Linux-Misc Digest #954, Volume #25                Thu, 5 Oct 00 22:13:03 EDT

  Re: Linux: Freeing Memory (ljb)
  Re: tar but no dump - help? ("ekkis")
  Re: file problems still (newbie) (Tony Lawrence)
  Re: Netscape Sucks, I need another option. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: file problems still (newbie) (Mark Post)
  inittab messed up.. ("Fayaz A. Shaikh")
  Re: file problems still (newbie) ("Jim Young")
  Problem backing up hard drive onto CDR's (whippet0)
  Re: malloc() (David Rysdam)
  Re: Usb MODEM (E J)
  Re: Your RedHat 7.0 impressions? (Robert Clayton)
  Re: getting rid of mingetty (Bill Unruh)
  Re: zero-length partition? what the...? (E J)
  Re: inittab messed up.. (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Microsoft owns a piece of Corel (Thomas Armagost)
  IBM DecStar (Davis Eric)
  LS/DATE = different zone = hacked system. (Mark London)


Subject: Re: Linux: Freeing Memory
Date: 6 Oct 2000 00:33:09 GMT

>We have a server running linux which has 2Gb of RAM running Red Hat 6.2.
>When an application called 'fluent' (extremely memory intensive) is run and
>completed, linux fails to free the memory that was used by this process.
>'top' shows the process is definitely dead so kill -9 is useless and we
>only know that we are running out of memory because 'free' says so. Also,
>the system hangs after running fluent a couple of times requiring us to
>If anyone knows a command to clear memory that DOES NOT involve rebooting,
>I would love to know so we don't have to reboot the server twice a day!  

The only way I can think of that a process can fail to free all its memory
on exit is if it allocates shared memory and never destroys it.  Try
running "ipcs" (as root) before and after running the program and see if
there is any shared memory left in use.

On the other hand, maybe you are miss-interpreting "free" output, which
often shows a lower "free memory" value than people expect. That's just the
way Linux works. If, for example, your program did a lot of disk I/O and
Linux grabbed a lot of memory for buffers, Linux won't necessarily free up
that memory until it has something better to do with it.


From: "ekkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tar but no dump - help?
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 17:31:59 -0700

thx for the response Joshua,

> First, make sure you get the latest version from
> dump/restore has been undergoing rapid development and bug-fixing of late.

I didn't realise this wasn't fairly stable code, was running the 0.4b15-1
version which came with RH6.2.  I've upgraded to b19 and it now works!!
thank you, I should always think of looking for upgrades before asking.

> No kidding.  Followups trimmed -- pick a group, please.

apologies if I've crossposted.  there were several groups where the message
could be relevant and as I originally had just posted to one group and got
no answer I figured I'd try several.  is that poor ettiquette?

- e

"Joshua Baker-LePain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8rgm8b$6a0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In comp.os.linux.hardware ekkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hi all,
>      ^^^
> No kidding.  Followups trimmed -- pick a group, please.
> > I'm having a problem backing up a file system to tape using "dump".  I
> > tar to the device (read and write) so I know there's nothing wrong
> > with the hardware or drivers... can anyone help point me ine right
> > direction?
> First, make sure you get the latest version from
> dump/restore has been undergoing rapid development and bug-fixing of late.
> > root@beowulf:/root # dump -0u -f /dev/st0 /home/ftp/mp3z
> dump has no idea how big your tape is.  The newer version has a '-a' flag
> which tells it to write until it hits EOT.
> > p.s. please e-mail so I don't have to keep coming back to the newsgroup,
> Posted here for the benfit of all.
> --
> Joshua Baker-LePain
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> Duke University


From: Tony Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: file problems still (newbie)
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 20:34:16 -0400

Jim Young wrote:
>     Hey all. I still have problems executing files that i've untarred.  i
> use tar xvpzf file  while i'm root, and when i ls -l the files, they say
> root root for the properties, yet when i type the name in it sais file or
> command not found. its reallll odd.  

