Linux-Misc Digest #954, Volume #24               Tue, 27 Jun 00 15:13:04 EDT

  LILO Serial Support (Brian Weisberg)
  ????Linux Installation and Setup Questionare???? (N/A)
  LILO multi-boot limit
  ???Linux Installation and Setup Questionare??? (N/A)
  Re: LILO multi-boot limit (Philip Chapman)
  Re: Number key pad mapping in Matlab (Linux)? (Dances With Crows)
  Linux on 386er notebook with 1MB Ram and 60MB HDD (Philipp Poeml)
  Re: NFS/StarOffice (Joost Andrae)
  raid 0 problems after kernel upgrade (blair christensen)
  Re: debugger for seperate files (Wolfgang Fritz)
  removing soft links (Phil Reardon)
  removing soft links (Phil Reardon)
  Re: kde tasklist (Matthew Matchura)
  Re: copying a newer kernel to an existing installation (Dmitri V)
  Re: kde tasklist (Dmitri V)
  ??Linux Installation and Setup Questionare?? (N/A)
  Re: debugger for seperate files (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Gnutella fans, READ THIS! (Rick)
  ASF on Linux? (Dmitri V)
  Re: Simple questions: Pronounce, FreeBSD, pico etc....*s* (Matthew Matchura)
  Re: Linux on 386er notebook with 1MB Ram and 60MB HDD (Dances With Crows)


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 13:28:31 -0400
From: Brian Weisberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LILO Serial Support


I'm trying to configure a linux system to use the serial port for total
administration.  Currently, I am able to:

    View the kernel loading - this was done by appending "console=ttyS0
console=tty0" to the linux boot parameters.
    Obtain a serial console - by setting another terminal is
/etc/inittab and allowing root connections by adding 'ttyS0' to the

However, I'm unable to get the LILO prompt to be displayed (correctly)
through the serial port.  I need to be able to change the kernel boot
parameters through the serial port, not just access a terminal.
However, I have tried some of the suggestions out there (such as adding
'serial=0,9600n8' or 'serial=0' to my /etc/lilo.conf global section) and
none have given me a working version of LILO (I'm getting much better at
recovering from bad LILO configurations, though... )

Can anyone help?  I'm looking to get this done ASAP so that I can
publish get an update to this project out the door (and on the net) by
the end of this week.

Thanks a lot...
    Brian Weisberg


Subject: ????Linux Installation and Setup Questionare????
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 17:30:07 GMT

i have a few problems, if you can help me im eternally thankful:

>>>Corel Linux<<<

1)how do i stop the flashing black screen when i go to log into Linux
2)i get a verical refresh error when i go to log in?
3)how do i find my computers specifications and configurations correct so 
i can program them into my XF86Setup?
4)is there any book i can find on installation of Corel Linux Delux, 
besides the manual.
5)anything else you wanna add to help out is fine........


Posted via CNET


Subject: LILO multi-boot limit
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 17:30:05 GMT

Where might I find info., please, on whether LILO can be used as a boot 
manager for 2 or more distros of Linux + Win9x, or Win95 and Win98 + 
Linux, or some other combination + Linux?  All discussions I recall seeing 
are for dual-boot Win9x + Linux, which may be its limit.  Are programs 
like Partition Magic the "only" feasible solution?  Thanks.  Rod 
Smith's "The Multi-Boot Configuration Handbook", QUE, goes beyond my 
simple needs, for now at least.  

Posted via CNET


Subject: ???Linux Installation and Setup Questionare???
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 17:30:06 GMT

i have a few problems, if you can help me im eternally thankful:

>>>Corel Linux<<<

1)how do i stop the flashing black screen when i go to log into Linux
2)i get a verical refresh error when i go to log in?
3)how do i find my computers specifications and configurations correct so 
i can program them into my XF86Setup?
4)is there any book i can find on installation of Corel Linux Delux, 
besides the manual.
5)anything else you wanna add to help out is fine........


Posted via CNET


From: Philip Chapman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO multi-boot limit
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 17:42:46 GMT

> Where might I find info., please, on whether LILO can be used as a boot
> manager for 2 or more distros of Linux + Win9x, or Win95 and Win98 +
> Linux, or some other combination + Linux?  All discussions I recall seeing
> are for dual-boot Win9x + Linux, which may be its limit.  Are programs
> like Partition Magic the "only" feasible solution?  Thanks.  Rod
> Smith's "The Multi-Boot Configuration Handbook", QUE, goes beyond my
> simple needs, for now at least.
> --
> Posted via CNET
Consulting /usr/doc/lilo-0.21/ (1st page) on my RedHat 6.2
system, I see that you can boot from up to 16 images.  There's some
documentation on lilo here:
Philip A. Chapman
IT Manager for Alliance TeleSolutions


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Number key pad mapping in Matlab (Linux)?
Date: 27 Jun 2000 13:43:30 EDT

On Tue, 27 Jun 2000 11:41:06 -0400, Alex Chu 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>I run Matlab version 5.3 on Linux. The number key pad does not seem to
>be functioning correctly. The problem I encounter is the following:
>If the NumLock is on, 
>Key pressed    Result
>1 :            q
>2 :            r
>3 :            s
>4 :            t
>If the NumLock is off, it just gives me nonsense stuff.

