Linux-Misc Digest #391, Volume #25                Wed, 9 Aug 00 06:13:02 EDT

  Re: Linux on AMD ("John Mazza")
  Re: ~~Configure X Technical Difficulties~~ (N/A)
  My Final Question (most likely) (N/A)
  Re: HELP!! IPCHAINS I'm Stuck (arvind)
  Deleted Linux (Fdisk)! Can't access partition!! (Raviprasad)
  Please Bare With Me(another question) (N/A)
  Please Bare With Me(another Question) (N/A)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (Stefaan A Eeckels)
  Re: Book to learn about Server-Side Apps? ("NoSpam@")
  Re: alternating between networking settings ("kc")
  My Final Inquiry {explanation enclosed} (N/A)
  My Final Inquiry (explanation enclosed) (N/A)
  Re: Linux on AMD (dog)
  Adding a SCSI controller changing boot drive to SCSI drive ("Magix news")
  FREEWARE - Unix shell scripts (Richard Anderson)
  Allowing all users to access and write to a partition ("Chew GH")
  Re: Almost Lost New Hard Drive After Linux Install (Svend Olaf Mikkelsen)
  Re: How to set up default file and directory right for all user access ? (Dirk 
  Re: Deleted Linux (Fdisk)! Can't access partition!! (Dirk Reckmann)
  Re: Allowing all users to access and write to a partition (Dirk Reckmann)


From: "John Mazza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Linux on AMD
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 06:06:12 GMT

None whatsoever.

shook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am thinking of setting up Linux on an AMD machine.  Did you have any
> problem with the install or after the install?
> Shook
> Saty Desai wrote:
> >
> > Hi :
> >
> > I'm beta testing Linux on an AMD Athlon box with an Adaptec 131x/141x
> > SCSI adapter..
> >
> > I'd like to hear from others who have setup and loaded Linux (and the
> > version and vendor) on AMD boxes or any other hardware containing
> > Adaptec 131x/141x internal SCSI hard drive adapters ...
> >
> > I would really appreciate your help and thanks for your help in advance
> >
> >
> > Saty
> >
> >
> > --
> > Saty Desai
> >
> >
> --
> Posted via CNET


Subject: Re: ~~Configure X Technical Difficulties~~
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 06:29:59 GMT

Prasanth A. Kumar wrote:
> N/A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > *i cant locate my hardware to configure X so when picking the closest 
> > can find to it i get this error:
> > 
> > An Error Occured:
> > (**) SVGA: 16bpp not supported for this chipset
> > 
> >         try changing some parameters
> > 
> > my computer's system specifications are......
> > -800 X 600 High Color (16 Bit)
> > -Intel (r) 82801AA SMBus Controller
> > -PAVILION M50 on Intel(R) 810 Chipset Graphics Driver PV1.0
> > -Hewlett Packard Pavilion M50
> > 
> > QUESTION:  How can i fix this problem so Linux will detect my hardware 
> > i wont get a Flashing Display? I would like to have the functioning 
> > Graphical Login.
> <snip>
> Since you have a i810 graphics chipset, the following link from the Red
> Hat might be of use to you for general hints even if you don't use Red
> hat Linux.
> -- 
> Prasanth Kumar

ok thanks.

Posted via CNET


Subject: My Final Question (most likely)
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 06:30:00 GMT

you may have noticed my onslaught of questions over and over about the 
same thing, well the problem was i am using a rare video card that Linux 
isnt compatible with, this was the core of my problem. so there will be no 
more questions of this nature. but i do have one final one, what is this 
pieice of hardware called:

Intel (R) 810 Chipset Graphics Driver PV1.0

i need to replace it, that's why i need to know. thank you.