It's not odd at all.  Probably it's just because the current
directory is not in your PATH, though there are a few other
possibilities: covers

Tony Lawrence ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SCO/Linux articles, help, book reviews, tests, 
job listings and more :


Subject: Re: Netscape Sucks, I need another option.
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 20:39:16 -0400

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 21:16:40 GMT, "Yura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There is another alternative comming out sometime. The REALLY bad
thing is that it will cost about $39bux. =(

Its called Opera. Its currently in Alpha stages for
Linux at the moment. I've been testing the Windows Eval version. It
seems faster than IE and is MUCH slimmer.

It is supposed to conform to all the HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript,
ECMAScript standards. I have not tested it fully. But I do like the
speediness of the eval version for Windows. 

It may not be the ideal choice since its not free...but it is...or
will be an option. I can only hope that its faster under Linux and

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Oliver
>> Ben Ritchie wrote:
>>> Didn't he say he wanted something that _wasn't_ slow and buggy and
>>> _can_ display pages correctly? :-)
>> I know you're being sarcastic, but Mozilla's getting pretty stable, very
>> fast (faster than Netscape is anyway;
>Are you for real?
>It can not even display menus quickly, I'm talking about menus right below the title 
>of the 
>They are so slow, they popdown so slow like if my Pentium2-333 would be a nasty 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Post)
Subject: Re: file problems still (newbie)
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 00:36:33 GMT

On Fri, 06 Oct 2000 00:09:27 GMT, "Jim Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    Hey all. I still have problems executing files that i've untarred.  i
>use tar xvpzf file  while i'm root, and when i ls -l the files, they say
>root root for the properties, yet when i type the name in it sais file or
>command not found. its reallll odd.  if iuse the tab-shortcut key it also
>doesn't recognize it.

Are you doing a ./commandname or just commandname?  Or

When you do a ls -l on the command, are the executable bits turned on in the
permissions?  Are these shell scripts, or binaries?  If they are binaries,
try doing a sh -x commandname and seeing if it is some command in the script
that is not found, as opposed to the script name itself.

Mark Post

Postmodern Consulting
Information Technology and Systems Management Consulting
To send me email, replace 'nospam' with 'home'.


From: "Fayaz A. Shaikh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: inittab messed up..
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 19:39:12 -0700

I have started using linux recently, I have messed up /etc/inittab . Now
Linux doesn't start. It is Redhat Linux 6.2. I have changed the line

#Run gettys in standard run levels
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1


1:2345:respawn:/sbin/vgetty modem

I was trying to run initialize vgetty.

Now linux box does not start at all and it is giving error at some point
while starting sshd2 and saying that "probably port 22 is already in use" .
It was working absolutely fine before. I  have boot disk for that, if it
could be used. I think this is the problem, how can i change that file, for
this I have to get into the system which I can't .
I will appreciate if someone will reply soon.



From: "Jim Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: file problems still (newbie)
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 00:59:07 GMT

i'm doing a commandname, while i'm in the proper directory yes. the file is
in ./
ls -l shows all the x tags set, as well as the file is in green with an *
like all executables in my distro.

i have the same problem with  any thing i untar from downloading.

"Mark Post" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 06 Oct 2000 00:09:27 GMT, "Jim Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >    Hey all. I still have problems executing files that i've untarred.  i
> >use tar xvpzf file  while i'm root, and when i ls -l the files, they say
> >root root for the properties, yet when i type the name in it sais file or
> >command not found. its reallll odd.  if iuse the tab-shortcut key it also
> >doesn't recognize it.
> Are you doing a ./commandname or just commandname?  Or
> /directory/path/from/the/root/down/to/the/commandname?
> When you do a ls -l on the command, are the executable bits turned on in
> permissions?  Are these shell scripts, or binaries?  If they are binaries,
> try doing a sh -x commandname and seeing if it is some command in the
> that is not found, as opposed to the script name itself.
> Mark Post
> Postmodern Consulting
> Information Technology and Systems Management Consulting
> To send me email, replace 'nospam' with 'home'.


From: whippet0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem backing up hard drive onto CDR's
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 01:06:31 GMT

I'd like to back up my hard drive onto CDR's. The problem is that I've
got about 3 gigabytes of data on my hard drive but I don't want to store
the files as tar or gzip files on the CDR's. Is there any way of making
a backup that spans multiple 650 megabyte ISO images using mkisofs or
some other utility?

