4 ok to 8
processors. This means nothing if your application doesn't use it effectively.

WRT java,  big  issue, thread creation API is easy, many people think the one 
thread by client concept is ok, but it doesn't scale.  You didn't state whether
 thats 400 running threads, either way under whatever OS, you will be hitting
cache hard, and VM tricks (ie context switching) does have a penalty.

I/O versus computation work. 8 processors doing image rendering sounds nice.
linux does try to keep tasks on the same CPU, more cache hits that way, but if 
you ask 2 processors  to schedule 300 jobs  and each processor has 64k cache
then whats the average share of the cache.  Memory speed is slow to a CPU.



From: Allin Cottrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Restrict user login
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 23:43:32 -0400

Jean-David Beyer-valinux wrote:
> Jack Cheng wrote:
> > I'm using Redhat 6 linux system.
> > How can I restrict the user login from remote side but allow from some
> > specified IP and users
> man inetd ?

Or, more specifically to the point, man 5 hosts_access

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC


From: Allin Cottrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: newbie XKB keymap problems
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 23:55:02 -0400

Gareth wrote:

> I'm running RH/mandrake 6.1 (Helios) and was in the process of trying to
> setup Apache CGI (more ?s once I've got it to boot into X again) and must
> have altered something else somewhere (though I've no idea what /when /
> how).
> Symptoms : when booting to runlevel 5 the screen just flicks
> when in runlevel 3  after  statrx it bombs out with...

I don't know how this would have happened, but it looks like
your X11R6 config file, XF86Config, has got munged.  You 
might find it ('locate XF86Config') and look at its date
stamp.  You should be able to recreate a sensible version
by rerunning the X config tool (depends on your distribution
and X version, but it may be xf86config).  

Allin Cottrell.


From: Allin Cottrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP works but web browsers don't
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 23:47:27 -0400

Arturo C wrote:

> Just ask your ISP's tech support or check their website for the DNS
> IP's #'s and put those in /etc/resolve.conf

Good advice, but that's /etc/resolv.conf

Allin Cottrell


From: "Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How are Icons associated with programs on Desktop
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 00:17:36 -0500

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Garry Knight quoth:

~~ Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 22:45:35 +0100
~~ From: Garry Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
~~ Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
~~ Subject: Re: How are Icons associated with programs on Desktop
~~ mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
~~ >How do I get the "real" Netscape icon to be displayed as my desktop short cut?
~~ I just did the following:
~~ [garry]$ locate netscape | grep xpm
[ snip ]

Or just:

[anm@hawk ~] locate '*netscape*xpm'                             [pts/1]

[ snip output ]

Andrew N. McGuire
perl -le'print map?"(.*)"?&&($_=$1)&&s](\w+)]\u$1]g&&$_=>`perldoc -qj`'


Subject: Help on mathematical functions
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 05:18:45 GMT

Some of you may laugh at my problem. Please don't.

I am new to linux. I am using Redhat 6.2. I am trying to compile a
program using mathematical functions (sine, cosine, sqrt, etc.). But the
program is not finding them. The exact error is: undefined refernce to
'sin'. I have included the header file math.h. I think I may have to
include the path of the header files and libraries during compile time.
I know the gcc options to include header files and libraries during
compile time. But which header files and libraries should I include?

Embarassingly your.


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From: Nathan Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Finding Shared Libraries
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 05:43:51 GMT

I keep downloading software only to find that I do not have the
required shared libraries to install it. Sometimes I am able to
locate these files with rpmfind, but usually not. Searches on
freshmeat,, sourcefourge, and TUCOWS Linux also turn up
nothing. These libraries must be out there somewhere... is there a
central location to look for them?


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Before you buy.



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