Posted via CNET


From: arvind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP!! IPCHAINS I'm Stuck
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 06:29:59 GMT

Greg wrote:
> I'm running a linux rh6.1 box with 3 working nic cards as follows.
> 1. eth0 internal
> 2  eth1 @home cable modem 24.x.x.169
> 3  eth2 @home cable modem 24.x.x.166    (not on the same subnets)
> I have a lan setup attached to the network all working fine.
> using 3....... 4...... 5........ windows pc's
> Currently i have ipchains/masq setup ok giving internet acecess from
> eth1(cable) to all the pc's
> on the network.
> I would like to route traffic from eth2 ( 2nd cable ip)  to one or more
> of the windows
> pc's.  I'm currently using ipchains w/masq.  Basic setup listed below:
> Can you tell me how to route the second cable IP eth2 to another
> internal IP address on my lan.   My guess was I needed to add the 2nd
> gateway.
> But i'm confussed when i added the 2nd gateway and rebooted..... my box
> hung at the SENDMAIL for a few minnets and then moved on.  when i got
> into the box the other pc's could not see the Internet at all.   my
> route table had both gatways ass the default like this
> destination     gateway         genmask     iface
> default           24.x.x.169        eth1
> default           24.x.x.166        eth2
> Notes:   My cable goes into a switch/hub   see below:
>                                                CABLE
>                          (24.x.x.169) -------- |  --------- (24.x.x.166)
>                                                        |
>                                                    HUB
>                                                       |
>                                                       |
>                                                       |
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>              |                |
> |                          |                  |
>           PC2          PC3               LINUX
> PC4            PC5
> Ok  with/without the second gateway defined I can ping all the IP
> addresses including the 2 external cable IP's
> Any help would be appreciated.
> ipchains -F input
> ipchains -F output
> ipchains -F forward
> ipchains -P forward DENY
> ipchains -A forward -i eth1 -s -d -j
> ipchains -A forward -i eth2 -s -d -j
> ipchains -A forward -i eth1 -s -j MASQ
> ipchains -A forward -i eth1 -s -j MASQ
> ipchains -A forward -i eth2 -s -j MASQ
> ipchains -A forward -i eth2 -s -j MASQ

Just one ultimate solution is :

route add -net 24.x.x.166  mask dev eth(x)


Posted via CNET


From: Raviprasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Deleted Linux (Fdisk)! Can't access partition!!
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 06:29:59 GMT

God pardon my ignorance!
I deleted Linux partition using fdisk. I know nothing of Linux and so didn't want it. 
Now I can't access the 2GB partition on which Linux was installed. My Win95 doesn't 
show the partition. And everytime I boot the comp LILO still comes up. How do I set 
things right and get my comp to use that 2GB?

Thanks for any help. would be forever grateful.

Posted via CNET


Subject: Please Bare With Me(another question)
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 06:29:58 GMT

what if my hardware isnt in the list when configuring X? specifically the 
video card and monitor spec's.?

Posted via CNET


Subject: Please Bare With Me(another Question)
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 06:29:58 GMT

what if my hardware isnt in the list when configuring X? specifically the 
video card and monitor spec's.??

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefaan A Eeckels)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 08:27:02 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Stefaan A Eeckels wrote:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>         blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >>
>> > Free market means just that: The Freedom to Trade with who ever and
>> > whatever (within legal limits) you want.
>> Does it? I think that's what usually called "Free Trade".
>> "Free Market" means letting the interaction between people
>> determine the price of goods.
> It also means nothing to stop the seller to get the maximum amount of
> profits they want, as long as the market can bears it.
Which is exactly what I said, only using slightly more
loaded words :-)

Ninety-Ninety Rule of Project Schedules:
        The first ninety percent of the task takes ninety percent of
the time, and the last ten percent takes the other ninety percent.


From: "NoSpam@" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Book to learn about Server-Side Apps?
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 07:21:54 GMT

Dances With Crows wrote:
> On Wed, 09 Aug 2000 03:33:40 GMT, NoSpam@ wrote:
> >>Mitchell Timin wrote:
> >> Can someone recommend such a book?  I'm an out-of-date programmer.  I
> >> don't know CGI, PHP, XML, or most of the other acronyms involved in
> >> active websites.  I would like to understand how it all works.
> >Have you thought of Perl? I'm no programmer but manage to get some
> >things done with it including homespun DB's.  It's supposed to be very
> >easy for C-programmers.
> ??  Different strokes for different folks, but I found PHP to be far
> easier/nicer for average dynamic content than Perl, and I started out
> with C.  The syntax is much closer to C, and IMHO combines most of the
> best features of C and Perl.  There's a quick-n-dirty PHP intro,
> covering installation and scripting basics, at this URL:

Bookmarked.. 'been meaning to look into that
dreading 'here we go again'  |8-(


From: "kc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: alternating between networking settings
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 07:35:56 GMT

In article <8mphd9$23v$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti)

> I have a laptop, at home and work I have different network settings. I'm tired
> of having to go into netconf (etc) and changing the settings by hand.  Is
> there any way of doing this automatically?
> I could write a Perl script, but I'm a little unclear on which files need to
> be altered, scripts need to be run, etc.
> Anyone figured this out?
> Thanks

have you lloked at multinet?