It looks like your keyboard's keymap isn't correctly loaded, but do the
keypad keys work in applications other than Matlab?  Regardless, there's a
quick fix that you can do with xev and xmodmap:  Run xev and press all the
keypad keys, noting which key corresponds to which keycode.  On my
machine, this is what I get:

7: 79
8: 80
9: 81
4: 83
5: 84
6: 85
1: 87
2: 88
3: 89

That done, run a series of xmodmap commands to remap keycodes to
appropriate keysyms.  Mine look like this:
xmodmap -e 'keycode 79 = Home  KP_7'
xmodmap -e 'keycode 80 = Up    KP_8'
xmodmap -e 'keycode 81 = Prior KP_9'

The first keysym is what will be output when the NumLock is off, the
second is what will be output when the NumLock is on.  I have these
xmodmap commands automagically sourced in .bashrc (which isn't the best
solution, but it works...) so that might help.

If Matlab is still being stupid, change the KP_?s to ?s.  It's sad how
many X applications screw up when handling the keypad....

Matt G / Dances With Crows      /\    "Man could not stare too long at the face
\----[this space for rent]-----/  \   of the Computer or her children and still
 \There is no Darkness in Eternity \  remain as Man." --David Zindell "So did
But only Light too dim for us to see\ they become Gods, or Usenetters?" --/me


From: Philipp Poeml <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux on 386er notebook with 1MB Ram and 60MB HDD
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 19:59:34 +0200

Hi everyone,

I got an nice notebook with a 386SX-20, 60MB HDD, Floppy Drive, VGA, and
ONLY 1MB of Ram. And I don't know, where I may buy more Ram for it,
because it is old and it seems to be special Cards which I have to place
on the mainboard.
What I would like to know is, what Linux I could install on it.
I just want to run a VI to edit my TeX Files and perhaps have a small
internet connection via ppp or plip to read my e-mail.
Is ELKS the only stuff that would run on it?
Perhaps somebody knows, where I could get memory and other hardware for
Thanks for your help!


Philipp Poeml
Institut fuer Mineralogie
Uni Muenster
Corrensstr. 24
48149 Muenster, Germany
phone: +49-251-8333048
fax: +49-251-8338397


From: Joost Andrae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NFS/StarOffice
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 16:48:24 GMT

Hi Frinky,

maybe there's a problem with file locking...

...just try this:

If you're a bourne shell user:

or if you're a c shell user:

...and start soffice

Regards, Joost Andrae

> Hi,

>    Got a funny problem. Workstation nfs mounting /usr, /opt/, /home, e=
> from a central machine. Workstation users have same uids and gids as t=
> server. Everything loads up fine and runs across the network *except* =

> Office 5.1. if you type 'soffice' it starts to load then just stops=20=

> checked, it gets to looking for java stuff before just stopping). It
> doesn't seem to freeze or anything it just stops, dead.

> What's even weirder is if I log in as user whose /home/ dir isn't nfse=
> the server but on the local harddisc, it all starts up fine (staroffic=
> are still all being loaded across the network).

> Bizarre as everything else loads and runs as expected.

> Any ideas what's causing this?

> Frinky


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (blair christensen)
Subject: raid 0 problems after kernel upgrade
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 18:13:09 GMT

rh 6.2 on a dell poweredge 4400 box.  it was running 2.2.14-5 with a           
raid 0 array.   i upgraded the kernel to 2.2.16 and i am now having
problems with the raid device (/dev/md0).

when i try to mount the device, i get:

# mount /home
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md0,
       or too many mounted file systems
       (aren't you trying to mount an extended partition,
       instead of some logical partition inside?)

# tune2fs -l /dev/md0
tune2fs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
tune2fs: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read
while trying to open /dev/md0
Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.

i'm sort of unsure of how to proceed at this moment.

blair christensen


From: Wolfgang Fritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: debugger for seperate files
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 16:30:04 +0200

Davis Eric wrote:
> Hi,
> It is great that you have done this before.
> The point that made me lost in gdb for seperate files is the functions.
> Say, if a prog calls another function which is in another file, how can
> I trace this function? Do I need to load this two seperate files
> together into gdb or by some other means? Or I just need simply to load
> the main prog not the files containing the subroutines?