George Couch


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Rysdam)
Subject: Re: malloc()
Date: 6 Oct 2000 00:15:09 GMT

Hash: SHA1

And Ludwig Stroobant Spoke:
>I have a problem with malloc(). At some time in my program I do a malloc of
>two pointers, and now it seems that, if I do a free on the second pointer
>first, and then a free of the first pointer, I get a segmentation fault.  If
>I skip the freeing of the second pointer, the freeing of the first one is
>If I look at the memory space of the pointers, it seems that, on freeing one
>or the other pointer, one byte, that they have in common, is changed. 

Freeze right there.  If you use malloc to create two pointers, they
will not have ANY bytes in common.  You get a totally new, free, clear
and in all other way fresh chunk of memory with *no overlap* to any
other alloc'd memory.

- -- 
My public encryption key is available from
Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



Subject: Re: Usb MODEM
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 18:29:14 -0700

Kernel 2.4 is almost here.  It can handle many USB devices.

Lodo Nicolino wrote:

> Hi am Nico.
> Can Linux handle a usb external modem ( ta us.robotics).
> I have a Red Hat 6.2
> thanks in advance.
> Nico.
> --
> E pensare che ti ho fatta studiare a Detroit
> ( Jonny Stecchino )


From: Robert Clayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Your RedHat 7.0 impressions?
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 14:31:56 -0400

Xconfigurator didn't ever get it, so I went with the old xf86config.  And
here's the result.  My card (set to run as an S3Virge), is actually an S3
86C325, which is unsupported.

And I have done some reading on the XFree86 version 4.  And I know that
there is a new module loader, and I know that many drivers are being
rewritten to take advantage of these new features.

I also know that now I'm bitching about X in a RedHat discussion, and I'm
going to get burned for it, so I will make this short.

I just wish that the porting of (already existing) drivers had been
finished before RH decided to make XF86 4 a part of the standard install.
Now a machine that has run X for a couple of years can't do it anymore.  I
need to check and see if this card will be supported in later times (Many
thanks for the link, by the way), but for now I will have to revert to an
older version (hope my libs don't conflict ...)

Best Regards,

David_C wrote:

> Robert Clayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Yes this machine has had many linux installs on it, it is sort of a
> > linux test box for me.  Perhaps repeatedly wiping the drive clean
> > contributes to these problems.
> >
> > FWIW the second install was succesful, in text mode.  I still have not
> > gotten X running.
> XFree86 4.0 has not (yet) ported all of their video drivers from the 3.x
> release.  But your virge chipset should be supported.
> Here's the driver status for XFree86 4.01:
> -- David

** Robert Clayton
** Systems Administrator
** Visit us on the web


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: getting rid of mingetty
Date: 6 Oct 2000 01:41:07 GMT


]I saw Mihai Cartoaje rant about the following:
]>I have a computer with 16MB of ram running RedHat, and top informs me
]>that the 5 instances of mingetty loaded at startup take up over 2MB.
]>I have tried renaming mingetty so that iniscript wouldn't find it, but
]>then Linux wouldn't boot. I have my computer back up and running now,
]>but I still have to get rid of mingetty!

mingetty is the program which sits on the consoles ( by default 6 of
them-- accessible by alt-ctrl-F1 to Alt-ctrl-F6) waiting for you to type
in your name to the login prompt. No mingetty, no login.
So, why do you want to get rid of mingetty? Maybe you want to get rid of
init as well? Ie, some things are crucial to the proper running of the
computer, and you do not want to get rid of them.

Note that if you really want to get rid of them, go to 
/etc/inittab, and comment out the lines where they are started.


Subject: Re: zero-length partition? what the...?
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 18:42:45 -0700

What the .... is right?


> I booted linux up the other day having not ran it in a couple of days
> and for some reason it gave me an error when trying to mount the
> filesystems:
> "blah blah resulted in a short read...Could this be a zero length
> partition?"

The partition could be corrupt?