Subject: My Final Inquiry {explanation enclosed}
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 07:29:56 GMT

you may have noticed my onslaught of questions over and over about the 
same thing, well the problem was i am using a rare video card that Linux 
isnt compatible with, this was the core of my problem. so there will be no 
more questions of this nature. but i do have one final one, what is this 
pieice of hardware called:

Intel (R) 810 Chipset Graphics Driver PV1.0

i need to replace it, that's why i need to know. thank you.

Posted via CNET


Subject: My Final Inquiry (explanation enclosed)
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 07:29:56 GMT

you may have noticed my onslaught of questions over and over about the 
same thing, well the problem was i am using a rare video card that Linux 
isnt compatible with, this was the core of my problem. so there will be no 
more questions of this nature. but i do have one final one, what is this 
pieice of hardware called:

Intel (R) 810 Chipset Graphics Driver PV1.0

i need to replace it, that's why i need to know. thank you.

Posted via CNET


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Linux on AMD
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 07:37:38 GMT

No, why would that be? Your processor won't be a problem whatsoever.
Sound card, video, etc, are other stories. 

shook wrote:
> I am thinking of setting up Linux on an AMD machine.  Did you have any
> problem with the install or after the install?
> Shook
> Saty Desai wrote:
> >
> > Hi :
> >
> > I'm beta testing Linux on an AMD Athlon box with an Adaptec 131x/141x
> > SCSI adapter..
> >
> > I'd like to hear from others who have setup and loaded Linux (and the
> > version and vendor) on AMD boxes or any other hardware containing
> > Adaptec 131x/141x internal SCSI hard drive adapters ...
> >
> > I would really appreciate your help and thanks for your help in advance
> >
> >
> > Saty
> >
> >
> > --
> > Saty Desai
> >
> >
> --
> Posted via CNET

The Church of Transcendent Solipsism


From: "Magix news" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Adding a SCSI controller changing boot drive to SCSI drive
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 15:45:51 +0800

I have replaced all my IDE drives with SCSI ones.
I know which SCSI hard drive my doot disk is on sda7.

I have a boot floppy that was created for the IDE system
I can not boot linux from HD and do not want to re-install.

Can I modify the boot floppy to add a driver for my adaptec 2940 card. Do I
have to rebuild anything on the boot floppy.

Any instructions.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Richard Anderson)
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 01:11:05 -0500
Subject: FREEWARE - Unix shell scripts

Korn shell scripts for text processing, file and directory processing,
customizing your login environment, disk space management, performance 
analysis, system monitoring and system security.  It includes generalized 
login environment files for the Korn shell, bash and the C shell.

Some of the functions of Typhon:

* Substitute one text string for another in all files in a directory tree,
  skipping non-text files. The substitution strings can be regular expressions 
  or plain text. 

* Display all subdirectories as a visual directory tree.

* Copy a file to multiple remote hosts, with disk backup of the target file on
  each host. 

* List all subdirectories in one or more directories, including symbolic links
  to directories. 

Part of Typhon is distributed as freeware, part as a commercial product.  You
can download the freeware or purchase the product at

Richard Anderson, Ph.D.
Chief Technology Officer, Raycosoft


Subject: Allowing all users to access and write to a partition
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 16:56:14 +0800

I am running RH6.1 and win98 on my computer. I have set aside a FAT32
partition (/dev/hda9) for files that can be accessed and modified by all
users and mounted it at boot time under /mnt/pub with this line in fstab:

/dev/hda9   /mnt/pub   vfat    defaults,user 0 0

However, not all users are able to create files in that directory other than
root. Chmod 777 /mnt/pub only changes the permissions of that directory when
it's unmounted, but not when it is mounted already. It is troublesome, as a
normal user, to unmount /dev/hda9 and mount it again so that files can be
written. How do I allow writing of files to /mnt/pub for all users at the
same time?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Svend Olaf Mikkelsen)
Subject: Re: Almost Lost New Hard Drive After Linux Install
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 09:11:09 GMT


>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  hauck[at]codem{dot}com wrote:

>> Isn't that amazing!  You can't boot from a disk that has the MBR
>>zeroed out!