I use the ddd graphical front end for gdb. It supports multiple source
files. If you single step into a function, the appropriate source file
is loaded automatically.




Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 12:31:24 -0600
From: Phil Reardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: removing soft links

Recently I made a soft link by going into the target directory and
issuing ln -s /home/myhome.  How can I delete this link, without
removing  or looksing the stuff in myhome?


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 12:31:38 -0600
From: Phil Reardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: removing soft links

Recently I made a soft link by going into the target directory and
issuing ln -s /home/myhome.  How can I delete this link, without
removing  or loosing the stuff in myhome?


From: Matthew Matchura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: kde tasklist
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 11:27:48 -0700


> Hi,
> Is there an applet for the KDE panel similar to Gnome Tasklist?
> (one-click switching between application) Windows has it, Gnome has it,
> how come I can't find one in KDE?
> Thanks
> Wroot
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Open the 'start' menu, open 'kde control center'.  Under 'applications' is
'panel'.  The first tab is 'panel' and it is divided into three sections.
Locate the section 'Taskbar' and sellect the radio button for the location
you want it.   Then hit apply and the desktop will refresh with the
taskbar present.

Matt M


From: Dmitri V <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: copying a newer kernel to an existing installation
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 15:20:50 +0300

Christoph Kukulies wrote:
> How do I have to proceed, when I did a Linux (RH 6.1) installation
> and I want to exchange the kernel on the hard disk afterwards (because
> the installed kernel 2.2.12 panics - it is an SMP machine and
> I have working SMP kernels lying around on other machines)

This sounds strange - it seems to me that RedHat's kernels have SMP
support enabled by default, right out of the box, so if you managed to
install RH6.2, it should at least boot. Anyway, are you able to boot
your machine? If so, I would suggest bulding a new kernel yourself so
you can tweak it according to your needs.




From: Dmitri V <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: kde tasklist
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 15:27:24 +0300

> Hi,
> Is there an applet for the KDE panel similar to Gnome Tasklist?
> (one-click switching between application) Windows has it, Gnome has it,
> how come I can't find one in KDE?



Subject: ??Linux Installation and Setup Questionare??
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 18:30:05 GMT

i have a few problems, if you can help me im eternally thankful:

>>>Corel Linux<<<

1)how do i stop the flashing black screen when i go to log into Linux
2)i get a verical refresh error when i go to log in?
3)how do i find my computers specifications and configurations correct so 
i can program them into my XF86Setup?
4)is there any book i can find on installation of Corel Linux Delux, 
besides the manual.
5)anything else you wanna add to help out is fine........


Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: debugger for seperate files
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 18:36:07 GMT

In article <8j810t$id0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Davis Eric wrote:

>The point that made me lost in gdb for seperate files is the functions.
>Say, if a prog calls another function which is in another file, how can
>I trace this function? 

You step through it with "next" or "step" commands.  It doesn't matter what
source file the function is in.

>Do I need to load this two seperate files
>together into gdb or by some other means? Or I just need simply to load
>the main prog not the files containing the subroutines?

What do you mean "load" the separate files?  You link the different object
files together producing a single executable file containing the binary
image of all of the functions in the program.  You load that file into gdb.

Gdb looks at the debug information contained in that executable file so that
it knows what source file and line number corresponds to each addresses
within the executable binary.  This should all happen automatically.  You
shouldn't have to "load" any source files in gdb.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I have accepted
                                  at               Provolone into my life!


Subject: Re: Gnutella fans, READ THIS!
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 14:49:46 -0400

Francois Labreque wrote:
> Rick wrote:
> >
> > Jim Hill wrote:
> > >
> > > Kracked Up <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >At last, we have a resouce that's not been commercialized and
> > > >exploited...yet...
> > >
> > > Your protest would be a lot more tolerable if you weren't using a news
> > > server which pisses into the world's spools with every post by tacking
> > > an ad onto your own content:
> > >
> > > >Got questions?  Get answers over the phone at
> > > >Up to 100 minutes free!
> > > >
> > >
> > > Jim
> >
> > Yeah.. that's at least as bad as redirecting music searches to porn
> > sites... sheesh. Get a grip.
> Hmm... one poster feels cheated that his morally questionable activities
> (stealing music) are being  hampered by another company's questionable
> morals (spamming porn).  The second poster complains about the
> questionable morals of a third company (spamming their services).

Excuse me, but music searches do not automatically equal stealing music.
There are legal mp3 sites, you know. 

To reply by email remove the obvious from my address.