> What does this mean.  I can get into the system as root only and
> my /var /home or /usr partitions are not mounted. /usr will mount when
> i use the mount command but /home refuses to.  I know it couldnt be a
> problem with the hard disk since i have other partitions on it which
> work from windows.
> I could reinstall the system from scratch but I really want to be able
> to cover that /home partition first. How can I do this?

try to mount /home if you can.
Once you can issue something similar to below:
# # copy the /home directory to another hard disk
# cp -a /home /some_nice_safe_place/home.backup
# #  or make a tar ball and copy the tar ball to CD-RW, tape, hard disk,
# tar cvf home.backup.tar /home

If you can't still recover /home, you might try the following
# # the /home is on /dev/hda1
# fsck /dev/hda1

If you still cannot recover, I think you are screwed .

> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: inittab messed up..
Date: 6 Oct 2000 01:46:30 GMT

In <8rj6vq$440$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Fayaz A. Shaikh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>I have started using linux recently, I have messed up /etc/inittab . Now
>Linux doesn't start. It is Redhat Linux 6.2. I have changed the line

>#Run gettys in standard run levels
>1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1


>1:2345:respawn:/sbin/vgetty modem

>I was trying to run initialize vgetty.

Uh, You should learn what the various lines in inittab do befor changing
them. mingetty and vgetty are entirely different programs. mingetty
listens for input ( and displays /etc/issue) on the consoles. If you
have nothing listening on the consoles, you cannot speak to your

>Now linux box does not start at all and it is giving error at some point
>while starting sshd2 and saying that "probably port 22 is already in use" .

It starts. It just does not sit there waiting for you to log in to any
of the consoles. That is the purpose of mingetty. 

>It was working absolutely fine before. I  have boot disk for that, if it
>could be used. I think this is the problem, how can i change that file, for
>this I have to get into the system which I can't .

alt ctrl del
Then do 
linux 1 
at the lilo prompt. This should dump you into a root shell. 
Then edit /etc/inittab and restore those mingetty lines!!


From: Thomas Armagost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,misc.writing,talk.bizarre
Subject: Re: Microsoft owns a piece of Corel
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 18:55:18 -0700

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Dr. Anthony J. Lomenzo" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Problem is this Tom---and perhaps you'll even agree---when one's
> 'personal' fortune hits the scale at 67 billion samolians,
> 'personal', and then, with the now world-famous ® of ®'s so to speak
> as in Micro-you-know-who which nicely adds another 200 billion
> 'plus', well, it's sort of like GBS's old comment 'the distinct
> advantage of possessing coin of the realm in abundance is that it
> allows one to tell anyone, [governments inclusive], to go to hell.'

Similarly, the theme of _The Magic Christian_ (1969) is "every man has 
his price."  <>  Screenplay by Terry 
Southern, based on his novel.  Additional material by Graham Chapman, 
John Cleese and Peter Sellers.

> Doc Tony
> ;-)

Has Cleese been knighted yet?  No?  Why not?

> Talking about our UK friend GBS [George Bernard Shaw]'s this
> for wit and attributed to him 'not' in conjectured jest  but
> actually recorded in situ when GBS was attending a London production
> of one of his own plays....the finale comes and the folks go bananas
> in hoots of  praise and then it solitary but loud and
> extended-for-effect "Booooooo!' which immediately hushes all
> assembled until GBS, sitting front center, stands and says in his
> usual iconoclastic way without batting an eye, "I dare say I quite
> agree with you this particular production....but then, what
> is our humble opinion against that of so many?'
> ;-)

Yeah.  Sometimes I get the feeling that Darwin Open Source and OS X 
are just a big beta test for a future version of Windows.

new weblog 10/01/00 <>
"Don't forget to register to vote" - Frank Zappa


From: Davis Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IBM DecStar
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 01:52:25 GMT

Hi, there,

Is there anybody knows whether IBM DecStar disk (10G) will work with RH



I do not feel shameful if I was and am an idiot; I
will feel shameful if I haven't realized it.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark London)
Subject: LS/DATE = different zone = hacked system.
Date: 6 OCT 2000 02:01:16 GMT

A day ago I posted a problem with I had with a fairly new system in which the
files were shown in GMT time, but the DATE command showed the correct local
time.  A call to Redhat and 5 mins later the problem was determined.  The ls
application had been hacked, and subsequently I also found other apps like ps
and netstat had also been changed.  Since I've seen some other people on the
news groups who have had similar problems, hopefully my posting will help

Mark London



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