>But from what he's said that isn't the problem. The boot floppy does not
>have a zero MBR, the hard disk does. And it still won't boot from a

It was not the MBR that was zeroed, but the boot sector of hdc1.

>> Not from a floppy either if you have a hard disk as the first
>> boot device in BIOS and aren't clever enough to change it.
>You know, maybe you should actually assume that most people trying to
>install Linux have enough intelligence to configure the BIOS. I had
>precisely the same thing happen to me when I installed Redhat on my PC,
>where I'd had Suse Linux with a 1.2 kernel running for six months or
>more. Redhat deleted the old partitions, created a new extended
>partition, installed Linux and Lilo, and my machine would no longer boot
>into DOS, either from the hard disk or from a floppy. Not because it
>wasn't trying to boot from the floppy, but because DOS got part-way
>through booting then decided to look for DOS partitions on the hard
>disks and found some kind of corrupted partition table which it couldn't
>In the end, the only solution was to boot into Linux, copy all of the
>Windows and Linux files onto another hard disk, zero the first hundred
>megabytes of the original drive, then re-fdisk and re-format it,
>re-install Windows, and finally copy all the files back... then do it
>all over again because fdisk had managed to put the DOS and Linux
>partitions on top of each other. Not something I should have had to do
>when I had a perfectly good, perfectly well partitioned system already
>set up until the Redhat 'smart' installer very smartly screwed it up for
>> >Please note that I know the explanation. You are completely wrong.
>> Yeah, yeah, "circular partitions".
>That makes a lot more sense to me than your suggestion that he's just
>too dumb to configure the BIOS to boot from a floppy. And this is a
>major issue which could kill a user's PC, hardly something which should
>be ignored by the Linux community.
>    Mark

In your case as well as in the case that began this thread, the
problem could have been solved by changing one bit on the disk. The
type (ID) of the extended partition should have been 85 (or 0F), not

In the example case where DOS would not boot, not even from floppy,
the partition tables on hdc looked like this:

Disk /dev/hdc: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1232 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hdc1   *       127       256   1044193+   6  FAT16
/dev/hdc2           257       512   2056320    7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hdc3           513       768   2056320   16  Hidden FAT16
/dev/hdc4          1024      1232   1678792+   5  Extended
/dev/hdc5          1024      1029     48163+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hdc6          1030      1200   1373526   83  Linux

In partition tables, the locations of the partitions are defined in
two ways:

1: The offset of the partition in sectors and the size of the
partition in sectors. In links to next logical partition, the offset
is calculated relative to the beginning of the extended partition. In
other entries, the offset is calculated relative to the current
partition table sector.

2: The CHS (cylinder/head/sector) addresses of the first and the last
sector in the partition.

Only 10 bits are available for storing the cylinder entry. Then the
maximum number is 1023. Special rules must be followed to make
partition tables compatible both with operating systems that uses the
CHS entries and operating systems that uses the offset/size entries.

By definition, inside an extended partition type 05, the CHS entries
are to be used. This is a fact that has been ignored in Linux
partitioning tools.

In the example another look at the same tables is this:

Cylinders: 1232   Heads: 255   Sectors: 63   MB: 9664

-PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB -Start CHS- --End CHS--
    0 1*06  2024253  2088387  1019  126   1  1  255 254 63
    0 2 07  4112640  4112640  2008  256   0  1  511 254 63
    0 3 16  8225280  4112640  2008  512   0  1  767 254 63
    0 4 05 16434495  3357585  1639 1023   0  1 1231*254 63

 1023 1 82       63    96327    47 1023   1  1 1028*254 63
 1023 2 05    96390  2747115  1341 1029*  0  1 1199*254 63

 1029 1 83       63  2747052  1341 1029*  1  1 1199*254 63

In the cylinder numbers marked * the actual value in the tables are

Now this happens:

DOS sees an extended partition beginning CHS 1023/0/1 and loads the
extended partition table at this location.