From: Dmitri V <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ASF on Linux?
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 15:38:12 +0300


I need to play back some video clips, which were recorded in M$ ASF
format. I tried Netshow for Linux from FreeBSD distro, but it seems to
be somehow obsolete, as it does recognize my ASF files as ASF files
(i.e. does not swear at them), but says, that an appropriate codec has
not been found.

I tried to search many places like deja, google, freshmeat, etc., but
have found nothing relevant.

Does anybody know some solution? Maybe, it is possible to convert ASF,
say, to AVI or MPEG? I have a Windoze box available, so it would suffice
if I could just convert a bunch of ASF files into something recognizable
on a fairly commonplace Linux box.

I also tried Wine, but it does not want to launch a Wndows Media Player
installer, it asks for something else, which does not seem to be freely

Please, help me, if somebody knows how to do that, your help will be
greatly appreciated!

Thank you.



From: Matthew Matchura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Simple questions: Pronounce, FreeBSD, pico etc....*s*
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 11:46:15 -0700

Hendrix wrote:

> Hi guys,
> As a newbie, I would like to take this time and ask a few questions
> regarding the pronounciation of various GNU/Linux utilities, commands,
> licences, concepts etc...<grin>  I've heard that different people
> pronounce these things differently anyhow, but just the same, I'm
> interested in knowing how you guys repeat these words... Should be fun,
> here goes nothing...*s*
> 1. vi      ---  Is it spelled out or spoken "Veye"...

I pronounce it out- veye.

> 2. GNU     ---  Is it spelled out, or pronounced "New"...

Again, I pronounce it- new

> 3. Linux   ---  Leee-nucks, Len-nucks, or Lie-nucks(How does Linus say
> it?)..


> 4. SQL     ---  Is it spelled out, or pronounced "Sequel".. I've heard
> both..

S Q L works for me, but I have heard both used.

> 5. Daemon  ---  Is it demon, or daymon...

Daymon, unless you want to bug people 'in the know'.

> 6. TCL     ---  I've heard it called Tickle...???*s*
> 7. pico    ---  Is it pee-co or pie-co...??? (Hey, I've used it
> too)...*s*
> In addition, could someone please enlighten me on the following
> "simple-natured" questions...???
> 1. Why is Unix-based systems referred to as *nix based systems when
> linux and various other versions end in "ux"...???

This is just a reference to their likeness to UNIX, thus the '*nix'.  Linux
is a UNIX-Like OS.

> 2. Is FreeBSD linux or not...???  When I ordered all the distributions
> from <> I was sent FreeBSD with all the other
> distros...

FreeBSD is a version of Berkley UNIX.  It is probably more UNIX than most
*NIX's, but because 'UNIX' is trademarked by The Open Group, it must be
named something different.  It contains nothing of the original AT&T code.

Like Linux, FreeBSD is simply a UNIX-Like OS.

> 3. Does the POSIX standard dictate the directory structure of *nix based
> systems (usr, home, bin, etc, var et cetera...)...???  If so, where can
> I get a copy of this POSIX standard...???  What else does the standard
> dictate...???
> 4. Does the sysvinit program install the 'login' and 'sulogin' programs
> when it is installed itself...???  I know the 'init' process activates
> and respawns these programs, but is the 'login' and 'sulogin' programs
> part of the sysvinit distribution...???
> 5. Does anyone but me use 'pico'...???*smile*  Getting used to 'vi' is
> just killing me...!!!*s*
> Sorry for bombarding you guys with all these questions, but I figure
> this is the best place to inquire...*smile*  Thanks to all you took the
> time to read and/or respond to this email...  Take care...
> Sincerely,
> --
> Trevor Penney,
> A+, Network+ Certified
> ----------------------
> That's alright, I still got my guitar...

Go Jimi! ;)

Matt M


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Linux on 386er notebook with 1MB Ram and 60MB HDD
Date: 27 Jun 2000 14:48:35 EDT

On Tue, 27 Jun 2000 19:59:34 +0200, Philipp Poeml 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>I got an nice notebook with a 386SX-20, 60MB HDD, Floppy Drive, VGA, and
>ONLY 1MB of Ram. And I don't know, where I may buy more Ram for it,
>What I would like to know is, what Linux I could install on it.
>I just want to run a VI to edit my TeX Files and perhaps have a small
>internet connection via ppp or plip to read my e-mail.
>Is ELKS the only stuff that would run on it?

Linux requires at least 4M.  You might try Minix, which can definitely run
vi and some sort of Telnet client, and is a lot more usable than ELKS atm.

Matt G / Dances With Crows      /\    "Man could not stare too long at the face
\----[this space for rent]-----/  \   of the Computer or her children and still
 \There is no Darkness in Eternity \  remain as Man." --David Zindell "So did
But only Light too dim for us to see\ they become Gods, or Usenetters?" --/me



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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