A Linux swap partition is seen, but ignored, since this is not a FAT
partition. Then there is a link to next extended partition table in
CHS 1023/0/1. DOS loads this partition table, and sees a Linux swap
partition that is ignored, and a link to next extended partition table
in CHS 1023/0/1. This continues until reboot.

This is just an example. To show how the tables were cyclic the actual
cases, it would have been necessary to look at the partition tables
while the problem was present.

Linux tools are able to make cyclic partition tables in different
ways. The problem that DOS cannot boot if the disk is present can
always be solved by changing the type of the extended partition (not
the logical links) to 85 (Linux extended), and in some cases it can be
solved by changing the type to 0F. The type 0F partition is known by
Linux and by DOS from version 7.0 (original Windows 95).
Svend Olaf


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dirk Reckmann)
Subject: Re: How to set up default file and directory right for all user access ?
Date: 9 Aug 2000 09:46:34 GMT

K. M. Lau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The public directory should allow all users to access all files in the
>directory with out restriction. I have set the directory and files right to
>RWX-RWX-RWX by chmod.
>However , I found that when the user save the file . The file permission
>will be changed to that user ¡V RWX- . Therefore other user could not use
>and modify the file unless I change the file right to RWX-RWX-RWX one by
>one. This is not what I want. I want the files can be access by all users

You can put all users who shall have access to this public directory
in one common group, let the public dir be owned by this group
(chown group:user dir), and set the group sticky bit
(chmod g+s dir). So all new files in this dir will belong to the
common group. Now the users have to set a apropriate umask, e.g.
umask ?1? so that their new files will be writeable by the group.

Be carefull. If your users don't have unique gids (i.e. one groupe per
user), _don't_ use this umask, because in this case their new files in
their home dir for example, get group write permissions, and this
group could be "everybody", as is in my university. In this case your
users could set group file permissions explicitly when they create a
new file in the public dir (chmod g+x file).

Hope this helps,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dirk Reckmann)
Subject: Re: Deleted Linux (Fdisk)! Can't access partition!!
Date: 9 Aug 2000 09:46:33 GMT

Raviprasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I deleted Linux partition using fdisk. I know nothing of Linux and so
>didn't want it.

You didn't want Linux, or you didn't want delete Linux?

If you *wanted* to delete Linux, you have to invoke "fdisk /mbr" (on a
DOS Prompt) to remove LILO. Then you can create a new partition on
your 2 gigs, again using fdisk, this time without parameters. I think,
you have to create first an extended partition, after that something
like a "logical drive in the extended partition".

If you didn't want to delete Linux, it's more complicated. You could
boot from your installation CD of your distro in rescue mode (most
distros have this feature, I suppose). Start _Linux_ fdisk (an
alternativ is using cfdisk, included in most distros, means
"comfortable fdisk" - and that's what it is!), and recreate the
partition with exact the same settings, i.e. same entry in the
partition table, same size and location (if you know the starting and
ending cylinders of your ex-Linux partition, that would be great
here).  Change the partition type to linux (0x83), and with a little
bit of luck, everything is visible on your hdd again.

Hope this helps.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dirk Reckmann)
Subject: Re: Allowing all users to access and write to a partition
Date: 9 Aug 2000 09:57:09 GMT

Chew GH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am running RH6.1 and win98 on my computer. I have set aside a FAT32
>partition (/dev/hda9) for files that can be accessed and modified by all
>users and mounted it at boot time under /mnt/pub with this line in fstab:
>/dev/hda9   /mnt/pub   vfat    defaults,user 0 0
>However, not all users are able to create files in that directory other than
>root. Chmod 777 /mnt/pub only changes the permissions of that directory when
>it's unmounted, but not when it is mounted already. It is troublesome, as a
>normal user, to unmount /dev/hda9 and mount it again so that files can be
>written. How do I allow writing of files to /mnt/pub for all users at the
>same time?

See man fstab and man mount and look for the umask/uid/gid options.

Or use an ext2 partition and look at my other posting written five
minutes ago :-)

Hope this helps,



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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